Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

The confusion over hydroxychloroquine usage is a good illustration of why clinical trials are so important. A Doctor needs to know the likelihood of a drug making a difference in the life of his patient, as well as the correct dosage, and what to expect after prescribing the drug.
Which takes how long ?
Under normal times, 3 to 6 years but these are not normal times.
Why not just use the protocols that other nations like Germany have long had already? Why reinvent the wheel?
Cannot believe Crazy Bernie is holding up the relief fund.
He is?

I thought you Trump haters would keep up with congress. Guess not.
I thought I was. But you're about to tell me what I missed, specifically regarding your earlier comment.

Nice deflect.

Asking you to explain your own comment is not a deflection. Your avoiding doing so is, though.
So, comparing the numbers in a snapshot of the flu and covid-19 is obviously painfully stupid. There is a reason the global scientific community is taking this more seriously than the flu. If anyone hear is scratching their heads wondering why that is (scroll up for a demonstration), or wondering why a bunch of uneducated slobs can't just intuitively figure this out for themselves (same, scroll up), I suggest you do what rational, functioning adults do and go read up.
4000 a month are dying from the flu and 900 a month with corona. Again friend, your lack of logic, cause you left it at the door, isn't with you on this one. 4000 is greater than 900. Now, feel free to challenge that.
And 46,000 die of heart disease every day each, 27,000 from cancer, and 600 to 1200 from Flu when averaged over a 5 year period. There relevance to the fight to stop covid 19 is exactly Zero for two reasons.

First, deaths from Flu, cancer, and heart disease may vary from year to year but averaged over a 10 year period, death rates are pretty stable. The deaths from Covid 19 is doubling approximately every 6 days. At that rate, the 21,000 current deaths would increase in just 90 days to surpass that of the Flu, heart disease, and cancer.

Secondly, compared to the Flu or other diseases I mention, we know practically nothing about Covid 19. We don't know if people will recover with long term immunity, or whether they will have serious complications. We don't know how accurate the test kits are, if or when a vaccine or effective antivirals will become available. Finally, just about everything we think we know about transmission has not been verified.

Ignoring the rapid increase in the number of cases and deaths and believing the cornavirus is not worth fighting simply because the death rate has not reached that of other diseases is downright stupid.
So, comparing the numbers in a snapshot of the flu and covid-19 is obviously painfully stupid. There is a reason the global scientific community is taking this more seriously than the flu. If anyone hear is scratching their heads wondering why that is (scroll up for a demonstration), or wondering why a bunch of uneducated slobs can't just intuitively figure this out for themselves (same, scroll up), I suggest you do what rational, functioning adults do and go read up.
4000 a month are dying from the flu and 900 a month with corona. Again friend, your lack of logic, cause you left it at the door, isn't with you on this one. 4000 is greater than 900. Now, feel free to challenge that.
And 46,000 die of heart disease every day each, 27,000 from cancer, and 600 to 1200 from Flu when averaged over a 5 year period. There relevance to fight to stop covid 19 is exactly Zero for two reasons.

First, deaths from Flu, cancer, and heart disease may vary from year to year but averaged over a 10 year period, death rates are pretty stable. The deaths from Covid 19 is doubling approximately every 6 days. At that rate, the 21,000 current deaths would increase in just 90 days to surpass that of the Flu, heart disease, and cancer.

Secondly, compared to the Flu or other diseases I mention, we know practically nothing about Covid 19. We don't know if people will recover with long term immunity, or whether they will have serious complications. We don't know if or when a vaccine or effective antivirals will become available. Finally, just about everything we think we know about transmission has not verified.

Ignoring the rapid increase in the number of cases and deaths and believing the cornavirus is not worth fighting simply because the death rate has not reached that of other diseases is downright stupid.

So we default to what we are now which is not sustainable.

There are other options besides this and ignorning it.
It looks like New York loses again.

Currently showing 95 deaths today (vs 114 yesterday...but the days is not over) and 6,600 new cases.
Michigan keeps rising. Current total 43 deaths. My own county has its first case (not me)

There are 2,295 total positive cases in the state. That's up 19 deaths from the previous day and 507 cases. Detroit has the largest number of cases with 705.

The age breakdown is below.

