Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

It is freightening and eye opening to read that site and realize that crazy right wing accusations and conspiracy theories have reached that level. Those are the crazies that Trump is counting on for votes.
I have never seen "freight" used as a verb. Just stfu anyway. This is not a political issue.

Not a political issue, but we all know which party is counting on the Wuhan virus to bring them votes. Nothing else they tried has worked against President Trump.
1. the Dems love this virus crap
2. they try to link it to Mr Trump
= Dems are IDIOTS

1. I have a Strawman
2. Here he is.

3000, out of a population of 328,200,000. 50 deaths, all persons with underlying problems.

Just sayin'.

Over 3,500 in Italy overnight, another 300+ dead.

America and Canada for that matter, are in FAR better circumstances. Doesn't mean it won't get worse, but I still am curious why they've been impacted so much more than other places.
just a thought--Italy's population density is I think 520 psm ..US is 80 psm
of course US cities are just as dense--but overall, Italy population more dense
..more ''critical'' is Italy/Europe uses more mass transit I think ...etc
From 328,000,000 people, if the infected reach 32,800 and the deaths reach 5,000, then we are passing a pre-crisis symptom.It could be even called a disaster but not a crisis.

Point is that this corona microbe moment will be a fade very soon.
3000, out of a population of 328,200,000. 50 deaths, all persons with underlying problems.

Just sayin'.
Well, the figure HAS to go higher. They dont test everybody so we really have no way to know how many actually have this virus, only how many have tested positive which is why the death rate cannot be accurately determined. Those who caught the virus with minimal symptoms and recovered will never be factored into the death rate.

I suspect the true death rate is actually have lly close to the regular flu.
It is freightening and eye opening to read that site and realize that crazy right wing accusations and conspiracy theories have reached that level. Those are the crazies that Trump is counting on for votes.
I have never seen "freight" used as a verb. Just stfu anyway. This is not a political issue.

Not a political issue, but we all know which party is counting on the Wuhan virus to bring them votes. Nothing else they tried has worked against President Trump.
1. the Dems love this virus crap
2. they try to link it to Mr Trump
= Dems are IDIOTS

1. I have a Strawman
2. Here he is.

you people try to link it to Mr Trump--same STUPID shit how they tried to say Bush was racist because of a hurricane!!!!!!!!
I suspect the true death rate is actually have lly close to the regular flu.
I sure hope you are correct. the problem is, we don't know. And, based on the data available, this virus is very contagious and can cause prolonged illness. Even in South Korea, which is currently the model for best practices, the death rate is about 0.7%, many time higher than that of the flu. The biggest concern here is that our healthcare structure and economy will be overwhelmed by the number of cases that can happen in a short period of time.
3000, out of a population of 328,200,000. 50 deaths, all persons with underlying problems.

Just sayin'.

Actually 3457 known cases, and 63 deaths. Although it wasn't that long ago that your numbers were actually accurate, which shows how fast they pile up. Hell by the time you read that and click on it it's likely to pile up some more.

That's about 10.4 cases per 1M population. Coupla days ago that was around 6.

And that doesn't mean we're spreading the infection. We don't know that yet. It means we're still catching up to identifying cases that already exist. The whole testing thing, you know.

So there's my link, why don't you show us yours about the "all with underlying problems". Let's pool info together.

See? That number is now 3621. Went up by 164 in twenty minutes.

Let's speed up the production of those test kits, so ya'll can really freak out, break the healthcare system, and then force government nationalization into a single-payer healthcare system.

See how you're being played by the leftist media?

Production of test kits won't mean much , because most folks won't be tested. The vast majority of CV victims barely get sick at all, and usually don't know why. They aren't going to go to the expense and trouble of being tested.

There is little point , medically, to test folks. There is no specific treatment for coronavirus, supportive and symptomatic treatment is all that might be needed. It isn't like medicine has a Silver Bullet to cure it.
I have never seen "freight" used as a verb. Just stfu anyway. This is not a political issue.

Then why did that right wing nut bag try to bring all those crazy conspiracies into the discussion?
Did it freighten you? Idiot!

Oh my. How will I ever survive a spelling mistake?
Spelling is not why you're an idiot.

And yet --- it was the reason you posted.

