Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

Reuters. yanked thier report of the frogs treating covid cases in dec

French scientists have identified the earliest-known case of COVID-19 in the nation: a patient who was treated in a hospital near Paris in December, an indication that the virus has been spreading across the world for far longer than had previously been known.

The doctors from the Groupe Hospitalier Paris Seine in Saint-Denis said a sample taken from a 42-year-old fishmonger, admitted to the emergency room on Dec. 27, had tested positive for the coronavirus.

The man reported coughing up blood, a headache and a fever. He was eventually admitted to the intensive care unit, though he recovered and was discharged on Dec. 29.

The discovery dramatically alters the timeline of the coronavirus, which has been responsible for more than 3.5 million confirmed COVID-19 cases around the world, including 169,000 in France, as well as more than a quarter-million deaths. The man's admission to the hospital came four days before the first reports of a cluster of unusual pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the outbreak.

The earlier date means it is likely the coronavirus had been spreading around the globe for weeks or months before it was identified by Chinese scientists in the cluster of abnormal pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

One from cbs

New woodpile with a link to sumthin I already posted backs few pages

All links highlighted

Peter Grant at Bayou Renaissance Man mentions the unmentionable in his essay, Bailing out the states: the momentum and the prospect for violence builds. Excerpts:

If their residents find that government largesse is no longer flowing; and if they believe that they're entitled to such largesse; then they're going to get out of control and try to take what they want. The results are likely to be catastrophic for law and order, and civil society.
I think the ordinary people of America realize this. After all, that's why they bought more guns in March than any other month in previous US history. They're getting ready to defend what's theirs—and I believe they're right in anticipating the need to do so...
You want to know why my friends want me to upgrade their rifles? You want to know why I've been warning about COVID-19 as a threat to personal security, and suggesting ways to keep your shooting skills honed, even during the lockdown? ... Look no further.

Aesop does some "napkin math", urges we all calm down, and makes recommendations, at Raconteur Report. Excerpts:
An endless total lockdown kills healthcare by giving them no patients. No lockdown kills it by giving them too many. Both extremes kill healthcare for everyone. Something between those two extremes is therefore called for...
We also know that the virus dies outside on warm sunny days in less time than a Superbowl commercial break. So the places we should be opening, weather permitting, are parks, beaches, golf courses, pools, etc...
So what we should be aiming for is picking out a sensible middle ground of getting ourselves out of this mess, while pushing as few people into the woodchipper along the way as is reasonably possible. Wearing a face mask in public and maintaining some distance between people in public, while continuing to find better ways to treat the most seriously infected by this virus, is a great part of that. It's also no great social burden.

John Wilder looks at the downside of cheap oil, at Wilder, Wealthy and Wise. Excerpts:
The oil demand collapse will last for years, and will be in tandem with the economy. My bet? At least five years, if not a decade. A slowly moving economy doesn’t need as much fuel since you don’t have the money to drive, anyway...
But what happens when things start to get better, people start to drive more, and economies around the world begin to try growing again? All the drilling rigs are put up. All the drillers are doing other things. The companies that used to drill and frack the shale are gone.

James Dakin at Bison Prepper emphasizes and repeats the bedrock of preparing—food. Excerpts:
You need food security, and you need it now. The guns and ammo are only there to protect your food. No one prolongs the lock down as food is destroyed rather than shipped and processed, no one, unless they are trying to hurt you...
Buy food. Do it now, and stop playing with all the other Prepper Toys. Stock that crap deep. This won't be over anytime soon. I still think you need to buy and preferably move to junk land. If the food distribution chains are failing, why would you think the economic system will stay in place? That means no job, ever again, to pay rent.

Anthony Davies and James Harrigan at the Foundation for Economic Education say, "in times of crisis, people want someone to do something, and don’t want to hear about tradeoffs".
Our daily actions prove that none of us believes that “if it saves just one life” is a reasonable basis for making decisions. Yet, when a threat like the coronavirus emerges, we go looking for an imaginary cure that will save lives without tradeoffs...
The uncomfortable truth is that no policy can save lives; it can only trade lives. Good policies result in a net positive tradeoff. But we have no idea whether the tradeoff is a net positive until we take a sober look at the cost of saving lives. And we can’t do that until we stop with the “if it saves just one life” nonsense.

