Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

What does this have to do with some terrorist attacking the government of the United States? The stupid russian bitch got what she deserved.

Thanks. I never could think of the right words to describe you. I often thought the "C word" to be appropriate, but it just didn't have the right ring to it. But the words you just gave me fit you perfectly: "Stupid Russian Bitch."

Wear that moniker with pride. You will forever be known as "Stupid Russian Bitch" to me. :04:
Do you drink every day to forget what a horrible piece of shit you are?

You literally want murder for people that don't agree with your asshole political views.

In a just world you would be captured and kept in a dog cage away from normal people somewhere
in a cave. Cold blooded murder is illegal and there's no way in the world a court will not find Babbitt's
killer is guilty of murder.
She didnt just disagree. She attacked the capitol in a insurrection to deprive me of my vote. For that the bitch deserved to die. So guess what? She did.
We need to know who authorized the shooting of protesters
At the point when Babbett was attempting to breach the locked door that leads to the Speaker's lobby by attempting to go through the window in the door that the mob had just broken out, she was no longer a protestor. She was a criminal who presented a threat to the officers and the congressional members they were charged with protecting.

The officer made the decision to not let anyone make it through that window, as was his lawful right and his one shot neutralized the threat that Babbett and the rest of the mob presented when the mob decided they didn't want to try to go through the window any longer.

I don't know why so many of you are pissed or surprised. We're playing by your rules, the same rules that have ALWAYS been in place, we're just finally getting better results.
He is a stone cold killer but it remains to be seen if he gets away with it.

There is a thing called Karma not even to mention all her kinfolk riding around with a shot gun in their trucks/
You're wrong and he's already been cleared of criminal charges.

But hey, you want to make threats of harm of shooting people with shot guns on an open internet message board, be my guest. Just don't be surprised if Karma catches up to you first.
Don't try pulling your fake patriotism on me, commie boy. You're no Yankee Doodle Dandy.
I never claimed to be, I did my time and took my benefits for time served in the military it was a trade off for mutual content and non-aggression.
Law enforcement officers usually adhere to the “Duty to Apprehend” and the “Use of Force Continuum” requirements when bringing someone to justice. Ashli Babbitt was hardly a “clear and present danger” to the officer and others around her. There were also several police officers standing in the vicinity of Babbit, who when they saw Byrd pointing his gun yelled "He's got a gun" and ducked for cover.

Incursions into the White House grounds happens often during almost every administration including Trump's. Generally, the uniformed Secret Service agents don’t shoot them on the spot, unless they're trying to drive a one-ton car through the gates. They handcuff them and bring them up before a judge, because police officers are not judges and executioners. If Byrd had arrested her, would they have executed her after finding her guilty at a trial? Not very likely.
You know the problem with your story? Those or usually if not always INDIVIDUALS, not a friggin mob.
At the point when Babbett was attempting to breach the locked door that leads to the Speaker's lobby by attempting to go through the window in the door that the mob had just broken out, she was no longer a protestor. She was a criminal who presented a threat to the officers and the congressional members they were charged with protecting.

The officer made the decision to not let anyone make it through that window, as was his lawful right and his one shot neutralized the threat that Babbett and the rest of the mob presented when the mob decided they didn't want to try to go through the window any longer.
Babbitt was solitary unarmed woman. Yes. She trespassed. Since when was our criminal code changed
so trespassing was made a capitol offense?
You know what a capitol offense is...right? "
"Capital offense is an offense that is punishable by the death penalty", just so you are aware.
You are amazingly stupid but even you should know this.

Where was the threat she represented to the nation that her murder was appropriate in your view?
And why didn't the police, one of whom killed Babbitt without warning, simply take Babbitt in custody
handcuff her, and remove her if this single person represented such a threat to the country?

He had the gun, right? And backup. Babbitt was unarmed and completely harmless. Look at the video.

