Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

I don't think you understand. WE WANT THIS TO GO TO THE SENATE. We want to call all of these so called witnesses that plotted a COUP against our Democracy. We want them under oath.
I think The Senate should start The Impeachment Trial late April and Wrap it up in late October.
I want to hear from Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, John Kerry, John Podesta, Manafort, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Skirpal and Chris Steele, Zelensky, Fusion GPS, COIE Perkins, Strozk, Page, Clapper, McCabe, Brennan, Comey, The Ohrs, Baker, Mueller, Weismann, The Pakistani Hacker Clinton hired, Guccifer, Assange, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Clinton, and Donna Brazile, Susan Rice, General Flynn, Susan Powers, Valerie Jarret, Loretta Lynch and Obama Bin Lying.

You got a nice agenda there.... let's start with what's at hand here instead of your mash potato salad.
This ain't no friggin COUP against a democracy. It's your democracy at work trying to redress the checks and balance.

If there is a COUP it's a coup against KING Trump who refuses to respect how the branches of the U.S. government are supposed to work.
Start by kicking the KING out and then you can go ahead with the rest of your list.

We must gather FACTS, and EVERYONE needs to be Interviewed and CROSS EXAMINED including Eric Ciaramella and his Muslim Lawyer Zaid.

It will tie The Senate up for 6 months but it will be worth it for AMERICA to know The Truth.
Sad time for America to see what a vindictive, sordid affair federal “service” has become. When did it become not about American people but all about politicians??
when Trump took office...
he made EVERYTHING about politics and him, within our govt... even for the non political steady state workers.... worship him as King, or they are gone! :eek:
It's not an "impeachable offense" that you didn't want him to win the election. Trump won because we have had it with you folks. We are tired of being lied about, slandered, called "deplorable" and "irredeemable" and being order to silently bow to your latest whim or be destroyed politically and economically, even while Democrats attack our basic civil rights:





That kind of thing is only a threat to the Republic if a GOP president does it. Remember how nobody cared when Obama was wiretapping reporters, and even reporters’ parents? Also related:


They’ll rue normalizing this sort of thing when the Fusion GPS emails all come out. But they’ll just pretend that’s the first time anything like that ever happened.
Jonathan Turley, the best the Repubs could offer, basically thru Trump under the bus by saying the House should not go ahead with impeachment until Trump allows all the witnesses he is blocking to testify and allows all the documents he is blocking to be obtained by the House investigators.

Never, not once, did Turley suggest there is insufficient evidence to convict Trump. He merely said the evidence is not yet in the record. And it's not in the record because Trump is obstructing the investigation.
3 years we've been waiting on evidence.

Still nadda.

The Executive Branch is coequal.

Your coup is falling. Get ready for more Butthurt.
Dem Rep Laments Absence of Black Impeachment Witnesses...To Al, it is all about RACE!

Rep. Al Green (Demented Racist D. -Tex.) on Wednesday railed against the lack of diversity among the impeachment witnesses chosen by the Democrat-controlled House Judiciary Committee.

"It hurts my heart, Mr. Speaker, to see the Judiciary Committee hearing experts on the topic of impeachment, one of the seminal issues of this Congress … and not one person of color among the experts," Green said on the House floor

(Excerpt) Read more at ...



Why doesn’t that jackass show up and start spewing? He can call himself a ‘witness’ just like everyone else?
Jonathan Turley, the best the Repubs could offer, basically thru Trump under the bus by saying the House should not go ahead with impeachment until Trump allows all the witnesses he is blocking to testify and allows all the documents he is blocking to be obtained by the House investigators.

Never, not once, did Turley suggest there is insufficient evidence to convict Trump. He merely said the evidence is not yet in the record. And it's not in the record because Trump is obstructing the investigation.
3 years we've been waiting on evidence.

Still nadda.

The Executive Branch is coequal.

Your coup is falling. Get ready for more Butthurt.
Law professor schools Democratic lawmakers on impeachment: Says they haven’t done their homework.

“This isn’t an impulse buy item,” professor Jonathan Turley testified on Wednesday. “You’re trying to remove a duly elected president of the United States. And that takes time. It takes work.”​

Work? Surely Turley must be deluded, because this is clearly not about hard work.

Posturing, sure. Grandstanding, yes. Work, no.

Watergate took two years to finally get to the point of moving to impeach Richard Nixon.

This is like two months, and Democrats are getting set for an impeachment vote.

