Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

Wonder where the Trump haters are with regards to population density.

New York is posting better numbers. New Jersey is now dying faster. Philly has jumped in the race for the lead.

So, New York will continue to act dense and die at rate such that South Dakota will never catch them because they' ll run out of live bodies.
New Cases in New York have been in a down trend for about two weeks. Take New York out of the picture and rest of country shows a steady up trend in new cases.

Chicago and several other cities as well as rural towns that one month ago were unscathed are suddenly hot spots for the virus. It is rampaging through nursing homes, meatpacking plants and prisons, killing the medically vulnerable and the poor, and new outbreaks keep emerging in grocery stores, Walmarts or factories, not a good sign of what a full reopening of the economy will bring.
Wonder where the Trump haters are with regards to population density.

New York is posting better numbers. New Jersey is now dying faster. Philly has jumped in the race for the lead.

So, New York will continue to act dense and die at rate such that South Dakota will never catch them because they' ll run out of live bodies.
New Cases in New York have been in a down trend for about two weeks. Take New York out of the picture and rest of country shows a steady up trend in new cases.

Chicago and several other cities as well as rural towns that one month ago were unscathed are suddenly hot spots for the virus. It is rampaging through nursing homes, meatpacking plants and prisons, killing the medically vulnerable and the poor, and new outbreaks keep emerging in grocery stores, Walmarts or factories, not a good sign of what a full reopening of the economy will bring.

And that is going to happen regardless.

This pipe dream we are to eradicate it is just that....a dream.

Our testing situation is awful.
Wonder where the Trump haters are with regards to population density.

New York is posting better numbers. New Jersey is now dying faster. Philly has jumped in the race for the lead.

So, New York will continue to act dense and die at rate such that South Dakota will never catch them because they' ll run out of live bodies.
New Cases in New York have been in a down trend for about two weeks. Take New York out of the picture and rest of country shows a steady up trend in new cases.

Chicago and several other cities as well as rural towns that one month ago were unscathed are suddenly hot spots for the virus. It is rampaging through nursing homes, meatpacking plants and prisons, killing the medically vulnerable and the poor, and new outbreaks keep emerging in grocery stores, Walmarts or factories, not a good sign of what a full reopening of the economy will bring.

And that is going to happen regardless.

This pipe dream we are to eradicate it is just that....a dream.

Our testing situation is awful.
If Trump really understood the need for testing and approached it will the zeal he has shown for blaming others for the lack of management of the epidemic, we would have plenty of testing in every state. The president sets the tone of a response to national problem in his administration and to a great extent in the states. Regardless of who's the president, he sets the course of ship of state.
Meanwhile, food is going to be scarce. Funny, and not haha funny, how all of a sudden this "flu" affects meat/poultry industries. I thought those who worked in them had to wear PPE and other protective gear what with all the blood and bacteria flying around as animals are slaughtered. Now they are at risk of catching covid? How? Did they stop wearing protective gear or is this just another excuse to cause fear and hoarding?
The coronavirus is a highly contagious respiratory virus, more so than the flu and is transmitted between humans with no scientific evidence that it can be transmitted from livestock to humans. The common diseases in meat packing include Leptospirosis, Campylobacter, Salmonella,and Cryptosporidium, all bacteria infections. Protective gear for plant workers typically includes head covering, gloves, and aprons. Masks may or may not be worn depending on plant rules. In general, there are lots occasional safety measures in place in meat packing plants but since, highly contagious virus spread through air has not been a major problem, little or nothing has been done in the past to protect workers.

