Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

Sweden is doing great. So is New York.

You just have to ignore the fact that lots of people are dying there.
On a per captia basis, Sweden's death toll is about 30% worse than the US but total number of cases is about 34% better. Not sure that qualifies as great. Since Sweden's approach to testing is to test only police, fire, and medical workers, the numbers being reported may not be a good comparison with the US numbers.

But deaths are pretty definite.

Sweden, by it's own admission, was sloppy and infected several nursing homes. Their deaths spiked. Since that time they've leveled out.

They were brought up by someone else as simply NOT LOCKING DOWN. Not good...not bad, just what happened. They have taken precautions.

While their death rate is better than some, Norway and Finland are much much better than Sweden. Sweden is 319, while Finland and Norway are 40 and 49 respectively.

They are 26 or 27 in terms of cases. That would be reported cases. Sweden is 2,606 while Finland and Norway are 1,076 1,494 respectively.

Either Sweden is undertesting (and hence under reporting) or the cases are more serious and more people are dying. I recall early on that their percentage of serious/critical cases was a about twice the global average.
Sweden is ahead of us.

As near as I can tell, they are still pretty unified in their thinking.

I envy them. Not having a bunch of whining complaining assholes to deal with like we do in the U.S.

A bunch of fucking Monday Morning Quarterbacks that do nothing except be critical.

Their solutions...send out a message into space and hope someone can help us.....from a probability standpoint that has a greater chance of success than some of the other bullshit they advocate.

Sweden is doing great. You know, other than all the people dying there. New York City is doing great too.

Fucking idiot.

Sweden is doing what it wants to do and it does not have a bunch of assholes like you running around like Chicken Little.l

Fuck off and die.

Need a tissue? You seem upset. The numbers speak for themselves.

Deal with it.

I seem to the one in denial.

Sweden is doing what it wants.

Why don't you cart your sorry ass over there and tell them they are wrong.

Then they can ask you what the fuck an American is doing giving anyone advice.

That's nice. That doesn't change the fact that they still have one of the worst death rates in the world. Sorry, but the numbers are right there for everyone to see.

What part of this are you not understanding? Is this really that complicated for you?

I keep posting the numbers for everyone to see. Are you that stupid ?

They are not as good as other countries, but they are not the worst.

Just what the fuck do you want ? You want to tell them to shutdown. Is that your deal ?

They're #9 on a list with over 200 countries, you stupid retard. Are they closer to the worst or the best? Simple question.

You keep saying this, but I don't want to tell them anything. I want to show you, with objective facts, that they have not handled this well. Many people have died there.

What part of that do you not understand? Read that over as many times as you like and look at this chart. Maybe something will start to sink in.

View attachment 334372

They are where they want to be.

They have handled the way they wanted to handle it. You may not like the outcomes but since you don't have any say in the matter.....who gives a fuck what you think ?

Up until recently, I made no comment one way or the other. I simply pointed out the numbers.

But I did recently say iff I had a choice, I'd take their way of doing things. I simply chose freedoms over government control.

That's the end of that discussion.

Nobody is arguing that they can do things the way they want. They did that, and now they have one of the worst death rates in the world.

Only an idiot with brain damage would look at that and say that they're doing it well. Compared to the rest of the world, they have one of the highest death rates in the world. Facts don't change because you don't like them.

Please point out where I have ever said anything against the facts since I am the one who has been posting them.

You might want to consult your neurologist before throwing stones at others.

You've been saying that Sweden is doing great despite their numbers being terrible.


Anything else, retard?
But deaths are pretty definite.

Sweden, by it's own admission, was sloppy and infected several nursing homes. Their deaths spiked. Since that time they've leveled out.

They were brought up by someone else as simply NOT LOCKING DOWN. Not good...not bad, just what happened. They have taken precautions.

While their death rate is better than some, Norway and Finland are much much better than Sweden. Sweden is 319, while Finland and Norway are 40 and 49 respectively.

They are 26 or 27 in terms of cases. That would be reported cases. Sweden is 2,606 while Finland and Norway are 1,076 1,494 respectively.

Either Sweden is undertesting (and hence under reporting) or the cases are more serious and more people are dying. I recall early on that their percentage of serious/critical cases was a about twice the global average.

Doesn't change the fact that they have one of the highest death rates in the world.

Or as the mentally retarded would say, "that means they're doing great!"
But deaths are pretty definite.

