Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

Here's Italy. Would be nice if our number of cases would decrease like that.

View attachment 350048

We opened back up too early.

As terrible as the situation got in Italy, they did the right thing and are now winning the battle against the virus.

Here in the United States, we finally started to see a decrease in cases and late April and early May and then essentially stopped the lockdown, just as we were starting to see some progress. Now 100,000 more Americans will die by October because of the policies of Trumpers and those that think like them.


Cases per day peaked in the United States in late April. Then they went down until May 10, 2020. Since May 10, 2020 that United States has continued to average 20,000+ confirmed infections per day. That's a FACT!

Here are your facts.....

View attachment 351195
View attachment 351198

Exactly what I stated before. A Peak in April with a little drop after until around May 10, 2020. From May 10, 2020, the United States has steadily averaged 20,000 cases per day.

Meanwhile, Taiwan and New Zealand are lucky if they get one case in a two week period. The United States perfectly represents FAILURE when it comes to dealing with this virus. The success stories are New Zealand and Taiwan. The numbers show that is an indisputable fact.

Sorry, but your apples and oranges comparisons didn't fly before and they don't fly now.

What makes it apples and oranges?
Here's Italy. Would be nice if our number of cases would decrease like that.

View attachment 350048

We opened back up too early.

As terrible as the situation got in Italy, they did the right thing and are now winning the battle against the virus.

Here in the United States, we finally started to see a decrease in cases and late April and early May and then essentially stopped the lockdown, just as we were starting to see some progress. Now 100,000 more Americans will die by October because of the policies of Trumpers and those that think like them.


Cases per day peaked in the United States in late April. Then they went down until May 10, 2020. Since May 10, 2020 that United States has continued to average 20,000+ confirmed infections per day. That's a FACT!

Here are your facts.....

View attachment 351195
View attachment 351198

Exactly what I stated before. A Peak in April with a little drop after until around May 10, 2020. From May 10, 2020, the United States has steadily averaged 20,000 cases per day.

Meanwhile, Taiwan and New Zealand are lucky if they get one case in a two week period. The United States perfectly represents FAILURE when it comes to dealing with this virus. The success stories are New Zealand and Taiwan. The numbers show that is an indisputable fact.

Sorry, but your apples and oranges comparisons didn't fly before and they don't fly now.

What makes it apples and oranges?
Here's Italy. Would be nice if our number of cases would decrease like that.

View attachment 350048

We opened back up too early.

As terrible as the situation got in Italy, they did the right thing and are now winning the battle against the virus.

Here in the United States, we finally started to see a decrease in cases and late April and early May and then essentially stopped the lockdown, just as we were starting to see some progress. Now 100,000 more Americans will die by October because of the policies of Trumpers and those that think like them.


Cases per day peaked in the United States in late April. Then they went down until May 10, 2020. Since May 10, 2020 that United States has continued to average 20,000+ confirmed infections per day. That's a FACT!

Here are your facts.....

View attachment 351195
View attachment 351198

Exactly what I stated before. A Peak in April with a little drop after until around May 10, 2020. From May 10, 2020, the United States has steadily averaged 20,000 cases per day.

Meanwhile, Taiwan and New Zealand are lucky if they get one case in a two week period. The United States perfectly represents FAILURE when it comes to dealing with this virus. The success stories are New Zealand and Taiwan. The numbers show that is an indisputable fact.

Sorry, but your apples and oranges comparisons didn't fly before and they don't fly now.

What makes it apples and oranges?
View attachment 351311 answer. Didn't think so.
California is lighting off.

2,300 cases today.

Another blue state.......

A Blue State with plenty of Trumpers and those that think like Trumpers when it comes to the dangers of covid-19 and what should be done about it.

Fuck off.

Sorry, but that's reality. Lockdowns, isolation and restrictions work. Individuals and governments that do the opposite sufferer the results.

No, they don't.

We killed a great many elderly because we focused on all the wrong things.

You are living a bullshit fairy tale and can't seem to get out of it.

The Mountain West never really locked down except for the most high risk activities.

Not only do I live there, I am in contact with many others who are. Never locked down. End of discussion. ABC did a special on southern Utah...almost no impact.