The problem the meat packing industry has is providing distances between workers. Most workers work almost shoulder with each other. If the plants put a 6 foot distance between each work, either the size of plants would have to be increased are the number workers and output reduced by at least one half of what it is now.
flacaltenn ....when are we getting the INFORMATIVE button back?? Cuz this post sure needs one!
The current stats chart sorted by current "New Cases" (for the day) shows where the new activity is soaring ---
Brazil, Russia, Peru, India, Saudi Arabia are the countries where a week or two ago there was little noise. Europe is not out of the woods but they're being eclipsed. With the exception of the UK which has had a string of bad numbers. The chart goes down to Italy to demonstrate how many countries have surpassed it in current activity.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
Saudi Arabia31,938+1,687209+96,78324,9461379176389,65911,193
End of day May 6. We're on the verge of 75,000 dead and one million active cases. We have about five times as many cases as the next closest country (Spain). Tellingly we registered more than a quarter of the world's new cases today.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

Looks like for first time serious/critical decreased from Friday to Saturday by 7. That could be the beginning of huge improvements. Deaths do take people off the list but that has been the case all along and the numbers never decreased.
I fail to see how there will be any serious improvement this summer with the increase in contact between people. At the very best, the numbers stay where they are. There were only 9 deaths in the US two months ago and the number today is pushing 70,000. That tells me there is a hell of a lot more of the virus going around today looking for hosts than there were then and with the opening up of the country, there is going to be a lot of available hosts. Although I don't see any way to avoid opening up the economy, it surely is going send the number skyrocketing by the end of summer.
Except we’ve been locked down for over a month and before that everyone mingled like normal so between the two and with the time that has passes every host that had it mostly mildly passed it on the every other possible host who also mostly had it mildly. Anybody that could host already has so it’s time to stop nervously peeking around the corner for the next boogeyman and live like free people
If we don't open the country, we will have riots, starvation, marshal law, and the worst depression the country has ever seen.

No one is starving and essential services in terms of food production and distribution, except for sitting at a restaurant, has continued as if nothing has happened. People are not going to riot about not going to the movies, concerts, sporting events, sitting at a restaurant, going to a bar, night club, church etc. 37% of the labor force is able to do their jobs without leaving their house. That's the nature of work and technology in 2020. Another 25% of the labor force is still going into work because they are involved in essential services. Its really only 1/3 of the labor force who need to stay home and can't work from home where the concern would be. That can be handled if the government provides that part of the labor force financial assistance for the next couple of years. The United States will see depression level economic numbers for a couple of years, but a decade of depression in the 1930s did not produce riots, starvation and marshal law, and I seriously doubt its going to do that in 2020. You will continue to see the usual absurd anti government protest, largely by male gun toting fools. But that's about it. The vast majority of people support the lockdowns and don't want to go back to business as usual until SCIENCE proves that it is safe to do so.
Of course no one is starving now or rioting because people see this as temporary. However, it this temporary becomes the new norm, society will tear itself apart. The government can not continue to support the growing millions of people out of work and growing number of businesses that are failing. Opening up the country is not really an option, we have to do it. However, we have to realize that when we do the number of new cases and deaths are going to rise as people become more relaxed with social distancing, masks, and workplace restrictions. I expect by the Fall we will have schools open and sporting events and concerts bring millions of people into very close contact and with it tens of thousands of new cases a day and the resulting deaths. As Fauci explained, if you have procedures that reduces the rate of increase of new cases and you stop those procedures, then you're going to have an increasing rate of new cases. It's not rocket science. I wonder how the country is going to handle a second wave in the Fall and winter months. I doubt people and businesses are going to be as cooperative as they were this Spring.

Opinion polls show that 60% to 80% of people across the country support the lockdowns and restrictions. The government can continue to support the 1/3 of the labor force that is not able to work. It was the Government spending that kept the United States going from 1930 to 1945, for 15 years. The country is far wealthier today than it was in the 1930s and 1940s, so the ability of the government to support a lockdown is even greater.

More importantly, opening a stadium, arena, restaurant, gym, or some particular non-essential store, does not mean people are going to run out and go to those things. Consumers decide whether any opening will make money, and if the consumer decides its NOT SAFE, the business can open, but they are not going to turn a profit.