Sweden, by it's own admission, was sloppy and infected several nursing homes. Their deaths spiked. Since that time they've leveled out.

They were brought up by someone else as simply NOT LOCKING DOWN. Not good...not bad, just what happened. They have taken precautions.

While their death rate is better than some, Norway and Finland are much much better than Sweden. Sweden is 319, while Finland and Norway are 40 and 49 respectively.

They are 26 or 27 in terms of cases. That would be reported cases. Sweden is 2,606 while Finland and Norway are 1,076 1,494 respectively.

Either Sweden is undertesting (and hence under reporting) or the cases are more serious and more people are dying. I recall early on that their percentage of serious/critical cases was a about twice the global average.

Doesn't change the fact that they have one of the highest death rates in the world.

Or as the mentally retarded would say, "that means they're doing great!"

Except you are not going to find me saying their death rate is "great". You made that shit up yourself.

If you think it exists...go find it.

I said they were doing well in terms of their downward trends.

I've been posting the numbers from Sweden since the start.
Sweden is doing great. So is New York.

You just have to ignore the fact that lots of people are dying there.
On a per captia basis, Sweden's death toll is about 30% worse than the US but total number of cases is about 34% better. Not sure that qualifies as great. Since Sweden's approach to testing is to test only police, fire, and medical workers, the numbers being reported may not be a good comparison with the US numbers.

But deaths are pretty definite.

Sweden, by it's own admission, was sloppy and infected several nursing homes. Their deaths spiked. Since that time they've leveled out.

They were brought up by someone else as simply NOT LOCKING DOWN. Not good...not bad, just what happened. They have taken precautions.

While their death rate is better than some, Norway and Finland are much much better than Sweden. Sweden is 319, while Finland and Norway are 40 and 49 respectively.

They are 26 or 27 in terms of cases. That would be reported cases. Sweden is 2,606 while Finland and Norway are 1,076 1,494 respectively.

Either Sweden is undertesting (and hence under reporting) or the cases are more serious and more people are dying. I recall early on that their percentage of serious/critical cases was a about twice the global average.
Maybe so. Sweden success to me just does not sound as good as reported. Very low population densities compared to the US and also cultural differences.

Cultural differences play a major role in the spread of an epidemic. Take Japan for example. They have 15,000 case with a population of 120 millon and the US has 1.3 million case with a population of 330 million. That means cases per Capita in Japan are only 3% of that in US. Restrictions in Japan have been similar to the US but with less business closures and not near as uniform. So why the huge difference. Epidemiologists cite culture as a primary reason. First of all, Japan compared to the US is obsessive when comes cleanliness. Where only 1 in 6 Americans wash their hands before eating, in Japan hand washing is important part of any meal. Regular scrubbing floors, walls, hand railings, and other public facilities is not just for an epidemic; it's normal. Denying foreigners entrance to the country is deep seated in their culture and their history. When it comes to social distancing, the government does not have to force it on the people. This is something they always seek in such a crowded country. Wearing masks? Problems with pollution, and prior epidemics makes the order to wear mask unnecessary.

Italy in many ways is just the opposite of Japan. They are far more lax when it comes to cleanliness. In a country where hugging, kissing, handshaking is as natural as breathing, social distancing is difficult. Also, unlike Japan following government restrictions has always been taken with a grain of salt.
But deaths are pretty definite.

Sweden, by it's own admission, was sloppy and infected several nursing homes. Their deaths spiked. Since that time they've leveled out.

They were brought up by someone else as simply NOT LOCKING DOWN. Not good...not bad, just what happened. They have taken precautions.

While their death rate is better than some, Norway and Finland are much much better than Sweden. Sweden is 319, while Finland and Norway are 40 and 49 respectively.

They are 26 or 27 in terms of cases. That would be reported cases. Sweden is 2,606 while Finland and Norway are 1,076 1,494 respectively.

Either Sweden is undertesting (and hence under reporting) or the cases are more serious and more people are dying. I recall early on that their percentage of serious/critical cases was a about twice the global average.

Doesn't change the fact that they have one of the highest death rates in the world.

Or as the mentally retarded would say, "that means they're doing great!"

Except you are not going to find me saying their death rate is "great". You made that shit up yourself.

If you think it exists...go find it.

I said they were doing well in terms of their downward trends.

I've been posting the numbers from Sweden since the start.

No, you've just been saying that death rates don't matter. Which is fucking retarded, even by your standards. Yea, they're doing awesome if you ignore the fact that lots of people are dead. Brilliant logic there, bud.