Now, we are into the higher risk activities and we are seeing issues. That was expected (by me) and why I still don't go out to dinner.

But the lockdowns as they were run were totally pathetic wastes.

New York and the rest of the N.E. killed the majority of people in this country. And they were supposedly locked down the hardest.

The Mountain states are the most isolated areas of the country. The lockdowns of the other 40 states further protected them. Their actions are not an example of what to do in a pandemic. Its just their luck that they were in isolated areas to begin with and that the rest of the country locked down which protected them.

The GOLD standard for dealing with this pandemic is NEW ZEALAND and TAIWAN, not Montana or Wyoming.

North East was seeded with the virus early before the lockdowns because Trump moved to slowly to restrict travel. That's why the North East numbers were so high. They were more exposed for a variety of reasons and the lockdowns did not take place until long after the virus had penetrated the populations.

Yes, we are quite familiar with your whining and excuses.

Give it a rest.

It's not less bullshit now than it was then.


Lets hear for Texas right?

4,413 NEW CASES of coronavirus in TEXAS on June 16, 2020 because "hey, lockdowns do no good and we should just go back to normal".

New record for Texas as well, the old record was 2,437 set on June 10, 2020.

Texas is about the same size as Taiwan in population, and on June 16, 2020, Texas had 10 times as many infections in ONE DAY as Taiwan has had over the past 5 months!

Do you think Texas will see a day with as many as 10,000 new infections?

How many ICU beds are left in the city of Houston? Only 12% of ICU beds were still available a few days ago in Houston.

What happens when there are no ICU beds in Houston for new patients who need them?
There is no fucking 2nd wave.

No need for a second wave when your still in the middle of the first wave.

United States covid-19 infections on May 10, 2020: 20,781

United States covid-19 infections on June 16, 2020: 25,450

Texas covid-19 infections on May 10, 2020: 1,248

Texas covid-19 infections on June 16, 2020: 4,413

Texas has gone from 6% of new covid-19 infections in the United States on May 10, 2020 TO 17% of new covid-19 infections in the United States on June 16, 2020.

Why has Texas tripled its contribution of new covid-19 infections per day to the daily U.S. total in just 5 weeks?
Still early but we have a lot of new cases in both Florida and Arizona. Again.

Florida almost matched their highest yesterday.

At least deaths are low so far.
California is lighting off.

2,300 cases today.

Another blue state.......

A Blue State with plenty of Trumpers and those that think like Trumpers when it comes to the dangers of covid-19 and what should be done about it.

Fuck off.

Sorry, but that's reality. Lockdowns, isolation and restrictions work. Individuals and governments that do the opposite sufferer the results.

No, they don't.

We killed a great many elderly because we focused on all the wrong things.

You are living a bullshit fairy tale and can't seem to get out of it.

The Mountain West never really locked down except for the most high risk activities.

Not only do I live there, I am in contact with many others who are. Never locked down. End of discussion. ABC did a special on southern Utah...almost no impact.

Now, we are into the higher risk activities and we are seeing issues. That was expected (by me) and why I still don't go out to dinner.

But the lockdowns as they were run were totally pathetic wastes.

New York and the rest of the N.E. killed the majority of people in this country. And they were supposedly locked down the hardest.

The Mountain states are the most isolated areas of the country. The lockdowns of the other 40 states further protected them. Their actions are not an example of what to do in a pandemic. Its just their luck that they were in isolated areas to begin with and that the rest of the country locked down which protected them.

The GOLD standard for dealing with this pandemic is NEW ZEALAND and TAIWAN, not Montana or Wyoming.

North East was seeded with the virus early before the lockdowns because Trump moved to slowly to restrict travel. That's why the North East numbers were so high. They were more exposed for a variety of reasons and the lockdowns did not take place until long after the virus had penetrated the populations.

Yes, we are quite familiar with your whining and excuses.

Give it a rest.

It's not less bullshit now than it was then.


Lets hear for Texas right?

4,413 NEW CASES of coronavirus in TEXAS on June 16, 2020 because "hey, lockdowns do no good and we should just go back to normal".

Please show me where I ever said we should go back to normal.

Go ahead. Just one instance. I'd be curious to know if I ever said that.......because I've been saying different.

