Official Election results thread

"Florida was an anomaly." On the Clinton crime thread, we will further delve into it. Right here, Mr. and Mrs. Einstein: "Romance carries a different placard in the Latin and Slavic countries." (A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Minnesota Press 1987)
"Lefty butthurt" is another example of why DNC is now shocked. The left, according to Deleuze, is not political, it is movement. Trump movement. "Those not duped by the symbolic fiction are most deeply in error." (Jacques Lacan)
I hope now that hitlery slinks back under the rock she crawled out from under, even though it probably won't keep her out of jail. Now that the DOJ is going to be cleaned out and replaced with people that will actually uphold the law, the clintons better buy a place in Dubai next to obama to keep from being extradited back to America to face prison.
So schools don't have to force school girls to accept men into their showers?

Thanks to Obama, President Trump will legislate too.
That's more about Congress passing legislation and a President signing a bill.
Shitforbrains thinks the Republican congress passed a bill to force school girls to accept men into their shower,:cuckoo:
Shitforbrains thinks the Republican congress passed a bill to force school girls to accept men into their shower,:cuckoo:
Incorrect, but obviously you are so emotionally involved in this topic you can't see straight. Try not to hurt yourself or someone else.

You deleted your quote, here, let me help you.
That's more about Congress passing legislation and a President signing a bill

No, Congress had nothing to do with Obama forcing school girls to accept men into their shower.
Florida was an anomaly. And there is a lot of political and socio-economic know-nothings with degrees......
Feel free to amplify on those statements if you can.

The fact remains Florida is a very large state with a large number of electoral votes (29, tied with New York). The largest is California, a solid blue state. Second is Texas, a solid red state. Tied for third is New York, solid blue and Florida, a mixed state which has been a crucial factor in every Presidential election this century. The city counties are solid blue, but the rural counties are mostly red and, as the pics below display, it came down to a few different counties that flipped the state.



What I find amusing is the number of liberals and Hillary supporters who thought the polling data was to be taken as the gospel.
More amusing is the reaction from that side when former Blue states were lit up red on election maps.
Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were gigantic for the Trump camp...
We, the People have spoken.

Obama faces sharp repudiation and a legacy nightmare -
Washington (CNN)For President Barack Obama, Donald Trump's presidential victory is nothing less than a nightmare.

His longstanding vision for progressive change faced sharp and unexpected repudiation Tuesday night from voters still fuming at their perceived diminished prospects. By Obama's own admission, the major pieces of his presidential legacy are now subject to a gutting by a successor he resents deeply.

Now, the first black president will stand on the inaugural platform next to Donald Trump, who stoked divisions and preyed on people's racist fears, including through lies and insinuations about Obama himself.
His efforts on Hillary Clinton's behalf over the past month, unprecedented for a modern sitting president, reflected not only a desire to elect his former secretary of state. It was a chance to sell, again, his vision of a hopeful America and the progress inherent in a nation ready to elect its first African-American president.
One of Clinton's larger mistakes was allowing Obama to stump for her and instead of pumping up support for the Candidate, much of his speeches were about Barack Obama and the legacy of Barack Obama.
Obama is such an egomaniac, that he had the gall to claim this election was a mandate on his legacy.
One of the other things Obama said on numerous occasions that the race should not even be close.
That level of arrogance turns people off.
I suspect that independents originally leaning to Clinton, changed their minds based on the words of Obama and decided to vote GOP.
The poll numbers were so far off, can anyone have faith in Obama's polls numbers? I think if we had a real media and a fair polling system his numbers would be under 40%...

Most of the polls were cooked by way oversampling Democrats.

LA Times looks like the most accurate one of all!

Even hack Silver had to adjust somewhat for the bias.

No, the polls were not wrong!!!

They are national polls. When you poll nationally you obviously get national results.

You have to (and they should, but they're too damn lazy to), reduce the percentage by the surplus votes each candidate gets from the non swing states.

This year those should be:

Clinton 9.5 million
Trump 4.5 million.

The difference of 5 million is roughly 3.9% of the total national vote.

She needed that large of a lead to be win the majority of swing states. Below that and she losses swing states and marginal blue states.

The polls call California many more times than any other because they hold a huge population. She will win it with a surplus of +2.6 million votes. That alone will skew the national vote by +1.5 democrat.

The pollsters also showed Clinton with an Electoral college win, which wipes out your national vs. state theory, bub.

Pardon my French, but bullshit.

The national polls are different than the state polls.

Clinton had a massive amount of votes from dark blue states over what she needed to win those states. Trump also had some, but the difference was 3.9% of the total votes cast in the last presidential election.

For her to start even in the swing states, she needed to lead in the national polls by 3.9%. Any less and the swing states start falling trumps way, and the marginally blue states go red.

I posted this two weeks before the election. I also posted that Clinton would win the popular vote and Trump the EC.

And that extra cash I now have in my pocket because folks (even pollsters), are too damn lazy to run a simple spreadsheet, sure feels good too!
I hope now that hitlery slinks back under the rock she crawled out from under, even though it probably won't keep her out of jail. Now that the DOJ is going to be cleaned out and replaced with people that will actually uphold the law, the clintons better buy a place in Dubai next to obama to keep from being extradited back to America to face prison.
She won't be hurting. She can go right back to giving speeches at $250k to $500k per pop.
And of course, her and her husband and their blip lipped daughter will continue to use the Clinton Foundation as their personal slush fund.
One side note...
I had theorized that had Hillary won the White House, it would not have taken long for her and her people to begin grooming Chelsea Clinton for public office.
I further surmised that Chelsea would have run for either a Manhattan US House seat or even for US Senate and probably would have won based on party affiliation and name recognition alone.
Not so sure now that her mother won't be there to run interference for the daughter.
BTW, despsite the low turnout in New York County( Manhattan) Clinton won 88% of the votes....Turnout in Manhattan precincts was low as just over 600k registered voters cast ballots out of over 2 million registered voters residing in Manhattan.

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