Let's just be honest here - you're a fucking idiot. The numbers don't lie. Sweden has one of the worst death rates in the world.

Deal with it.
But deaths are pretty definite.

Sweden, by it's own admission, was sloppy and infected several nursing homes. Their deaths spiked. Since that time they've leveled out.

They were brought up by someone else as simply NOT LOCKING DOWN. Not good...not bad, just what happened. They have taken precautions.

While their death rate is better than some, Norway and Finland are much much better than Sweden. Sweden is 319, while Finland and Norway are 40 and 49 respectively.

They are 26 or 27 in terms of cases. That would be reported cases. Sweden is 2,606 while Finland and Norway are 1,076 1,494 respectively.

Either Sweden is undertesting (and hence under reporting) or the cases are more serious and more people are dying. I recall early on that their percentage of serious/critical cases was a about twice the global average.

Doesn't change the fact that they have one of the highest death rates in the world.

Or as the mentally retarded would say, "that means they're doing great!"

Except you are not going to find me saying their death rate is "great". You made that shit up yourself.

If you think it exists...go find it.

I said they were doing well in terms of their downward trends.

I've been posting the numbers from Sweden since the start.

No, you've just been saying that death rates don't matter. Which is fucking retarded, even by your standards. Yea, they're doing awesome if you ignore the fact that lots of people are dead. Brilliant logic there, bud.

Let's just be honest here - you're a fucking idiot. The numbers don't lie. Sweden has one of the worst death rates in the world.

Deal with it.

If we are being honest - you are full of shit.

You can't pull forward anything that supports what you claim so you change the claim and hope someone does not notice.

Fuck you.

I've been quoting Swedens deaths and position relative to the rest of the world with frequency. And I've never tried to say the numbers mean any more or less.

Unless you can produce posts to back up your claim, you are a liar and lazy ass motherfucker at that.
Sweden is doing great. So is New York.

You just have to ignore the fact that lots of people are dying there.
On a per captia basis, Sweden's death toll is about 30% worse than the US but total number of cases is about 34% better. Not sure that qualifies as great. Since Sweden's approach to testing is to test only police, fire, and medical workers, the numbers being reported may not be a good comparison with the US numbers.

But deaths are pretty definite.

Sweden, by it's own admission, was sloppy and infected several nursing homes. Their deaths spiked. Since that time they've leveled out.

They were brought up by someone else as simply NOT LOCKING DOWN. Not good...not bad, just what happened. They have taken precautions.

While their death rate is better than some, Norway and Finland are much much better than Sweden. Sweden is 319, while Finland and Norway are 40 and 49 respectively.

They are 26 or 27 in terms of cases. That would be reported cases. Sweden is 2,606 while Finland and Norway are 1,076 1,494 respectively.

Either Sweden is undertesting (and hence under reporting) or the cases are more serious and more people are dying. I recall early on that their percentage of serious/critical cases was a about twice the global average.
Maybe so. Sweden success to me just does not sound as good as reported. Very low population densities compared to the US and also cultural differences.

Cultural differences play a major role in the spread of an epidemic. Take Japan for example. They have 15,000 case with a population of 120 millon and the US has 1.3 million case with a population of 330 million. That means cases per Capita in Japan are only 3% of that in US. Restrictions in Japan have been similar to the US but with less business closures and not near as uniform. So why the huge difference. Epidemiologists cite culture as a primary reason. First of all, Japan compared to the US is obsessive when comes cleanliness. Where only 1 in 6 Americans wash their hands before eating, in Japan hand washing is important part of any meal. Regular scrubbing floors, walls, hand railings, and other public facilities is not just for an epidemic; it's normal. Denying foreigners entrance to the country is deep seated in their culture and their history. When it comes to social distancing, the government does not have to force it on the people. This is something they always seek in such a crowded country. Wearing masks? Problems with pollution, and prior epidemics makes the order to wear mask unnecessary.

Italy in many ways is just the opposite of Japan. They are far more lax when it comes to cleanliness. In a country where hugging, kissing, handshaking is as natural as breathing, social distancing is difficult. Also, unlike Japan following government restrictions has always been taken with a grain of salt.

Would not argue anything you've said.

And I don't know that Sweden has had any "success". They are where they want to be because they are not changing anything.

What we do know is that they never locked down (but did put in some precautions) and that they have not rocketed away to any incredible death rate as originally predicted.