From Zero Hedge:
April is slated to be the worst month on record for U.S. auto sales. Edmunds forecasts that just 633,260 new cars and trucks will be sold in the U.S. for an estimated seasonally adjusted annual rate of 7.7 million. This reflects a 52.5% decrease in sales from April 2019, and a 36.6% decrease from March 2020.

The Z Man reminds us the left is "A Racket, A Cult And A Corporation". Excerpts:
Ideologues do not need a practical motive like money or power. In fact, worldly goods are not motives for ideologues. Rather, they are means to an end. The ideologue seeks power and influence in order to advance his agenda, which often just means crushing his opponents...
One fanatic willing to report a close friend for unapproved thoughts is worth ten thousand police. Once no one could be sure of even their closest relationships, no one dares speak out.
This is what we see with the West. When the state, in the case of Europe, or Big Tech, in the case of America, declares someone a heretic, it is with the assumption that the auxiliary volunteer army of fanatics will take over the policing.
The reason for the high death rate was explained, in part.

But, even without that, they seem happy to risk it and not live in fear.

Go hid in your mothers basement if you are that worried, but fuck you for locking the rest of us down.

Got that...fuck you and anyone who looks like you.

Explain it to you...don't need to. It's all there for you to see. By all appeareances they have peaked.

So, they are doing well.

And active cases are actually declining. Wish we could say that.

As for mitigating population density.....I've simply asked if New York is going to try anything or if they are going to to continue to die. Simple question. If I lived there....I sure as fuck would be trying to get out.

They had another "better day". But others in the Northeast picked up the slack to keep our numbers at the top.


That's it? THAT was the best you could come up with? People are dying over there in Sweden. More people are dying there, per capita, than just about every other nation in the world. How fucking stupid do you have to be to somehow think they're doing good?

If you're not a retard, you might see that deaths are bad. Sweden has a lot of deaths. Sweden is doing bad. There you go. How fucking hard is that?

The numbers are right there for everyone to see. Deal with it, moron.

Sweden has one of the worst death rates in the world.

I honestly have no idea why anyone without severe brain damage would brag about how they have handled this.

Why don't you write the WHO and tell them. They have praised Sweden for their handling of this.

Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and look at the actual numbers. They have one of the worst death rates in the world. How in the flying fuck are you THAT stupid that you look at their death rate and think that they're doing great? Go ahead and explain that one to us.

The numbers are right there for everyone to see. Deal with it.

And while you're at it, go ahead and explain to us how you plan on mitigating the high population density of New York City. You never got around to that one either.

The reason for the high death rate was explained, in part.

But, even without that, they seem happy to risk it and not live in fear.

Go hid in your mothers basement if you are that worried, but fuck you for locking the rest of us down.

Got that...fuck you and anyone who looks like you.

Explain it to you...don't need to. It's all there for you to see. By all appeareances they have peaked.

View attachment 332585

So, they are doing well.

And active cases are actually declining. Wish we could say that.

As for mitigating population density.....I've simply asked if New York is going to try anything or if they are going to to continue to die. Simple question. If I lived there....I sure as fuck would be trying to get out.

They had another "better day". But others in the Northeast picked up the slack to keep our numbers at the top.


The only Dumbshits are those that are willing to AID the pandemic by becoming willing hosts for it to spread through their behavior of refusing to lockdown and social distance. The spring breakers who crowded in beaches in Florida are regarded as idiots, spreaders and killers for what they did and rightly so.

Anyone unwilling to lockdown or social distance should ask themselves how many people they will sicken and kill because of their behavior. Isolation is what stops this virus from spreading and killing people. People unwilling to isolate are helping the virus destroy the country and the planet. They are traitors to their communities, their country, and the human race.

Oh and by the way, only four EU countries now have a greater infection rate per capita than the United States. Luxembourg, Belgium, Spain and Ireland. Your whole idea that the Trump was doing better than the 27 countries of the EU with regard to this pandemic has gone up in smoke completely.

How many times are you going to repeat this.

We are opening up.

Deal with it.
The reason for the high death rate was explained, in part.

But, even without that, they seem happy to risk it and not live in fear.

