Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG: Husband Of Democrat In Impeachment Hearings Took $700K From Firms Tied To Ukrainian Oligarch ‘Accused Of Ordering Contract Killings’: Reports.


The husband of Democrat Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL), who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, took $700,000 from firms connected to a Ukrainian oligarch who has been accused of ordering contract killings.

The Miami Herald reported:

Public records show that Debbie Mucarsel-Powell’s husband, Robert Powell, spent much of the last 10 years as general counsel for companies owned at least in part by Igor Kolomoisky, a wealthy Ukrainian businessman involved in banking and mining. In federal financial disclosures, Mucarsel-Powell reported that her husband of 15 years earned most of their household income during the previous two years — at least $695,000 — from a ferroalloys trading corporation associated with Kolomoisky.

Swan reported in April 2018 that the FBI was “investigating” Kolomoisky over “potential financial crimes, including money laundering, according to the sources, who say the probe is wide-ranging and has been under way for quite some time."

Robert Powell’s connections to Kolomoisky could create a significant distraction for Democrats during their impeachment hearings since they launched their inquiry into President Donald Trump over a mere phone call that he had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Democrats’ claims that Trump engaged in a quid pro quo or bribery have not been substantiated in their public impeachment hearings as multiple witnesses, including Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, Senior NSC official Tim Morrison, Ambassador Kurt Volker, and Ambassador Gordon Sondland all testified that there was no quid pro quo during the phone call.
Here we go; the smearing of all on the committee who might vote to impeach.
Yup. We're going after everyone that isn't in a seat so gerrymandered that there is no point.

Pennsylvania 18 D+13 Democratic
Pennsylvania 5 D+13 Democratic
New Jersey 1 D+13 Democratic
Maryland 3 D+13 Democratic
California 47 D+13 Democratic
Arizona 3 D+13 Democratic
Massachusetts 1 D+12 Democratic
Florida 5 D+12 Democratic
Connecticut 1 D+12 Democratic
California 41 D+12 Democratic
New York 26 D+11 Democratic
Maryland 2 D+11 Democratic
Indiana 7 D+11 Democratic
Florida 23 D+11 Democratic
Florida 10 D+11 Democratic
Washington 2 D+10 Democratic
Virginia 4 D+10 Democratic
Texas 34 D+10 Democratic
Texas 20 D+10 Democratic
Massachusetts 8 D+10 Democratic
Illinois 10 D+10 Democratic
Texas 28 D+9 Democratic
Oregon 1 D+9 Democratic
New Jersey 6 D+9 Democratic
Massachusetts 4 D+9 Democratic
Massachusetts 3 D+9 Democratic
Massachusetts 2 D+9 Democratic
Illinois 11 D+9 Democratic
Florida 21 D+9 Democratic
Connecticut 3 D+9 Democratic
Colorado 2 D+9 Democratic
California 16 D+9 Democratic
New York 25 D+8 Democratic
New Mexico 3 D+8 Democratic
Maine 1 D+8 Democratic
Indiana 1 D+8 Democratic
Illinois 8 D+8 Democratic
California 31 D+8 Democratic
California 9 D+8 Democratic
Texas 15 D+7 Democratic
Tennessee 5 D+7 Democratic
Pennsylvania 4 D+7 Democratic
Ohio 13 D+7 Democratic
New York 20 D+7 Democratic
New York 17 D+7 Democratic
New Mexico 1 D+7 Democratic
Missouri 5 D+7 Democratic
Florida 14 D+7 Democratic
Connecticut 4 D+7 Democratic
California 26 D+7 Democratic
California 24 D+7 Democratic
Washington 6 D+6 Democratic
Washington 1 D+6 Democratic
Rhode Island 2 D+6 Democratic
Massachusetts 6 D+6 Democratic
Maryland 6 D+6 Democratic
Kentucky 3 D+6 Democratic
Illinois 3 D+6 Democratic
Georgia 2 D+6 Democratic
Florida 26 D+6 Democratic
Florida 22 D+6 Democratic
Delaware at-large D+6 Democratic
Colorado 7 D+6 Democratic
California 52 D+6 Democratic
Washington 10 D+5 Democratic
Michigan 5 D+5 Democratic
Florida 27 D+5 Democratic
Florida 9 D+5 Democratic
California 21 D+5 Democratic
California 3 D+5 Democratic
New York 4 D+4 Democratic
Michigan 9 D+4 Democratic
Massachusetts 9 D+4 Democratic
Arizona 9 D+4 Democratic
Nevada 4 D+3 Democratic
Illinois 17 D+3 Democratic
Connecticut 2 D+3 Democratic
California 7 D+3 Democratic
Pennsylvania 6 D+2 Democratic
New Hampshire 2 D+2 Democratic
Florida 13 D+2 Democratic
Connecticut 5 D+2 Democratic
Colorado 6 D+2 Democratic
California 36 D+2 Democratic
Virginia 10 D+1 Democratic
Pennsylvania 7 D+1 Democratic
New York 3 D+1 Democratic
Minnesota 3 D+1 Democratic
Iowa 2 D+1 Democratic
Iowa 1 D+1 Democratic
Wisconsin 3 EVEN Democratic
Washington 8 EVEN Democratic
Oregon 5 EVEN Democratic
Oregon 4 EVEN Democratic
Florida 7 EVEN Democratic
California 39 EVEN Democratic
California 25 EVEN Democratic
California 10 EVEN Democratic
Pennsylvania 8 R+1 Democratic
New York 18 R+1 Democratic
New Jersey 2 R+1 Democratic
Iowa 3 R+1 Democratic
California 49 R+1 Democratic
Arizona 2 R+1 Democratic
New York 19 R+2 Democratic
New Jersey 3 R+2 Democratic
New Hampshire 1 R+2 Democratic
Nevada 3 R+2 Democratic
Minnesota 2 R+2 Democratic
Maine 2 R+2 Democratic
Illinois 6 R+2 Democratic
Arizona 1 R+2 Democratic
Virginia 2 R+3 Democratic
Pennsylvania 17 R+3 Democratic
New York 11 R+3 Democratic
New Jersey 11 R+3 Democratic
New Jersey 7 R+3 Democratic
New Jersey 5 R+3 Democratic
California 45 R+3 Democratic
Michigan 11 R+4 Democratic
Michigan 8 R+4 Democratic
Kansas 3 R+4 Democratic
California 48 R+4 Democratic
Texas 32 R+5 Democratic
Illinois 14 R+5 Democratic
Virginia 7 R+6 Democratic
New York 22 R+6 Democratic
New Mexico 2 R+6 Democratic
Texas 7 R+7 Democratic
Georgia 6 R+8 Democratic
South Carolina 1 R+10 Democratic
Oklahoma 5 R+10 Democratic
Utah 4 R+13 Democratic
I'm a little upset at Nadlers Kangaroo Court myself.

