Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

Wow. Triggered.

Sorry I don't swing that way. You're as wrong about as everything else you spew
I don't care which way you swing. Suck it on principle!
And newsflash...she gets through that window and that CROWD gets though that barricade...BEFORE any help arrives (from the wrong direction)
Wrong, jackass! Look at the video I've posted several times now. The Capitol police were at the top of the stairs in numbers shortly after Ashli was assassinated!
And how does arriving at the top of the stairs, the only way to that door and window, "the wrong way"?

You're just a clueless immoral liar.
I don't care which way you swing. Suck it on principle!

Wrong, jackass! Look at the video I've posted several times now. The Capitol police were at the top of the stairs in numbers shortly after Ashli was assassinated!
And how does arriving at the top of the stairs, the only way to that door and window, "the wrong way"?

You're just a clueless immoral liar.
A mob moving forward is not affected by a few cops behind them

He didn't shoot her "through" the window. Had she not attempted to climb through it, she wouldn't have been shot.

That door was locked for a reason.

There were police officers with their backs against the door that she tried to breach but the mob convinced them that for their own safety they should get out of their way which they did.
Watch the video. It's obvious you have not.
And by the way… Byrd had no way of knowing that ANY support was coming. He saw his barricade being breached by a lunatic wearing a backpack
Watch the video, stooge! You know, your stupidity is offensive and tiresome to me.
I don't have to put up with such ape feces.
Some cowardly pig-cop shot her at almost point blank range without warning.
Killed her with one shot. Go fuck yourself if you think you can redefine basic well known
legal and criminal terms.
I noticed you never answered my question about why shooting a trespasser you find in your home or on your land in a Stand Your Ground state doesn't result in the homeowner being arrested & convicted

If as you say, it's not lawful to shoot and "murder" trespassers.
The Biden In-Justice department held a closed door inquiry with zero press coverage.
That's how you know the Babbett killing was whitewashed.
The hearing was about as transparent as a brick wall. That's how the CCP does things.
That's how investigations are conducted. You can't even get compliance with a subpoena or FOIA request while there is an open or pending investigation because they have to protect the integrity of the investigation.

Surely you can use your imagination and figure out some of the things they must have looked at can't you?
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Wow. Triggered.

Sorry I don't swing that way. You're as wrong about as everything else you spew

And newsflash...she gets through that window and that CROWD gets though that barricade...BEFORE any help arrives (from the wrong direction)
Yes you do LUSH. More lying and spouting what your booze and God knows what else addled “brain” “thinks” might have, could have, possibly may have, happened.

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