Go hid in your mothers basement if you are that worried, but fuck you for locking the rest of us down.

Got that...fuck you and anyone who looks like you.

Explain it to you...don't need to. It's all there for you to see. By all appeareances they have peaked.

So, they are doing well.

And active cases are actually declining. Wish we could say that.

As for mitigating population density.....I've simply asked if New York is going to try anything or if they are going to to continue to die. Simple question. If I lived there....I sure as fuck would be trying to get out.

They had another "better day". But others in the Northeast picked up the slack to keep our numbers at the top.


That's it? THAT was the best you could come up with? People are dying over there in Sweden. More people are dying there, per capita, than just about every other nation in the world. How fucking stupid do you have to be to somehow think they're doing good?

If you're not a retard, you might see that deaths are bad. Sweden has a lot of deaths. Sweden is doing bad. There you go. How fucking hard is that?

The numbers are right there for everyone to see. Deal with it, moron.

View attachment 332618

I don't need to deal with anything.

I value my freedom over the stupidity of hiding from a bug.

Spare me the typical left wing lectures.

Sweden never closed down. They made some big mistakes. They are now on the downward....unless you didn't read the graph which you didn't respond to because it might not fit your narrative.
Wonder where the Trump haters are with regards to population density.

New York is posting better numbers. New Jersey is now dying faster. Philly has jumped in the race for the lead.

So, New York will continue to act dense and die at rate such that South Dakota will never catch them because they' ll run out of live bodies.
The reason for the high death rate was explained, in part.

But, even without that, they seem happy to risk it and not live in fear.

Go hid in your mothers basement if you are that worried, but fuck you for locking the rest of us down.

Got that...fuck you and anyone who looks like you.

Explain it to you...don't need to. It's all there for you to see. By all appeareances they have peaked.

So, they are doing well.

And active cases are actually declining. Wish we could say that.

As for mitigating population density.....I've simply asked if New York is going to try anything or if they are going to to continue to die. Simple question. If I lived there....I sure as fuck would be trying to get out.

They had another "better day". But others in the Northeast picked up the slack to keep our numbers at the top.


That's it? THAT was the best you could come up with? People are dying over there in Sweden. More people are dying there, per capita, than just about every other nation in the world. How fucking stupid do you have to be to somehow think they're doing good?

If you're not a retard, you might see that deaths are bad. Sweden has a lot of deaths. Sweden is doing bad. There you go. How fucking hard is that?

The numbers are right there for everyone to see. Deal with it, moron.

View attachment 332618

I don't need to deal with anything.

I value my freedom over the stupidity of hiding from a bug.

Spare me the typical left wing lectures.

Sweden never closed down. They made some big mistakes. They are now on the downward....unless you didn't read the graph which you didn't respond to because it might not fit your narrative.

Right. They are downward in active cases, which is good.

They are still one of the worst countries in the world in terms of death rates, which you still haven't figured out, is bad.

That's kind of what they're trying to prevent - people dying. And they've done a terrible job of that compared to just about every other nation in the world. Your dumb ass looks at their high death rate and thinks they're doing great, probably because you have severe brain damage. At least that's the only possible explanation I have for you.

The numbers don't lie. Deal with it.
Wonder where the Trump haters are with regards to population density.

New York is posting better numbers. New Jersey is now dying faster. Philly has jumped in the race for the lead.

So, New York will continue to act dense and die at rate such that South Dakota will never catch them because they' ll run out of live bodies.

Maybe we should mitigate population density...somehow.

End-of-day totals for May 5. Russia and Brazil still #s 2 and 3 in new cases discovered but Peru is #5 for the day.
US still leads them all with more than double any other country.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

Wonder where the Trump haters are with regards to population density.

New York is posting better numbers. New Jersey is now dying faster. Philly has jumped in the race for the lead.

So, New York will continue to act dense and die at rate such that South Dakota will never catch them because they' ll run out of live bodies.

Maybe we should mitigate population density...somehow.


Maybe not.....if high density areas want to continue business as usual, that is their business.

They don't seem to think dying is such a big deal.
The reason for the high death rate was explained, in part.

But, even without that, they seem happy to risk it and not live in fear.

Go hid in your mothers basement if you are that worried, but fuck you for locking the rest of us down.

