Official Election results thread

The mods may need to set up a safe place. Some of our resident snowflakes are going to need one.
The poll numbers were so far off, can anyone have faith in Obama's polls numbers? I think if we had a real media and a fair polling system his numbers would be under 40%...

Most of the polls were cooked by way oversampling Democrats.

LA Times looks like the most accurate one of all!

Even hack Silver had to adjust somewhat for the bias.

No, the polls were not wrong!!!

They are national polls. When you poll nationally you obviously get national results.

You have to (and they should, but they're too damn lazy to), reduce the percentage by the surplus votes each candidate gets from the non swing states.

This year those should be:

Clinton 9.5 million
Trump 4.5 million.

The difference of 5 million is roughly 3.9% of the total national vote.

She needed that large of a lead to be win the majority of swing states. Below that and she losses swing states and marginal blue states.

The polls call California many more times than any other because they hold a huge population. She will win it with a surplus of +2.6 million votes. That alone will skew the national vote by +1.5 democrat.

The pollsters also showed Clinton with an Electoral college win, which wipes out your national vs. state theory, bub.

I don't know about the other states but the exit polling in Florida indicated that the majority of college educated people voted for Trump instead of that Crooked Hillary bitch.

The great majority of Crooked Hillary's support came from the ghetto big cities of the country that is is not exactly known for being educated.

Florida was an anomaly. And there is a lot of political and socio-economic know-nothings with degrees.

Trump is highly unpopular among those that are at least mildly educated in how politics and policy connects to the reality, because if you are familiar with that there is little chance of you buying Trump's bs rhetoric and empty promises.

Even looking at the forum boards here and conservative circles, the ones that were enthusiastic for Trump were consistently silly posters.

I don't know about the other states but the exit polling in Florida indicated that the majority of college educated people voted for Trump instead of that Crooked Hillary bitch.

The great majority of Crooked Hillary's support came from the ghetto big cities of the country that is is not exactly known for being educated.

Florida was an anomaly. And there is a lot of political and socio-economic know-nothings with degrees.

Trump is highly unpopular among those that are at least mildly educated in how politics and policy connects to the reality, because if you are familiar with that there is little chance of you buying Trump's bs rhetoric.

Even looking at the forum boards here and conservative circles, the ones that were enthusiastic for Trump were consistently silly posters.
Buying Trumps BS.
The Molotov cocktail just got thrown.
The people are tired of Washington.

Florida was an anomaly. And there is a lot of political and socio-economic know-nothings with degrees.

Trump is highly unpopular among those that are at least mildly educated in how politics and policy connects to the reality, because if you are familiar with that there is little chance of you buying Trump's bs rhetoric.

Even looking at the forum boards here and conservative circles, the ones that were enthusiastic for Trump were consistently silly posters.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The great majority of Crooked Hillary's support came from the ghetto areas of the big cites with the uneducated welfare queens. Crooked Hillary spent a lot of time campaigning among the uneducated Blacks.

You Moon Bats lost. Instead of coming up with stupid excuses you should pull your heads out of your asses and understand that America is fed up with the failures of big government.

I don't know about the other states but the exit polling in Florida indicated that the majority of college educated people voted for Trump instead of that Crooked Hillary bitch.

The great majority of Crooked Hillary's support came from the ghetto big cities of the country that is is not exactly known for being educated.

Florida was an anomaly. And there is a lot of political and socio-economic know-nothings with degrees.

Trump is highly unpopular among those that are at least mildly educated in how politics and policy connects to the reality, because if you are familiar with that there is little chance of you buying Trump's bs rhetoric and empty promises.

Even looking at the forum boards here and conservative circles, the ones that were enthusiastic for Trump were consistently silly posters.

More lefty butt hurt.
More lefty butt hurt.

Comical, isn't it?

The Moon Bats should be concentrating on understanding why Crooked Hillary and the Democrats lost instead of coming up with stupid silly shit about questioning the education of the 55 million people that voted against Crooked Hillary.

I don't know about the other states but the exit polling in Florida indicated that the majority of college educated people voted for Trump instead of that Crooked Hillary bitch.

The great majority of Crooked Hillary's support came from the ghetto big cities of the country that is is not exactly known for being educated.

Florida was an anomaly. And there is a lot of political and socio-economic know-nothings with degrees.

Trump is highly unpopular among those that are at least mildly educated in how politics and policy connects to the reality, because if you are familiar with that there is little chance of you buying Trump's bs rhetoric and empty promises.

Even looking at the forum boards here and conservative circles, the ones that were enthusiastic for Trump were consistently silly posters.

More lefty butt hurt.
I expect to see an uptick of both Lefties leaping off bridges (they're anti-gun) and moving to Canada. ;)
So is Trump's victory absolutely sure? Our media here say he won the White House for sure :)
Yes. Donald J. Trump is President-elect of the United States of America. Over the next few months we'll get a clearer view of what his administration will look like through his appointments of staff and his agenda.
Florida was an anomaly. And there is a lot of political and socio-economic know-nothings with degrees.

Trump is highly unpopular among those that are at least mildly educated in how politics and policy connects to the reality, because if you are familiar with that there is little chance of you buying Trump's bs rhetoric and empty promises.

Even looking at the forum boards here and conservative circles, the ones that were enthusiastic for Trump were consistently silly posters.
Translation: I believe the vast majority of Americans are fucking morons.

Do you think President Obama should declare martial law to maintain order?

You do know that both candidates were highly unpopular, right? Why do you only mention Trump?
You do know that both candidates were highly unpopular, right? Why do you only mention Trump?

Because these Moon Bats are confused and have no idea why America rejected Crooked Hillary's agenda of Left Wing hate and dishonesty.

They will try to blame everybody except themselves for the failure.
So is Trump's victory absolutely sure? Our media here say he won the White House for sure :)

Since Crooked Hillary conceded it is pretty much a done deal. She would have been like Gore did in 2000 and send a thousand lawyers to fight if she thought there was a chance she could win.

Nope, it is over. The Libtards lost.

Trump will be the President of the US with a Republican Congress and Senate. That is a lot better for this country than if Crooked Hillary would have won.
We, the People have spoken.

Obama faces sharp repudiation and a legacy nightmare -
Washington (CNN)For President Barack Obama, Donald Trump's presidential victory is nothing less than a nightmare.

His longstanding vision for progressive change faced sharp and unexpected repudiation Tuesday night from voters still fuming at their perceived diminished prospects. By Obama's own admission, the major pieces of his presidential legacy are now subject to a gutting by a successor he resents deeply.

Now, the first black president will stand on the inaugural platform next to Donald Trump, who stoked divisions and preyed on people's racist fears, including through lies and insinuations about Obama himself.
His efforts on Hillary Clinton's behalf over the past month, unprecedented for a modern sitting president, reflected not only a desire to elect his former secretary of state. It was a chance to sell, again, his vision of a hopeful America and the progress inherent in a nation ready to elect its first African-American president.

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