Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

And we hear from the biggest racist bigot on this board. I don't recall saying anything about ethnicity--do you know something I don't? Because I have no idea who the murderer is. But one thing is certain--HE IS A MURDERER and you apparently support murder of trespassers.
Damn you are stupid. And don't you know any other words beside "racist" and bigot? Quit being cheap, you don't even have to spend any money to buy a thesaurus, they have them online for free.

Words have meanings and you aren't using them correctly. I on the other hand understand the meanings of murder, murderer, trespass, trespassers, etc.

I've told you before that you continuing to paint me in a false light as a racist and bigot is injurious to my good name and professional reputation. I don't even have to prove damages for this type of injury, so keep it up.
I can't wait until the Judge interviews him in the civil suit filed by Ashli Babbitt's family.

There will be no civil case. She was not supposed to be trashing the building and he was doing his job. She deserved what she got. The sad part is he didn't shoot the bloody lot of the ratbags. N
And we hear from the local White Citizen's Council.

Of course you do.

And we hear from the biggest racist bigot on this board. I don't recall saying anything about ethnicity--do you know something I don't? Because I have no idea who the murderer is. But one thing is certain--HE IS A MURDERER and you apparently support murder of trespassers.
One of yours screwed up, probably thought her white female privilege
Naw, you're not a jaded, racist, bigot--sure you're not ^^^^^. You can't post without trying to convince everyone on this board that you are superior--classic racism. Run along and bait someone else---it ain't working here.
Damn you are stupid. And don't you know any other words beside "racist" and bigot? Quit being cheap, you don't even have to spend any money to buy a thesaurus, they have them online for free.

Words have meanings and you aren't using them correctly. I on the other hand understand the meanings of murder, murderer, trespass, trespassers, etc.

I've told you before that you continuing to paint me in a false light as a racist and bigot is injurious to my good name and professional reputation. I don't even have to prove damages for this type of injury, so keep it up.
Run along bigot--empty threats have no effect.
Such offensive and stupid bullshit!
Offensive? Really? I find it offensive that a bunch of rabid racists are attempting to harm a man that many of our Congressional members, including one of ours made a point of thanking for protecting them and putting themselves in between them and the mob and holding them back long enough so that they could safely escape.

You want me to care more for a bunch of criminals than our representatives? Why? There is NO ONE in that mob that I identify with especially not behaving the way they were. On the other hand, I can fully identify with the officers who were doing everything they could to keep that mob from getting to our representatives, including not drawing down on the crowd or firing on them fearing that utter chaos would break out and a lot more people, including themselves would be injuured or killed.

AGAIN, at the point that Babbitt was shot, that was not a protest, that was a violent mob assaulting police officers, and using violence to make their way to their target which was our representatives.

Seriously, if this is what being a Trump bot does to one's brain, it's too bad none of you have what it takes to "Just Say No!"
And we hear from the biggest racist bigot on this board. I don't recall saying anything about ethnicity--do you know something I don't? Because I have no idea who the murderer is. But one thing is certain--HE IS A MURDERER and you apparently support murder of trespassers.

Naw, you're not a jaded, racist, bigot--sure you're not ^^^^^. You can't post without trying to convince everyone on this board that you are superior--classic racism. Run along and bait someone else---it ain't working here.
Sticks and stones and all of that. I know you're jealous (and mad). Not as mad you're going to be though :)
Sticks and stones and all of that. I know you're jealous (and mad). Not as mad you're going to be though :)
Are we a little triggered little keyboard warrior? Why pray tell am I going to be mad? I don't let some insignificant internet troll to have an effect on my emotions. LOL, you have a high opinion of yourself, too bad it's not deserved.
AGAIN, at the point that Babbitt was shot, that was not a protest, that was a violent mob assaulting police officers, and using violence to make their way to their target which was our representatives.
I'm sure you aren't bright enough to appreciate the irony of defending and applauding the murder of an unarmed woman while talking about all the violence on 1/6. An ambush murder, by the way.
The cop who killed her didn't even have the guts to confront and arrest her, as he easily could have.

I can't wait for this cop's interview with quisling Lester Holt. I'm sure it will put the killer in the best
light possible, under the circumstances.
So much for the theory that this poor put upon killer cannot come out and explain his
criminal act for fear of his family's safety.

And the upcoming trial, which I'm also sure figured into this pr stunt, will be illuminating too.

Let's see some lawyer get up in court and defend this extrajudicial killing. He won't have the luxury you
anonymous fascists have of condoning murder without consequences.
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Have they ever filed that thing?

I've looked for an article about the actual filing but all I could find was that they are going to file one.

They haven't yet. At least not that I can find.

They have filed papers to get the identity of the man who shot her.

Not a lawsuit against the government or the person who shot her.

We will have to wait for that to happen.

IF it ever happens.
I can't wait until the Judge interviews him in the civil suit filed by Ashli Babbitt's family.

The Babbitt family's lawyer is going to wind up as the hero
Why can't you trump supporters just admit that Babbitt made a terrible mistake and her mistake led to her death.

If she doesn't breach that window, she doesn't die.

I totally don't understand the support you guys have for this woman.
Yes they are wasting their own money with this.

The man who shot her was cleared of any crime or wrong doing.
Yes. Not in any public legal hearing in an open court (as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights) but in a secret behind closed doors meeting of anonymous government officials who whitewashed the whole matter.

How do I know it was a government con job and whitewash? Where was the public involvement
and where was any transparency at all in this whole sordid cover up?

The government can murder a citizen and cover it up and look at all the quislings that think it
was a perfectly legal and appropriate thing to do. Excuse me while I vomit in disgust!
Ashli Babbitt, a Trump-supporting US veteran, was gunned down in cold blood inside the US Capitol. She was unarmed and posed no threat to the police or anyone. There were several police officers surrounding her when she was shot dead without warning. Her killer Lt. Mike Byrd then fled down the hall after he shot her dead without warning.
Ashli Babbitt, a Trump-supporting US veteran, was gunned down in cold blood inside the US Capitol. She was unarmed and posed no threat to the police or anyone. There were several police officers surrounding her when she was shot dead without warning. Her killer Lt. Mike Byrd then fled down the hall after he shot her dead without warning.
Good thing he shot the traitorous bitch. :auiqs.jpg:
I'm sure you aren't bright enough to appreciate the irony of defending and applauding the murder of an unarmed woman while talking about all the violence on 1/6. An ambush murder, by the way.
The cop who killed her didn't even have the guts to confront and arrest her, as he easily could have.

I can't wait for this cop's interview with quisling Lester Holt. I'm sure it will put the killer in the best
light possible, under the circumstances.
So much for the theory that this poor put upon killer cannot come out and explain his
criminal act for fear of his family's safety.

And the upcoming trial, which I'm also sure figured into this pr stunt, will be illuminating too.

Let's see some lawyer get up in court and defend this extrajudicial killing. He won't have the luxury you
anonymous fascists have of condoning murder without consequences.
Maybe the murdering moron will become victim of his own style of justice. Karma.

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