Got that...fuck you and anyone who looks like you.

Explain it to you...don't need to. It's all there for you to see. By all appeareances they have peaked.

So, they are doing well.

And active cases are actually declining. Wish we could say that.

As for mitigating population density.....I've simply asked if New York is going to try anything or if they are going to to continue to die. Simple question. If I lived there....I sure as fuck would be trying to get out.

They had another "better day". But others in the Northeast picked up the slack to keep our numbers at the top.


That's it? THAT was the best you could come up with? People are dying over there in Sweden. More people are dying there, per capita, than just about every other nation in the world. How fucking stupid do you have to be to somehow think they're doing good?

If you're not a retard, you might see that deaths are bad. Sweden has a lot of deaths. Sweden is doing bad. There you go. How fucking hard is that?

The numbers are right there for everyone to see. Deal with it, moron.

View attachment 332618

I don't need to deal with anything.

I value my freedom over the stupidity of hiding from a bug.

Spare me the typical left wing lectures.

Sweden never closed down. They made some big mistakes. They are now on the downward....unless you didn't read the graph which you didn't respond to because it might not fit your narrative.

Right. They are downward in active cases, which is good.

They are still one of the worst countries in the world in terms of death rates, which you still haven't figured out, is bad.

That's kind of what they're trying to prevent - people dying. And they've done a terrible job of that compared to just about every other nation in the world. Your dumb ass looks at their high death rate and thinks they're doing great, probably because you have severe brain damage. At least that's the only possible explanation I have for you.

The numbers don't lie. Deal with it.

Fuck you.

You can squawk all you want about the "death rate" and somebody might actually give a shit about what you have to say.

Sweden obviously doesn't. What do they know that you don't know ?
The reason for the high death rate was explained, in part.

But, even without that, they seem happy to risk it and not live in fear.

Go hid in your mothers basement if you are that worried, but fuck you for locking the rest of us down.

Got that...fuck you and anyone who looks like you.

Explain it to you...don't need to. It's all there for you to see. By all appeareances they have peaked.

So, they are doing well.

And active cases are actually declining. Wish we could say that.

As for mitigating population density.....I've simply asked if New York is going to try anything or if they are going to to continue to die. Simple question. If I lived there....I sure as fuck would be trying to get out.

They had another "better day". But others in the Northeast picked up the slack to keep our numbers at the top.


That's it? THAT was the best you could come up with? People are dying over there in Sweden. More people are dying there, per capita, than just about every other nation in the world. How fucking stupid do you have to be to somehow think they're doing good?

If you're not a retard, you might see that deaths are bad. Sweden has a lot of deaths. Sweden is doing bad. There you go. How fucking hard is that?

The numbers are right there for everyone to see. Deal with it, moron.

View attachment 332618

I don't need to deal with anything.

I value my freedom over the stupidity of hiding from a bug.

Spare me the typical left wing lectures.

Sweden never closed down. They made some big mistakes. They are now on the downward....unless you didn't read the graph which you didn't respond to because it might not fit your narrative.

Right. They are downward in active cases, which is good.

They are still one of the worst countries in the world in terms of death rates, which you still haven't figured out, is bad.

That's kind of what they're trying to prevent - people dying. And they've done a terrible job of that compared to just about every other nation in the world. Your dumb ass looks at their high death rate and thinks they're doing great, probably because you have severe brain damage. At least that's the only possible explanation I have for you.

The numbers don't lie. Deal with it.

Fuck you.

You can squawk all you want about the "death rate" and somebody might actually give a shit about what you have to say.

Sweden obviously doesn't. What do they know that you don't know ?

Yea, Sweden is doing great! You know, as long as you ignore all the people dying there.

You're a fucking idiot.
Wonder where the Trump haters are with regards to population density.

New York is posting better numbers. New Jersey is now dying faster. Philly has jumped in the race for the lead.

So, New York will continue to act dense and die at rate such that South Dakota will never catch them because they' ll run out of live bodies.

Maybe we should mitigate population density...somehow.


Maybe not.....if high density areas want to continue business as usual, that is their business.

They don't seem to think dying is such a big deal.

You're the one who doesn't seem to think dying is such a big deal. You think Sweden is doing great. Like that makes perfect sense. Because who cares about "death rates", right?

