Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

Why do you think one single unarmed woman was an existential threat to the armed Capitol Police
officers that outnumbered and shot Babbitt and whatever politicians that may have been cowering somewhere inside the capitol building?

Your question is presumptuous and asinine.
She wasn’t alone, dope. How can you even try to assert such an absurd premise. You should be ashamed of your weakness.
Nothing changes the fact that the shooting of an unarmed protester used to be a problem for Democrats. Obviously this thread is evidence that things have changed. What changed exactly you might wonder? It is who this person voted for. Some of these posters here justifying the shooting like it was no big deal are disgusting and disturbing.... to say the least.
Nothing changes the fact that the shooting of an unarmed protester used to be a problem for Democrats. Obviously this thread is evidence that things have changed. What changed exactly you might wonder? It is who this person voted for. Some of these posters here justifying the shooting like it was no big deal are disgusting and disturbing.... to say the least.
What difference does it make if she was armed or not?
Sorry she was not a protester. She was a threat to the members of Congress and the VP
She was a woman. You Incel bastard/bitch. You hateful mutha ph uka. Don't worry the era of the warrior is now slowly expanding. that means the American military must become feminist until they catch up to massive exterminations.
She was a woman. You Incel bastard/bitch. You hateful mutha ph uka. Don't worry the era of the warrior is now slowly expanding. that means the American military must become feminist until they catch up to massive exterminations.
What difference does it make that she was a woman?
She wasn’t alone, dope. H
She wasn’t alone, dope. How can you even try to assert such an absurd premise. You should be ashamed of your weakness.

ow can you even try to assert such an absurd premise. You should be ashamed of your weakness.
I didn't say Babbitt was alone. Show me where I said that, raving fool!
I said she was outnumbered by the police that murdered her. And so she was.
That is absolutely false. That barricade was right outside the chamber that still housed legislators and the VP was being evacuated AT THAT TIME
You can't possibly prove that claim. When you rationalize murder I suppose any lie is justifiable to you.
I didn't say Babbitt was alone. Show me where I said that, raving fool!
I said she was outnumbered by the police that murdered her. And so she was.
It was not her alone against the police -- it was the mob against the police. She just happened to be the first to attempt to climb over the police barricade.
From the NY Times

The department’s decision to formally close the case followed a determination in April by the Justice Department that charges against the officer were not warranted in the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old Air Force veteran, on Jan. 6. Ms. Babbitt was among a throng of Trump supporters that began smashing its way through the entrance to the Speaker’s Lobby, a hallway just off the House floor, while officers were evacuating lawmakers from the chamber.
She was nowhere near any members of Congress. Stop your lies and covering for killers.
Had the mob broken through, the door to the House chamber was just a few feet away and members of Congress and staff were on the other side. And Trump's thugs vastly out numbered police.
That explains why he was charged and convicted instead of being cleared......oh wait. :lol:
I can't recall any Capital Police officer EVER being convicted of shooting a civilian. They seem to have some kind of institutional immunity to misconduct prosecution. Of course that may be a factor of who they work for, congress is rarely held responsible for it's actions.
Offensive? Really? I find it offensive that a bunch of rabid racists are attempting to harm a man that many of our Congressional members, including one of ours made a point of thanking for protecting them and putting themselves in between them and the mob and holding them back long enough so that they could safely escape.

You want me to care more for a bunch of criminals than our representatives? Why? There is NO ONE in that mob that I identify with especially not behaving the way they were. On the other hand, I can fully identify with the officers who were doing everything they could to keep that mob from getting to our representatives, including not drawing down on the crowd or firing on them fearing that utter chaos would break out and a lot more people, including themselves would be injuured or killed.

AGAIN, at the point that Babbitt was shot, that was not a protest, that was a violent mob assaulting police officers, and using violence to make their way to their target which was our representatives.

Seriously, if this is what being a Trump bot does to one's brain, it's too bad none of you have what it takes to "Just Say No!"
There were at least three armed officers closer to Babbit who DIDN'T fire. I have a feeling that they will figure proximately in the lawsuit to disprove Babbit being an immediate and lethal threat. Of course it all depends on the Jury; try the case in DC with it's overwhelmingly liberal and democratic juror pool and the lawsuit will fail. Try it somewhere with an impartial jury pool and I see it succeeding and costing the Capital Police and the shooter millions of dollars.
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From the NY Times

The department’s decision to formally close the case followed a determination in April by the Justice Department that charges against the officer were not warranted in the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old Air Force veteran, on Jan. 6. Ms. Babbitt was among a throng of Trump supporters that began smashing its way through the entrance to the Speaker’s Lobby, a hallway just off the House floor, while officers were evacuating lawmakers from the chamber.
Still not proving your claim. So who is the liar here?
Yes they are wasting their own money with this.

The man who shot her was cleared of any crime or wrong doing.
OJ was cleared of wrongdoing in the Murder of his ex-wife Nicole and Ron Brown. He was still sued into oblivion by the families of his victims.
OJ was cleared of wrongdoing in the Murder of his ex-wife Nicole and Ron Brown. He was still sued into oblivion by the families of his victims.
Ron and Nicole were not in the commission of a crime.
Wow, it' took you a whole day to come up with that come back?

Why oh why would you think you have the ability to hurt my feelings?!? I told you, this is about you intentionally continuing to besmirch my good name and professional reputation by repeatedly making false statements about me being a bigot and a racist.

It may surprise you to discover that while you are certainly entitled to your opinion, you're not entitled to make up false statements that harm other, at least not without repercussions.

You also may be surprised to find out that my opinion has more weight than yours does.
When you make statements like that it proves just how stupid and ignorant you are. You aren't being defamed, NO ONE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE. You could be a ten year old white boy, or Michele Obama for all we know.

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