0-19 – 1%
20-29 – 8%
30-39 – 12%
40-49 – 17%
50-59 – 19%
60-69 – 21%
70-79 – 14%
80+ – 8%
The confusion over hydroxychloroquine usage is a good illustration of why clinical trials are so important. A Doctor needs to know the likelihood of a drug making a difference in the life of his patient, as well as the correct dosage, and what to expect after prescribing the drug.
Which takes how long ?
Under normal times, 3 to 6 years but these are not normal times.
Why not just use the protocols that other nations like Germany have long had already? Why reinvent the wheel?
We could but the time factor would probably be the same
The status at the end of the 3/25 24-hr period:

Tot Cases/
1M pop
Tot Deaths/
1M pop
S. Korea9,137+100126+63,7305,281591782

Thirteen thousand-plus new cases, most in the world, exceeds the next two countries (Italy and Spain), combined. Deaths are now over a thousand.

Louisiana reports the fastest growth rate in the world. CV cases began appearing two weeks after Mardi Gras, an event featuring large crowds, little hygiene and a great deal of handling things like beads and drinks.
New York reporting 95 deaths. That is down from the last two days.

But the number of cases increased. They are still close to half the cases in the U.S.

The U.S. had a total of 247 deaths due to Covoid 19. FYI: 7,500 people passed from other causes.

The global death count for Covoid 19 was 2,390. Yesterday it was 2,380. In that same time frame approximately 300,000 people died globally from from other causes.

Will New York deaths flatten out ?
So, comparing the numbers in a snapshot of the flu and covid-19 is obviously painfully stupid. There is a reason the global scientific community is taking this more seriously than the flu. If anyone hear is scratching their heads wondering why that is (scroll up for a demonstration), or wondering why a bunch of uneducated slobs can't just intuitively figure this out for themselves (same, scroll up), I suggest you do what rational, functioning adults do and go read up.
4000 a month are dying from the flu and 900 a month with corona. Again friend, your lack of logic, cause you left it at the door, isn't with you on this one. 4000 is greater than 900. Now, feel free to challenge that.
And 46,000 die of heart disease every day each, 27,000 from cancer, and 600 to 1200 from Flu when averaged over a 5 year period. There relevance to fight to stop covid 19 is exactly Zero for two reasons.

First, deaths from Flu, cancer, and heart disease may vary from year to year but averaged over a 10 year period, death rates are pretty stable. The deaths from Covid 19 is doubling approximately every 6 days. At that rate, the 21,000 current deaths would increase in just 90 days to surpass that of the Flu, heart disease, and cancer.

Secondly, compared to the Flu or other diseases I mention, we know practically nothing about Covid 19. We don't know if people will recover with long term immunity, or whether they will have serious complications. We don't know if or when a vaccine or effective antivirals will become available. Finally, just about everything we think we know about transmission has not verified.

Ignoring the rapid increase in the number of cases and deaths and believing the cornavirus is not worth fighting simply because the death rate has not reached that of other diseases is downright stupid.

So we default to what we are now which is not sustainable.

There are other options besides this and ignorning it.
We stick with the plan of isolation which has worked for centuries in fighting epidemics and has worked in China and South Korea and seems to be working in Italy. The current situation is not likely to last more than month or two. When the number of new cases start falling, the governors will start loosening the restrictions in their state, the market will start recovering and the economy will recover.

However, if we throw the towel in and abandon the current restrictions, the cases will increase at a faster rate, hospitals will be overloaded, and any economic recovery will be short lived. In short, we finish what we have started.
So, comparing the numbers in a snapshot of the flu and covid-19 is obviously painfully stupid. There is a reason the global scientific community is taking this more seriously than the flu. If anyone hear is scratching their heads wondering why that is (scroll up for a demonstration), or wondering why a bunch of uneducated slobs can't just intuitively figure this out for themselves (same, scroll up), I suggest you do what rational, functioning adults do and go read up.
4000 a month are dying from the flu and 900 a month with corona. Again friend, your lack of logic, cause you left it at the door, isn't with you on this one. 4000 is greater than 900. Now, feel free to challenge that.
And 46,000 die of heart disease every day each, 27,000 from cancer, and 600 to 1200 from Flu when averaged over a 5 year period. There relevance to fight to stop covid 19 is exactly Zero for two reasons.

First, deaths from Flu, cancer, and heart disease may vary from year to year but averaged over a 10 year period, death rates are pretty stable. The deaths from Covid 19 is doubling approximately every 6 days. At that rate, the 21,000 current deaths would increase in just 90 days to surpass that of the Flu, heart disease, and cancer.

Secondly, compared to the Flu or other diseases I mention, we know practically nothing about Covid 19. We don't know if people will recover with long term immunity, or whether they will have serious complications. We don't know if or when a vaccine or effective antivirals will become available. Finally, just about everything we think we know about transmission has not verified.