Well, they can’t wait on impeachment because they expect him to get re-elected.
You got a nice agenda there.... let's start with what's at hand here instead of your mash potato salad.
This ain't no friggin COUP against a democracy. It's your democracy at work trying to redress the checks and balance....
That is a word salad. What is your specific allegation?

Obstruction by the executive branch. Ignoring subpoenas.
  • Devin Nunes
  • Mick Mulvaney
  • John Bolton
  • Giuliani
Nunes and Giuliani caught in the same Ukrainian cookie jar lol. This should be interesting :)
You got a nice agenda there.... let's start with what's at hand here instead of your mash potato salad.
This ain't no friggin COUP against a democracy. It's your democracy at work trying to redress the checks and balance....
That is a word salad. What is your specific allegation?
Obstruction by the executive branch. Ignoring subpoenas.
  • Devin Nunes
Devin Nunes isn't part of the Executive Branch. As a co-equal branch, the Executive Branch has every right to assert privilege and if the Congressional Branch disagrees they have every right to litigate it in the Courts. They didn't because they knew they would lose. The Democrat's impeachment report is shocking in it's partisanship.

I THINK WE SHOULD SHUT THE WHOLE THING DOWN, AS HOPELESSLY INFESTED WITH WHITE SUPREMACY: Dem Rep Laments Absence of Black Impeachment Witnesses: Witnesses were chosen by Democratic committee leadership.

The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that executive privilege and congressional oversight each are a consequence of the doctrine of the separation of powers, derived from the supremacy of each branch in its own area of Constitutional activity.

The Court held that there is a qualified privilege, which once invoked, creates a presumption of privilege, and the party seeking the documents must then make a "sufficient showing" that the "presidential material" is "essential to the justice of the case".
Schiff the Bug-Eyed didn't bother because he knew he couldn't make the case. The Democrat "impeachment" is a known failure, the question is how far Democrats want to go in misusing their impeachment authority to fail to make the case that Trump misused his executive authority.
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You got a nice agenda there.... let's start with what's at hand here instead of your mash potato salad.
This ain't no friggin COUP against a democracy. It's your democracy at work trying to redress the checks and balance....
That is a word salad. What is your specific allegation?

Obstruction by the executive branch. Ignoring subpoenas.
  • Devin Nunes
  • Mick Mulvaney
  • John Bolton
  • Giuliani
Nunes and Giuliani caught in the same Ukrainian cookie jar lol. This should be interesting :)
Past Attorney General Went Unpunished for Contempt

May 12, 2019 · In 2012, then-Attorney General Eric Holder did just that. Holder defied a congressional subpoena to furnish documents about ... Nadler already had rejected Barr's offer to read the less- redacted

What Did We Learn From the Impeachment Hearing? “Rounding up a few academics to complain about any Republican isn’t exactly a daunting task. That’s like wandering around Hyannis Port in the summertime and bumping into a drunk Kennedy.”

Reminding Republicans of their 'oath of office' is like reminding them that they've been running through red lights without getting caught and that they really don't give a shit anymore.
Sad time for America to see what a vindictive, sordid affair federal “service” has become. When did it become not about American people but all about politicians??
when Trump took office...
he made EVERYTHING about politics and him, within our govt... even for the non political steady state workers.... worship him as King, or they are gone! :eek:
It's not an "impeachable offense" that you didn't want him to win the election. Trump won because we have had it with you folks. We are tired of being lied about, slandered, called "deplorable" and "irredeemable" and being order to silently bow to your latest whim or be destroyed politically and economically, even while Democrats attack our basic civil rights:





That kind of thing is only a threat to the Republic if a GOP president does it. Remember how nobody cared when Obama was wiretapping reporters, and even reporters’ parents? Also related:


They’ll rue normalizing this sort of thing when the Fusion GPS emails all come out. But they’ll just pretend that’s the first time anything like that ever happened.
you, said it was A-OK for trump to use STOLEN private emails that the Russians hacked, 10 times a day in his rallies, so he could win the election....


And John Solomon WORKS for Giuliani... I'd hardly call that 'reporting'....
We must gather FACTS, and EVERYONE needs to be Interviewed and CROSS EXAMINED including Eric Ciaramella and his Muslim Lawyer Zaid.
It will tie The Senate up for 6 months but it will be worth it for AMERICA to know The Truth.

This is the only FACT you need bud: The transcript that Trump released on Sept. 24

Game over. No need to look further or muddle the waters further..... unless you would prefer a King ?

The president of the United States tried to cheat in the 2020 election, and used his awesome powers as commander in chief to ask a foreign government to help him do so.