I think that's about all you can say.

Their neighbors are better in terms of cases...but much better in terms of deaths. Either Sweden has poor health care or maybe they are not reporting anything.

Their death rate and case rate has steadied out (not accelerating).
But deaths are pretty definite.

Sweden, by it's own admission, was sloppy and infected several nursing homes. Their deaths spiked. Since that time they've leveled out.

They were brought up by someone else as simply NOT LOCKING DOWN. Not good...not bad, just what happened. They have taken precautions.

While their death rate is better than some, Norway and Finland are much much better than Sweden. Sweden is 319, while Finland and Norway are 40 and 49 respectively.

They are 26 or 27 in terms of cases. That would be reported cases. Sweden is 2,606 while Finland and Norway are 1,076 1,494 respectively.

Either Sweden is undertesting (and hence under reporting) or the cases are more serious and more people are dying. I recall early on that their percentage of serious/critical cases was a about twice the global average.

Doesn't change the fact that they have one of the highest death rates in the world.

Or as the mentally retarded would say, "that means they're doing great!"

Except you are not going to find me saying their death rate is "great". You made that shit up yourself.

If you think it exists...go find it.

I said they were doing well in terms of their downward trends.

I've been posting the numbers from Sweden since the start.

No, you've just been saying that death rates don't matter. Which is fucking retarded, even by your standards. Yea, they're doing awesome if you ignore the fact that lots of people are dead. Brilliant logic there, bud.

Let's just be honest here - you're a fucking idiot. The numbers don't lie. Sweden has one of the worst death rates in the world.

Deal with it.

If we are being honest - you are full of shit.

You can't pull forward anything that supports what you claim so you change the claim and hope someone does not notice.

Fuck you.

I've been quoting Swedens deaths and position relative to the rest of the world with frequency. And I've never tried to say the numbers mean any more or less.

Unless you can produce posts to back up your claim, you are a liar and lazy ass motherfucker at that.

Here you go.

"You can squawk all you want about the "death rate" and somebody might actually give a shit about what you have to say."

This, of course, was in response to my statement about Sweden's high death rate. Anything else, dumbass? I can quote you saying all kinds of dumb things.

Want a tissue? You sound upset.
But deaths are pretty definite.

Sweden, by it's own admission, was sloppy and infected several nursing homes. Their deaths spiked. Since that time they've leveled out.

They were brought up by someone else as simply NOT LOCKING DOWN. Not good...not bad, just what happened. They have taken precautions.

While their death rate is better than some, Norway and Finland are much much better than Sweden. Sweden is 319, while Finland and Norway are 40 and 49 respectively.

They are 26 or 27 in terms of cases. That would be reported cases. Sweden is 2,606 while Finland and Norway are 1,076 1,494 respectively.

Either Sweden is undertesting (and hence under reporting) or the cases are more serious and more people are dying. I recall early on that their percentage of serious/critical cases was a about twice the global average.

Doesn't change the fact that they have one of the highest death rates in the world.

Or as the mentally retarded would say, "that means they're doing great!"

Except you are not going to find me saying their death rate is "great". You made that shit up yourself.

If you think it exists...go find it.

I said they were doing well in terms of their downward trends.

I've been posting the numbers from Sweden since the start.

No, you've just been saying that death rates don't matter. Which is fucking retarded, even by your standards. Yea, they're doing awesome if you ignore the fact that lots of people are dead. Brilliant logic there, bud.

Let's just be honest here - you're a fucking idiot. The numbers don't lie. Sweden has one of the worst death rates in the world.

Deal with it.

If we are being honest - you are full of shit.

You can't pull forward anything that supports what you claim so you change the claim and hope someone does not notice.

Fuck you.

I've been quoting Swedens deaths and position relative to the rest of the world with frequency. And I've never tried to say the numbers mean any more or less.

Unless you can produce posts to back up your claim, you are a liar and lazy ass motherfucker at that.

Here you go.

"You can squawk all you want about the "death rate" and somebody might actually give a shit about what you have to say."

This, of course, was in response to my statement about Sweden's high death rate. Anything else, dumbass? I can quote you saying all kinds of dumb things.

Want a tissue? You sound upset.

Upset ?

That's the best you can do ? ROTFLMAO

Your constant squawking was just that since I had not said anything about it, other than to report it.

Upset ? You are a legend in your own mind.

Fuck off.
Upset ?