Lots of Trump supporters are upset. You think Trump is above the law.

Not a Trump supporter.

But if you think Nadler, or the group to his left, is being fair, you're more partisan than I considered possible.

Many tRump supporters are beginning to claim they aren't tRump supporters.

Funny huh?

‘Trump Lusts After His Own Daughter’

and hundreds more with the same sentiment.

You're pissing up a rope, mate
He made those creepy comments, not us.

And I don't see what that has to do with so many of you suddenly not be tRump voters anymore.
Pure Scum, just like Adolph Schiffler, and the whore Nazi Nadler had in front of the cameras telling America how much she hates Baron Trump.

Exactly how is your claim that The President wants to have Sex with his Own Daughter allowed in this thread and is NOT Considered TROLLING?
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Where is the documentary evidence? Why should anyone believe a Trump hating partisan?
The same might be asked of you bri Why should anyone believe anything this lying AH trump or his traitors say/
No one is asking you to take Trump at his word, dumbass.
how can you support the biggest lyingest SOB ever to enter our WH?
I didn't vote for Obama.
Lots of Trump supporters are upset. You think Trump is above the law.

Not a Trump supporter.

But if you think Nadler, or the group to his left, is being fair, you're more partisan than I considered possible.

Many tRump supporters are beginning to claim they aren't tRump supporters.

Funny huh?

‘Trump Lusts After His Own Daughter’

and hundreds more with the same sentiment.

You're pissing up a rope, mate
He made those creepy comments, not us.

And I don't see what that has to do with so many of you suddenly not be tRump voters anymore.
Pure Scum, just like Adolph Schiffler, and the whore Nazi Nadler had in front of the cameras telling America how much she hates Baron Trump.
Their obsessive hatred and willingness to commit any foul knows no depths.
BTW, Impeachment Fatigue has gotten even worse since this article was posted.