As for next fall and winter, I don't think things are going to be very open unless its been proven to be safe. If infections and deaths sky rocket, people will hunker down again. Most people support the lockdowns and they will indeed hunker down after opening up, if it proves not to be safe.

Fighting this pandemic is not going to be a sprint, its going to be marathon.
I agree with a number of your statement however, I do not agree that governments can continue spending at the current rate, primarily to support failing businesses and out of work workers. In just three months the federal government has added 3 trillion dollars to the debt and state and local governments are down a trillion dollars. 5 states could probably declare bankruptcy now and there's another dozen that aren't far behind. Trump and the pharmaceutical companies seeking finances to develop vaccines and antivirals have been pushing the idea that a vaccine will be developed, tested and available by the end of this year. Even if a vaccine is proven to work by end of the year, the manufacturing, distribution, and inoculation of 330 million Americans will take at least a year, probably a lot longer since most the worlds 8 billion people are going to be seeking that vaccine. In other worlds, I think we are looking at two years of a new norm which will be opening and closing of businesses, reduced hours of operation, large gathering of people curtained, and high employment. I expect the number of US deaths to exceed 500,000. And that's provide we get a vaccine.

The United States has over 90 Trillion dollars of wealth. Provided we go back to the top marginal tax rates in World War II which were over 90%, as well as raise taxes on property and capital gains, end all loopholes, the government will be able to pay the tab for many years to come. This is a disaster and disasters involve fighting for survival and other extreme measures. Other countries around the world with far less wealth to population ratio's already have more extensive measures in place to support their people.

March 24, 2020 - United States - 54,916
March 25, 2020 - United States - 68,489 - 24.7% increase
March 26, 2020 - United States - 85,594 - 24.97% increase
March 27, 2020 - United States - 104,256 - 21.8% increase
March 28, 2020 - United States - 123,776 - 18.7% increase
March 29, 2020 - United States - 142,224 - 14.9% increase
March 30, 2020 - United States - 164,266 - 15.5% increase
March 31, 2020 - United States - 188,578 - 14.8% increase
April 1, 2020 - United States - 215,300 - 14.2% increase
April 2, 2020 - United States - 245,193 - 13.9% increase
April 3, 2020 - United States - 277,475 - 13.2% increase
April 4, 2020 - United States - 311,635 - 12.3% increase
April 5, 2020 - United States - 336,830 - 8.1% increase
April 6, 2020 - United States - 367,629 - 9.1% increase
April 7, 2020 - United States - 400,540 - 9.0% increase
April 8, 2020 - United States - 435,160 - 8.6% increase
April 9, 2020 - United States - 468,895 - 7.8% increase
April 10, 2020 - United States - 502,876 - 7.3% increase
April 11, 2020 - United States - 533,115 - 6.0% increase
April 12, 2020 - United States - 560,433 - 5.1% increase
April 13, 2020 - United States - 587,155 - 4.8% increase
April 14, 2020 - United States - 614,246 - 4.6% increase
April 15, 2020 - United States - 644,089 - 4.9% increase
April 16, 2020 - United States - 678,144 - 5.3% increase
April 17, 2020 - United States - 710,272 - 4.7% increase
April 18, 2020 - United States - 738,923 - 4.0% increase
April 19, 2020 - United States - 764,265 - 3.4% increase
April 20, 2020 - United States - 792,913 - 3.8% increase
April 21, 2020 - United States - 819,175 - 3.3% increase
April 22, 2020 - United States - 849,092 - 3.7% increase
April 23, 2020 - United States - 886,709 - 4.4% increase
April 24, 2020 - United States - 925,758 - 4.4% increase
April 25, 2020 - United States - 960,896 - 3.8% increase
April 26, 2020 - United States - 987,322 - 2.8% increase
April 27, 2020 - United States - 1,010,507 - 2.4% increase
April 28, 2020 - United States - 1,035,765 - 2.5% increase
April 29, 2020 - United States - 1,064,572 - 2.8% increase
April 30, 2020 - United States - 1,095,210 - 2.9% increase
May 1, 2020 - United States - 1,131,492 - 3.3% increase
May 2, 2020 - United States - 1,160,838 - 2.6% increase
May 3, 2020 - United States - 1,188,122 - 2.4% increase
May 4, 2020 - United States - 1,212,955 - 2.1% increase
May 5, 2020 - United States - 1,237,761 - 2.1% increase
May 6, 2020 - United States - 1,263,183 - 2.1% increase


