Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

Why do you think being unarmed means that a person cannot be a threat. Can you please cite or reference some law somewhere that shows where you all obtained this belief?
Why do you think one single unarmed woman was an existential threat to the armed Capitol Police
officers that outnumbered and shot Babbitt and whatever politicians that may have been cowering somewhere inside the capitol building?

Your question is presumptuous and asinine.
He is a piece of shit who should be lined up in front of a concrete wall.

I would hate to be in his shoes.

Always having to look over his shoulder to see if the grim reaper is behind him.
That's using a shit ton of hyperboly to defend a terrorist. You'll tire yourself out with those mental gymnastics. I thought magaturds were all about 'law and order' and 'backing the blue'.

Most of us know that's a load of shit. Does talking out of both sides of your gaping maw make your lips dry?
continuing to besmirch my good name and professional reputation by repeatedly making false statements about me being a bigot and a racist.
First, your phony handle has no reputation. Second, I could care less about your reputation--as far as your rep--Newsvine, WTF are you? Third the statements are not false. And finally, my opinion is my own and you have NOTHING to say about it. So take your racist, faux superiority down the road. Your game is stale.
He is a hero. We needed a hundred more like him on January 6th.
He's no hero.He's a chicken shit

See the source image
Very scary a retarded, Europhobic ugly ass beast like that is employed where he is allowed to use a firearm. It is kind of like a Haiti* warning sign. Filthy savages murdering Whites and the savages feeling like they were victims as Haiti* descended into a hell hole, as the USA is now.

Haiti* represents virtually all once civilized countries that turn to shit when Blacks expel Whitey. Most obvious current case in addition to the USA is South Africa.
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Ridiculous; you either do not know the facts of the case or you are entirely stupid.

Ashley was unarmed and posed no threat to anyone. She was unarmed and a veteran with a outstanding record.
Her cowardly killer shot her through a window whilst hiding.

If he were not black he would have been arrested and prosecuted.
Nonsense. She had a violent mob behind her, ready to swarm the House chamber.
The "violent mob" was populated with cops. In fact, the cops were lucky that stupid beast did not hit them.
Funny, this guy shot an unarmed woman who didn't know he was there..and even then he allowed the gun to raise as he shot it (he was unable to shoot where he aimed.) Given this, think if someone else is firing at him, he won't respond as you think.
Unable to shoot where he aimed? He killed that traitorous bitch. That was a good shot.
The "violent mob" was populated with cops. In fact, the cops were lucky that stupid beast did not hit them.
False, there was only one other cop on the other side when Byrd fired and he was more to the right and near the top of the stairs. From his angle, there was no one else he could hit.

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