Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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I ll Apologize

I doubt that. I believe you will try to find a way to try to weasel out of it. Let's see if you prove me wrong, but I'm not expecting it.

Here's a post of mine condemning looting and another condemning riots.

View attachment 412802
Nice try. Not responses but an actual first post of your own where you condemn rioting, looting and burning.

Again, you’re an extremist. And we don’t need extremists on either side.

See what I mean? Your ego won't allow you to admit that you're wrong, even when presented with direct evidence. You're not hard to predict.

And as if it's not already perfectly clear, let me go ahead and say as definitively as I can:

I condemn looting. I don't know any reasonable person who would ever support such an act.

I condemn rioting. There is no reason to bring destruction and violence. I detest these actions.

I condemn burning. There is never an acceptable reason to burn down someone's business. That action is shameful and an embarrassment to our country.

Will that change your opinion? It's pretty clear that it won't. You're never wrong in your own mind.
Fair. Do you condemn the politicians who state that the riots in Portland were a "myth" and that Antifa is an "idea".

I apologize as you're not as deranged as I believed you to be. Honestly.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. 71 mil voted for him. But you may take it out on me if you it makes you feel better

I'm going to sleep a lot better knowing that this idiot is out.

A little early LOL. Pussy. Go take your nap.

It's just a matter of time. Fatty's time is coming to an end and I couldn't be happier about that.

America wins.
I hope you're right. 71mil voted for DJT and Joe said he would be the President for all people. Seeing is believing.
Fair. Do you condemn the politicians who state that the riots in Portland were a "myth" and that Antifa is an "idea".

I apologize as you're not as deranged as I believed you to be. Honestly.

I condemn Antifa as they are largely responsible for much of the issues you describe.

I would need to see the quotes in full context to make an opinion on them. But I'll just say that Antifa is real and I don't like them.
I hope you're right. 71mil voted for DJT and Joe said he would be the President for all people. Seeing is believing.

He's clearly less divisive than Trump. Frankly, pretty boring.

You won't be happy with it. But America is better when we don't have a demagogue leading our country. The people have spoken.
Fair. Do you condemn the politicians who state that the riots in Portland were a "myth" and that Antifa is an "idea".

I apologize as you're not as deranged as I believed you to be. Honestly.

I condemn Antifa as they are largely responsible for much of the issues you describe.

I would need to see the quotes in full context to make an opinion on them. But I'll just say that Antifa is real and I don't like them.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I hope you're right. 71mil voted for DJT and Joe said he would be the President for all people. Seeing is believing.

He's clearly less divisive than Trump. Frankly, pretty boring.

You won't be happy with it. But America is better when we don't have a demagogue leading our country. The people have spoken.
If he doesn’t take orders from the Squad and Bernie Sanders then I am OK with it.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

Nadler's comments appear to be stupid. I would have to check the timeline with the kind of activity happening in Portland at the time. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that his comments were stupid.

Biden has been pretty consistent about condemning violence on both sides. If it occurs, I see him trying to extinguish it, regardless of the side it comes from.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

Nadler's comments appear to be stupid. I would have to check the timeline with the kind of activity happening in Portland at the time. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that his comments were stupid.

Biden has been pretty consistent about condemning violence on both sides. If it occurs, I see him trying to extinguish it, regardless of the side it comes from.
Time will tell. My fear with him is that it feeds the far left. Hopefully I am incorrect and he is a moderate.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

Nadler's comments appear to be stupid. I would have to check the timeline with the kind of activity happening in Portland at the time. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that his comments were stupid.

Biden has been pretty consistent about condemning violence on both sides. If it occurs, I see him trying to extinguish it, regardless of the side it comes from.
Time will tell. My fear with him is that it feeds the far left. Hopefully I am incorrect and he is a moderate.

It's possible that he's influenced to the far left on social or economic policies. I'm not expecting it but I've been wrong before. You certainly won't see anything unreasonable as far as his stance on rioting and looting.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

Nadler's comments appear to be stupid. I would have to check the timeline with the kind of activity happening in Portland at the time. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that his comments were stupid.

