Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

I do measure it by things other than outcome, thanks.
Which is stupid, and only done out of convenience for a shaky political point.

Yes, I know.
Seriously? Are you that far gone down your need to destroy the US that you would make such a statement?

Lets set a fictitious example.

A 20-year-old man is in a horrible car accident. He has three of his four limbs crushed and they required an hour to extract him from the wreckage. That is an hour in which the tissue had no blood supply and consequently was in necrosis.

Anywhere in the world, the man would likely die. Let say that in this case, the managed to excise the dead tissue and repair internal injury, but as a result, he life, which might have been 70 years, ended when he was 45.

He lost 25 years! How horrible. The healthcare system sucked!

Yet, he managed to get another 25 years after the accident because of the healthcare he received.

.So, which outcome do you think is the ONLY determining factor?
Seriously? Are you that far gone down your need to destroy the US that you would make such a statement?
Actually, asshole, I point out our pathetic WHO rankings because I want to improve the country.

And you ignore them, because they undermine your cultish, overwrought political points.

I have facts, you have fetishes, neuroses, and gut feelings.

So it goes...
Seriously? Are you that far gone down your need to destroy the US that you would make such a statement?
Actually, asshole, I point out our pathetic WHO rankings because I want to improve the country.

And you ignore them, because they undermine your cultish, overwrought political points.

I have facts, you have fetishes, neuroses, and gut feelings.

So it goes...
You have cherries, as in cherry-picked facts.

I do take note of the sudden hostility from you, which indicates to me that you don't really have an argument and your facts are weak.

So, let's get back to you asking ME if I measure world-class healthcare by another metric. You see, you asked me for an opinion and I gave it.

I do NOT measure how good a healthcare system is based on outcome.

How can anyone use that as a measurement?

The fact that Americans live as long as they do base on just their fucking diet alone is a testament to how good our healthcare system is.

When you have the patient actively working against you and you still manage to get close to the top in longevity, well that says something.

So, go pick some more cherries and put them out there for everyone else. I'll stick with my beliefs. m'Kay?
You have cherries, as in cherry-picked facts.
False. I have the WHO rankings, the only set of facts from the world's top health research group.

Just shut up, you're embarrassing yourself.
You do know that doesn't work, right?

In fact, you embarrass yourself each and every time you use it.

The outcome of healthcare isn't the principle determinant of how good it is.

I'd invite you to look at the demographics of factors that affect mortality rates, such as diet, race, environment; you won't though because you're locked in your hate.

How sad for you.

Say goodnight Gracie.
You do know that doesn't work, right?
Yes, I know. But still worth saying.

Sorry, but I will defer to career doctors and scientists at the world's premier health research organization over some uneducated slob trying to preen dear leader's image. Surely you understand.
It seems that those countries with poor healthcare are the ones with a high mortality rate
No kidding? That's deep.

Yes, the death rate will increase as the virus spreads, and that is one big reason. You're sitting in the country ranked about #32 in WHO rankings, so heads up.

I don't hope things get worse. It's you and your redneck pals rooting for the brown people to get weeded out.
Project much, asshole? It seems that if we were as bad as WHO says we are, the virus would be out of control by this time.
Weed out brown people????What the fuck are you talking about? Where in hell did that come from?
Fucking twit.
You do know that doesn't work, right?
Yes, I know. But still worth saying.

Sorry, but I will defer to career doctors and scientists at the world's premier health research organization over some uneducated slob trying to preen dear leader's image. Surely you understand.

I'm far more educated than you are.

Night Nancy.
Well to be fair.....anyone with a third grade education is more educated than Fort Funny, aka Capt. Obvious.
I'm far more educated than you are.
But you are an uneducated slob compared to the career doctors and scientists at the CDC and WHO. That's a fact.