That's the best you can do ? ROTFLMAO

Your constant squawking was just that since I had not said anything about it, other than to report it.

Upset ? You are a legend in your own mind.

Fuck off.

Notice how you get all defensive when I showed you. You asked me to support my claim, so I did.

You gonna keep throwing your little temper tantrum? Be my guest. "WAAAAHHH! Fuck you!!! Waahhhhh! I want you to Die!!!"

That's what you sound like and it's adorable. No, really.

As I've already told you, the numbers speak for themselves. Deal with it.
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Actually dumbass.....Norway has as many infections as Sweden when adjusted for population. What do you make of that ?

Remember this one? This was wrong at the time and it's even more wrong now.

At the time, Sweden was at 1,659 cases per million while Norway was at 1,365 cases per million. (Notice that 1,659 is bigger than 1,365. Just pointing this out to you since you couldn't figure it out the first time.)

It has been more than two weeks. Where are they now?

Sweden is at 2,606 per million. Norway is at 1,495 per million. Sweden's number of cases have increased by 57% while Norway's have increased by 10%.

Now help me out here. What was the argument you were trying to make? What do YOU make of this?
But deaths are pretty definite.

Sweden, by it's own admission, was sloppy and infected several nursing homes. Their deaths spiked. Since that time they've leveled out.

They were brought up by someone else as simply NOT LOCKING DOWN. Not good...not bad, just what happened. They have taken precautions.

While their death rate is better than some, Norway and Finland are much much better than Sweden. Sweden is 319, while Finland and Norway are 40 and 49 respectively.

They are 26 or 27 in terms of cases. That would be reported cases. Sweden is 2,606 while Finland and Norway are 1,076 1,494 respectively.

Either Sweden is undertesting (and hence under reporting) or the cases are more serious and more people are dying. I recall early on that their percentage of serious/critical cases was a about twice the global average.

Doesn't change the fact that they have one of the highest death rates in the world.

Or as the mentally retarded would say, "that means they're doing great!"

Except you are not going to find me saying their death rate is "great". You made that shit up yourself.

If you think it exists...go find it.

I said they were doing well in terms of their downward trends.

I've been posting the numbers from Sweden since the start.

No, you've just been saying that death rates don't matter. Which is fucking retarded, even by your standards. Yea, they're doing awesome if you ignore the fact that lots of people are dead. Brilliant logic there, bud.

Let's just be honest here - you're a fucking idiot. The numbers don't lie. Sweden has one of the worst death rates in the world.

Deal with it.
In regard to the virus, deaths are all that really matter. If no one died from covid 19, there would be no national emergency, no business closing, no massive layoffs, and no virus threads on USMB. The number of deaths are the most reliable measure of the seriousness of the situation. With multiple tests for the virus and its unmistakable earmarks, the number of deaths is the most accurate statistic, much better than number of cases or infection rates.
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Upset ?

That's the best you can do ? ROTFLMAO

Your constant squawking was just that since I had not said anything about it, other than to report it.

Upset ? You are a legend in your own mind.

Fuck off.

Notice how you get all defensive when I showed you. You asked me to support my claim, so I did.

You gonna keep throwing your little temper tantrum? Be my guest. "WAAAAHHH! Fuck you!!! Waahhhhh! I want you to Die!!!"

That's what you sound like and it's adorable. No, really.

As I've already told you, the numbers speak for themselves. Deal with it.

That was your support ?????

You really call that support ?????

That statement supports nothing close to your claim. You can't show where I said Sweden was doing "great" because it isn't here.

You are not only full of shit, you are attempting to hide it.
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Actually dumbass.....Norway has as many infections as Sweden when adjusted for population. What do you make of that ?

Remember this one? This was wrong at the time and it's even more wrong now.

At the time, Sweden was at 1,659 cases per million while Norway was at 1,365 cases per million. (Notice that 1,659 is bigger than 1,365. Just pointing this out to you since you couldn't figure it out the first time.)

It has been more than two weeks. Where are they now?

Sweden is at 2,606 per million. Norway is at 1,495 per million. Sweden's number of cases have increased by 57% while Norway's have increased by 10%.

Now help me out here. What was the argument you were trying to make? What do YOU make of this?

Post 3841.

I already pointed out those numbers.

You are either slow, lazy or probably both.

Make something of that.
But deaths are pretty definite.

Sweden, by it's own admission, was sloppy and infected several nursing homes. Their deaths spiked. Since that time they've leveled out.

