Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

Looks like for first time serious/critical decreased from Friday to Saturday by 7. That could be the beginning of huge improvements. Deaths do take people off the list but that has been the case all along and the numbers never decreased.
I fail to see how there will be any serious improvement this summer with the increase in contact between people. At the very best, the numbers stay where they are. There were only 9 deaths in the US two months ago and the number today is pushing 70,000. That tells me there is a hell of a lot more of the virus going around today looking for hosts than there were then and with the opening up of the country, there is going to be a lot of available hosts. Although I don't see any way to avoid opening up the economy, it surely is going send the number skyrocketing by the end of summer.
Except we’ve been locked down for over a month and before that everyone mingled like normal so between the two and with the time that has passes every host that had it mostly mildly passed it on the every other possible host who also mostly had it mildly. Anybody that could host already has so it’s time to stop nervously peeking around the corner for the next boogeyman and live like free people
If we don't open the country, we will have riots, starvation, marshal law, and the worst depression the country has ever seen.

No one is starving and essential services in terms of food production and distribution, except for sitting at a restaurant, has continued as if nothing has happened. People are not going to riot about not going to the movies, concerts, sporting events, sitting at a restaurant, going to a bar, night club, church etc. 37% of the labor force is able to do their jobs without leaving their house. That's the nature of work and technology in 2020. Another 25% of the labor force is still going into work because they are involved in essential services. Its really only 1/3 of the labor force who need to stay home and can't work from home where the concern would be. That can be handled if the government provides that part of the labor force financial assistance for the next couple of years. The United States will see depression level economic numbers for a couple of years, but a decade of depression in the 1930s did not produce riots, starvation and marshal law, and I seriously doubt its going to do that in 2020. You will continue to see the usual absurd anti government protest, largely by male gun toting fools. But that's about it. The vast majority of people support the lockdowns and don't want to go back to business as usual until SCIENCE proves that it is safe to do so.
Sweden underreports over the weekend and then spikes to 90 on Monday.

The overall trend has peaked and is now declining.

Looks like there is no crazy spread there.

Good job Sweden.

And you have not had to put up with this fucking bullshit lockdown.

At least 2,769 people dead in Sweden from coronavirus. Could be higher. 9th largest per capita level of death in the world from coronavirus. Sweden gets a big fat F in protecting their population from this pandemic.
Funny how there are no mass deaths or hospital rooms overflowing with thousands of homeless people from their tent cities.
Sweden underreports over the weekend and then spikes to 90 on Monday.

The overall trend has peaked and is now declining.

Looks like there is no crazy spread there.

Good job Sweden.

And you have not had to put up with this fucking bullshit lockdown.

At least 2,769 people dead in Sweden from coronavirus. Could be higher. 9th largest per capita level of death in the world from coronavirus. Sweden gets a big fat F in protecting their population from this pandemic.

A++++They have total immunity while everyone else is going to get it sooner or later. Sweden is great.
According to this article, the CDC and FEMA have new models that project that by June 1, 2020, there will be 200,000 confirmed cases EACH DAY and 3,000 deaths, EACH DAY. Here I was hoping we would be under a 1,000 deaths a day and 10,000 infections each day by then. We'll know the truth in 4 weeks. This makes it sound like June will be the worst month yet and what will July be like? When is the peak? The flattening of the curve? How about going down the other side of the peak and leveling off to only a few cases and deaths per day?

Here is the link: Coronavirus Live Updates: Trump Administration Models Predict Near Doubling of Daily Death Toll by June

This makes it seem like the first wave will be much longer than was originally believed. It makes opening up now which some states are doing even more crazy. Do we wanna see 6,000 deaths a day by July?

By June TAIWAN will possibly be enjoying an environment with ZERO active cases and only 6 deaths from this pandemic. The United States will be on its way to being the #1 nation in per capita deaths and per capita infections on the planet from Covid-19, with no end in sight. That is, if this model from the CDC is correct.
Luckily this is just a projection....I do hope the CDC and the FEMA are wrong :(
I've heard somebody said viruses hates hot weather. Maybe in June or July deaths and infections will decrease :)
Sweden underreports over the weekend and then spikes to 90 on Monday.

The overall trend has peaked and is now declining.

Looks like there is no crazy spread there.

Good job Sweden.

And you have not had to put up with this fucking bullshit lockdown.

At least 2,769 people dead in Sweden from coronavirus. Could be higher. 9th largest per capita level of death in the world from coronavirus. Sweden gets a big fat F in protecting their population from this pandemic.

A++++They have total immunity while everyone else is going to get it sooner or later. Sweden is great.

1. There is actually no proof yet that getting the virus confers any sort of immunity.
2. If Sweden had total immunity, they would not have the 9th highest number of deaths per capita in the world.
3. Even in the 1918 pandemic, only 1/3 of the worlds population got infected.