This is the very crime of which our founders were most afraid; it’s the paradigmatic impeachable offense, the one impeachment was included in our Constitution to protect against; and we already have all of the evidence we need to prove it. In fact, we’ve had the goods since Sept. 24, when Trump released an edited transcript which he has claimed is “perfect” and “beautiful,” even though it’s perfectly and beautifully impeachable.

"The President: Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very·good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. _·A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the_ mayor bf New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General.· :Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could _speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States,· the woman., was bad news and the people she was dealing with in .the Ukraine .were bad news so I just want to_let you know that. The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me"

Abuse of office/ abuse of power. Game over.
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We must gather FACTS, and EVERYONE needs to be Interviewed and CROSS EXAMINED including Eric Ciaramella and his Muslim Lawyer Zaid.
It will tie The Senate up for 6 months but it will be worth it for AMERICA to know The Truth.

This is the only FACT you need bud: The transcript the Trump released on Sept. 24

Game over. No need to look further or muddle the waters further..... unless you would prefer a King ?

The president of the United States tried to cheat in the 2020 election, and used his awesome powers as commander in chief to ask a foreign government to help him do so.

This is the very crime of which our founders were most afraid; it’s the paradigmatic impeachable offense, the one impeachment was included in our Constitution to protect against; and we already have all of the evidence we need to prove it. In fact, we’ve had the goods since Sept. 24, when Trump released an edited transcript which he has claimed is “perfect” and “beautiful,” even though it’s perfectly and beautifully impeachable.

"The President: Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very·good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. _·A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the_ mayor bf New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General.· :Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could _speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States,· the woman., was bad news and the people she was dealing with in .the Ukraine .were bad news so I just want to_let you know that. The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me"

Abuse of office/ abuse of power. Game over.
The Pain is Coming.

Embarrassment for The DemNazi Party on an EPIC and NATIONAL LEVEL.

Not only that CRIMINAL INDICTMENTS against THE COUP Plotters are around The Corner and if Nancy has the balls to send this to THE SENATE, THE SENATE WILL SKEWER 100s of DemTard Rebels who plotted to Overthrow our DEMOCRACY.

Imagine the Criminal Trials of The DEM CORE, and THE IMPEACHMENT Skewering "The Resistance" EVERY NIGHT FOR THE NEXT 11 Months until THE ELECTION!
LMAFAO! People being perp walked in a slow drip drip drip that The DemNazis will not be able to stop themselves from being drowned in.


I am going to record it all for Historical Relevance and Hilarious and Gleeful Feeling of JUSTICE SERVED ON DEMNAZI BROWNSHIRTS!

Trump 2034!

14 More Years!
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Sad time for America to see what a vindictive, sordid affair federal “service” has become. When did it become not about American people but all about politicians??
when Trump took office...
he made EVERYTHING about politics and him, within our govt... even for the non political steady state workers.... worship him as King, or they are gone! :eek:
It's not an "impeachable offense" that you didn't want him to win the election. Trump won because we have had it with you folks. We are tired of being lied about, slandered, called "deplorable" and "irredeemable" and being order to silently bow to your latest whim or be destroyed politically and economically, even while Democrats attack our basic civil rights:





That kind of thing is only a threat to the Republic if a GOP president does it. Remember how nobody cared when Obama was wiretapping reporters, and even reporters’ parents? Also related:


They’ll rue normalizing this sort of thing when the Fusion GPS emails all come out. But they’ll just pretend that’s the first time anything like that ever happened.
you, said it was A-OK for trump to use STOLEN private emails that the Russians hacked, 10 times a day in his rallies, so he could win the election....


And John Solomon WORKS for Giuliani... I'd hardly call that 'reporting'....
How did TRUMP get his hands on THESE STOLEN EMALS?

Assange said Seth Rich gave them to him and like Epstein, you people killed Seth Rich, Killed Epstein, Killed Vince Foster, and Killed Two of Epstein's Private Financial Advisors and Bankers. Who is next?

John Podesta, Manafort, Weinstein, Ed Buck?

I got news for you. The GOP plans to call both Assange and Guccifer in The Senate Impeachment Hearings, and this COUNTRY WILL EXPLODE IN ANGER when THE TRUTH COMES OUT about what you all did.

Brennan, Clapper, Erica Ciaramella, Podesta, Zaid, Ohr, Strozk, Page, McCabe, Comey, and others will be called to testify UNDER OATH.

And it will be DRAGGED OUT until right before the election with night after night of DEMNAZI Dirty Laundry being aired before The American PUBLIC.
BS, they expressed just the opposite in public, TWICE. Also, are you saying we can only self police republicans and not the commies?

