Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

From resident evil LOL

I've been trying to be vigilante about washing my hands every time I come home after being out, and not touching my face until I do so. I also carry around hand sanitizer in my purse. It is the season for getting flu and other illnesses, and I HATE feeling sick. I'm a baby. Lol.
11,400 infected. 260 dead.

It seems to be spreading pretty much as expected.
I just noticed this .things tha make ya go hummm


Chi coms and chi com money on every major campus in the United States
Left wingers are thier stupid fuck toys
They LAUGH at them're nothing to them
All 2nd and and 3rd worlders laugh at them ....

CNN 4days ago

Last week, a cancer researcher, Zaosong Zheng, was indicted for trying to smuggle 21 vials of biological material out of the US to China and lying about it to federal investigators, Lelling said.
Zaosong, 30, whose entry was sponsored by Harvard University, had hidden the vials in a sock before boarding the plane, according to Lelling
Cancer researcher....ya huh cancer researcher that's all

11,400 infected. 260 dead.

It seems to be spreading pretty much as expected.

You can multiply those numbers by at least 10 or 20%.....They are secretly cremating victims to keep numbers low.

This would not surprise me in the least, and I think it is a good idea to assume there are more deaths than the Chinese are letting on.

Of that we can be sure of
It's getting a foot hold here some of us have said ...we're about to find out for sure just how nasty thIs thing is

Wattsup comment on a Breitbart news blurb

This kind of heavy handed censorship is the main reason nobody trusts the Chinese Government to tell the truth. Facebook allowing the Chinese government to control Facebook content will not stop the rumours spreading, with the TOR network and plain old telephone calls, there is no longer a way to stop the flow of information and rumours other than to shut down everything – and shutting down all communication would send its own message.

All links here
Chinese Censorship Goes Global: Facebook Agrees to Delete Corona Virus Posts Flagged by China

All is well die in your homes comrades
Steve Warner ✘
Armed police in Wuhan apparently enforcing coronavirus quarantine
11,400 infected. 260 dead.

It seems to be spreading pretty much as expected.

You can multiply those numbers by at least 10 or 20%.....They are secretly cremating victims to keep numbers low.

This would not surprise me in the least, and I think it is a good idea to assume there are more deaths than the Chinese are letting on.

Coronavirus may have infected seven times more people than reported, respected Lancet journal says

Not any surprise really.
Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

Just a thought. It’s a really good graphic representation of what’s going on.

We are at 5500 infected and 125 dead....officially from China, so it’s likely more.

Did you know that Wuhan where this coronavirus started, Wuhan has China's only Biosafety Level 4 lab, I'm wondering if they had an accident there and this coronavirus was by accident released and it's all being covered up by the Chinese Government. I mean it's a great coincidence that the only place in China where they have a Biosafety Level 4 lab the place where this coronavirus started it's journey that has now spread to many nations. It might be nothing, it's just that I think the coincidence is very very curious and interesting.


Wuhan Institute of Virology - Wikipedia


Inside the Chinese lab poised to study world's most dangerous pathogens
Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

Just a thought. It’s a really good graphic representation of what’s going on.

We are at 5500 infected and 125 dead....officially from China, so it’s likely more.

The peoples who have been evacuated and returned to their respective nations in my opinion should NOT be placed within the mainland in these special hospital units. In my opinion they should be specifically placed on military bases off the mainland, they should be COMPLETELY isolated from the populations.
In China, according to the NHC guidelines issued Saturday, if a coronavirus victims dies, the following measures are to be taken as quickly as possible.

First, the medical staff at the medical facility where the person was being treated are required to disinfect and seal the remains. It is forbidden to open the remains once they have been sealed. Second, the medical staff will issue a death certificate and notify the family. At this point, the local funeral services facility will be contacted. Third, funeral services personnel will then collect the body, deliver it to the relevant facility, and directly cremate the remains. A cremation certificate will then be issued.

No one is permitted to visit the remains during this process. Relatives will, however, be allowed to take the remains after cremation has been completed and documented, the NHC explained in its Saturday announcement.

China says Wuhan coronavirus victims who die should be quickly cremated without funerals as death toll rises

Only 300 fatalities?

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