Biden has been pretty consistent about condemning violence on both sides. If it occurs, I see him trying to extinguish it, regardless of the side it comes from.
Time will tell. My fear with him is that it feeds the far left. Hopefully I am incorrect and he is a moderate.

It's possible that he's influenced to the far left on social or economic policies. I'm not expecting it but I've been wrong before. You certainly won't see anything unreasonable as far as his stance on rioting and looting.
Hopefully he doesn’t:

Raise taxes massively, takes away our energy independence (he flip flopped on fracking), alienate us from Israel; embrace the stupid Green New Deal; reduce military spending; support nationalized healthcare.
If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

Also, if anything causes more riots, it will be because Donald Trump claims that the election was stolen from him.

This behavior of his is completely inappropriate, stupid, and potentially dangerous.

We have enough heavily armed, stupid assholes in this country. We don't need to feed them unsubstantiated bullshit like this.

Worst president ever. I'm glad he's gone. Hopefully he doesn't cause any more damage on his way out.
If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

Also, if anything causes more riots, it will be because Donald Trump claims that the election was stolen from him.

This behavior of his is completely inappropriate, stupid, and potentially dangerous.

We have enough heavily armed, stupid assholes in this country. We don't need to feed them unsubstantiated bullshit like this.

Worst president ever. I'm glad he's gone. Hopefully he doesn't cause any more damage on his way out.
If in March 2021 a police officer justly kills a black criminal in LA and riots happen who will they blame?
If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

Also, if anything causes more riots, it will be because Donald Trump claims that the election was stolen from him.

This behavior of his is completely inappropriate, stupid, and potentially dangerous.

We have enough heavily armed, stupid assholes in this country. We don't need to feed them unsubstantiated bullshit like this.

Worst president ever. I'm glad he's gone. Hopefully he doesn't cause any more damage on his way out.
If in March 2021 a police officer justly kills a black criminal in LA and riots happen who will they blame?

That issue isn't going to magically disappear. Biden will at least ease the tensions. Trump is the one throwing gasoline on the fire.
If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

Also, if anything causes more riots, it will be because Donald Trump claims that the election was stolen from him.

This behavior of his is completely inappropriate, stupid, and potentially dangerous.

We have enough heavily armed, stupid assholes in this country. We don't need to feed them unsubstantiated bullshit like this.

Worst president ever. I'm glad he's gone. Hopefully he doesn't cause any more damage on his way out.
If in March 2021 a police officer justly kills a black criminal in LA and riots happen who will they blame?

That issue isn't going to magically disappear. Biden will at least ease the tensions. Trump is the one throwing gasoline on the fire.
He said "justly"; if it's just, then why is there an "issue"?
If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

Also, if anything causes more riots, it will be because Donald Trump claims that the election was stolen from him.

This behavior of his is completely inappropriate, stupid, and potentially dangerous.

We have enough heavily armed, stupid assholes in this country. We don't need to feed them unsubstantiated bullshit like this.

Worst president ever. I'm glad he's gone. Hopefully he doesn't cause any more damage on his way out.
If in March 2021 a police officer justly kills a black criminal in LA and riots happen who will they blame?

That issue isn't going to magically disappear. Biden will at least ease the tensions. Trump is the one throwing gasoline on the fire.
He said "justly"; if it's just, then why is there an "issue"?

Because many people don’t see the difference anymore.

Michael Brown, for example, was a justly shooting in my opinion. Yet he gets compared to Walter Scott, Philando Castile, and Eric Garner. And he shouldn’t, in my opinion. $0.02.
I hope you're right. 71mil voted for DJT and Joe said he would be the President for all people. Seeing is believing.

He's clearly less divisive than Trump. Frankly, pretty boring.

You won't be happy with it. But America is better when we don't have a demagogue leading our country. The people have spoken.
If he doesn’t take orders from the Squad and Bernie Sanders then I am OK with it.

It's Harris that should worry you.
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