They were brought up by someone else as simply NOT LOCKING DOWN. Not good...not bad, just what happened. They have taken precautions.

While their death rate is better than some, Norway and Finland are much much better than Sweden. Sweden is 319, while Finland and Norway are 40 and 49 respectively.

They are 26 or 27 in terms of cases. That would be reported cases. Sweden is 2,606 while Finland and Norway are 1,076 1,494 respectively.

Either Sweden is undertesting (and hence under reporting) or the cases are more serious and more people are dying. I recall early on that their percentage of serious/critical cases was a about twice the global average.

Doesn't change the fact that they have one of the highest death rates in the world.

Or as the mentally retarded would say, "that means they're doing great!"

Except you are not going to find me saying their death rate is "great". You made that shit up yourself.

If you think it exists...go find it.

I said they were doing well in terms of their downward trends.

I've been posting the numbers from Sweden since the start.

No, you've just been saying that death rates don't matter. Which is fucking retarded, even by your standards. Yea, they're doing awesome if you ignore the fact that lots of people are dead. Brilliant logic there, bud.

Let's just be honest here - you're a fucking idiot. The numbers don't lie. Sweden has one of the worst death rates in the world.

Deal with it.
In regard to the virus, deaths are all that really matter. If no one died from covid 19, there would be no national emergency, no business closing, no massive layoffs, and no virus threads on USMB. The number of deaths are the most reliable measure of the seriousness of the situation. With multiple tests for the virus and its unmistakable earmarks, the number of deaths is the most accurate statistic, much better than number of cases or infection rates.

On that we agree.

There are incredible discrepancies in the ratios that are being reported...with no explanation as to why.
Well, an interesting day.

U.S. reportes 750 deaths. And less than 2,000 new cases. The N.E. still at 50%+

Sweden comes in with 5 deaths.....they have a habit of underreporting over the weekend.
Upset ?

That's the best you can do ? ROTFLMAO

Your constant squawking was just that since I had not said anything about it, other than to report it.

Upset ? You are a legend in your own mind.

Fuck off.

Notice how you get all defensive when I showed you. You asked me to support my claim, so I did.

You gonna keep throwing your little temper tantrum? Be my guest. "WAAAAHHH! Fuck you!!! Waahhhhh! I want you to Die!!!"

That's what you sound like and it's adorable. No, really.

As I've already told you, the numbers speak for themselves. Deal with it.

That was your support ?????

You really call that support ?????

Sure do. You asked for it and and I provided you with it.

You're welcome.
Upset ?

That's the best you can do ? ROTFLMAO

Your constant squawking was just that since I had not said anything about it, other than to report it.

Upset ? You are a legend in your own mind.

Fuck off.

Notice how you get all defensive when I showed you. You asked me to support my claim, so I did.

You gonna keep throwing your little temper tantrum? Be my guest. "WAAAAHHH! Fuck you!!! Waahhhhh! I want you to Die!!!"

That's what you sound like and it's adorable. No, really.

As I've already told you, the numbers speak for themselves. Deal with it.

That was your support ?????

You really call that support ?????

Sure do. You asked for it and and I provided you with it.

You're welcome.

What you provided was bullshit and in no way relates to what you were claiming I said.

You not only are full of shit, you are hiding from it.

Why is it that you lie like this ?a

Is your life so petty that you somehow need to convince yourself that you are right when everyone can see what an asswipe you are ?
Actually dumbass.....Norway has as many infections as Sweden when adjusted for population. What do you make of that ?

Remember this one? This was wrong at the time and it's even more wrong now.

At the time, Sweden was at 1,659 cases per million while Norway was at 1,365 cases per million. (Notice that 1,659 is bigger than 1,365. Just pointing this out to you since you couldn't figure it out the first time.)

It has been more than two weeks. Where are they now?

Sweden is at 2,606 per million. Norway is at 1,495 per million. Sweden's number of cases have increased by 57% while Norway's have increased by 10%.

Now help me out here. What was the argument you were trying to make? What do YOU make of this?

Post 3841.

I already pointed out those numbers.

You are either slow, lazy or probably both.

Make something of that.

I didn't have an issue with post #3841. That was actually a decent post of yours. You should continue to do that.

Looks like we can conclude that Sweden's closest neighbors have a lower death rate and a lower infection rate.

Glad we agree. Sweden has worse numbers than their neighbors.

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