No shit. If they had felt pressure there is no way they would publicly say that. Come on man, use your brain, you don’t bite the hand that feeds

If they had felt pressure they would have announced an investigation, they didn't. Use your brain man.

you are joking right? You know they had one set up with CNN but canceled after the aid was released

LMAO, they had all of Aug to make the announcement and you're saying the waited till mid Sep? Damn you're gullible.

uh yeah. CNN interview.... canceled after whistler blower report. You just think that’s a neat coincidence?

Who said it was scheduled, CNN? Did they speculate on what the topic was? You got a link for this interview that never happened?

And that would make a difference HOW? Ukraine didn't have an issue with what Trump said, doesn't make a bit of difference to the commies.

Maybe they did maybe they didn’t we would t know because they would never express that publicly.

I ask because you are saying that Biden broke the charter and asking if anybody who was part of the charter ever saw it that way

BS, they expressed just the opposite in public, TWICE. Also, are you saying we can only self police republicans and not the commies?

No shit. If they had felt pressure there is no way they would publicly say that. Come on man, use your brain, you don’t bite the hand that feeds

If they had felt pressure they would have announced an investigation, they didn't. Use your brain man.

they did make the announcement.

Do tell, LINK?

Sad time for America to see what a vindictive, sordid affair federal “service” has become. When did it become not about American people but all about politicians??
when Trump took office...
he made EVERYTHING about politics and him, within our govt... even for the non political steady state workers.... worship him as King, or they are gone! :eek:
It's not an "impeachable offense" that you didn't want him to win the election. Trump won because we have had it with you folks. We are tired of being lied about, slandered, called "deplorable" and "irredeemable" and being order to silently bow to your latest whim or be destroyed politically and economically, even while Democrats attack our basic civil rights:





That kind of thing is only a threat to the Republic if a GOP president does it. Remember how nobody cared when Obama was wiretapping reporters, and even reporters’ parents? Also related:


They’ll rue normalizing this sort of thing when the Fusion GPS emails all come out. But they’ll just pretend that’s the first time anything like that ever happened.
you, said it was A-OK for trump to use STOLEN private emails that the Russians hacked, 10 times a day in his rallies, so he could win the election....


And John Solomon WORKS for Giuliani... I'd hardly call that 'reporting'....
How did TRUMP get his hands on THESE STOLEN EMALS?

Assange said Seth Rich gave them to him and like Epstein, you people killed Seth Rich, Killed Epstein, Killed Vince Foster, and Killed Two of Epstein's Private Financial Advisors and Bankers. Who is next?

John Podesta, Manafort, Weinstein, Ed Buck?

I got news for you. The GOP plans to call both Assange and Guccifer in The Senate Impeachment Hearings, and this COUNTRY WILL EXPLODE IN ANGER when THE TRUTH COMES OUT about what you all did.

Brennan, Clapper, Erica Ciaramella, Podesta, Zaid, Ohr, Strozk, Page, McCabe, Comey, and others will be called to testify UNDER OATH.

And it will be DRAGGED OUT until right before the election with night after night of DEMNAZI Dirty Laundry being aired before The American PUBLIC.
read it, and learn something other than your Russian propaganda!


The Grand Jury for the District of Columbia charges:COUNT ONE(Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)1.In or around 2016, the Russian Federation (“Russia”) operated a military intelligence agency called the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (“GRU”). The GRU had multiple units, including Units 26165 and 74455, engaged in cyber operations that involved the staged releases of documents stolen through computer intrusions. These units conducted large-scale cyber operations to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
No shit. If they had felt pressure there is no way they would publicly say that. Come on man, use your brain, you don’t bite the hand that feeds

First we must assume Trump said something nobody witnessed him saying.

Second we must must assume somebody felt pressure because they said they didn't.

It doesn't take Perry Mason to defend against that.
No guessing necessary we know the agenda and we know the i tensions. It’s not a mystery. Several members of Trump foreign policy team testified to it... aid was withheld, it was leveraged for investigations. Not rocket science
Once again through this latest anti-Trump farce run by Nadler, the Democrats demonstrated publicly that their Impeachment Crusade has always been a partisan crusade to remove from office the opposing party's candidate who defeated Hillary Clinton, who derailed their plan to own the WH in 2016.

President Obama and his criminal administration / Agency Directors, as proven, began their failed coup attempt during the 2016 Presidential race.

The Democratic Party's and Leftist surrogate MSM publicly announced their intent to remove the President from office immediately after he took his oath of office - 'The Impeachment of President Trump Begins NOW'.

