Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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No, my life would be better if you would STFU until the election is certified

That’s your problem. Not mine.
No, it’s everyone’s problem having to put up with your stupid shit.

You're still whining and yet nothing is happening.

You going to whine some more?

You imbeciles whined for four straight years, get used to it.

You planning to whine for four years? That’s cool. Go for it.

Or are you planning to whine about me not shutting up?

I’ve lost track of whatever point you’re trying to make. Your posts just come across like an impotent rage.

Not with honest people.


Do you even know what your own point is anymore?

I sure do...

Ok. So what's your big point? Summarize it.

Just looks like angry whining to me. didn't actually say anything.

go back and read for comprehension this time.
No, my life would be better if you would STFU until the election is certified

That’s your problem. Not mine.
No, it’s everyone’s problem having to put up with your stupid shit.

You're still whining and yet nothing is happening.

You going to whine some more?

You imbeciles whined for four straight years, get used to it.

You planning to whine for four years? That’s cool. Go for it.

Or are you planning to whine about me not shutting up?

I’ve lost track of whatever point you’re trying to make. Your posts just come across like an impotent rage.

Not with honest people.


Do you even know what your own point is anymore?

I sure do...

Ok. So what's your big point? Summarize it.

Just looks like angry whining to me. didn't actually say anything.

go back and read for comprehension this time.

Oh ok. So just more angry posts without any clear direction.

Maybe you'll feel better after you vent.
No, my life would be better if you would STFU until the election is certified

That’s your problem. Not mine.
No, it’s everyone’s problem having to put up with your stupid shit.

You're still whining and yet nothing is happening.

You going to whine some more?

You imbeciles whined for four straight years, get used to it.

You planning to whine for four years? That’s cool. Go for it.

Or are you planning to whine about me not shutting up?

I’ve lost track of whatever point you’re trying to make. Your posts just come across like an impotent rage.

Not with honest people.


Do you even know what your own point is anymore?

I sure do...

Ok. So what's your big point? Summarize it.

Just looks like angry whining to me. didn't actually say anything.

go back and read for comprehension this time.

Oh ok. So just more angry posts without any clear direction.

Maybe you'll feel better after you vent.

The moment I brought up signature verification, you started deflecting...this is just more of that.
No, my life would be better if you would STFU until the election is certified

That’s your problem. Not mine.
No, it’s everyone’s problem having to put up with your stupid shit.

You're still whining and yet nothing is happening.

You going to whine some more?

You imbeciles whined for four straight years, get used to it.

You planning to whine for four years? That’s cool. Go for it.

Or are you planning to whine about me not shutting up?

I’ve lost track of whatever point you’re trying to make. Your posts just come across like an impotent rage.

Not with honest people.


Do you even know what your own point is anymore?

I sure do...

Ok. So what's your big point? Summarize it.

Just looks like angry whining to me. didn't actually say anything.

go back and read for comprehension this time.

Oh ok. So just more angry posts without any clear direction.

Maybe you'll feel better after you vent.

The moment I brought up signature verification, you started deflecting...this is just more of that.

Might help if you say something useful. I don't even know what I'm deflecting from.

Signature verification. Cool. I support it. Signature verification is good and appropriate.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization of individuals who use thuggery and commit terror acts in the name of Anarchy. Maybe if you read newspapers instead of burning them you would have a clue about what they really are.

Who's the leader of Antifa?

George Soros---------if you trace the funding
No, my life would be better if you would STFU until the election is certified

That’s your problem. Not mine.
No, it’s everyone’s problem having to put up with your stupid shit.

You're still whining and yet nothing is happening.

You going to whine some more?

You imbeciles whined for four straight years, get used to it.

You planning to whine for four years? That’s cool. Go for it.

Or are you planning to whine about me not shutting up?

I’ve lost track of whatever point you’re trying to make. Your posts just come across like an impotent rage.

Not with honest people.


Do you even know what your own point is anymore?

I sure do...

Ok. So what's your big point? Summarize it.

Just looks like angry whining to me. didn't actually say anything.

go back and read for comprehension this time.

Oh ok. So just more angry posts without any clear direction.