"I don't know why so many of you are pissed or surprised. We're playing by your rules, the same rules that have ALWAYS been in place, we're just finally getting better results."
What rules do you mean? Or do you even know?
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Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd, the murderer who killed Ashli Babbitt is a worthless worm and deserves to spend the rest of his filthy life in jail, if there is any Justice left in the USA.
But one thing is certain--HE IS A MURDERER
Thats not even factual let alone certain. Murder is a legal term and since he has never been convicted of murder he cant be a murderer you illiterate asshole.

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Babbitt was solitary unarmed woman. Yes. She trespassed. Since when was our criminal code changed
so trespassing was made a capitol offense?
You know what a capitol offense is...right? "
"Capital offense is an offense that is punishable by the death penalty", just so you are aware.
You are amazingly stupid but even you should know this.
Why don't you put your money where your mouth is, and let's see who wins the title of "amazingly stupid". I'd put my brain power up against yours any day of the week because you have no idea what you're talking about.

I know you're not going to take my word for anything so let's consult Blacks Law Dictionary
  1. Babbitt was not a "solitary" woman. She was, in the worse case scenario, leading the mob, or in the best case scenario, a part of a mob that was threatening and attacking police officers and attempting to circumvent a locked door by going through it's broken out window in order to gain access to the area where many of our congressional members had retreated to escape their violence.
  2. Trespass:
    1. Comm. 208. An injury or misfeasance to the person, property, or rights of another person, done with force and violence, either actual or implied in law.
    2. Comm. 209. Trespass, in its most comprehensive sense, signifies any transgression or offense against the law of nature, of society, or of the country in which we live; and this, whether it relates to a man’s person or to his property. In its more limited and ordinary sense, it signifies an injury committed with violence, and this violence may be either actual or implied; and the law will imply violence though none is actually used, when the injury is of a direct and immediate kind, and committed on the person or tangible and corporeal property of the plaintiff. Of actual violence, an assault and battery is an instance; of implied, a peaceable but wrongful entry upon a person’s land. Brown. In practice. A form of action, at the common law, which lies for redress in the shape of money damages for any unlawful injury done to the plaintiff, in respect either to his person, property, or rights, by the immediate force and violence of the defendant.
  3. Black’s law dictionary: “Assault” Any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury upon the person of another, when coupled with an apparent present ability to do so, and any intentional display of force such as would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm.
    Video in support of ALL of the above:

    Video Shows Fatal Shooting of Ashli Babbitt at U.S. Capitol
Where was the threat she represented to the nation that her murder was appropriate in your view?
And why didn't the police, one of whom killed Babbitt without warning, simply take Babbitt in custody
handcuff her, and remove her if this single person represented such a threat to the country?
You obviously have no idea of how self-defense laws work. They are about an individual using deadly force to defend their own life or the life of another. There is no requirement that there be a "threat to the nation" under the instance set of circumstances.

As to why they didn't simply take her into custody, that option would have been fraught with risk had they allowed her to successfully make it through that window. The option he went with was immediately effective which is the whole point of self defensive firearm training - neutralize the threat.

The reason you all are struggling with this and all pissed off is because in your minds a white woman apparently cannot be viewed as a threat, even when you can see her actively engaged in violent criminal behavior as part of a mob, you all carry on incessantly making excuses for the poor choices she made that day. NO ONE is responsible for the fact that she is longer among the living than her.

"I don't know why so many of you are pissed or surprised. We're playing by your rules, the same rules that have ALWAYS been in place, we're just finally getting better results."
What rules do you mean? Or do you even know?
All of the raging racists on this board who celebrate every time a black person is shot and killed by the police. Even when they're not engaged in criminal activity, were at home in bed asleep, or relaxing in their own home, the racists on this board somehow manage to justify the unlawful acts of the police.

And when I say unlawful that's exactly what I mean no matter what the police investigating their own conclude. The cities would not be paying out multi-million dollar settlement money in wrongful death lawsuits if the police were not in the wrong, no matter how much they've gotten away with it in the past.

Those are the rules you all live and swear by so own this one too. One of yours screwed up, probably thought her white female privilege would allow her to sail through any open or even a locked door she encountered, but was woefully mistaken. She was dealt with, LAWFULLY, in accordance with the laws you all always cheer, unlike the criminal shit many of the bad police officers that are your heroes get away with.

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