TAIWAN was the most exposed country to the pandemic outside of China. TAIWAN only has 438 infections. Taiwan averages about 1 new infection per week. When do you predict the other 23,999,562 people of TAIWAN will become infected?

The fact is, at the current rate of infection in TAIWAN, over 99% of the population will be able to live their entire lives without ever becoming infected. An infection rate of 1 per week, would only produce 5,200 infections after 100 years.
Sweden underreports over the weekend and then spikes to 90 on Monday.

The overall trend has peaked and is now declining.

Looks like there is no crazy spread there.

Good job Sweden.

And you have not had to put up with this fucking bullshit lockdown.

At least 2,769 people dead in Sweden from coronavirus. Could be higher. 9th largest per capita level of death in the world from coronavirus. Sweden gets a big fat F in protecting their population from this pandemic.

They've peaked according to their data.

Who the fuck do you think you are ?

Oh yeah...someone who believes in science....your science.

Sweden screwed up with regards to their old folks homes (1 in 3 deaths). You know nothing about the rest.

And they are likely way ahead of us in immunity.

Go hide in your basement.
Sweden underreports over the weekend and then spikes to 90 on Monday.

The overall trend has peaked and is now declining.

Looks like there is no crazy spread there.

Good job Sweden.

And you have not had to put up with this fucking bullshit lockdown.

At least 2,769 people dead in Sweden from coronavirus. Could be higher. 9th largest per capita level of death in the world from coronavirus. Sweden gets a big fat F in protecting their population from this pandemic.

A++++They have total immunity while everyone else is going to get it sooner or later. Sweden is great.

1. There is actually no proof yet that getting the virus confers any sort of immunity.
2. If Sweden had total immunity, they would not have the 9th highest number of deaths per capita in the world.
3. Even in the 1918 pandemic, only 1/3 of the worlds population got infected.

TAIWAN was the most exposed country to the pandemic outside of China. TAIWAN only has 438 infections. Taiwan averages about 1 new infection per week. When do you predict the other 23,999,562 people of TAIWAN will become infected?

The fact is, at the current rate of infection in TAIWAN, over 99% of the population will be able to live their entire lives without ever becoming infected. An infection rate of 1 per week, would only produce 5,200 infections after 100 years.

When they open up, they'll get it.

Please don't tell me you are stupid enough to think that won't happen.
Looks like for first time serious/critical decreased from Friday to Saturday by 7. That could be the beginning of huge improvements. Deaths do take people off the list but that has been the case all along and the numbers never decreased.
I fail to see how there will be any serious improvement this summer with the increase in contact between people. At the very best, the numbers stay where they are. There were only 9 deaths in the US two months ago and the number today is pushing 70,000. That tells me there is a hell of a lot more of the virus going around today looking for hosts than there were then and with the opening up of the country, there is going to be a lot of available hosts. Although I don't see any way to avoid opening up the economy, it surely is going send the number skyrocketing by the end of summer.
Except we’ve been locked down for over a month and before that everyone mingled like normal so between the two and with the time that has passes every host that had it mostly mildly passed it on the every other possible host who also mostly had it mildly. Anybody that could host already has so it’s time to stop nervously peeking around the corner for the next boogeyman and live like free people
If we don't open the country, we will have riots, starvation, marshal law, and the worst depression the country has ever seen.

No one is starving and essential services in terms of food production and distribution, except for sitting at a restaurant, has continued as if nothing has happened. People are not going to riot about not going to the movies, concerts, sporting events, sitting at a restaurant, going to a bar, night club, church etc. 37% of the labor force is able to do their jobs without leaving their house. That's the nature of work and technology in 2020. Another 25% of the labor force is still going into work because they are involved in essential services. Its really only 1/3 of the labor force who need to stay home and can't work from home where the concern would be. That can be handled if the government provides that part of the labor force financial assistance for the next couple of years. The United States will see depression level economic numbers for a couple of years, but a decade of depression in the 1930s did not produce riots, starvation and marshal law, and I seriously doubt its going to do that in 2020. You will continue to see the usual absurd anti government protest, largely by male gun toting fools. But that's about it. The vast majority of people support the lockdowns and don't want to go back to business as usual until SCIENCE proves that it is safe to do so.

You are full of shit.

A vast majority of people never locked down.
Sweden has one of the worst death rates in the world.