What does that tell us.
Mr Bush is racist because of a hurricane !!! that's the Dems for you
Mr Trump is racist/etc because of a pandemic
Then why did that right wing nut bag try to bring all those crazy conspiracies into the discussion?
Did it freighten you? Idiot!

Oh my. How will I ever survive a spelling mistake?
Spelling is not why you're an idiot.

And yet --- it was the reason you posted.

What does that tell us.
Mr Bush is racist because of a hurricane !!! that's the Dems for you
Mr Trump is racist/etc because of a pandemic

"Here's another strawman I had lying around.
Here's still another.

It is freightening and eye opening to read that site and realize that crazy right wing accusations and conspiracy theories have reached that level. Those are the crazies that Trump is counting on for votes.
I have never seen "freight" used as a verb. Just stfu anyway. This is not a political issue.

Then why did that right wing nut bag try to bring all those crazy conspiracies into the discussion?
Did it freighten you? Idiot!

Oh my. How will I ever survive a spelling mistake?
Spelling is not why you're an idiot.

Yet you chose that as your best shot to counter anything I have posted. For you, that was probably a good choice.
He is suppose to call it tonight.


3000, out of a population of 328,200,000. 50 deaths, all persons with underlying problems.

Just sayin'.
What are you "just sayin'"? Use your big boy words. The experts point to that number and are warning us that the exponential growth is right on the pace one would expect, and the same as in Italy. Is this what you are "just sayin'"?

What he is "just sayin" is that corona virus is a flop. All the panic is over nothing unless you are very old and have underlying conditions. Please point to one American who is a moderately healthy 40 year old? Bet you can't.

I'm on medicare, I take the lowest dose of metformin available as a preventative. I also take pantoprazole because I am prone to heart burn do I count?
Just think if there is a lock down nation wide and those borders are wide open LMFAO !!

and the retards said


and when you didn't agree because you had a brain. you were a gg.d. PHOBE of some sort. omfg KARMA IS COMING FOR YOU A.H.!! LOL
1. the Dems love this virus crap
2. they try to link it to Mr Trump
= Dems are IDIOTS
Let's ,make it a true syllogism:

All whing progs are idiots.(true premise)
Bulldog is a whining prog.(true premise)
Therefore, Bulldog is an idiot.(syllogism)


Sit down, no spelling bee for you.
Sorry, I used Bulldog as the example of an idiot. I could certainly have used Pogo instead, the IQ differentiation being minimal.
COVID-19 cases in the United States by date of illness onset, January 12, 2020, to March 12, 2020, at 4pm ET (n=792)**

Latest data (today) from CDC:

3244 Total confirmed cases
62 Deaths
12 Recovered

Looks to me like the number of new cases is dropping, from a high of 79 on 03/07 to 2 on 03/11 to 0 on 03/13. It could be that some cases may not have been reported though. But frankly I'm not seeing COVID-19 as being that much worse than the Flu.
COVID-19 cases in the United States by date of illness onset, January 12, 2020, to March 12, 2020, at 4pm ET (n=792)**

Latest data (today) from CDC:

3244 Total confirmed cases
62 Deaths
12 Recovered

Looks to me like the number of new cases is dropping, from a high of 79 on 03/07 to 2 on 03/11 to 0 on 03/13. It could be that some cases may not have been reported though. But frankly I'm not seeing COVID-19 as being that much worse than the Flu.

Not sure what page you're reading but this one says there are 3621 reported cases, 678 of which are "new", with "new" defined (I think) as within the last 24 hours. Getting any idea of where we are is going to take time as testing catches up with carriers.
COVID-19 cases in the United States by date of illness onset, January 12, 2020, to March 12, 2020, at 4pm ET (n=792)**

Latest data (today) from CDC:

3244 Total confirmed cases
62 Deaths
12 Recovered

Looks to me like the number of new cases is dropping, from a high of 79 on 03/07 to 2 on 03/11 to 0 on 03/13. It could be that some cases may not have been reported though. But frankly I'm not seeing COVID-19 as being that much worse than the Flu.

There are probably a hundred, or a thousand, unconfirmed cases for every confirmed one. Most people don't go the doctor for every sniffle, so they are in no position to be tested.

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