Official 2010 Baseball Thread

Yeah we got the Nats, but it seems like we get them every year. We open and close against them.

MLB of course needs to do what's best for MLB, so NY/Boston it is.
That isn't best for baseball, the rivalry is dying from over exposure.

For years, the reds, the oldest team had the first game, a good tradition baseball burned.

I thought it sucked starting vs Boston, no drama, no buildup, nothing.

Years ago you didn't play the red sox until June, THAT was great, you couldn't wait for the BIG games.

Now its 18 times a year, ho hum.

I don't know dude, NESN had its highest opening day ratings EVER.

I don't know about YES though, but you have to expect it was pretty close to the same.

When I say what's best for MLB, I don't mean what's best for baseball fans. I mean what's best for ratings, and MONEY.

They would make more the older way.
That isn't best for baseball, the rivalry is dying from over exposure.

For years, the reds, the oldest team had the first game, a good tradition baseball burned.

I thought it sucked starting vs Boston, no drama, no buildup, nothing.

Years ago you didn't play the red sox until June, THAT was great, you couldn't wait for the BIG games.

Now its 18 times a year, ho hum.

I don't know dude, NESN had its highest opening day ratings EVER.

I don't know about YES though, but you have to expect it was pretty close to the same.

When I say what's best for MLB, I don't mean what's best for baseball fans. I mean what's best for ratings, and MONEY.

They would make more the older way.
Then how come the new way brought the highest ratings?

No matter what, the sox-yanks games are going to be sellouts. Regardless of how MLB handles scheduling, the sheep are going to come out and open their wallets.
well been gone for a bit...but it's nice to see Baseball is in full effect!

Nothing made me happier then to see that redneck inbred fuck papsmear get lit up and get embarassed in front of his hometown.

So far so good with Granderson, but honestly I shouldn't be having chest pains for the opening series of the season...can we get the royals next year please?

I wish Curtis lots of luck, even though he's moved to the dark side. Hope he learns to hit southpaws regularly - he was close to an auto out last year.
I won't be on the board today because I'm just now leaving for the

HOME OPENER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baseball's back! Yahooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Porcello starts for the Tigers, mid 40's forecast for gametime (that's pretty good for a home opener) and we're playing the Tribe which is always a good local rivalry.

Outta here. Have a good day y'all.
just got back from the Marlins home what an atrocity....almost as bad Vasquez
CC had a no hitter 7 and a third, damn it was close.

NY bounces back and wins big in Tampa, crushing the Rays after the friday night debacle.
Time for the Red Sox to get back on track tonight with Beckett.

Bad move pitching to Ankiel at all last night.
Yankees pull out another nice win. Big homer by Posada, swisher went deep and a good day at the plate for A-rod.

Beckett looked good after the first 2 innings.

Mets got shelled.
Just got back from the Tigers game about half an hour ago. Verlander gives up 5 in the first, but the Tigers just kept chipping away at it until a walk-off wild pitch decided it in the 9th. Tigs win 9-8 and sweep.
NY wins another home opener, beating the Halos 7-5.

5-2 against the toughest league compitition so far, not bad.

Tigers beat up on the Royals pen yet AGAIN, winning 6-5, after being 5-0 down at the stretch!

6 and 2 now, but this whole thing of not scoring against starters and hammering the pen is going to bite us in the ass sometime soon.

For now, I'll take it, but we're living on borrowed time.
Liriano staked to an 8 run lead, throwing a 4-hit shutout, and they're going to lift him in the 8th.

God, how I loathe modern pitching strategy.

The shutout is the only reason why he should be allowed to stay in there.

Otherwise, 8 run lead, get him outta there.
With a much tighter score, 1 or 2-0 for instance, I agree with the yank if there are visible signs that the starter is gassed...not locating pitches anymore, hanging his breaking balls, etc.

With an 8 run lead there's no reason in the world except if they noticed something that looked like he may have been hurt in some way. A wince, a limp, etc.
Yeah I don't know any of the details at all.

I'm just reacting to what you posted.

That's the kind of move that pushes your players away, as a manager.

How did Liriano seem to react to the move as he gave the ball up?

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