I honestly have no idea why anyone without severe brain damage would brag about how they have handled this.
Looks like for first time serious/critical decreased from Friday to Saturday by 7. That could be the beginning of huge improvements. Deaths do take people off the list but that has been the case all along and the numbers never decreased.
I fail to see how there will be any serious improvement this summer with the increase in contact between people. At the very best, the numbers stay where they are. There were only 9 deaths in the US two months ago and the number today is pushing 70,000. That tells me there is a hell of a lot more of the virus going around today looking for hosts than there were then and with the opening up of the country, there is going to be a lot of available hosts. Although I don't see any way to avoid opening up the economy, it surely is going send the number skyrocketing by the end of summer.
Except we’ve been locked down for over a month and before that everyone mingled like normal so between the two and with the time that has passes every host that had it mostly mildly passed it on the every other possible host who also mostly had it mildly. Anybody that could host already has so it’s time to stop nervously peeking around the corner for the next boogeyman and live like free people
If we don't open the country, we will have riots, starvation, marshal law, and the worst depression the country has ever seen.

No one is starving and essential services in terms of food production and distribution, except for sitting at a restaurant, has continued as if nothing has happened. People are not going to riot about not going to the movies, concerts, sporting events, sitting at a restaurant, going to a bar, night club, church etc. 37% of the labor force is able to do their jobs without leaving their house. That's the nature of work and technology in 2020. Another 25% of the labor force is still going into work because they are involved in essential services. Its really only 1/3 of the labor force who need to stay home and can't work from home where the concern would be. That can be handled if the government provides that part of the labor force financial assistance for the next couple of years. The United States will see depression level economic numbers for a couple of years, but a decade of depression in the 1930s did not produce riots, starvation and marshal law, and I seriously doubt its going to do that in 2020. You will continue to see the usual absurd anti government protest, largely by male gun toting fools. But that's about it. The vast majority of people support the lockdowns and don't want to go back to business as usual until SCIENCE proves that it is safe to do so.
Of course no one is starving now or rioting because people see this as temporary. However, it this temporary becomes the new norm, society will tear itself apart. The government can not continue to support the growing millions of people out of work and growing number of businesses that are failing. Opening up the country is not really an option, we have to do it. However, we have to realize that when we do the number of new cases and deaths are going to rise as people become more relaxed with social distancing, masks, and workplace restrictions. I expect by the Fall we will have schools open and sporting events and concerts bring millions of people into very close contact and with it tens of thousands of new cases a day and the resulting deaths. As Fauci explained, if you have procedures that reduces the rate of increase of new cases and you stop those procedures, then you're going to have an increasing rate of new cases. It's not rocket science. I wonder how the country is going to handle a second wave in the Fall and winter months. I doubt people and businesses are going to be as cooperative as they were this Spring.
Meanwhile, food is going to be scarce. Funny, and not haha funny, how all of a sudden this "flu" affects meat/poultry industries. I thought those who worked in them had to wear PPE and other protective gear what with all the blood and bacteria flying around as animals are slaughtered. Now they are at risk of catching covid? How? Did they stop wearing protective gear or is this just another excuse to cause fear and hoarding?
Sweden underreports over the weekend and then spikes to 90 on Monday.

The overall trend has peaked and is now declining.

Looks like there is no crazy spread there.

Good job Sweden.

And you have not had to put up with this fucking bullshit lockdown.

At least 2,769 people dead in Sweden from coronavirus. Could be higher. 9th largest per capita level of death in the world from coronavirus. Sweden gets a big fat F in protecting their population from this pandemic.

A++++They have total immunity while everyone else is going to get it sooner or later. Sweden is great.

1. There is actually no proof yet that getting the virus confers any sort of immunity.
2. If Sweden had total immunity, they would not have the 9th highest number of deaths per capita in the world.
3. Even in the 1918 pandemic, only 1/3 of the worlds population got infected.

TAIWAN was the most exposed country to the pandemic outside of China. TAIWAN only has 438 infections. Taiwan averages about 1 new infection per week. When do you predict the other 23,999,562 people of TAIWAN will become infected?

The fact is, at the current rate of infection in TAIWAN, over 99% of the population will be able to live their entire lives without ever becoming infected. An infection rate of 1 per week, would only produce 5,200 infections after 100 years.

When they open up, they'll get it.

Please don't tell me you are stupid enough to think that won't happen.

In TAIWAN, children still go to school, and restaurants are still open. Despite being opened like this, there are still restrictions. Everyone has mask on in public. There are no large gatherings like sporting events or concerts. But much of the economy is open.

What TAIWAN has, which most of the world does not, is large team that tests and does contact tracing, in order to find and isolate the virus. This allows them to remain relatively open without having to worry about a large outbreak. Restrictions are still very high on anyone entering the country. That will remain until the virus burns itself out worldwide or vaccine is developed.

TAIWAN has saved their public health and economy while most of the rest of the world has FAILED in both regards, especially the United States. TAIWAN is not going to let go of that, because it would be to costly economically and in terms of health.

Over 99% of the population of TAIWAN will NEVER get infected. TAIWAN is the gold standard for fighting a global pandemic and if TRUMP had done what TAIWAN did on January 20, 2020, the United States would be in a similar position today.

