Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

Criminal findings have NOTHING to do with civil suits, moron. See OJ Simpson or the cops who were charged in the Rodney King incident.
The difference is that those people actually had a criminal trial. This guy never stood trial at all so your hopes are going to wind up a big nothing burger.
They could no longer handle the near unanimous condemnation of hiding the murderer with kid gloves treatment so they will now roll out this fake confessor to quiet the outrage.
All the Democrat weepers about this bums safety and family yet this guy apparently isn’t worried. The reason-He’s not the killer
“I hoped and prayed no one tried to enter through those doors. But their failure to comply required me to take the appropriate action to save the lives of members of Congress and myself and my fellow officers.” ~ Capitol hero
Nonsense he is on record as saying he wanted to shoot a Trump supporter.
I can't wait until the Judge interviews him in the civil suit filed by Ashli Babbitt's family.
He was doing his duty. He probably saved the lives of many congress people and staff and he has been found justified by multiple legal bodies. But the Liar in Chief will not be happy until one of his mindless cult terrorist attack him. trump is itching for more violence.
I'm sure you aren't bright enough to appreciate the irony of defending and applauding the murder of an unarmed woman while talking about all the violence on 1/6. An ambush murder, by the way.
The cop who killed her didn't even have the guts to confront and arrest her, as he easily could have.

I can't wait for this cop's interview with quisling Lester Holt. I'm sure it will put the killer in the best
light possible, under the circumstances.
So much for the theory that this poor put upon killer cannot come out and explain his
criminal act for fear of his family's safety.

And the upcoming trial, which I'm also sure figured into this pr stunt, will be illuminating too.

Let's see some lawyer get up in court and defend this extrajudicial killing. He won't have the luxury you
anonymous fascists have of condoning murder without consequences.
And I know you must have failed all your courses in which you were required to contrast and compare two different items or situations because you aren't bright enough to be able to discern the differences between the U.S. Constitutionally protected act of protesting and the criminal acts which Babbitt and the mob were engaged in at the time she lost her life. On second thought, maybe you never had any classes that required you to think that hard, that would explain a lot.

On the other hand, you make it sound as if you believe the upcoming trial is going to be a criminal proceeding. Just like you all are anxiously awaiting what the Babbitt attorney will reveal during the proceedings, you act as if the officer's attorney doesn't also have the ability to summon witnesses and subpoena records, etc.

You know what I think would be REALLY funny? If his attorney received a gift wrapped package of all the identities of the people making threats upon the officer and his family's lives right here on U.S. Message Board. Don't you think that would be a hoot? I do.

Thanks "Chris" :)
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Are we a little triggered little keyboard warrior? Why pray tell am I going to be mad? I don't let some insignificant internet troll to have an effect on my emotions. LOL, you have a high opinion of yourself, too bad it's not deserved.
Did you find an internet thesaurus yet?

You're already mad, well frustrated, well mad and frustrated. It shows you know.
I've looked for an article about the actual filing but all I could find was that they are going to file one.

They haven't yet. At least not that I can find.

They have filed papers to get the identity of the man who shot her.

Not a lawsuit against the government or the person who shot her.

We will have to wait for that to happen.

IF it ever happens.
Well if he's employed by the federal government, I think you can't just sue, you have to file a claim first (and ask the government for permission to sue them).

So the family may be waiting out some administrative period like six month or something before they can actually proceed.
I read this was the same cop who in 2019 I believe left his Glock 22 pistol inside the bathroom at the Capitol visitor center.
He was doing his duty. He probably saved the lives of many congress people and staff and he has been found justified by multiple legal bodies. But the Liar in Chief will not be happy until one of his mindless cult terrorist attack him. trump is itching for more violence.
Ridiculous; you either do not know the facts of the case or you are entirely stupid.

Ashley was unarmed and posed no threat to anyone. She was unarmed and a veteran with a outstanding record.
Her cowardly killer shot her through a window whilst hiding.

If he were not black he would have been arrested and prosecuted.
Not when I am confronted with a racist bigot--I call 'em like I see 'em. If the truth hurts you, maybe you should try abandoning those things.
Wow, it' took you a whole day to come up with that come back?

Why oh why would you think you have the ability to hurt my feelings?!? I told you, this is about you intentionally continuing to besmirch my good name and professional reputation by repeatedly making false statements about me being a bigot and a racist.

It may surprise you to discover that while you are certainly entitled to your opinion, you're not entitled to make up false statements that harm other, at least not without repercussions.

You also may be surprised to find out that my opinion has more weight than yours does.
I read this was the same cop who in 2019 I believe left his Glock 22 pistol inside the bathroom at the Capitol visitor center.

That is true.

He was also a blm guy who was heard to say he wanted to shoot a Trump supporter.

Definitely a piece of shit and not qualified to be a policeman and was only hired because of affirmative action.

He also violated the order not to shoot any protestors.
If the Policeman was white and Babbit was a black protester do you think that our Yellow Press would have an entirely different kind of coverage of this story?
Would Babbit be a hero and the policeman be a villain?
yea, this insurrection inquisition is a Democrat Propaganda Smear Job
Ridiculous; you either do not know the facts of the case or you are entirely stupid.

Ashley was unarmed and posed no threat to anyone. She was unarmed and a veteran with a outstanding record.
Her cowardly killer shot her through a window whilst hiding.

If he were not black he would have been arrested and prosecuted.
Why do you think being unarmed means that a person cannot be a threat. Can you please cite or reference some law somewhere that shows where you all obtained this belief?
And I know you must have failed all your courses in which you were required to contrast and compare two different items or situations because you aren't bright enough to be able discern the differences between the U.S. Constitutionally protected act of protesting and the criminal acts which Babbitt and the mob were engaged in at the time she lost her life. On second thought, maybe you never had any classes that required you to think that hard, that would explain a lot.
I happen to know many things you seem not to know about.
I know trespassing is not a capitol offense. So why was Ashley Babbitt murdered?

I also know civil disobedience is not a green light for the police to kill citizens.
Every hear of Kent State?

I also know this cop who killed Babbitt was armed and was in the company of at least two
other police officers which meant handcuffing and arresting Babbitt, instead of murdering her,
was absolutely possible and the legally prescribed thing to do.
Though it was undoubtedly the less satisfying thing that scum like you were looking to happen.

This murderous cop chose to shoot and kill Babbitt without warning when it was absolutely unnecessary.
That must have greatly cheered you up.

On the other hand, you make it sound as if you believe the upcoming trial is going to be a criminal proceeding. Just like you all are anxiously awaiting what the Babbitt attorney will reveal during the proceedings, you act as if the officer's attorney doesn't also have the ability to summon witnesses and subpoena records, etc.
Just like OJ Simpson's attorneys had the right to do. Good luck defending cold blooded murder.
You know what I think would be REALLY funny? If his attorney received a gift wrapped package of all the identities of the people making threats upon the officer and his family's lives right here on U.S. Message Board. Don't you think that would be a hoot? I do.
It would be also very interesting to see all the death threats and hate mail pouring into
Ashley Babbett's husband, which he attested to on Tucker Fredrickson's program this evening.
I've threatened no one personally if that's what you are implying and I have no idea
who "Chris" is. So good luck on that little hollow threat.
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I can't wait for some inbred to try and harm him or his family. I hope he blows their brains out.
Funny, this guy shot an unarmed woman who didn't know he was there..and even then he allowed the gun to raise as he shot it (he was unable to shoot where he aimed.) Given this, think if someone else is firing at him, he won't respond as you think.

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