Official Election results thread

Fox just called New Mexico for Hillary. That was a battleground state. This may come down to the western battleground states.

A bit early but it looks like Hillary may take Colorado handily as well. Fox isn't talking about Nevada but that means Hillary is doing better than Trump there too.
North Carolina is looking better. All the counties that haven't returned results will go for Trump, and he's only down 2%.

I'll bet Hillary is peeing her pants. She's worried about how she will look in an orange jumpsuit.
You mean depends.
Well, I guess voters are enthralled by a sexual predator in the White House.
No matter who wins. Arguments and angry words are water under the bridge. I love you all on both sides for caring and for your passion for what you believe is best for America.
I just realized, I cannot afford Trump win. This is killing wall street (401K) during jobless "summers of recovery"

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