Australia, New Zealand and South Korea are on the road to where TAIWAN is currently. More than 80% of the people in each country have recovered from the virus, and there was relatively small penetration of the virus into each country. Australia and New Zealand are doing so well, that they are considering opening travel between their two countries once they reach certain goals and conditions with regards to virus numbers. They have testing, and contact tracing capacity that will allow them to open up without risking a significant outbreak of infections.

South Korea, a country of 50 million people never had to close many things down that other countries did because they had widespread testing and contact tracing. They have been able to hold total infections below 11,000 and have held the number of deaths below 260.

The overwhelming majority of these people in these countries will never get coronavirus because the government acted EARLY unlike Donald Trump who sat around making jokes and did essentially nothing until late March when it was too late.
Sweden underreports over the weekend and then spikes to 90 on Monday.

The overall trend has peaked and is now declining.

Looks like there is no crazy spread there.

Good job Sweden.

And you have not had to put up with this fucking bullshit lockdown.

At least 2,769 people dead in Sweden from coronavirus. Could be higher. 9th largest per capita level of death in the world from coronavirus. Sweden gets a big fat F in protecting their population from this pandemic.

They've peaked according to their data.

Who the fuck do you think you are ?

Oh yeah...someone who believes in science....your science.

Sweden screwed up with regards to their old folks homes (1 in 3 deaths). You know nothing about the rest.

And they are likely way ahead of us in immunity.

Go hide in your basement.

There is no proof yet that getting infected confers immunity. Sweden has the 9th highest death rate in the world, and is the last country anyone would want to follow in terms of fighting this pandemic.

TAIWAN only has 6 deaths from this pandemic. No one in TAIWAN has died from this pandemic in a month. Oh, and TAIWAN has 24 million people compared to only 10 million for Sweden. TAIWAN also has an older population and is the 12 most densely populated country in the world. Challenges that Sweden did not have to deal with.
Sweden underreports over the weekend and then spikes to 90 on Monday.

The overall trend has peaked and is now declining.

Looks like there is no crazy spread there.

Good job Sweden.

And you have not had to put up with this fucking bullshit lockdown.

At least 2,769 people dead in Sweden from coronavirus. Could be higher. 9th largest per capita level of death in the world from coronavirus. Sweden gets a big fat F in protecting their population from this pandemic.

A++++They have total immunity while everyone else is going to get it sooner or later. Sweden is great.

1. There is actually no proof yet that getting the virus confers any sort of immunity.
2. If Sweden had total immunity, they would not have the 9th highest number of deaths per capita in the world.
3. Even in the 1918 pandemic, only 1/3 of the worlds population got infected.

TAIWAN was the most exposed country to the pandemic outside of China. TAIWAN only has 438 infections. Taiwan averages about 1 new infection per week. When do you predict the other 23,999,562 people of TAIWAN will become infected?

The fact is, at the current rate of infection in TAIWAN, over 99% of the population will be able to live their entire lives without ever becoming infected. An infection rate of 1 per week, would only produce 5,200 infections after 100 years.

When they open up, they'll get it.

Please don't tell me you are stupid enough to think that won't happen.

In TAIWAN, children still go to school, and restaurants are still open. Despite being opened like this, there are still restrictions. Everyone has mask on in public. There are no large gatherings like sporting events or concerts. But much of the economy is open.

What TAIWAN has, which most of the world does not, is large team that tests and does contact tracing, in order to find and isolate the virus. This allows them to remain relatively open without having to worry about a large outbreak. Restrictions are still very high on anyone entering the country. That will remain until the virus burns itself out worldwide or vaccine is developed.

TAIWAN has saved their public health and economy while most of the rest of the world has FAILED in both regards, especially the United States. TAIWAN is not going to let go of that, because it would be to costly economically and in terms of health.

Over 99% of the population of TAIWAN will NEVER get infected. TAIWAN is the gold standard for fighting a global pandemic and if TRUMP had done what TAIWAN did on January 20, 2020, the United States would be in a similar position today.

Australia, New Zealand and South Korea are on the road to where TAIWAN is currently. More than 80% of the people in each country have recovered from the virus, and there was relatively small penetration of the virus into each country. Australia and New Zealand are doing so well, that they are considering opening travel between their two countries once they reach certain goals and conditions with regards to virus numbers. They have testing, and contact tracing capacity that will allow them to open up without risking a significant outbreak of infections.

South Korea, a country of 50 million people never had to close many things down that other countries did because they had widespread testing and contact tracing. They have been able to hold total infections below 11,000 and have held the number of deaths below 260.

The overwhelming majority of these people in these countries will never get coronavirus because the government acted EARLY unlike Donald Trump who sat around making jokes and did essentially nothing until late March when it was too late.

They will all eventually be exposed.

You are delusional.

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