Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

Very scary a retarded, Europhobic ugly ass beast like that is employed where he is allowed to use a firearm. It is kind of like a Haiti* warning sign. Filthy savages murdering Whites and the savages feeling like they were victims as Haiti* descended into a hell hole, as the USA is now.

Haiti* represents virtually all once civilized countries that turn to shit when Blacks expel Whitey. Most obvious current case in addition to the USA is South Africa.
I happen to know many things you seem not to know about.
I know trespassing is not a capitol offense. So why was Ashley Babbitt murdered?
It doesn't matter what you know or think you know. How can you possibly prove something that you can't even explain?

A capital offense is a form of punishment that is reserved for the most serious crimes because it allows a defendant who has been convicted of a serious crime, usually murder, to be put to death by the state (government). This is what is often referred to as the "death penalty".

So since you keep bringing this up, that trespass is not a capital offense, which it is not, you are correct on that aspect, you appear to be attempting to present what occurred when Ashli was shot and killed to her being summarily executed without trial for the simple crime of trespass.

IF your premise is in fact correct, then why and how are homeowners able to lawfully shoot and kill trespassers they find in their homes or on their property in stand your ground states? Is it possible that the home owner perceived the trespasser to be presenting a threat? And if he/she did, then why are they not arrested, charged, convicted and sentenced for murder and then executed in states that still have the death penalty for having shot the "trespasser" or as you keep insisting "murdered" the trespasser?

You're only looking at this scenario from one perspective, you should be able to argue both for and against whatever case you're trying to make irrespective of the side you take.

This murderous cop chose to shoot and kill Babbitt without warning when it was absolutely unnecessary.
That must have greatly cheered you up.
As a professional protection officer, better her than me or anyone under my protection.

Just like OJ Simpson's attorneys had the right to do. Good luck defending cold blooded murder.
OJ was acquitted but I see you all are still bitter about that.

It would be also very interesting to see all the death threats and hate mail pouring into
Ashley Babbett's husband, which he attested to on Tucker Fredrickson's program this evening.
I've threatened no one personally if that's what you are implying and I have no idea
who "Chris" is. So good luck on that little hollow threat.
I don't make threats. And whatever threats Ashli's widower is receiving, that's their attorney's job to sort that out, not mine. I usually don't do defense work but I'm squarely on the side of the defense in this instance. I'll just telling you all what I would do if I were working for them.

You never know when someone can assist in your cause when it's righteous. I know you all don't think so but neither do you under the meanings of the words and terms you use so that isn't really that surprising.
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First, your phony handle has no reputation. Second, I could care less about your reputation--as far as your rep--Newsvine, WTF are you? Third the statements are not false. And finally, my opinion is my own and you have NOTHING to say about it. So take your racist, faux superiority down the road. Your game is stale.
Now you're repeating yourself, just how old are you?
To a lot of people, whose lives he and the other officers protected that day.
No doubt whatsoever. Veterans take an oath, as do law enforcement, as do federal officers all the way on down to civil service. Fuck with that? There's going to be consequences.

This hero LEO trying to protect elected officials trapped in a barricaded building being breeched by a minority political radical rival faction hell bent on disrupting democracy made the right decision in eliminating the terrorist threat.

That's how I see it. Feel free to discuss.
Asclepias....If George "Cry Baby" Floyd's alleged relatives recieve some $20,000,000 for his overdose, how much should Ashli's actual family receive for her murder by what is essentially a George "Cry Baby" Floyd with a pistol?

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Asclepias....If George "Cry Baby" Floyd's alleged relatives recieve some $20,000,000 for his overdose, how much should Ashli's actual family receive for her murder by what is essentially a George "Cry Baby" Floyd with a pistol?

View attachment 531265
Nothing. Floyd was not a threat to anyone and was murdered. Benedict Babbitt tried to lead a violent mob past a police barricade and into the House chamber and was not murdered.
Ashli Babbitt, a Trump-supporting US veteran, was gunned down in cold blood inside the US Capitol. She was unarmed and posed no threat to the police or anyone. There were several police officers surrounding her when she was shot dead without warning. Her killer Lt. Mike Byrd then fled down the hall after he shot her dead without warning.
IKR? It’s not like she was armed with a cell phone or anything lethal like that. :dunno:
If only she had complied with lawful orders. Sigh.

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