Maybe you'll feel better after you vent.

The moment I brought up signature verification, you started deflecting...this is just more of that.

Might help if you say something useful. I don't even know what I'm deflecting from.

Signature verification. Cool. I support it. Signature verification is good and appropriate.

I asked you why Democrats sent teams of lawyers to battleground states to do away with that protection? Then you immediately started deflecting, now you’re going to say you didn’t...Stop the silly shit.
No, that's bullshit because if the situation was reversed you'd be screaming the exact same things yourself while rioters burned city centers....... and you know it. You just don't care now because the cheating went your way.

If what situation was reversed? Election fraud?

I would have accepted the results of the election regardless of who won. I trust out democratic institutions to get the vote counts right.
Notice there isn’t any rioting. That’s a good thing. Let’s keep it this way.
Not yet. What do you suppose the right is going to do when Trump is the certified loser after he's convinced his psychotic base he was cheated out of his office?
Nothing. They will do absolutely nothing.
Faun insult in 1...2...
You only prove how stupid you are with nonsense like that.
Your posts are case in point. Your candidate won and you still act like a petulant child with your little insults. Feel like a big man now? Lol
You poor, demented thing. You should ask a real man if you can borrow his balls. Maybe then you'll stop crying like a baby?

But this tread isn't about me, no matter how much you try to make it about me. See if you can stick to the topic. The election. Now that Impeached Trump has convinced his moronic zombie base that he won the election, how do you suppose the right is going to respond when Biden is officially declared the winner?
Stopped reading post “demented”

You’re such a child

Sad to see what a coward you've become.
Nah...never a coward. Trying to be a better human for my kids.

Your words, coward...

So? Where do you see this country heading if electors fuck their electorate and hand Trump Biden's electoral votes to give him the win.
You don't get to keep what you steal.

We didn't steal anything.

Biden's 290 electoral votes are more than Trump's 214.

Biden's 76 million votes are more than Trump's 71 million.

You should learn math. It could be very useful for you.

Didn’t steal anything? Are you fucking blind? Democrats sent armies of lawyers across the country last summer arguing to decimate the protections in place like signature verification you waste of human DNA...then you people used that to steal the vote totals in the states that are now contested.
You people are evil fucks.

Nutcase, post actual evidence of fraudulent ballots....

Not to worry there cheater, the process to do that is coming to light as we type. See, this is what you children always do...malfeasance, followed by “prove it” immediately without access to investigate, followed by dismissal, and childish mockery. Then when your lies are proven later, you simply deny that you ever lied in the first place, by then it’s too late.

So how’s about you address things like your party quashing voter signature verification before millions of mail in ballots were sent out?

And why are you avoiding talking about that, and attacking me?

So you're calling me a cheater in lieu of posting evidence of actual voter fraud? Is that about right?
No, my life would be better if you would STFU until the election is certified

That’s your problem. Not mine.
No, it’s everyone’s problem having to put up with your stupid shit.

You're still whining and yet nothing is happening.

You going to whine some more?

You imbeciles whined for four straight years, get used to it.
Following the 8 straight years you whined. Notice a pattern yet?
Last edited:
It is? Can you show me one state that has certified?

If you think the result will change, then prepare to be disappointed again.

You lost.
I actually Hope you are correct because if you’re not it will show a major flaw in our elections and there will be riots galore in the streets with massive amounts of damage and deaths. Which would be ridiculously stupid and sad.

I’m confident in it.

Trump supporters are just in denial because they lost.

Was Al Gore in denial for 37 days, and two SC rulings?

Did that outcome change? No.

Never said it did. However, it was Gore’s right to challenge, just as it is Trump’s right today...This rush to declare, and have Trump concede smacks of Democrats knowing they cheated, and are trying to have people not look at it too closely...Speaks volumes to me.

I don’t care if you look at it closely. Im just saying that you’re in denial. They always call a winner before all the recount stuff.

Were you celebrating on Election Day in 2016 when Trump was declared the winner? Or were you concerned with some bullshit conspiracy theory then too?

Its not official...Trump has the right, and responsibility to challenge...If everything is so above reproach then why do you seem so frightened of sunshine?

