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COVID-19 cases in the United States by date of illness onset, January 12, 2020, to March 12, 2020, at 4pm ET (n=792)**

Latest data (today) from CDC:

3244 Total confirmed cases
62 Deaths
12 Recovered

Looks to me like the number of new cases is dropping, from a high of 79 on 03/07 to 2 on 03/11 to 0 on 03/13. It could be that some cases may not have been reported though. But frankly I'm not seeing COVID-19 as being that much worse than the Flu.

There are probably a hundred, or a thousand, unconfirmed cases for every confirmed one. Most people don't go the doctor for every sniffle, so they are in no position to be tested.

Like to know where you got your estimate. Unconfirmed cases could be a bad cold, influenza, or something else rather than COVID-19.
Not really. They should have told her to stay home and hydrate.
No, they should have tested her to learn about the virus.

Other then knowing for sure she had it what would they learn? Even if she had it they would have sent her home to get better and hydrate. Maybe she would get an anti viral and some prednisone. But unless she has underlying medical conditions she is safe. To date no healthy avrage American has died from the virus. Only Americans who were already sick.
Other then knowing for sure she had it what would they learn?
They take the whole data set and learn about its contagiousness, virulence, oaths of infection, vectors, etc. Come on man, you can figure this stuff out for yourself with a little effort. Why test anyone? Maybe...go read up?
Other then knowing for sure she had it what would they learn?
They take the whole data set and learn about its contagiousness, virulence, oaths of infection, vectors, etc. Come on man, you can figure this stuff out for yourself with a little effort. Why test anyone? Maybe...go read up?

Well, it's obvious it's really contagious, but the test does nothing other then let us know if we are infected. How people get it is already common knowlage. It's a cold and it spreads the same way colds do. A test is a test. That's all. In the end unless you are dying all that will happen is people will get sent home to hydrate and get better. You can't show anything that says different.
Well, it's obvious it's really contagious, but the test does nothing other then let us know if we are infected
Which is extremely important both to understanding the virus and to slowing the spread. It's no coincidence that the country with the most aggressive testing since day one (South Korea) has enjoyed the best outcomes.

With our delayed, stunted response, our curve looks much more like Italy's right now than it does south Korea's.
Well, it's obvious it's really contagious, but the test does nothing other then let us know if we are infected
Which is extremely important both to understanding the virus and to slowing the spread. It's no coincidence that the country with the most aggressive testing since day one (South Korea) has enjoyed the best outcomes.

With our delayed, stunted response, our curve looks much more like Italy's right now than it does south Korea's.

But that's the thing, this was most likely swirling around before it got big on the news. Our curve? You make it sound like an end of the world zombie outbreak. I don't mean to be a dick, but it's only dangerous to folks who are already sick. I'm not saying this isn't serious. Not saying I diddnt panic some my self, in the end I asked my do. About this and my COPD as well as my compromised immune system and he said to live my live and practace common sense. I feel good about it.
COVID-19 cases in the United States by date of illness onset, January 12, 2020, to March 12, 2020, at 4pm ET (n=792)**

Latest data (today) from CDC:

3244 Total confirmed cases
62 Deaths
12 Recovered

Looks to me like the number of new cases is dropping, from a high of 79 on 03/07 to 2 on 03/11 to 0 on 03/13. It could be that some cases may not have been reported though. But frankly I'm not seeing COVID-19 as being that much worse than the Flu.

There are probably a hundred, or a thousand, unconfirmed cases for every confirmed one. Most people don't go the doctor for every sniffle, so they are in no position to be tested.

Like to know where you got your estimate. Unconfirmed cases could be a bad cold, influenza, or something else rather than COVID-19.

That's usually the multiplier that is used to estimate the number of flu cases. Most people who get coronavirus tend to be not that sick, and that is similar to influenza, which the government also tracks the number of cases.

Truly, the actual number of people currently with or recovered from Coronavirus is greater than the "confirmed" cases. And due to the generally mild nature of the symptoms for most people, it would seem to be a lot greater.
3000, out of a population of 328,200,000. 50 deaths, all persons with underlying problems.

Just sayin'.
Wow if they keep going they may reach the same number as the gun deaths in all the democratically run cities throughout the nation.

This coronavirus scare is all about trying to make laws that makes it harder for antivaxx parents from opting out their children from being vaccinated. Once they accomplish one state. Then rest of the nation will soon follow.

So Trump is declaring a national emergency, thousands of schools are being closed, most large sporting events, concerts, theme parks, cruises, and travel from dozens up countries are being cancelled guaranteeing a recession on the hope that congress might pass laws forcing the vaccination of children with a vaccine that may never be developed. :cuckoo:
Our curve? You make it sound like an end of the world zombie outbreak.
Huh? What is that nonsense? The curve just shows data. How many cases, and when.

I don't mean to be a dick, but it's only dangerous to folks who are already sick
You're not being a dick, you're being an irresponsible liar by making up stupid shit. No, previously ill people are not the only ones who will require inpatient care.

My county has 375,000 people. It has 1436 hospital beds. If only 3% of the population requires inpatient care over a 3-month span, our hospitals will be overwhelmed, and we will be choosing who receives care and who does not. People who would otherwise survive will die, and we will have triages for contagious people with a dangerous virus in our high school gyms, and sports venues, and YMCAs, etc.
Y'all seem to be the only ones nfatuated with Trumps ego.
Then you must be slightly deaf and blind. Trump is obviously completely infatuated with it, and you can read this website to watch a parade of Trump cultists saying idiotic shit to protect dear leader's ego.
Our curve? You make it sound like an end of the world zombie outbreak.
Huh? What is that nonsense? The curve just shows data. How many cases, and when.

I don't mean to be a dick, but it's only dangerous to folks who are already sick
You're not being a dick, you're being an irresponsible liar by making up stupid shit. No, previously ill people are not the only ones who will require inpatient care.

My county has 375,000 people. It has 1436 hospital beds. If only 3% of the population requires inpatient care over a 3-month span, our hospitals will be overwhelmed, and we will be choosing who receives care and who does not. People who would otherwise survive will die, and we will have triages for contagious people with a deadly virus in our high school buns, and sports venues, and YMCAs, etc.

Then if I'm a liar you can post up an otherwise healthy American who died from corona virus right? You still haven be ads you can't. We already know it's contagious. Don't need a test for that. In the end not getting sick is on us. Not Donald Trump. You aren't really concurned about this virus so much as its just another way for you to say "FUCK TRUMP!". Fact is, healthy people are safe. If you are in a coma laying in a hospital bed waiting to die this will speed you along. That's all their is to it and you can't prove anything otherwise.

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