March 26, 2020 - United States - 1,000
April 6, 2020 - United States - 10,000 - 900% increase
April 19, 2020 - United States - 40,000 - 300% increase
April 23, 2020 - United States - 50,243 - 25.6% increase
April 24, 2020 - United States - 52,217 - 3.9% increase
April 25, 2020 - United States - 54,265 - 3.9% increase
April 26, 2020 - United States - 55,415 - 2.1% increase
April 27, 2020 - United States - 56,803 - 2.5% increase
April 28, 2020 - United States - 59,266 - 4.3% increase
April 29, 2020 - United States - 61,669 - 4.1% increase
April 30, 2020 - United States - 63,861 - 3.6% increase
May 1, 2020 - United States - 65,776 - 3.0% increase
May 2, 2020 - United States - 67,448 - 2.5% increase
May 3, 2020 - United States - 68,598 - 1.7% increase
May 4, 2020 - United States - 69,925 - 1.9% increase
May 5, 2020 - United States - 72,275 - 3.7% increase
May 6, 2020 - United States - 74,807 - 3.5% increase
Infection rate of those tested.

4/3: 39.7%
4/4: 20.2%
4/7: 19.3%
4/10: 19.7%
4/11: 20.0%
4/13: 19.8%
4/14: 20.0%
4/15: 19.8%
4/19: 19.8%
4/20: 19.7%
4/21: 19.6%
4/22: 19.6%
4/23: 18.7%
4/26: 18.1%
4/28: 17.5%
4/29: 17.3%
5/1: 16.9%
5/4: 16.3%
5/6: 15.8%

We got about 800,000 tests done in the last two days. That's great. In the last two days, we've done 10% of all of our tests.

We really messed up early on not having sufficient tests available to people, despite what Trump said. We've been paying the price ever since.

As we get more and more tests in, we'll continue to see the number of new cases increase. But the good news is that the infection rate among those tested is continuing to decrease. Slowly, but consistently.

Keep testing. That's how we're going to get this thing under control.

Prior to the completion of the full-length documentary we'll be releasing a series of vignettes. The first installment features renowned scientist, Judy Mikovits PHD.

In an effort to bypass the gatekeepers of free speech, we invite you to download this interview by simply clicking the button below, then uploading directly to all of your favorite platforms.

Download safe at link

Wonder where the Trump haters are with regards to population density.

New York is posting better numbers. New Jersey is now dying faster. Philly has jumped in the race for the lead.

So, New York will continue to act dense and die at rate such that South Dakota will never catch them because they' ll run out of live bodies.
New Cases in New York have been in a down trend for about two weeks. Take New York out of the picture and rest of country shows a steady up trend in new cases.

Chicago and several other cities as well as rural towns that one month ago were unscathed are suddenly hot spots for the virus. It is rampaging through nursing homes, meatpacking plants and prisons, killing the medically vulnerable and the poor, and new outbreaks keep emerging in grocery stores, Walmarts or factories, not a good sign of what a full reopening of the economy will bring.

And that is going to happen regardless.

This pipe dream we are to eradicate it is just that....a dream.

Our testing situation is awful.
Yeah, the eradication boat sailed away in Jan and Feb. Today, if we had testing capability to test most of the public accompanied by contact tracing we could eliminate a lot the cases but you're correct, it's too late to eradicate the virus. Now, eradication of the virus will only happen with attainment of herd immunity, assuming it exist and a vaccine and that's going to take a few years.
Infection rate of those tested.