Despite the Mueller Investigation reporting no evidence was found to support the Democrats' 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia' Inquisition (The Weismann Witch Hunt) and there was no finding of or Indictment recommended for 'Obstruction', Unethical, Immoral, Lying, Seditious Democrat D-Adam Schiff flat-out LIED for 2+ YEARS by claiming he personally had DIRECT evidence of crimes committed by the President...only to be exposed as having intentionally falsely accused the President.
- For his CRIME Schiff was not held accountable, was not punished by his fellow Democrats who controlled the House, and was not held accountable for a proven FAILED system of ridiculously allowing elected Federal Politicians to ;police' themselves.

In 2018 Democratic Party nominees openly, publicly declared they were going to win their prospective elections, were going to go to Washington, and stated emphatically that their number one goal / objective was to join the Democrats in the House to remove the President of the United States from office WITHOUT KNOWING ANY DETAILS, WITHOUT A CRIME EXISTING, WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE OF A CRIME EXISTING. On her election night, for example, D-Tlaib declared she was going to Washington and was going to 'Impeach the Son Of A Bit@h!'

*Today Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi lied to the American people when she declared the Democrats in the House were going to move forward with the Impeachment of President Trump...BUT STATED THERE WAS NO ILL-WILL OR HATRED FOR THE PRESIDENT, THAT THIS IMPEACHMENT WAS NOT PARTISAN.



- Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration paid an agenda-driven, Trump-hating foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda against Trump - information they knew to be false from a known liar, a foreign informant who proved to be untrustworthy, and they used that information illegally in attempt to ensure Donald Trump lost the election.

- Democrats have continuously, non-stop, attempted to affect debunked failed coup after coup...

- High-Ranking Democrats have committed Perjury, Obstruction, Espionage, Sedition....have lied for YEARS claiming to have evidence they did not, Censured the US AG for REFUSING to break the law, attempted to present personally-authored fiction as 'evidence' during an Impeachment hearing, and have ignored proven Democrat crime after Democrat crime.

- They declared their intent to remove the President from office right after he was sworn in, and in 2018 on election night treasonous, anti-American, Party-1st traitors like Tlaib openly declared they were going to oust the President.


Pelosi declared moving forward with Impeachment is not Partisan, that President Trump gave the Democrats no choice.
- President Trump gave them no choice because he defied the 2016 'Landslide' Prediction and beat HRC to become President
- President Trump gave them no choice by beating the Obama administration's attempt to take him down in their failed coup attempt
- President Trump gave them no choice by exposing Democrats' crimes, the existence and depth of the swamp
- President Trump gave them no choice by publicly showing what LIARS, LEAKERS, and SEDITIOUS criminals Dems like Schiff are

Schiff's 'Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine' Circus showed the world that their latest coup attempt consisted of a supposed / reported (as of yet non-existent) self-identifying left-leaning, pro-Democrat, anti-Trump, Biden-connected, Brennan-groomed Deep State CIA agt specifically trained in Ukraine Geo-Political missions temporarily assigned to the WH filing a 'Whistle Blower' complaint, despite not qualifying as a 'whistle blower', against the President accusing him of crimes, a complaint that was DISMISSED by the prosecutorial divisions of the DOJ because the complaint was based on unsubstantiated hearsay and could not prove a crime was committed.

Schiff's treasonous circus showed the world the Democrats do not have a crime, can not present evidence of a crime, and do not have any witnesses that can testify and provide 1st-hand account evidence a crime was committed by the President (when asked to name the crimes / High Crimes & Misdemeanors under oath THEY COULD NOT DO SO)...they can't even produce the co-called whistle blower who supposedly started this. (UNTIL they do, I will remain convinced the 'whistle blower' is yet ANOTHER manufactured 'parody' created by Adam Schiff!)

No shit. If they had felt pressure there is no way they would publicly say that. Come on man, use your brain, you don’t bite the hand that feeds

If they had felt pressure they would have announced an investigation, they didn't. Use your brain man.

you are joking right? You know they had one set up with CNN but canceled after the aid was released

LMAO, they had all of Aug to make the announcement and you're saying the waited till mid Sep? Damn you're gullible.

uh yeah. CNN interview.... canceled after whistler blower report. You just think that’s a neat coincidence?

Who said it was scheduled, CNN? Did they speculate on what the topic was? You got a link for this interview that never happened?

CNN host Fareed Zakaria was set to interview Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky until scandal took shape - CNNPolitics

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