Facts are facts. Deal with it.
Democrats scratched their heads and complained. So what else is new?


'Live and Let Die' blasts as Trump visits mask factory

"As President Trump toured an N95 mask manufacturing plant in Phoenix on Tuesday, his visit through the facility was accompanied by a head-scratching musical soundtrack: the Paul McCartney-penned “Live and Let Die,” as performed by Guns 'N Roses.

The president and his entourage were touring a Honeywell factory that produces the masks, worn by medical workers to protect them from breathing in the deadly COVID-19 virus. Standing next to a green bin filled with hundreds of masks, a notably un-face-masked Trump watched an employee work as the music segued from the Animals' "House of the Rising Sun" into the song McCartney wrote and recorded for the James Bond film of the same name."

This is why Guns N'Roses were playing one of my movie theme songs, Live and Let Die, when POTUS DJT was touring the mask factory. It's not about I live and they die that the Democrats like to complain about. It's about...

Most people think...

"Its a song about how good things come and go and you just have to expect that move on."

I mean that's okay, but that is something so one would keep a good attitude. And a good attitude is good. You don't want to keep complaining and get over it.

"When you are young you think you can just strive for good life without hurting other peoples chances to do the same.

But as you grow older, you realise that in reality (due to limited amount of resources etc) what you gain is always away from other people and you are in fact competing for things. For example if one gets a job that means he/she got it OVER all the other people that didn't get so lucky.

So no, this song is not about killing. The message is that in order to get where you want, you have to stop feeling bad for the other people that tried and failed and be happy for your own success."

Live and let live is what the Democrats preach. It means "an idiom in which expresses the idea that all should be able to live their lives in the manner they want to, regardless of what others may think of them." However, when people do not end up getting things equally, then they're not happy about it. They have to resort to socialism and it's not fair as the ones who work hard and think smart and come up with ideas and things that other people want do not get rewarded. Instead, they take away from these people who became rich and and the Dems want give to those who have not worked that hard. They just lived and let live. Thus, America, it's okay to "Live and Let Die" as the James Bond movie states because we have POTUS Donald J. Trump now.

ETA: If the Dems still do not get it, it means POTUS DJT just gave socialism the giant finger :finger3: .
Serious/critical under 16,000 for first time in a long time and that category now down to 1.6% of all positive cases.
So we are STILL in panic shutdown over a 0.1% fatality rate for all the public and a 1.6% serious/critical for those with a positive response, the other 98. 4% of infecteds either never knew or had sniffles for a few days or were moderately ill.
These are the facts we should be operating from but MSM and liberal health freaks will discredit those facts from being accepted by the public
Test like damn fools if you wish, hysterically chasing the worst case boogeyman which has simply Never Existed and will not, while the true numbers continue to reveal themselves but can’t penetrate the abandonment of fact and reality currently imposed upon us.
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Meanwhile, food is going to be scarce. Funny, and not haha funny, how all of a sudden this "flu" affects meat/poultry industries. I thought those who worked in them had to wear PPE and other protective gear what with all the blood and bacteria flying around as animals are slaughtered. Now they are at risk of catching covid? How? Did they stop wearing protective gear or is this just another excuse to cause fear and hoarding?
The coronavirus is a highly contagious respiratory virus, more so than the flu and is transmitted between humans with no scientific evidence that it can be transmitted from livestock to humans. The common diseases in meat packing include Leptospirosis, Campylobacter, Salmonella,and Cryptosporidium, all bacteria infections. Protective gear for plant workers typically includes head covering, gloves, and aprons. Masks may or may not be worn depending on plant rules. In general, there are lots occasional safety measures in place in meat packing plants but since, highly contagious virus spread through air has not been a major problem, little or nothing has been done in the past to protect workers.

