Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Georgia is really strange !!!

They are always repeating the same mantra "we are expecting a bunch of votes from (insert big city here full of black and minority voters who we at firs said we called first)."

This Christopher Reeve looking guy is full of shyte. He looks like the kind of guy you'd yell to get off of your front porch when he tries to sell you a vacuum.

Now he says "maybe we will have to wait for tomorrow for GA". Why? Why is this the call everytime a Trump state is won?
Fox is full of Crap, and these Decision Desk Assholes sound like CIA Operatives, Spreading Dissemination

Latest Update shows Trump a projected whopping 316 ECs
Biden is projected to 244 ECs


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Georgia is really strange !!!

They are always repeating the same mantra "we are expecting a bunch of votes from (insert big city here full of black and minority voters who we at firs said we called first)."

This Christopher Reeve looking guy is full of shyte. He looks like the kind of guy you'd yell to get off of your front porch when he tries to sell you a vacuum.

Now he says "maybe we will have to wait for tomorrow for GA". Why? Why is this the call everytime a Trump state is won?
Someone do a back ground check on this douche that is lying his ass off on Fox. He totally looks CIA.

This dude is a FULL ON California Leftist.

Daron Shaw

Professor — Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Professor, University Distinguished Teaching Professor & Frank C. Erwin, Jr. Chair of State Politics
Daron Shaw

  • E-mail: [email protected]
  • Phone: 512-232-7275
  • Office: BAT 4.146
  • Office Hours: Fall 20: W/TH, 11:00-12:30pm (virtual)
  • Campus Mail Code: A1800
Campaigns and Elections, Public Opinion and Voting Behavior, American Politics, Survey Research

Professor Shaw earned his Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles. Prior to accepting a position at the University of Texas in the fall of 1994, he worked in several political campaigns as a survey research analyst. Professor Shaw also served as a strategist in the 2000 and 2004 presidential election campaigns. His research and teaching interests include American Government, Campaigns and Elections, Political Parties, Public Opinion and Voting Behavior, and Applied Survey Research. He is co-director of the Fox News Poll, co-director of the University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll, director of the Texas Lyceum Poll, and associate Principle Investigator for the 2020 American National Election Study. Professor Shaw is also a member of the national decision team for Fox News, the advisory board for the MIT Election Data & Science Lab, the advisory board for the Annette Strauss Institute, and the editorial board for Political Behavior.

Professor Shaw’s most recent book is The Turnout Myth (co-authored with John Petrocik), published by Oxford University Press. His first two books, Unconventional Wisdom: Facts and Myths about American Voters (Oxford Press, co-authored with Karen Kaufmann and John Petrocik) and The Race to 270 (Chicago Press), were published in 2008 and 2006, respectively. In addition, Professor Shaw has published articles in the leading journals in the discipline, including American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, British Journal of Political Science, Political Research Quarterly, Political Behavior, Political Communication, PS: Political Science, Party Politics, Presidential Studies Quarterly, and American Politics Research.
This lying A-hole is telling the world N. Carolina, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, NV will ALL NOT be counted tonight.

The first four are all major wins for Trump, from the same places he won last time.

What is this? They are going to flip Georgia, and he repeats the same BS mantra I said all week "this might come down to Pennsylvania".

I can't even imagine working for a federal agency today. This is going to be a tidal wave of recruitment and you won't even know if the guy working beside you has been flipped or not.

They don't want to call an election before Pennsylvania puts it within range to win it for Biden. As I called it.
Georgia is really strange !!!

They are always repeating the same mantra "we are expecting a bunch of votes from (insert big city here full of black and minority voters who we at firs said we called first)."

This Christopher Reeve looking guy is full of shyte. He looks like the kind of guy you'd yell to get off of your front porch when he tries to sell you a vacuum.

Now he says "maybe we will have to wait for tomorrow for GA". Why? Why is this the call everytime a Trump state is won?
Someone do a back ground check on this douche that is lying his ass off on Fox. He totally looks CIA.
I don't trust that motherfucker as far as I can throw Rosie O'Donnell.
I know y'all think I'm a tin foil hatter. . . but I don't think they would have shut down the counting for the night in those battle ground states if Biden was in the lead. :heehee:

Yeah I'm more along the lines of they need to figure out how many votes they need to fill out. I'm noticing they are not give the total #'s of how many votes still need to be counted. In past election they constantly gave outstanding vote #'s.

Not that you'll believe it but NBC News has that "outstanding vote" counter.

Thanks, I've been flipping back and forth CNN/FOX and they haven't been giving them out.

Don't watch either. Save some brain cells and tune into Newsmax's live coverage on youtube. Much more sane analysis

This is what the President posted and Fascist Dorsey shut down

View attachment 410964


The President can't spell polls correctly

Did you see the Biden clip where he refused to concede?

Mad man.
That was war gamed. . . part of the Transition Integrity Project. They have a plan to win, no matter what.

I wouldn't normally think so, until the Fat Guy called AZ early and this Christopher Reeve guy had every explanation as to how Biden is going to win every race Trump is currently ahead in, or, in a worst case situation, "this is going to come down to Penn".

I'm not even sure what to think. This is a full folding of the West to China as far as I am concerned. Fox speakers are laughing nervously and uncomfortable. I guarantee you, if you hook them up to a polygraph, they do not trust their own Election Desk.

Unless the Russians hacked the voting booths, there should be no reason to not count this and call this
I cannot comprehend the number of incredibly stupid and or evil occupants in the USA. Who in the fuck would vote for Sleepy Joe, the most corrupt, the most incompetent career politician in history?

As far as live feeds, here is a real one.

"Due to technological limitations in Georgia, some counted the votes as zero and will be updated 11 am".

As I said, they are going to flip GA.

Game, set, match. Take out your "how to speak Mandarin" books at your local library.

Check out the CBC results though, they show Trump already won at 293 E.C. lol. Canadians know something other Canadians like I don't?

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This lying A-hole is telling the world N. Carolina, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, NV will ALL NOT be counted tonight.

The first four are all major wins for Trump, from the same places he won last time.

What is this? They are going to flip Georgia, and he repeats the same BS mantra I said all week "this might come down to Pennsylvania".

I can't even imagine working for a federal agency today. This is going to be a tidal wave of recruitment and you won't even know if the guy working beside you has been flipped or not.

They don't want to call an election before Pennsylvania puts it within range to win it for Biden. As I called it.
I have never seen so many states just STOP COUNTING with a Presidential Election like this, especially when the remaining states are all locked up by Trump by large margins.

Can anyone recall any time this has happened in presidential election history?

North Carolina has 100% of the vote in, so call it for Trump!
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