Like any leftwinger, you quickly make shit up to argue against. I am not going to repeat what I've said over a dozen times on this thread and about 100 times on this board.

You've got your head so far up your ass you don't listen anyway.

If you find one instance, I'll recant with an apology.
There is no fucking 2nd wave.

No need for a second wave when your still in the middle of the first wave.

United States covid-19 infections on May 10, 2020: 20,781

United States covid-19 infections on June 16, 2020: 25,450

Texas covid-19 infections on May 10, 2020: 1,248

Texas covid-19 infections on June 16, 2020: 4,413

Texas has gone from 6% of new covid-19 infections in the United States on May 10, 2020 TO 17% of new covid-19 infections in the United States on June 16, 2020.

Why has Texas tripled its contribution of new covid-19 infections per day to the daily U.S. total in just 5 weeks?

Because, just like Arizona, you have people who are not paying attention and are participating in high risk activities.
California is lighting off.

2,300 cases today.

Another blue state.......

A Blue State with plenty of Trumpers and those that think like Trumpers when it comes to the dangers of covid-19 and what should be done about it.

Fuck off.

Sorry, but that's reality. Lockdowns, isolation and restrictions work. Individuals and governments that do the opposite sufferer the results.

No, they don't.

We killed a great many elderly because we focused on all the wrong things.

You are living a bullshit fairy tale and can't seem to get out of it.

The Mountain West never really locked down except for the most high risk activities.

Not only do I live there, I am in contact with many others who are. Never locked down. End of discussion. ABC did a special on southern Utah...almost no impact.

Now, we are into the higher risk activities and we are seeing issues. That was expected (by me) and why I still don't go out to dinner.

But the lockdowns as they were run were totally pathetic wastes.

New York and the rest of the N.E. killed the majority of people in this country. And they were supposedly locked down the hardest.

The Mountain states are the most isolated areas of the country. The lockdowns of the other 40 states further protected them. Their actions are not an example of what to do in a pandemic. Its just their luck that they were in isolated areas to begin with and that the rest of the country locked down which protected them.

The GOLD standard for dealing with this pandemic is NEW ZEALAND and TAIWAN, not Montana or Wyoming.

North East was seeded with the virus early before the lockdowns because Trump moved to slowly to restrict travel. That's why the North East numbers were so high. They were more exposed for a variety of reasons and the lockdowns did not take place until long after the virus had penetrated the populations.

Yes, we are quite familiar with your whining and excuses.

Give it a rest.

It's not less bullshit now than it was then.


Lets hear for Texas right?

4,413 NEW CASES of coronavirus in TEXAS on June 16, 2020 because "hey, lockdowns do no good and we should just go back to normal".

Please show me where I ever said we should go back to normal.

Go ahead. Just one instance. I'd be curious to know if I ever said that.......because I've been saying different.

Like any leftwinger, you quickly make shit up to argue against. I am not going to repeat what I've said over a dozen times on this thread and about 100 times on this board.

You've got your head so far up your ass you don't listen anyway.

If you find one instance, I'll recant with an apology.

Sweden's strategy is your passion for dealing with this pandemic. Sweden, Sweden, Sweden. And we know what Sweden has done when it comes to covid-19. You even said a while back that the United States will soon have policies in place like Sweden. "The United States is going the way of Sweden".

Taiwan and Sweden are polar opposites when it comes to dealing with covid-19. I want the United States to be like Taiwan, you want the United States to be like Sweden. Taiwan was the first country in the world to put in restrictions and take the pandemic seriously. Sweden at the opposite end is lax when it comes to restrictions and has tried to keep things as normal as possible.
California is lighting off.

2,300 cases today.

Another blue state.......

A Blue State with plenty of Trumpers and those that think like Trumpers when it comes to the dangers of covid-19 and what should be done about it.

Fuck off.

Sorry, but that's reality. Lockdowns, isolation and restrictions work. Individuals and governments that do the opposite sufferer the results.

No, they don't.

We killed a great many elderly because we focused on all the wrong things.

You are living a bullshit fairy tale and can't seem to get out of it.

The Mountain West never really locked down except for the most high risk activities.

