Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

One of the “witnesses” brought forward by House Democrats descended into a bizarre rant about how President Trump ruined her Thanksgiving holiday.
Dem Impeachment ‘Witness’ Goes On Unhinged Rant About How Trump Ruined Her Thanksgiving

You, Democrats, are seriously mentally disturbed please take those meds and get vaccinated ASAP!!
When you haven't a clue but think you do and you so so don't bahah
I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. What a MISERABLE woman.
Mindwars is an example of the lack ofintelligence of the vast majority of Trump supporters. If all you got from her discussion of preparing for the hearing during the thanksgiving weekend you are an idiot.
Scholars and Trump supporters are mutually exclusive.
The house should bring in a 6th grade civics teacher to review the principles of our Constitution for the Trump minions.
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'Professors take America to law school as impeachment hearing turns academic'

The elitist Liberal Self-Proclaimed Constitutional Experts who infest College / universities - like Barry's domestic terrorist buddy Bill Ayers - are seeking to prove they are smarter than the American people while justifying their classroom liberal indoctrination and oppression / abuse of students who reject their liberal ideology and agendas.

Libtard Stanford Law Professor Pamela Karlan demonstrated why 'snowflakes' are called 'snowflakes, becoming easily offended and almost running out of the hearing room headed for her 'Safe Space' when R-Doug Collins pointed out the FACT that none of the Democrats' / Nadler's 'witnesses' testifying before the committee today are actually 'witnesses, that they are Liberal Law professors brought in to give their biased political OPINIONS:

"House Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., criticized Wednesday’s impeachment hearing during his opening statement by noting that it does not include any fact witnesses, just law professors who will likely only theorize about impeaching President Trump because they were too busy to digest all of the facts at issue."

Impeachment witness snaps at Doug Collins during hearing, tells him she’s ‘insulted’ by comments
Bullshit. She effectively told that bumbling idiot Collins that she read the transcripts and was prepared.
house impeachment is an investigation not a trial .....

sooner or later RW dipshits MIGHT figure that out-


Really, why is the intel committee not providing all testimony to the judiciary committee. What is shitt hiding?

Why do you think testimony was withheld?

I know for a fact they have not provided the testimony of the ICIG. It was mentioned today.

Wonder when the First bit of Evidence will be presented. This looks like a Dry discussion on PBS about the definition of "IS" for several hours.
You mean besides the overwhelming evidence of Trump's guilt contained in the House report?
There is No Evidence. Can you show me First Hand Evidence of a Crime?

Every single witness in Adolph Schiffler's Hoax Hearing said that they had No Knowledge of any Crimes and No Evidence. Today when the Fake Witnesses were asked if there was any evidence of an Impeachable Offense to raise their hands, not one did.

Now, don't you have some Putin Pudding to serve to your dead Daddy Al Baghdadi?
house impeachment is an investigation not a trial .....

sooner or later RW dipshits MIGHT figure that out-


Really, why is the intel committee not providing all testimony to the judiciary committee. What is shitt hiding?

Why aren't your scum honoring their subpoenas?? Trump have the right to interfere in their testimonies??

Deflect with someone else, if you have something on what I said, I might entertain your ignorance.

That's what your repub friends are doing ,,,anything BUT speaking about the evidence that falls on trumps shoulders
You've learned your lesson well

Actually the republicans are falling way short of what they should be doing in my opinion. They need to go back to the transcript of the call and not allow the commies to misrepresent it.

house impeachment is an investigation not a trial .....

sooner or later RW dipshits MIGHT figure that out-


Really, why is the intel committee not providing all testimony to the judiciary committee. What is shitt hiding?

Why aren't your scum honoring their subpoenas?? Trump have the right to interfere in their testimonies??

Deflect with someone else, if you have something on what I said, I might entertain your ignorance.

That's what your repub friends are doing ,,,anything BUT speaking about the evidence that falls on trumps shoulders
You've learned your lesson well
Pretty apparent that you are not a US Citizen. Producing Evidence, and there is none is The Responsibility of The Prosecution.
One of the “witnesses” brought forward by House Democrats descended into a bizarre rant about how President Trump ruined her Thanksgiving holiday.
Dem Impeachment ‘Witness’ Goes On Unhinged Rant About How Trump Ruined Her Thanksgiving

You, Democrats, are seriously mentally disturbed please take those meds and get vaccinated ASAP!!
When you haven't a clue but think you do and you so so don't bahah
I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. What a MISERABLE woman.
Mindwars is an example of the lack ofintelligence of the vast majority of Trump supporters. If all you got from her discussion of preparing for the hearing during the thanksgiving weekend you are an idiot.
Scholars and Trump supporters are mutually exclusive.
The house should bring in a 6th grade civics teacher to review the principles of our Constitution for the Trump minions.
Says the brainwashed moron with the name Elmer.
I guess the dems are going to do all we can do is get our asses to the ballot box and teach them a lesson they will never forget....