I already said "I don't care if you look at it closely." That means that I'm not afraid of shining light on it.

Go right ahead. Count them over. Count them over 50 more times if you like. I believe the outcome will remain unchanged.

What part of that did you not understand? Need me to repeat it again?
There are some on the right who know recounting the ballots won't help Trump -- now they're imploring battleground states that are going to Biden, to install Trump supporting electors who will dismiss the popular vote in their respective states and hand Biden's electoral votes to Trump.

Conservatives are sick fucks. Don't ever think otherwise.
I think it is sick that you think that despite the dems cheating their arses off----that they should get the electoral votes for these states and that you still don't understand that there is no such thing as popular votes in the US----its all electoral votes and these votes can nullify a fraudulent election.
No, my life would be better if you would STFU until the election is certified

That’s your problem. Not mine.
No, it’s everyone’s problem having to put up with your stupid shit.

You're still whining and yet nothing is happening.

You going to whine some more?

You imbeciles whined for four straight years, get used to it.

You planning to whine for four years? That’s cool. Go for it.

Or are you planning to whine about me not shutting up?

I’ve lost track of whatever point you’re trying to make. Your posts just come across like an impotent rage.

Not with honest people.


Do you even know what your own point is anymore?

I sure do...

Ok. So what's your big point? Summarize it.

Just looks like angry whining to me.

I’ve posted it already, don’t blame me that you’re too stupid to keep up.
Your pointwhine, like you, is rightarded.

1. Peoples' handwriting often changes over time. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

2. Ballot counters are not handwriting experts. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

3. Lax handwriting validation is the same for Republicans as it is Democrats.

4. It's the law and it's being enforced. Nobody cares you're not happy with the law.

5. It's like that in red states as well as blue States.

6. You haven't shown a single case of fraud as a result of that law. Not one.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization of individuals who use thuggery and commit terror acts in the name of Anarchy. Maybe if you read newspapers instead of burning them you would have a clue about what they really are.

Who's the leader of Antifa?

George Soros---------if you trace the funding

How it it be Soros when George Soros is hiding under your bed, waiting for you to come out from under the covers?
It is? Can you show me one state that has certified?

If you think the result will change, then prepare to be disappointed again.

You lost.
I actually Hope you are correct because if you’re not it will show a major flaw in our elections and there will be riots galore in the streets with massive amounts of damage and deaths. Which would be ridiculously stupid and sad.

I’m confident in it.

Trump supporters are just in denial because they lost.

Was Al Gore in denial for 37 days, and two SC rulings?

Did that outcome change? No.

Never said it did. However, it was Gore’s right to challenge, just as it is Trump’s right today...This rush to declare, and have Trump concede smacks of Democrats knowing they cheated, and are trying to have people not look at it too closely...Speaks volumes to me.

I don’t care if you look at it closely. Im just saying that you’re in denial. They always call a winner before all the recount stuff.

Were you celebrating on Election Day in 2016 when Trump was declared the winner? Or were you concerned with some bullshit conspiracy theory then too?

Its not official...Trump has the right, and responsibility to challenge...If everything is so above reproach then why do you seem so frightened of sunshine?

I already said "I don't care if you look at it closely." That means that I'm not afraid of shining light on it.

Go right ahead. Count them over. Count them over 50 more times if you like. I believe the outcome will remain unchanged.

What part of that did you not understand? Need me to repeat it again?
There are some on the right who know recounting the ballots won't help Trump -- now they're imploring battleground states that are going to Biden, to install Trump supporting electors who will dismiss the popular vote in their respective states and hand Biden's electoral votes to Trump.

Conservatives are sick fucks. Don't ever think otherwise.
I think it is sick that you think that despite the dems cheating their arses off----that they should get the electoral votes for these states and that you still don't understand that there is no such thing as popular votes in the US----its all electoral votes and these votes can nullify a fraudulent election.

Before you claim something is "sick," it would be helpful if you could post evidence causing this feigned sickness of yours.

As far as the popular vote, dumbfuck, we're talking about state elections. How the fuck do you think states decide which candidate gets their electoral votes if not by the popular vote??