Not only do I live there, I am in contact with many others who are. Never locked down. End of discussion. ABC did a special on southern Utah...almost no impact.

Now, we are into the higher risk activities and we are seeing issues. That was expected (by me) and why I still don't go out to dinner.

But the lockdowns as they were run were totally pathetic wastes.

New York and the rest of the N.E. killed the majority of people in this country. And they were supposedly locked down the hardest.

The Mountain states are the most isolated areas of the country. The lockdowns of the other 40 states further protected them. Their actions are not an example of what to do in a pandemic. Its just their luck that they were in isolated areas to begin with and that the rest of the country locked down which protected them.

The GOLD standard for dealing with this pandemic is NEW ZEALAND and TAIWAN, not Montana or Wyoming.

North East was seeded with the virus early before the lockdowns because Trump moved to slowly to restrict travel. That's why the North East numbers were so high. They were more exposed for a variety of reasons and the lockdowns did not take place until long after the virus had penetrated the populations.

Yes, we are quite familiar with your whining and excuses.

Give it a rest.

It's not less bullshit now than it was then.


Lets hear for Texas right?

4,413 NEW CASES of coronavirus in TEXAS on June 16, 2020 because "hey, lockdowns do no good and we should just go back to normal".

New record for Texas as well, the old record was 2,437 set on June 10, 2020.

Texas is about the same size as Taiwan in population, and on June 16, 2020, Texas had 10 times as many infections in ONE DAY as Taiwan has had over the past 5 months!

Do you think Texas will see a day with as many as 10,000 new infections?

How many ICU beds are left in the city of Houston? Only 12% of ICU beds were still available a few days ago in Houston.

What happens when there are no ICU beds in Houston for new patients who need them?

Please show me where I ever said we should go back to normal.

Go ahead. Just one instance. I'd be curious to know if I ever said that.......because I've been saying different.

Like any leftwinger, you quickly make shit up to argue against. I am not going to repeat what I've said over a dozen times on this thread and about 100 times on this board.

You've got your head so far up your ass you don't listen anyway.

If you find one instance, I'll recant with an apology.
There is no fucking 2nd wave.

No need for a second wave when your still in the middle of the first wave.

United States covid-19 infections on May 10, 2020: 20,781

United States covid-19 infections on June 16, 2020: 25,450

Texas covid-19 infections on May 10, 2020: 1,248

Texas covid-19 infections on June 16, 2020: 4,413

Texas has gone from 6% of new covid-19 infections in the United States on May 10, 2020 TO 17% of new covid-19 infections in the United States on June 16, 2020.

Why has Texas tripled its contribution of new covid-19 infections per day to the daily U.S. total in just 5 weeks?

Because, just like Arizona, you have people who are not paying attention and are participating in high risk activities.

Like Sweden eh? Arizona and Texas saw what happened in New York, why aren't they more prepared? New York is seeing its lowest levels of spread since early March. Arizona and Texas should not be seeing record numbers NOW. Again, its Trump and GOP policy which has failed the people of Texas.
California is lighting off.

2,300 cases today.

Another blue state.......

A Blue State with plenty of Trumpers and those that think like Trumpers when it comes to the dangers of covid-19 and what should be done about it.

Fuck off.

Sorry, but that's reality. Lockdowns, isolation and restrictions work. Individuals and governments that do the opposite sufferer the results.

No, they don't.

We killed a great many elderly because we focused on all the wrong things.

You are living a bullshit fairy tale and can't seem to get out of it.

The Mountain West never really locked down except for the most high risk activities.

Not only do I live there, I am in contact with many others who are. Never locked down. End of discussion. ABC did a special on southern Utah...almost no impact.

Now, we are into the higher risk activities and we are seeing issues. That was expected (by me) and why I still don't go out to dinner.

But the lockdowns as they were run were totally pathetic wastes.

New York and the rest of the N.E. killed the majority of people in this country. And they were supposedly locked down the hardest.

The Mountain states are the most isolated areas of the country. The lockdowns of the other 40 states further protected them. Their actions are not an example of what to do in a pandemic. Its just their luck that they were in isolated areas to begin with and that the rest of the country locked down which protected them.