The problem the meat packing industry has is providing distances between workers. Most workers work almost shoulder with each other. If the plants put a 6 foot distance between each work, either the size of plants would have to be increased are the number workers and output reduced by at least one half of what it is now.
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Looks like for first time serious/critical decreased from Friday to Saturday by 7. That could be the beginning of huge improvements. Deaths do take people off the list but that has been the case all along and the numbers never decreased.
I fail to see how there will be any serious improvement this summer with the increase in contact between people. At the very best, the numbers stay where they are. There were only 9 deaths in the US two months ago and the number today is pushing 70,000. That tells me there is a hell of a lot more of the virus going around today looking for hosts than there were then and with the opening up of the country, there is going to be a lot of available hosts. Although I don't see any way to avoid opening up the economy, it surely is going send the number skyrocketing by the end of summer.
Except we’ve been locked down for over a month and before that everyone mingled like normal so between the two and with the time that has passes every host that had it mostly mildly passed it on the every other possible host who also mostly had it mildly. Anybody that could host already has so it’s time to stop nervously peeking around the corner for the next boogeyman and live like free people
If we don't open the country, we will have riots, starvation, marshal law, and the worst depression the country has ever seen.

No one is starving and essential services in terms of food production and distribution, except for sitting at a restaurant, has continued as if nothing has happened. People are not going to riot about not going to the movies, concerts, sporting events, sitting at a restaurant, going to a bar, night club, church etc. 37% of the labor force is able to do their jobs without leaving their house. That's the nature of work and technology in 2020. Another 25% of the labor force is still going into work because they are involved in essential services. Its really only 1/3 of the labor force who need to stay home and can't work from home where the concern would be. That can be handled if the government provides that part of the labor force financial assistance for the next couple of years. The United States will see depression level economic numbers for a couple of years, but a decade of depression in the 1930s did not produce riots, starvation and marshal law, and I seriously doubt its going to do that in 2020. You will continue to see the usual absurd anti government protest, largely by male gun toting fools. But that's about it. The vast majority of people support the lockdowns and don't want to go back to business as usual until SCIENCE proves that it is safe to do so.
Of course no one is starving now or rioting because people see this as temporary. However, it this temporary becomes the new norm, society will tear itself apart. The government can not continue to support the growing millions of people out of work and growing number of businesses that are failing. Opening up the country is not really an option, we have to do it. However, we have to realize that when we do the number of new cases and deaths are going to rise as people become more relaxed with social distancing, masks, and workplace restrictions. I expect by the Fall we will have schools open and sporting events and concerts bring millions of people into very close contact and with it tens of thousands of new cases a day and the resulting deaths. As Fauci explained, if you have procedures that reduces the rate of increase of new cases and you stop those procedures, then you're going to have an increasing rate of new cases. It's not rocket science. I wonder how the country is going to handle a second wave in the Fall and winter months. I doubt people and businesses are going to be as cooperative as they were this Spring.

Opinion polls show that 60% to 80% of people across the country support the lockdowns and restrictions. The government can continue to support the 1/3 of the labor force that is not able to work. It was the Government spending that kept the United States going from 1930 to 1945, for 15 years. The country is far wealthier today than it was in the 1930s and 1940s, so the ability of the government to support a lockdown is even greater.

More importantly, opening a stadium, arena, restaurant, gym, or some particular non-essential store, does not mean people are going to run out and go to those things. Consumers decide whether any opening will make money, and if the consumer decides its NOT SAFE, the business can open, but they are not going to turn a profit.

As for next fall and winter, I don't think things are going to be very open unless its been proven to be safe. If infections and deaths sky rocket, people will hunker down again. Most people support the lockdowns and they will indeed hunker down after opening up, if it proves not to be safe.

Fighting this pandemic is not going to be a sprint, its going to be marathon.
I agree with a number of your statement however, I do not agree that governments can continue spending at the current rate, primarily to support failing businesses and out of work workers. In just three months the federal government has added 3 trillion dollars to the debt and state and local governments are down a trillion dollars. 5 states could probably declare bankruptcy now and there's another dozen that aren't far behind. Trump and the pharmaceutical companies seeking finances to develop vaccines and antivirals have been pushing the idea that a vaccine will be developed, tested and available by the end of this year. Even if a vaccine is proven to work by end of the year, the manufacturing, distribution, and inoculation of 330 million Americans will take at least a year, probably a lot longer since most the worlds 8 billion people are going to be seeking that vaccine. In other worlds, I think we are looking at two years of a new norm which will be opening and closing of businesses, reduced hours of operation, large gathering of people curtained, and high employment. I expect the number of US deaths to exceed 500,000. And that's provide we get a vaccine.

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