You're lucky there isn't an IQ test to determine voting eligibility.
No, my life would be better if you would STFU until the election is certified

That’s your problem. Not mine.
No, it’s everyone’s problem having to put up with your stupid shit.

You're still whining and yet nothing is happening.

You going to whine some more?

You imbeciles whined for four straight years, get used to it.

You planning to whine for four years? That’s cool. Go for it.

Or are you planning to whine about me not shutting up?

I’ve lost track of whatever point you’re trying to make. Your posts just come across like an impotent rage.

Not with honest people.


Do you even know what your own point is anymore?

I sure do...

Ok. So what's your big point? Summarize it.

Just looks like angry whining to me.

I’ve posted it already, don’t blame me that you’re too stupid to keep up.
Your pointwhine, like you, is rightarded.

1. Peoples' handwriting often changes over time. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

2. Ballot counters are not handwriting experts. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

3. Lax handwriting validation is the same for Republicans as it is Democrats.

4. It's the law and it's being enforced. Nobody cares you're not happy with the law.

5. It's like that in red states as well as blue States.

6. You haven't shown a single case of fraud as a result of that law. Not one.

The challenges are just starting...why the rush? Afraid ?
No, my life would be better if you would STFU until the election is certified

That’s your problem. Not mine.
No, it’s everyone’s problem having to put up with your stupid shit.

You're still whining and yet nothing is happening.

You going to whine some more?

You imbeciles whined for four straight years, get used to it.

You planning to whine for four years? That’s cool. Go for it.

Or are you planning to whine about me not shutting up?

I’ve lost track of whatever point you’re trying to make. Your posts just come across like an impotent rage.

Not with honest people.


Do you even know what your own point is anymore?

I sure do...

Ok. So what's your big point? Summarize it.

Just looks like angry whining to me.

I’ve posted it already, don’t blame me that you’re too stupid to keep up.
Your pointwhine, like you, is rightarded.

1. Peoples' handwriting often changes over time. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

2. Ballot counters are not handwriting experts. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

3. Lax handwriting validation is the same for Republicans as it is Democrats.

4. It's the law and it's being enforced. Nobody cares you're not happy with the law.

5. It's like that in red states as well as blue States.

6. You haven't shown a single case of fraud as a result of that law. Not one.

The challenges are just starting...why the rush? Afraid ?
Who's rushing?

I'm just saying, prove there was fraud, don't just claim it. I haven't seen actual evidence of any actual fraud yet. All I've seen is the right throwing their own feces, hoping to muddy up the waters enough to cast doubt on the election they lost.
No, my life would be better if you would STFU until the election is certified

That’s your problem. Not mine.
No, it’s everyone’s problem having to put up with your stupid shit.

You're still whining and yet nothing is happening.

You going to whine some more?

You imbeciles whined for four straight years, get used to it.

You planning to whine for four years? That’s cool. Go for it.

Or are you planning to whine about me not shutting up?

I’ve lost track of whatever point you’re trying to make. Your posts just come across like an impotent rage.

Not with honest people.


Do you even know what your own point is anymore?

I sure do...

Ok. So what's your big point? Summarize it.

Just looks like angry whining to me.

I’ve posted it already, don’t blame me that you’re too stupid to keep up.
Your pointwhine, like you, is rightarded.

1. Peoples' handwriting often changes over time. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

2. Ballot counters are not handwriting experts. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

3. Lax handwriting validation is the same for Republicans as it is Democrats.

4. It's the law and it's being enforced. Nobody cares you're not happy with the law.

5. It's like that in red states as well as blue States.

6. You haven't shown a single case of fraud as a result of that law. Not one.

The challenges are just starting...why the rush? Afraid ?
Who's rushing?

Biden, and Democrats are...6 days, all the vote is not done, law suits, no certification and Biden already wants space from GSA? Gtfoh.
No, my life would be better if you would STFU until the election is certified

That’s your problem. Not mine.
No, it’s everyone’s problem having to put up with your stupid shit.

You're still whining and yet nothing is happening.

You going to whine some more?