3 reasons why impeachment fatigue has already set in

Snip from the article:

2.This impeachment has no intrigue: In 1974, 410 members of Congress voted in favor of starting the impeachment process, while just four voted against. In 2019, not one House Republican voted in favor of starting impeachment proceedings.

Back then, the public was very much engaged in the process. According to Gallup, 71 percent of Americans tuned in to watch the Nixon impeachment hearings. In 2019, the number is less than 5 percent of the population in terms of TV viewership.

3. The messenger isn’t trusted. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is officially the face of impeachment on the Democratic side. If the goal is to create some Republican buy-in to make this process look even a little bipartisan, Schiff is about the last person on Capitol Hill you'd hire for the job.

And polls reflect that: 52 percent of those polled by CBS News say Democrats are doing a bad job of handling the inquiry thus far. In the end, this feels more like a political food fight than any honest search for truth.
Sad time for America to see what a vindictive, sordid affair federal “service” has become. When did it become not about American people but all about politicians??
when Trump took office...
he made EVERYTHING about politics and him, within our govt... even for the non political steady state workers.... worship him as King, or they are gone! :eek:
Sad time for America to see what a vindictive, sordid affair federal “service” has become. When did it become not about American people but all about politicians??
when Trump took office...
he made EVERYTHING about politics and him, within our govt... even for the non political steady state workers.... worship him as King, or they are gone! :eek:
Says the Socialist Commie who loved it when Obama Politicized The Military, The IRS, The FBI, The DOJ, The State Department, and even THE VA and weaponized them to attack his political opponents.
Not a Trump supporter.

But if you think Nadler, or the group to his left, is being fair, you're more partisan than I considered possible.

Many tRump supporters are beginning to claim they aren't tRump supporters.

Funny huh?

‘Trump Lusts After His Own Daughter’

and hundreds more with the same sentiment.

You're pissing up a rope, mate
He made those creepy comments, not us.

And I don't see what that has to do with so many of you suddenly not be tRump voters anymore.
he made what comments?

not sure what you think you heard. I never heard him once say he wanted her.
Jonathan Turley was Nadler's Witness.
He was the Repub's witness. Sad to see you being so confused about basic facts.
I think The Senate should start The Impeachment Trial late April and Wrap it up in late October.

I want to hear from Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, John Kerry, John Podesta, Manafort, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Skirpal and Chris Steele, Zelensky, Fusion GPS, COIE Perkins, Strozk, Page, Clapper, McCabe, Brennan, Comey, The Ohrs, Baker, Mueller, Weismann, The Pakistani Hacker Clinton hired, Guccifer, Assange, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Clinton, and Donna Brazile, Susan Rice, General Flynn, Susan Powers, Valerie Jarret, Loretta Lynch and Obama Bin Lying.
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A look inside Trump’s anti-impeachment spin factory

That had occurred because of an effort being managed out of a bunkerlike space underneath the Oval Office by temporary White House hires Tony Sayegh and Pam Bondi. What they are running is not a traditional war room but more of an anti-impeachment talking-point factory built for an impeachment battle playing out in a frenetic news cycle that burns through half a dozen fresh revelations a day. The environment favors Trump’s approach of repeating a single catchphrase endlessly until it sinks in.

Trump is relying on the adage...........if you repeat a lie often enough people (Trumpette's) begin to believe it's true.

You should know that a healthy tree is resilient... this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Took a lot to get rid of Al Capone and we're not going anywhere hehe.

All roads lead to Putin
I don't think you understand. WE WANT THIS TO GO TO THE SENATE. We want to call all of these so called witnesses that plotted a COUP against our Democracy. We want them under oath.

I think The Senate should start The Impeachment Trial late April and Wrap it up in late October.

I want to hear from Schiff, Eric Ciaramella, Zaid, Nadler, Pelosi, John Kerry, John Podesta, Manafort, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Skirpal and Chris Steele, Zelensky, Fusion GPS, COIE Perkins, Strozk, Page, Clapper, McCabe, Brennan, Comey, The Ohrs, Baker, Mueller, Weismann, The Pakistani Hacker Clinton hired, Guccifer, Assange, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Clinton, and Donna Brazile, Susan Rice, General Flynn, Susan Powers, Valerie Jarret, Loretta Lynch and Obama Bin Lying.