And the fact that you didn't puzzle out this as my meaning shows that you actually are a bit dense.
Project much, asshole? It seems that if we were as bad as WHO says we are, the virus would be out of control by this time.
It seems that way to you, because you are a reactionary, loudmouthed moron who just doesn't know much about much. Always happy to clarify.
Oregon Officials Confirm Third Coronavirus Case "Of Unknown Origin"; Risk Of "Community Outbreak" Is High

Update (2130ET): During the presser - which is still ongoing - Oregon officials confirmed that the case is of "unknown origin", the third such case in the US. The individual is a Washington County resident, but has spent time at the Forest Hills elementary school in Oswego. The school will inform students and family about the risks.

The case will remain "presumptive" until they get the test result back from Atlanta, though CDC protocols call for treating presumptive cases as legitimate cases. For the record, the Oregon state health lab was able to conduct an initial test, which came back positive.

Amazingly, officials confirmed that the patient is still hospitalized, and has been isolated, but hasn't been subjected to "quarantine" status. They're reportedly being treated at a hospital in Hillsborough Oregon run by Kaiser Permanente.

Health officials said they're scrambling to trace the patient's movements over the past days and weeks and ferret out anyone who might have come into contact with her during that time.

"The most important thing to do - as mundane as it sounds - cover your face when you sneeze, wash your hands, and if you have any flu-like symptoms, stay home."​
"This Is Serious" - Virus Hunter Who Discovered Ebola Discusses 'Worst-Case Scenario' For Coronavirus

As the coronavirus becomes the all-consuming news story of the moment, the Financial Times decided to invite an extremely apropos guest for this weekend's "Lunch with the FT". That guest is: Belgian scientist Peter Piot, the "Mick Jagger of Microbes", best known for discovering the Ebola virus.

Obviously well-qualified, how does Piot feel about COVID-19? He didn't mince words: "This is serious."

"I’m not the scaremongering type," he says. "But I think this is serious in the sense that we can’t afford not to consider it as a serious threat."

"It could be that, indeed, it’s going to be over in a few months," he continues, crunching into a tempura-covered sage leaf. "But just take the counterfactual. We say, ‘OK, it’s fine and we don’t do anything.’ I bet that we would already have had far more cases in Singapore, the UK, Germany. Let’s not forget, we are already well over 1,000 deaths. That’s not a detail."

The interview took place on Feb. 13, which means that since Piot made these comments, 1,500 more people have died, and serious outbreaks have emerged in Iran, South Korea and Italy. Saudi Arabia has halted pilgrimages to Mecca, and Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has asked all schools in the country to close....

With all this in mind, the "big question", as Piot sees it, is how many will ultimately be infected.

"Now, let’s say, the mortality rate is 1 per cent. So, the big question is, how many people will get infected? Are we talking about hundreds of thousands or millions? Now 1 per cent of one million is 10,000; that’s 10,000 people who will die," he says.

"It’s clearly not Sars," he continues, referring to severe acute respiratory syndrome, which killed nearly one in 10 who contracted it 17 years ago. "That’s the good news. But the bad news is, it spreads much faster. The Sars virus sits deep in your lungs. With this virus, it seems that it’s in your throat and that’s why it’s far more contagious."​

But since there is no vaccine, Piot pointed out that if it things do get bad, we're screwed, since we only have "medieval" methods of containment at our disposal.

"Secondly, we have no vaccine. All we have is medieval ways of containment: isolation, quarantine, contact tracing."

Piot then offered an interesting comparison to the AIDS outbreak. He recalls that, back in 1981, when the first AIDS cases were discovered among six or seven gay men in California, nobody expected it to go on to infect 75 million people.

In situations like this, he adds, it's always better to overreact than to dismiss the threat.

Piot remembers hearing about the first cases of a mysterious virus in Los Angeles in 1981. "The first report of HIV was six or seven gay men in California. Cumulatively, now we have, like, 75m people who have been infected. Who would have thought that then? Nobody. I’d rather be accused of overreacting than of not doing my job."​
66 cases in the US, 44 of them from one cruise ship. No fatalities.

Doesn’t seem we should panic.
If you look at that John Hopkins map indicating all of the cases of the virus, all of the cases in the U.S. are along the border perimeter that people refer to as a so-called 100 mile constitution-free paperz pleez zone.



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