Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

The order of the day was not to shoot any protestors. The killer violated orders.

I am sure in the civil case this will come back on him.

Law enforcement officers usually adhere to the “Duty to Apprehend” and the “Use of Force Continuum” requirements when bringing someone to justice. Ashli Babbitt was hardly a “clear and present danger” to the officer and others around her. There were also several police officers standing in the vicinity of Babbit, who when they saw Byrd pointing his gun yelled "He's got a gun" and ducked for cover.

Incursions into the White House grounds happens often during almost every administration including Trump's. Generally, the uniformed Secret Service agents don’t shoot them on the spot, unless they're trying to drive a one-ton car through the gates. They handcuff them and bring them up before a judge, because police officers are not judges and executioners. If Byrd had arrested her, would they have executed her after finding her guilty at a trial? Not very likely.

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