Ignoring the rapid increase in the number of cases and deaths and believing the cornavirus is not worth fighting simply because the death rate has not reached that of other diseases is downright stupid.

So we default to what we are now which is not sustainable.

There are other options besides this and ignorning it.
We stick with the plan of isolation which has worked for centuries in fighting epidemics and has worked in China and South Korea and seems to be working in Italy. The current situation is not likely to last more than month or two. When the number of new cases start falling, the governors will start loosening the restrictions in their state, the market will start recovering and the economy will recover.

However, if we throw the towel in and abandon the current restrictions, the cases will increase at a faster rate, hospitals will be overloaded, and any economic recovery will be short lived. In short, we finish what we have started.

Stop with the abandon and throw in the towel horseshit.

I am going to ask you because other left wingers won't answer. Do you believe someone can hold a church service, take precautions (a whole list of them) and still prevent the spread of the disease ?

Can I go to my office (take all kinds of precautions) and still prevent the spread of the diesease ?

It is a simple question.
The status at the end of the 3/25 24-hr period:

Tot Cases/
1M pop
Tot Deaths/
1M pop
S. Korea9,137+100126+63,7305,281591782

Thirteen thousand-plus new cases, most in the world, exceeds the next two countries (Italy and Spain), combined. Deaths are now over a thousand.

Louisiana reports the fastest growth rate in the world. CV cases began appearing two weeks after Mardi Gras, an event featuring large crowds, little hygiene and a great deal of handling things like beads and drinks.
WAH, you can do graphs now? I'm doomed.
Oh... Senate passes rescue bill 96-0... let's see the democrats in the house play politics with that!
So, comparing the numbers in a snapshot of the flu and covid-19 is obviously painfully stupid. There is a reason the global scientific community is taking this more seriously than the flu. If anyone hear is scratching their heads wondering why that is (scroll up for a demonstration), or wondering why a bunch of uneducated slobs can't just intuitively figure this out for themselves (same, scroll up), I suggest you do what rational, functioning adults do and go read up.
4000 a month are dying from the flu and 900 a month with corona. Again friend, your lack of logic, cause you left it at the door, isn't with you on this one. 4000 is greater than 900. Now, feel free to challenge that.
And 46,000 die of heart disease every day each, 27,000 from cancer, and 600 to 1200 from Flu when averaged over a 5 year period. There relevance to fight to stop covid 19 is exactly Zero for two reasons.

First, deaths from Flu, cancer, and heart disease may vary from year to year but averaged over a 10 year period, death rates are pretty stable. The deaths from Covid 19 is doubling approximately every 6 days. At that rate, the 21,000 current deaths would increase in just 90 days to surpass that of the Flu, heart disease, and cancer.

Secondly, compared to the Flu or other diseases I mention, we know practically nothing about Covid 19. We don't know if people will recover with long term immunity, or whether they will have serious complications. We don't know if or when a vaccine or effective antivirals will become available. Finally, just about everything we think we know about transmission has not verified.

Ignoring the rapid increase in the number of cases and deaths and believing the cornavirus is not worth fighting simply because the death rate has not reached that of other diseases is downright stupid.

So we default to what we are now which is not sustainable.

There are other options besides this and ignorning it.
We stick with the plan of isolation which has worked for centuries in fighting epidemics and has worked in China and South Korea and seems to be working in Italy. The current situation is not likely to last more than month or two. When the number of new cases start falling, the governors will start loosening the restrictions in their state, the market will start recovering and the economy will recover.

However, if we throw the towel in and abandon the current restrictions, the cases will increase at a faster rate, hospitals will be overloaded, and any economic recovery will be short lived. In short, we finish what we have started.

Stop with the abandon and throw in the towel horseshit.

I am going to ask you because other left wingers won't answer. Do you believe someone can hold a church service, take precautions (a whole list of them) and still prevent the spread of the disease ?

Can I go to my office (take all kinds of precautions) and still prevent the spread of the diesease ?

It is a simple question.
Sure provided everyone maintained a distance of 6 foot separation, avoided coming to work or church if they were ill or exposed to the virus. However, you and I know that is not going to happen because that is not how we work nor how worship. Even if 99 out of a hundred follow the rules, it only takes one person to spread the virus to many people. One person in South Korea, identified as patient 31 transmitted the virus to over 1,100 people as she went about her life.

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