Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Trump becomes the 10th president in U.S. history to lose reelection, after John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren, Benjamin Harrison, William Howard Taft, Herbert Hoover, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush.​

And that's three of our last seven Presidents.

And only the third president to be impeached, the first in their first term! :)

  • Only three US presidents have faced impeachment before him — Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998 were both impeached, while Richard Nixon resigned before he could be impeached in 1974.
I'm pretty sure Johnson was impeached in his first (and only) term.

Historians will place Dear Leader somewhere between Andrew Johnson & Joseph Goebbels. :)
He's still Twitter raging.

View attachment 412784

This is sad.

Even more sad that people support this kind of behavior.
What is sad is that he may be right. Even if that chance is 1%. Mass mail in voting was always a bad idea because it creates controversies like this.

He's not right. This isn't going to stand. Not my fault you don't see that.

Biden won.
Biden won. We agree. Country lost. You ll see shortly. I d Ask you what you do for a living but you would just lie.

No more of that idiot kicking and screaming declaring himself the winner. And people like you defend that kind of person.

The country won. You lost.
Opinions vary. I don't shame others for their political views. I shame them for shaming others.
I thought you agreed that Trump is being deeply irresponsible.
Just like the democrats that have been demanding that Trump stole the election from Hillary for the last 4 years or the democrats continuing to demand that Abrams had her election stolen from her as well.

Clearly the partisan blinders are still in perfect working order.
If the shit you're doing is so bad that people are discussing killing you for it, maybe you should give some more thought to your actions.
Gotcha. So when a man walks into a synagogue and kills a dozen people because they were sympathetic to refugees, should have they also been thinking about their actions?

If the shit you're doing is so bad that people are discussing killing you for it, maybe you should give some more thought to your actions.
Gotcha. So when a man walks into a synagogue and kills a dozen people because they were sympathetic to refugees, should have they also been thinking about their actions?

And when otherwise reasonable men find your corruption so objectionable that they are willing to take action themselves, if the law won't, you compare them to psychopaths and mass murderers, to deflect from your own bad behavior.

He's still Twitter raging.

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This is sad.

Even more sad that people support this kind of behavior.
Ill take sad and pathetic behavior on Twitter over starting another bloody war any day of the week.

Just one of the reasons that one may accept this deplorable behavior over the deplorable behavior of the other guy. Just because you think your shit does not stink does not mean others can't smell it.
I ll Apologize

I doubt that. I believe you will try to find a way to try to weasel out of it. Let's see if you prove me wrong, but I'm not expecting it.

Here's a post of mine condemning looting and another condemning riots.

He's still Twitter raging.

View attachment 412784

This is sad.

Even more sad that people support this kind of behavior.
What is sad is that he may be right. Even if that chance is 1%. Mass mail in voting was always a bad idea because it creates controversies like this.

He's not right. This isn't going to stand. Not my fault you don't see that.

Biden won.
Biden won. We agree. Country lost. You ll see shortly. I d Ask you what you do for a living but you would just lie.

No more of that idiot kicking and screaming declaring himself the winner. And people like you defend that kind of person.

The country won. You lost.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. 71 mil voted for him. But you may take it out on me if you it makes you feel better
I ll Apologize

I doubt that. I believe you will try to find a way to try to weasel out of it. Let's see if you prove me wrong, but I'm not expecting it.

Here's a post of mine condemning looting and another condemning riots.

View attachment 412802
Nice try. Not responses but an actual first post of your own where you condemn rioting, looting and burning.

Again, you’re an extremist. And we don’t need extremists on either side.
If the shit you're doing is so bad that people are discussing killing you for it, maybe you should give some more thought to your actions.
Gotcha. So when a man walks into a synagogue and kills a dozen people because they were sympathetic to refugees, should have they also been thinking about their actions?

If the shit you're doing is so bad that people are discussing killing you for it, maybe you should give some more thought to your actions.
Gotcha. So when a man walks into a synagogue and kills a dozen people because they were sympathetic to refugees, should have they also been thinking about their actions?

And when otherwise reasonable men find your corruption so objectionable that they are willing to take action themselves, if the law won't, you compare them to psychopaths and mass murderers, to deflect from your own bad behavior.

Reasonable people don’t resort to violence.
I ll Apologize

I doubt that. I believe you will try to find a way to try to weasel out of it. Let's see if you prove me wrong, but I'm not expecting it.

Here's a post of mine condemning looting and another condemning riots.

View attachment 412802
Nice try. Not responses but an actual first post of your own where you condemn rioting, looting and burning.

Again, you’re an extremist. And we don’t need extremists on either side.

See what I mean? Your ego won't allow you to admit that you're wrong, even when presented with direct evidence. You're not hard to predict.

And as if it's not already perfectly clear, let me go ahead and say as definitively as I can:

I condemn looting. I don't know any reasonable person who would ever support such an act.

I condemn rioting. There is no reason to bring destruction and violence. I detest these actions.

I condemn burning. There is never an acceptable reason to burn down someone's business. That action is shameful and an embarrassment to our country.

Will that change your opinion? It's pretty clear that it won't. You're never wrong in your own mind.
If the shit you're doing is so bad that people are discussing killing you for it, maybe you should give some more thought to your actions.
Gotcha. So when a man walks into a synagogue and kills a dozen people because they were sympathetic to refugees, should have they also been thinking about their actions?

If the shit you're doing is so bad that people are discussing killing you for it, maybe you should give some more thought to your actions.
Gotcha. So when a man walks into a synagogue and kills a dozen people because they were sympathetic to refugees, should have they also been thinking about their actions?

And when otherwise reasonable men find your corruption so objectionable that they are willing to take action themselves, if the law won't, you compare them to psychopaths and mass murderers, to deflect from your own bad behavior.

If the shit you're doing is so bad that people are discussing killing you for it, maybe you should give some more thought to your actions.
Gotcha. So when a man walks into a synagogue and kills a dozen people because they were sympathetic to refugees, should have they also been thinking about their actions?

If the shit you're doing is so bad that people are discussing killing you for it, maybe you should give some more thought to your actions.
Gotcha. So when a man walks into a synagogue and kills a dozen people because they were sympathetic to refugees, should have they also been thinking about their actions?

And when otherwise reasonable men find your corruption so objectionable that they are willing to take action themselves, if the law won't, you compare them to psychopaths and mass murderers, to deflect from your own bad behavior.

Reasonable people don’t resort to violence.

That is categorically false, and if you believe that, why did you vote against the guy who hasn't started any new wars, and has brokered multiple mid-east peace deals?
That is categorically false, and if you believe that, why did you vote against the guy who hasn't started any new wars, and has brokered multiple mid-east peace deals?
Whatever. You’re the one fantasizing about murder because your candidate lost.

There is nothing reasonable about that.
Whatever. You’re the one fantasizing about murder because your candidate lost.

There is nothing reasonable about that.
No, stupid...... (smh)

What I am telling you is that you don't try to steal an election and our children's future freedom from us, right in front of us, and expect us not to object to that.
We will fix this legally if at all possible, but one way or the other, we will fix this.

Those of us who have been to civil wars, and insurgencies, and 3rd world shit shows, (all of them BTW, in countries much much less well armed than the US, and made up of less belligerent people), know just how ugly and bloody this could get, and we'd rather not.
But you all continue to ignore us, and disregard us, and even mock us....... and that tells me you're probably going to have to see some folks get dragged into the street and shot before you realize we're not kidding.

You talk about "reasonable" while holding your fingers in your ears and closing your eye's to the bullshit going on.
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