The GOLD standard for dealing with this pandemic is NEW ZEALAND and TAIWAN, not Montana or Wyoming.

North East was seeded with the virus early before the lockdowns because Trump moved to slowly to restrict travel. That's why the North East numbers were so high. They were more exposed for a variety of reasons and the lockdowns did not take place until long after the virus had penetrated the populations.

Yes, we are quite familiar with your whining and excuses.

Give it a rest.

It's not less bullshit now than it was then.


Lets hear for Texas right?

4,413 NEW CASES of coronavirus in TEXAS on June 16, 2020 because "hey, lockdowns do no good and we should just go back to normal".

New record for Texas as well, the old record was 2,437 set on June 10, 2020.

Texas is about the same size as Taiwan in population, and on June 16, 2020, Texas had 10 times as many infections in ONE DAY as Taiwan has had over the past 5 months!

Do you think Texas will see a day with as many as 10,000 new infections?

How many ICU beds are left in the city of Houston? Only 12% of ICU beds were still available a few days ago in Houston.

What happens when there are no ICU beds in Houston for new patients who need them?

Please show me where I ever said we should go back to normal.

Go ahead. Just one instance. I'd be curious to know if I ever said that.......because I've been saying different.

Like any leftwinger, you quickly make shit up to argue against. I am not going to repeat what I've said over a dozen times on this thread and about 100 times on this board.

You've got your head so far up your ass you don't listen anyway.

If you find one instance, I'll recant with an apology.

Sweden's strategy is your passion for dealing with this pandemic. Sweden, Sweden, Sweden. And we know what Sweden has done when it comes to covid-19. You even said a while back that the United States will soon have policies in place like Sweden. "The United States is going the way of Sweden".

Taiwan and Sweden are polar opposites when it comes to dealing with covid-19. I want the United States to be like Taiwan, you want the United States to be like Sweden. Taiwan was the first country in the world to put in restrictions and take the pandemic seriously. Sweden at the opposite end is lax when it comes to restrictions and has tried to keep things as normal as possible.
California is lighting off.

2,300 cases today.

Another blue state.......

A Blue State with plenty of Trumpers and those that think like Trumpers when it comes to the dangers of covid-19 and what should be done about it.

Fuck off.

Sorry, but that's reality. Lockdowns, isolation and restrictions work. Individuals and governments that do the opposite sufferer the results.

No, they don't.

We killed a great many elderly because we focused on all the wrong things.

You are living a bullshit fairy tale and can't seem to get out of it.

The Mountain West never really locked down except for the most high risk activities.

Not only do I live there, I am in contact with many others who are. Never locked down. End of discussion. ABC did a special on southern Utah...almost no impact.

Now, we are into the higher risk activities and we are seeing issues. That was expected (by me) and why I still don't go out to dinner.

But the lockdowns as they were run were totally pathetic wastes.

New York and the rest of the N.E. killed the majority of people in this country. And they were supposedly locked down the hardest.

The Mountain states are the most isolated areas of the country. The lockdowns of the other 40 states further protected them. Their actions are not an example of what to do in a pandemic. Its just their luck that they were in isolated areas to begin with and that the rest of the country locked down which protected them.

The GOLD standard for dealing with this pandemic is NEW ZEALAND and TAIWAN, not Montana or Wyoming.

North East was seeded with the virus early before the lockdowns because Trump moved to slowly to restrict travel. That's why the North East numbers were so high. They were more exposed for a variety of reasons and the lockdowns did not take place until long after the virus had penetrated the populations.

Yes, we are quite familiar with your whining and excuses.

Give it a rest.

It's not less bullshit now than it was then.


Lets hear for Texas right?

4,413 NEW CASES of coronavirus in TEXAS on June 16, 2020 because "hey, lockdowns do no good and we should just go back to normal".

Please show me where I ever said we should go back to normal.

Go ahead. Just one instance. I'd be curious to know if I ever said that.......because I've been saying different.

Like any leftwinger, you quickly make shit up to argue against. I am not going to repeat what I've said over a dozen times on this thread and about 100 times on this board.

You've got your head so far up your ass you don't listen anyway.

If you find one instance, I'll recant with an apology.