You imbeciles whined for four straight years, get used to it.

You planning to whine for four years? That’s cool. Go for it.

Or are you planning to whine about me not shutting up?

I’ve lost track of whatever point you’re trying to make. Your posts just come across like an impotent rage.

Not with honest people.


Do you even know what your own point is anymore?

I sure do...

Ok. So what's your big point? Summarize it.

Just looks like angry whining to me.

I’ve posted it already, don’t blame me that you’re too stupid to keep up.
Your pointwhine, like you, is rightarded.

1. Peoples' handwriting often changes over time. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

2. Ballot counters are not handwriting experts. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

3. Lax handwriting validation is the same for Republicans as it is Democrats.

4. It's the law and it's being enforced. Nobody cares you're not happy with the law.

5. It's like that in red states as well as blue States.

6. You haven't shown a single case of fraud as a result of that law. Not one.

The challenges are just starting...why the rush? Afraid ?
Who's rushing?

Biden, and Democrats are...6 days, all the vote is not done, law suits, no certification and Biden already wants space from GSA? Gtfoh.
Why shouldn't Biden start acting as president elect? He has more than 269 electoral votes according to the states. In the entire history of our presidential elections, no candidate ever had a majority of electoral votes but then didn't become president.
No, my life would be better if you would STFU until the election is certified

That’s your problem. Not mine.
No, it’s everyone’s problem having to put up with your stupid shit.

You're still whining and yet nothing is happening.

You going to whine some more?

You imbeciles whined for four straight years, get used to it.

You planning to whine for four years? That’s cool. Go for it.

Or are you planning to whine about me not shutting up?

I’ve lost track of whatever point you’re trying to make. Your posts just come across like an impotent rage.

Not with honest people.


Do you even know what your own point is anymore?

I sure do...

Ok. So what's your big point? Summarize it.

Just looks like angry whining to me.

I’ve posted it already, don’t blame me that you’re too stupid to keep up.
Your pointwhine, like you, is rightarded.

1. Peoples' handwriting often changes over time. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

2. Ballot counters are not handwriting experts. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

3. Lax handwriting validation is the same for Republicans as it is Democrats.

4. It's the law and it's being enforced. Nobody cares you're not happy with the law.

5. It's like that in red states as well as blue States.

6. You haven't shown a single case of fraud as a result of that law. Not one.

The challenges are just starting...why the rush? Afraid ?
Who's rushing?

Biden, and Democrats are...6 days, all the vote is not done, law suits, no certification and Biden already wants space from GSA? Gtfoh.
Why shouldn't Biden start acting as president elect? He has more than 269 electoral votes according to the states. In the entire history of our presidential elections, no candidate ever had a majority of electoral votes but then didn't become president.
No one ever blatantly rigged a presidential election like this before either.

So there's that.
No, my life would be better if you would STFU until the election is certified

That’s your problem. Not mine.
No, it’s everyone’s problem having to put up with your stupid shit.

You're still whining and yet nothing is happening.

You going to whine some more?

You imbeciles whined for four straight years, get used to it.

You planning to whine for four years? That’s cool. Go for it.

Or are you planning to whine about me not shutting up?

I’ve lost track of whatever point you’re trying to make. Your posts just come across like an impotent rage.

Not with honest people.


Do you even know what your own point is anymore?

I sure do...

Ok. So what's your big point? Summarize it.

Just looks like angry whining to me.

I’ve posted it already, don’t blame me that you’re too stupid to keep up.
Your pointwhine, like you, is rightarded.

1. Peoples' handwriting often changes over time. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

2. Ballot counters are not handwriting experts. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

3. Lax handwriting validation is the same for Republicans as it is Democrats.

4. It's the law and it's being enforced. Nobody cares you're not happy with the law.

5. It's like that in red states as well as blue States.

6. You haven't shown a single case of fraud as a result of that law. Not one.

The challenges are just starting...why the rush? Afraid ?
Who's rushing?

Biden, and Democrats are...6 days, all the vote is not done, law suits, no certification and Biden already wants space from GSA? Gtfoh.
Why shouldn't Biden start acting as president elect? He has more than 269 electoral votes according to the states. In the entire history of our presidential elections, no candidate ever had a majority of electoral votes but then didn't become president.