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A look inside Trump’s anti-impeachment spin factory

That had occurred because of an effort being managed out of a bunkerlike space underneath the Oval Office by temporary White House hires Tony Sayegh and Pam Bondi. What they are running is not a traditional war room but more of an anti-impeachment talking-point factory built for an impeachment battle playing out in a frenetic news cycle that burns through half a dozen fresh revelations a day. The environment favors Trump’s approach of repeating a single catchphrase endlessly until it sinks in.

Trump is relying on the adage...........if you repeat a lie often enough people (Trumpette's) begin to believe it's true.

Trump is relying on the adage...........if you repeat a lie often enough people (Trumpette's) begin to believe it's true.

Trump, and Trumpettes, aren't the only ones that believe that.

You should know that a healthy tree is resilient... this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Took a lot to get rid of Al Capone and we're not going anywhere hehe.

All roads lead to Putin
Sure! It's going great for you guys! For Trump the walls are closing in! Dam's breaking! Floor is falling out!

What Did We Learn From the Impeachment Hearing? “Rounding up a few academics to complain about any Republican isn’t exactly a daunting task. That’s like wandering around Hyannis Port in the summertime and bumping into a drunk Kennedy.”

I don't think you understand. WE WANT THIS TO GO TO THE SENATE. We want to call all of these so called witnesses that plotted a COUP against our Democracy. We want them under oath.
I think The Senate should start The Impeachment Trial late April and Wrap it up in late October.
I want to hear from Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, John Kerry, John Podesta, Manafort, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Skirpal and Chris Steele, Zelensky, Fusion GPS, COIE Perkins, Strozk, Page, Clapper, McCabe, Brennan, Comey, The Ohrs, Baker, Mueller, Weismann, The Pakistani Hacker Clinton hired, Guccifer, Assange, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Clinton, and Donna Brazile, Susan Rice, General Flynn, Susan Powers, Valerie Jarret, Loretta Lynch and Obama Bin Lying.

You got a nice agenda there.... let's start with what's at hand here instead of your mash potato salad.
This ain't no friggin COUP against a democracy. It's your democracy at work trying to redress the checks and balance.

If there is a COUP it's a coup against KING Trump who refuses to respect how the branches of the U.S. government are supposed to work.
Start by kicking the KING out and then you can go ahead with the rest of your list.

I don't think you understand. WE WANT THIS TO GO TO THE SENATE. We want to call all of these so called witnesses that plotted a COUP against our Democracy. We want them under oath.
I think The Senate should start The Impeachment Trial late April and Wrap it up in late October.
I want to hear from Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, John Kerry, John Podesta, Manafort, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Skirpal and Chris Steele, Zelensky, Fusion GPS, COIE Perkins, Strozk, Page, Clapper, McCabe, Brennan, Comey, The Ohrs, Baker, Mueller, Weismann, The Pakistani Hacker Clinton hired, Guccifer, Assange, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Clinton, and Donna Brazile, Susan Rice, General Flynn, Susan Powers, Valerie Jarret, Loretta Lynch and Obama Bin Lying.

You got a nice agenda there.... let's start with what's at hand here instead of your mash potato salad.
This ain't no friggin COUP against a democracy. It's your democracy at work trying to redress the checks and balance....
That is a word salad. What is your specific allegation?
Feldman Who Argued ‘Islamists never got a govern’ Is Certain Trump Should Be Impeached

Harvard Law Professor Noah Feldman testified against President Donald Trump Wednesday before the House Judiciary Committee, saying the president committed abuse of power based on his interpretation of the what the framers of the Constitution intended for impeachment.

Feldman is not only a constitutional expert, he’s a liberal who has openly written about his dislike of Trump. He’s also touted as an expert with regard to the Middle East, and assisted Iraq in the drafting of their own constitution. This is where the two very divergent topics connect in a strange way.

He argued in absolute terms Wednesday that Trump’s phone call with President Voldomyr Zelensky was enough to impeach the president based on absolutely no evidence (we’ve all read the transcripts) and have seen the testimony. He argued that everything Trump did–based only on witness hearsay — is enough to impeach the president of the United States.

Don’t buy it. I remember these types of professors in college and they really don’t have open minds

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

He;s a GAY JEW.....I guess he is TOO STUPID to know they would KILL him FIRST! DUMBASS!

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