Sweden's strategy is your passion for dealing with this pandemic. Sweden, Sweden, Sweden. And we know what Sweden has done when it comes to covid-19. You even said a while back that the United States will soon have policies in place like Sweden. "The United States is going the way of Sweden".

Taiwan and Sweden are polar opposites when it comes to dealing with covid-19. I want the United States to be like Taiwan, you want the United States to be like Sweden. Taiwan was the first country in the world to put in restrictions and take the pandemic seriously. Sweden at the opposite end is lax when it comes to restrictions and has tried to keep things as normal as possible.

Once again, you make shit up.

I am not going to take the time (again) to show you the difference.

Fuck off.

I am done with you.
California is lighting off.

2,300 cases today.

Another blue state.......

A Blue State with plenty of Trumpers and those that think like Trumpers when it comes to the dangers of covid-19 and what should be done about it.

Fuck off.

Sorry, but that's reality. Lockdowns, isolation and restrictions work. Individuals and governments that do the opposite sufferer the results.

No, they don't.

We killed a great many elderly because we focused on all the wrong things.

You are living a bullshit fairy tale and can't seem to get out of it.

The Mountain West never really locked down except for the most high risk activities.

Not only do I live there, I am in contact with many others who are. Never locked down. End of discussion. ABC did a special on southern Utah...almost no impact.

Now, we are into the higher risk activities and we are seeing issues. That was expected (by me) and why I still don't go out to dinner.

But the lockdowns as they were run were totally pathetic wastes.

New York and the rest of the N.E. killed the majority of people in this country. And they were supposedly locked down the hardest.

The Mountain states are the most isolated areas of the country. The lockdowns of the other 40 states further protected them. Their actions are not an example of what to do in a pandemic. Its just their luck that they were in isolated areas to begin with and that the rest of the country locked down which protected them.

The GOLD standard for dealing with this pandemic is NEW ZEALAND and TAIWAN, not Montana or Wyoming.

North East was seeded with the virus early before the lockdowns because Trump moved to slowly to restrict travel. That's why the North East numbers were so high. They were more exposed for a variety of reasons and the lockdowns did not take place until long after the virus had penetrated the populations.

Yes, we are quite familiar with your whining and excuses.

Give it a rest.

It's not less bullshit now than it was then.


Lets hear for Texas right?

4,413 NEW CASES of coronavirus in TEXAS on June 16, 2020 because "hey, lockdowns do no good and we should just go back to normal".

Please show me where I ever said we should go back to normal.

Go ahead. Just one instance. I'd be curious to know if I ever said that.......because I've been saying different.

Like any leftwinger, you quickly make shit up to argue against. I am not going to repeat what I've said over a dozen times on this thread and about 100 times on this board.

You've got your head so far up your ass you don't listen anyway.

If you find one instance, I'll recant with an apology.

Sweden's strategy is your passion for dealing with this pandemic. Sweden, Sweden, Sweden. And we know what Sweden has done when it comes to covid-19. You even said a while back that the United States will soon have policies in place like Sweden. "The United States is going the way of Sweden".

Taiwan and Sweden are polar opposites when it comes to dealing with covid-19. I want the United States to be like Taiwan, you want the United States to be like Sweden. Taiwan was the first country in the world to put in restrictions and take the pandemic seriously. Sweden at the opposite end is lax when it comes to restrictions and has tried to keep things as normal as possible.

Once again, you make shit up.

I am not going to take the time (again) to show you the difference.

Fuck off.

I am done with you.

I did not make anything up. I can put up direct quotes from you about Sweden if you want.
Once again, you make shit up.

I am not going to take the time (again) to show you the difference.

Fuck off.

I am done with you.

You mean when you said "Apples and Oranges" because you couldn't actually articulate the difference?

That was a really good point of yours.
Last check the U.S was at 759 deaths.

The differences between the top four/five and the rest is shrinking.

That said, N.E. still have 4 of the top 7 states.

California has been dong pretty poorly. They are close to New Jersey in active (and total) cases. However, their deaths are not as high as New Jersey. Their deaths are not dropping that others do, CA is climbing the list. They were number 2.

Illinois is still a Great Lakes contributor.

Several states are going many days without reporting deaths.


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