Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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President Trump will win, but it should never have been this close. What sick, retarded fucktard would vote for Sleepy Biden?
I know y'all think I'm a tin foil hatter. . . but I don't think they would have shut down the counting for the night in those battle ground states if Biden was in the lead. :heehee:

Yeah I'm more along the lines of they need to figure out how many votes they need to fill out. I'm noticing they are not give the total #'s of how many votes still need to be counted. In past election they constantly gave outstanding vote #'s.

Not that you'll believe it but NBC News has that "outstanding vote" counter.

Thanks, I've been flipping back and forth CNN/FOX and they haven't been giving them out.

Don't watch either. Save some brain cells and tune into Newsmax's live coverage on youtube. Much more sane analysis

I WANT TO SEE ANOTHER MELTDOWN!!! :smile: Although I see TRUMP is going to meltdowns coming in 5, 4, 3...:happy-1:

99% reporting, but Trump is only up about 120,000 votes. So it could still mathematically go Biden. That's why it's not called yet. They stopped counting/reporting the count for tonight, so we won't have a call until the morning.

Georgia just reported Dekalb county, and the lead has narrowed quite a bit. Its now down to less than 100,000 votes, with only a couple more Atlanta counties to report. All of the rural counties are in. It's getting very tight. The NYT is saying GA to Biden.

NYT is saying biden is ever so slightly favored. Not "GA to biden"

99% reporting, but Trump is only up about 120,000 votes. So it could still mathematically go Biden. That's why it's not called yet. They stopped counting/reporting the count for tonight, so we won't have a call until the morning.

Georgia just reported Dekalb county, and the lead has narrowed quite a bit. Its now down to less than 100,000 votes, with only a couple more Atlanta counties to report. All of the rural counties are in. It's getting very tight. The NYT is saying GA to Biden.

As I called, they will flip GA to Biden. They get a "technical glitch".

Do they realize what they are doing here? The entire world is watching and citizens in nations who are fighting China are watching this and thinking "is this a sign that America wants to align with China and put our security at risk"? From HK to Australia, Taiwan and Japan.

If they say "Trump is turning his back on allies" they are quite short sighted and dare I say, stupid as hell. You have more allies outside of Europe too, and they have serious national security concerns.

They are trying to sell this as a Biden win. They've been doing this for hours now, multiple states just stop counting. It's not going to fly, when vote counting just stops suddenly.
This is what the President posted and Fascist Dorsey shut down

View attachment 410964


The President can't spell polls correctly

Did you see the Biden clip where he refused to concede?

Mad man.
That was war gamed. . . part of the Transition Integrity Project. They have a plan to win, no matter what.

I wouldn't normally think so, until the Fat Guy called AZ early and this Christopher Reeve guy had every explanation as to how Biden is going to win every race Trump is currently ahead in, or, in a worst case situation, "this is going to come down to Penn".

I'm not even sure what to think. This is a full folding of the West to China as far as I am concerned. Fox speakers are laughing nervously and uncomfortable. I guarantee you, if you hook them up to a polygraph, they do not trust their own Election Desk.

Unless the Russians hacked the voting booths, there should be no reason to not count this and call this
It’s won’t be a decisive Biden victory to be sure, but likely won’t be a Trump won either.

If Biden loses georgia he's fucked

Which is why they won't let it happen and why they've been promoting this for a couple of days as some sort of upset state. It's all really really odd. Someone explain to me how they just outright stop counting in multiple states? Even though I only really watched my first election in 2016, I've watched a few the last little while from Brexit, to Canadian and U.S Midterms.

I have never seen the counting of votes of multiple states just outright stop.
It’s won’t be a decisive Biden victory to be sure, but likely won’t be a Trump won either.

If Biden loses georgia he's fucked

Biden would have to win Michigan and Pennsylvania while holding onto his lead in Arizona, Nevada and Maine to have a chance of winning...

I am saying Trump will win and I voted for Biden!

Ohio was a must for Biden and losing Ohio has made it nearly impossible for him to win!

Also the Popular vote is a lot closer than last time and before anyone lecture me I know the National Popular Vote does not elect the President but it shows that Trump was or is more popular than thought!
It’s won’t be a decisive Biden victory to be sure, but likely won’t be a Trump won either.

If Biden loses georgia he's fucked

Which is why they won't let it happen and why they've been promoting this for a couple of days as some sort of upset state. It's all really really odd.

Well i don't know what's going on down there but between the returns from atlanta and milwaukee the election will be decided it looks like.

They hold the election in their hands, now is the time to make your moves trump/biden supporters lol

You can swing the election
Biden is probably going to win Arizona. Trump is probably fucked beyond that. God willing anyway.
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