4/3: 39.7%
4/4: 20.2%
4/7: 19.3%
4/10: 19.7%
4/11: 20.0%
4/13: 19.8%
4/14: 20.0%
4/15: 19.8%
4/19: 19.8%
4/20: 19.7%
4/21: 19.6%
4/22: 19.6%
4/23: 18.7%
4/26: 18.1%
4/28: 17.5%
4/29: 17.3%
5/1: 16.9%
5/4: 16.3%
5/6: 15.8%

We got about 800,000 tests done in the last two days. That's great. In the last two days, we've done 10% of all of our tests.

We really messed up early on not having sufficient tests available to people, despite what Trump said. We've been paying the price ever since.

As we get more and more tests in, we'll continue to see the number of new cases increase. But the good news is that the infection rate among those tested is continuing to decrease. Slowly, but consistently.

Keep testing. That's how we're going to get this thing under control.
Testing is just the first step of the plan. It has to be followed by contact tracing, testing contacts, and quarantine. The more we do, the less cases we will have and the more confidence consumers and business will have in the economy and the safety of working, shopping, entertainment, dinning, and participation in large group activities. This is by far the best way to open up the economy and keeping it open. If testing and tracing contacts had been a top priority in mid January, there would have been no need for orders to shutdown businesses and schools, and to say at home.
Last edited:
Totals at end of day May 7. Russia, Brazil, Peru, India, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are seeing crazy increases. They are #s 2, 3, 5, 6, 9 and 13 respectively in new cases. Mexico had a bad day too.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

…What Beijing forgets, or can’t allow itself to understand, is that it was easy for the West to sweep Tianneman and a few thousand dead Chinese under the rug as there was all that money still to be made. It’s much more difficult to do that after years of getting ripped off by the PRC and when the dead are in our own countries.”

– Stephen Green, here


I called euro disintegration the minute the Brits said no to the euro note lol

I gave it 15 to 20 years ....they made it longer than i I thought they would.

A half assed chink kung fuckin flu sets it in motion and does it in ? lol

Western european economies are already over the cliff and free falling
We had another 3 million apply for unemployment
Totals at end of day May 7. Russia, Brazil, Peru, India, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are seeing crazy increases. They are #s 2, 3, 5, 6, 9 and 13 respectively in new cases. Mexico had a bad day too.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

Not sure what constitutes a crazy increase.

Was it not expected India would eventually be overrun by this ?

Look at their cities and sanitation.......
Looks like for first time serious/critical decreased from Friday to Saturday by 7. That could be the beginning of huge improvements. Deaths do take people off the list but that has been the case all along and the numbers never decreased.
I fail to see how there will be any serious improvement this summer with the increase in contact between people. At the very best, the numbers stay where they are. There were only 9 deaths in the US two months ago and the number today is pushing 70,000. That tells me there is a hell of a lot more of the virus going around today looking for hosts than there were then and with the opening up of the country, there is going to be a lot of available hosts. Although I don't see any way to avoid opening up the economy, it surely is going send the number skyrocketing by the end of summer.
Except we’ve been locked down for over a month and before that everyone mingled like normal so between the two and with the time that has passes every host that had it mostly mildly passed it on the every other possible host who also mostly had it mildly. Anybody that could host already has so it’s time to stop nervously peeking around the corner for the next boogeyman and live like free people
If we don't open the country, we will have riots, starvation, marshal law, and the worst depression the country has ever seen.