The Democrats want to Exonerate Joe Biden for pressuring Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma.

The Democrats want to IMPEACH Trump for asking why Joe Biden pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma.
I guess the dems are going to do all we can do is get our asses to the ballot box and teach them a lesson they will never forget....
It was decided to impeach The President in November 2016. They had to make their move now because they are running out of time.

No matter what is said today in Nazi Nadler's Clown Show, or in Adolph Schiffler's Schiff show, they are going to vote for impeachment.

You don't spend nearly 4 years trying to GET TRUMP, and don't take your last swing at The PLATE and see if you can pull it off.
an example of the lack ofintelligence
you are an idiot.
Scholars and Trump supporters are mutually exclusive.
The house should bring in a 6th grade civics
the Trump minions.

Mudd, do any of you goons ever have an actual cogent argument relevant to the thread topic or discussion other than your constant and solitary dependency on trying to claim everyone on the right has the IQ of a mud-skipper?

I mean, it wouldn't be so bad if even 10% of the time you demonstrated 10% of the intelligence you claim the other side lacks!
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Lets take an honest look at what we have seen today We have four legal scholars three picked by the Democrats one picked by the Republicans both sides as far as I can tell only asking questions of the person or persons they picked so what have we learned from this? All I seen is both sides questioning those they picked in order to reaffirm an opinion or belief that they already had coming into this basically this entire days testimony has amounted to nothing. It is safe to say no minds in Congress have changed and few if any in the overall population have.
Turley was just window dressing in this farce...lets face it folks....both sides in DC dislike Trump...they both want to undo the 2016 election...if the GOP was really ready to fight they would have chosen a different legal expert than Turley....
Also the republicans have to assume what they decide to do will set precedent on what is acceptable by future presidents.

If Republicans just acquit Trump, they'll have to accept that it's okay for a future Democratic president to solicit bribes from foreign governments for personal gain too.
Also the republicans have to assume what they decide to do will set precedent on what is acceptable by future presidents.

If Republicans just acquit Trump, they'll have to accept that it's okay for a future Democratic president to solicit bribes from foreign governments for personal gain too.

President Trump did not "solicit bribes from foreign governments for personal gain."

There has not been one single witness to that during the entire proceedings.

Try to keep up, mmmmkay?
an example of the lack ofintelligence
you are an idiot.
Scholars and Trump supporters are mutually exclusive.
The house should bring in a 6th grade civics
the Trump minions.

Mudd, do any of you goons ever have an actual cogent argument relevant to the thread topic or discussion other than your constant and solitary dependency on trying to claim everyone on the right has the IQ of a mud-skipper?

I mean. it wouldn't be so bad if even 10% of the time you demonstrated 10% of the intelligence you claim the other side lacks!
They aren't here to discuss anything. They are here to disrupt discussion, and to promote disinformation, and to obscure truth.
an example of the lack ofintelligence
you are an idiot.
Scholars and Trump supporters are mutually exclusive.
The house should bring in a 6th grade civics
the Trump minions.

Mudd, do any of you goons ever have an actual cogent argument relevant to the thread topic or discussion other than your constant and solitary dependency on trying to claim everyone on the right has the IQ of a mud-skipper?

I mean. it wouldn't be so bad if even 10% of the time you demonstrated 10% of the intelligence you claim the other side lacks!
Well, his name IS Mudd. That's all you need to know about the moron.
Also the republicans have to assume what they decide to do will set precedent on what is acceptable by future presidents.

If Republicans just acquit Trump, they'll have to accept that it's okay for a future Democratic president to solicit bribes from foreign governments for personal gain too.
So, you have evidence of this Bribe?


Nobody in Adolph Schiffler's Hearing said they did, and no one in Nazi Nadler's Clown Show said they had evidence when asked to raise their hands if they did. Mueller too said he had a lack of evidence to determine that the President did anything at all for him to recommend a single indictment.
house impeachment is an investigation not a trial .....

sooner or later RW dipshits MIGHT figure that out-


Really, why is the intel committee not providing all testimony to the judiciary committee. What is shitt hiding?

Why do you think testimony was withheld?
Schitler is hiding something.
Adolph Schiffler won't release his transcripts of his conversations with THE SECRET WHISTLEBLOWER, and neither will he let THE GOP interview his staff, or The FAKE Whistleblower.

What can be the argument against seeing transcripts of YOUR conversations with the person central to the investigation? That is evidence!

Whistleblowers are protected from repercussions, not anonymity. With anonymity, anything can be claimed without proof.

Why couldn't the whistleblower appear to testify and answer questions even with his face concealed and his voice altered in a separate booth to protect his identity?

It's the fact that Schiff pulls this crap, refuses to provide reasonable answers and no one in the media even bothers to ask either like they all have a bolt in their brain that makes this proceeding impossible to take seriously as legitimate.

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