Because its not that really too hard to understand?

You people are going to look foolish if this is overturned and Trump remains President..
No, my life would be better if you would STFU until the election is certified

That’s your problem. Not mine.
No, it’s everyone’s problem having to put up with your stupid shit.

You're still whining and yet nothing is happening.

You going to whine some more?

You imbeciles whined for four straight years, get used to it.

You planning to whine for four years? That’s cool. Go for it.

Or are you planning to whine about me not shutting up?

I’ve lost track of whatever point you’re trying to make. Your posts just come across like an impotent rage.

Not with honest people.


Do you even know what your own point is anymore?

I sure do...

Ok. So what's your big point? Summarize it.

Just looks like angry whining to me.

I’ve posted it already, don’t blame me that you’re too stupid to keep up.
Your pointwhine, like you, is rightarded.

1. Peoples' handwriting often changes over time. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

2. Ballot counters are not handwriting experts. Why should that be a reason to disenfranchise voters?

3. Lax handwriting validation is the same for Republicans as it is Democrats.

4. It's the law and it's being enforced. Nobody cares you're not happy with the law.

5. It's like that in red states as well as blue States.

6. You haven't shown a single case of fraud as a result of that law. Not one.

The challenges are just starting...why the rush? Afraid ?
Who's rushing?

Biden, and Democrats are...6 days, all the vote is not done, law suits, no certification and Biden already wants space from GSA? Gtfoh.
Why shouldn't Biden start acting as president elect? He has more than 269 electoral votes according to the states. In the entire history of our presidential elections, no candidate ever had a majority of electoral votes but then didn't become president.
No one ever blatantly rigged a presidential election like this before either.

So there's that.

Putz, if the fraud is so blatant, how come you can't post one single case of actual voter fraud...?
It is? Can you show me one state that has certified?

If you think the result will change, then prepare to be disappointed again.

You lost.
I actually Hope you are correct because if you’re not it will show a major flaw in our elections and there will be riots galore in the streets with massive amounts of damage and deaths. Which would be ridiculously stupid and sad.

I’m confident in it.

Trump supporters are just in denial because they lost.

Was Al Gore in denial for 37 days, and two SC rulings?

Did that outcome change? No.

Never said it did. However, it was Gore’s right to challenge, just as it is Trump’s right today...This rush to declare, and have Trump concede smacks of Democrats knowing they cheated, and are trying to have people not look at it too closely...Speaks volumes to me.

I don’t care if you look at it closely. Im just saying that you’re in denial. They always call a winner before all the recount stuff.

Were you celebrating on Election Day in 2016 when Trump was declared the winner? Or were you concerned with some bullshit conspiracy theory then too?

Its not official...Trump has the right, and responsibility to challenge...If everything is so above reproach then why do you seem so frightened of sunshine?

I already said "I don't care if you look at it closely." That means that I'm not afraid of shining light on it.

Go right ahead. Count them over. Count them over 50 more times if you like. I believe the outcome will remain unchanged.

What part of that did you not understand? Need me to repeat it again?
There are some on the right who know recounting the ballots won't help Trump -- now they're imploring battleground states that are going to Biden, to install Trump supporting electors who will dismiss the popular vote in their respective states and hand Biden's electoral votes to Trump.

Conservatives are sick fucks. Don't ever think otherwise.
I think it is sick that you think that despite the dems cheating their arses off----that they should get the electoral votes for these states and that you still don't understand that there is no such thing as popular votes in the US----its all electoral votes and these votes can nullify a fraudulent election.

Before you claim something is "sick," it would be helpful if you could post evidence causing this feigned sickness of yours.

As far as the popular vote, dumbfuck, we're talking about state elections. How the fuck do you think states decide which candidate gets their electoral votes if not by the popular vote??

You're lucky there isn't an IQ test to determine voting eligibility.
Faun, swears nonstop, insults nonstop, miserable because of his low motility. Unable to keep a civil conversation. Way to be unifying....

Find another place to troll
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