No one is starving and essential services in terms of food production and distribution, except for sitting at a restaurant, has continued as if nothing has happened. People are not going to riot about not going to the movies, concerts, sporting events, sitting at a restaurant, going to a bar, night club, church etc. 37% of the labor force is able to do their jobs without leaving their house. That's the nature of work and technology in 2020. Another 25% of the labor force is still going into work because they are involved in essential services. Its really only 1/3 of the labor force who need to stay home and can't work from home where the concern would be. That can be handled if the government provides that part of the labor force financial assistance for the next couple of years. The United States will see depression level economic numbers for a couple of years, but a decade of depression in the 1930s did not produce riots, starvation and marshal law, and I seriously doubt its going to do that in 2020. You will continue to see the usual absurd anti government protest, largely by male gun toting fools. But that's about it. The vast majority of people support the lockdowns and don't want to go back to business as usual until SCIENCE proves that it is safe to do so.
Of course no one is starving now or rioting because people see this as temporary. However, it this temporary becomes the new norm, society will tear itself apart. The government can not continue to support the growing millions of people out of work and growing number of businesses that are failing. Opening up the country is not really an option, we have to do it. However, we have to realize that when we do the number of new cases and deaths are going to rise as people become more relaxed with social distancing, masks, and workplace restrictions. I expect by the Fall we will have schools open and sporting events and concerts bring millions of people into very close contact and with it tens of thousands of new cases a day and the resulting deaths. As Fauci explained, if you have procedures that reduces the rate of increase of new cases and you stop those procedures, then you're going to have an increasing rate of new cases. It's not rocket science. I wonder how the country is going to handle a second wave in the Fall and winter months. I doubt people and businesses are going to be as cooperative as they were this Spring.

Opinion polls show that 60% to 80% of people across the country support the lockdowns and restrictions. The government can continue to support the 1/3 of the labor force that is not able to work. It was the Government spending that kept the United States going from 1930 to 1945, for 15 years. The country is far wealthier today than it was in the 1930s and 1940s, so the ability of the government to support a lockdown is even greater.

More importantly, opening a stadium, arena, restaurant, gym, or some particular non-essential store, does not mean people are going to run out and go to those things. Consumers decide whether any opening will make money, and if the consumer decides its NOT SAFE, the business can open, but they are not going to turn a profit.

As for next fall and winter, I don't think things are going to be very open unless its been proven to be safe. If infections and deaths sky rocket, people will hunker down again. Most people support the lockdowns and they will indeed hunker down after opening up, if it proves not to be safe.

Fighting this pandemic is not going to be a sprint, its going to be marathon.
I agree with a number of your statement however, I do not agree that governments can continue spending at the current rate, primarily to support failing businesses and out of work workers. In just three months the federal government has added 3 trillion dollars to the debt and state and local governments are down a trillion dollars. 5 states could probably declare bankruptcy now and there's another dozen that aren't far behind. Trump and the pharmaceutical companies seeking finances to develop vaccines and antivirals have been pushing the idea that a vaccine will be developed, tested and available by the end of this year. Even if a vaccine is proven to work by end of the year, the manufacturing, distribution, and inoculation of 330 million Americans will take at least a year, probably a lot longer since most the worlds 8 billion people are going to be seeking that vaccine. In other worlds, I think we are looking at two years of a new norm which will be opening and closing of businesses, reduced hours of operation, large gathering of people curtained, and high employment. I expect the number of US deaths to exceed 500,000. And that's provide we get a vaccine.

The United States has over 90 Trillion dollars of wealth. Provided we go back to the top marginal tax rates in World War II which were over 90%, as well as raise taxes on property and capital gains, end all loopholes, the government will be able to pay the tab for many years to come. This is a disaster and disasters involve fighting for survival and other extreme measures. Other countries around the world with far less wealth to population ratio's already have more extensive measures in place to support their people.

This is a thread about numbers....not your fucking wet dreams about how to rob the rich.
The current stats chart sorted by current "New Cases" (for the day) shows where the new activity is soaring ---
Brazil, Russia, Peru, India, Saudi Arabia are the countries where a week or two ago there was little noise. Europe is not out of the woods but they're being eclipsed. With the exception of the UK which has had a string of bad numbers. The chart goes down to Italy to demonstrate how many countries have surpassed it in current activity.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
Saudi Arabia31,938+1,687209+96,78324,9461379176389,65911,193

Everyone has a New York City.

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