OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Now THAT was some world class crying. Somebody hand that man an Oscar!!

That's real tears, bud.
Manly tears

He was probably thinking about a favorite dog that got hit by a truck
It won’t get good until Democrats start asking questions.

He seems to becoming unglued with Feinstein, he gets a crazed look in his eyes once in a while and actually I didn't care if he got confirmed, but now whether the allegations are true or not I don't think he's handling pressure very well.

Doesn’t seem like Supreme Court material

The Democrats on that committee don’t seem like human being material.
Kavanaugh seems very nervous. Claims he remembers everything when he was drunk. LOL!

Ford sounds like someone slipped a "roofie" into her drink & tried to rape her. Besides her fight & flight from that violent attack, it's likely why she can't remember details on how she got home.
The crybaby made a federal case of being this "all-American beer guzzling man" but yet, when asked how many beers is too many, he said....

"Derr, uuhhhh, I dunno, whatever, uhhh, duh chart sez!?!??"
Kavanaugh seems very nervous. Claims he remembers everything when he was drunk. LOL!

Ford sounds like someone slipped a "roofie" into her drink & tried to rape her. Besides her fight & flight from that violent attack, it's likely why she can't remember details.
And likely can't remember who.
What the Democrats have done.....what the Democrats have demonstrated they are willing to do to US citizens for federal / national political party gain is beyond despicable..

The Democrats launched the same exact campaign to completely burn down Herman Cain's reputation, his reputation, his life's work, his family, his reputation, and his opportunity to run for the GOP Presidential nomination simply because Cain was a well-known, well-liked, successful black man with a good reputation. That made him a threat to Barak Obama's re-election chances.

Just like now, the Democrats marched out female accuser after female accuser who falsely accused him of sexual misconduct and how the liberal media painted him as a depraved monster. Then the law suits piled on, the media became worse, harassing him and his wife. It got so bad that is wife asked him to drop out because what the democrats were putting them through was not worth his running.

The day after he announced his withdrawing from the race the women who had been accusing him disappeared, the lawsuits were all dropped, and the media acted like they had never heard his name before - the investigations they demanded be conducted of him suddenly ended / were dropped.

The similarities between what the Democrats did to Herman Cain and what they have done to Kavanaugh are unmistakable.

The intentional character / 'life' assassination of a US citizen for purely political gain is beyond immoral, unethical, despicable....what they have attempted to do to Kavanaugh - one of the most good an honest men thus country has to offer - there are no words to describe how evil and disgusting this was / has been.
Herman Cain. You don’t remember because he did it to himself.
To Feinstein, who held the info back until after the hearings concluded.

To her therapist
Four other witnesses came out yesterday saying she had told them the story

Very true and still worthless since NONE of them are first hand witnesses of the alleged event. Have you heard of the HEARSAY rule that makes such support useless in court?

Since DR. Ford named FOUR people as witnesses including a long time female friend as being there, but those same people all say under oath as never being in the party she alleges happened.

From CNN,

"1) Simply put, “Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.”

“I have no memory of this alleged incident,” said (2) Mark Judge in a September 18 letter sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee. He said he did not recall the party and never saw Brett Kavanaugh act in the matter Ford describes.

(3) Patrick J. Smyth issued a statement:

“I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as ‘PJ’ who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post. I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh.

Personally speaking, I have known Brett Kavanaugh since high school and I know him to be a person of great integrity, a great friend, and I have never witnessed any improper conduct by Brett Kavanaugh towards women. To safeguard my own privacy and anonymity, I respectfully request that the Committee accept this statement in response to any inquiry the Committee may have.”


DR. Ford is running on empty.
Let’s hear the testimony tomorrow as well as the two other women
I highly doubt she shows.

She has to show now. The question is will she get through the questioning without having a breakdown.

I'm kinda hoping for some tears and snuffling.

I'ma have to go to church later and pray for my soul. *sigh*
Kavanaugh seems very nervous. Claims he remembers everything when he was drunk. LOL!

Ford sounds like someone slipped a "roofie" into her drink & tried to rape her. Besides her fight & flight from that violent attack, it's likely why she can't remember details.

I don't find that surprising. I remember everything on the few occasions I've been drunk. (I don't like the taste so I really don't drink that often.) I've been stumbling, "oh hey lets have a blow job contest" drunk and I still remember every bit. ~shrug~
The crybaby made a federal case of being this "all-American beer guzzling man" but yet, when asked how many beers is too many, he said....

"Derr, uuhhhh, I dunno, whatever, uhhh, duh chart sez!?!??"
Yeah, the whole "charts" think sounded evasive.

The "prosecutor" lady did a shitty job by not following up on that question and getting a specific number of beers.
You should be watching Fox. None of them wonder why Dr. Ford had to go to therapy. They’re all defending Kavanaugh insisting he’s innocent.
How in the hell did this serial rapist make it through six FBI background checks?
He had a NICS background check (like with gun background checks) and fingerprints. They interviewed some unspecified people.
Actually...women keep their mouths shut a lot about that kind of least they used to. Now, thanks to movements like #MeToo, fewer and fewer women are keeping silence. That is a good thing....tho I know it threatens men who like to be in control.

These were kids at a college party. They wouldn't keep their mouths shut. Kids never do. They aren't smart enough.

Not to mention the other people who were a the party. They would have told others and those others would have spread the gossip everywhere.

Everyone in every bar, restaurant and pizza parlor would have been talking about this if it actually happened.

That's the reason I think its all a crock of shit.
It was HIGH SCHOOL, not college. In high school, we did go to great lengths to make sure our parents didn't know what we were up to, but I'll tell you what I would have done if anything like that ever happened at a party I was at:
I would have gotten every non-involved girl and hopefully some boys with brains to rush the gang rape room and give them 5 seconds to clear out or someone downstairs posted by the phone was going to call the cops.
And I would have meant it.

I wasn't the person raped it happened to a friend of mine I have known since kindergarten.

I wasn't in the room or the part of the house it was happening but when I found out I went and got friends, we went in that room, got my friend out and all the boys ran. There wasn't a long line of boys but it was a handful. We all knew them.

I know I didn't tell an adult nor did anyone I know tell an adult. For the main reason was we were teenagers. No one would believe us. That is reality now and it was in the 1970s when I was in high school. Plain and simple.

Girls weren't taught back then to speak up. We were taught to be quiet. That the best thing was to stay very far away from boys like that.

The boys who did that were shunned. Not just by my group of friends but by most of the kids in school. At least the ones who knew about it and everyone knew about it.

A high school rumor mill is faster than one at a beauty salon or locker room. However kids are very good with making sure adults don't find out.

Oh BS I was taught I could tell my parents anything and most of my friends were as well. Who in the hell raised these morons?

I agree. Number one I wouldn't have been at that party to begin with. My parents would never allow that.

Number two: If I had been at that party and some boy raped a girl I would have told my parents all about it.

I agree. Its BS of the first order.

No kid I ever knew could keep their mouth shut about anything. Then or now.

Remember the Central Park jogger, who got gang-raped until she was declared DOA? THOSE little bastards got arrested and convicted precisely because they couldn't wait to tell anyone and everyone what they did.

But we're supposed to believe THIS time around that guys who would do something like that are ALSO self-controlled enough that no hint of it ever got around to anyone for 30 years. Yeah, okay.
It won’t get good until Democrats start asking questions.

He seems to becoming unglued with Feinstein, he gets a crazed look in his eyes once in a while and actually I didn't care if he got confirmed, but now whether the allegations are true or not I don't think he's handling pressure very well.

Doesn’t seem like Supreme Court material

The Democrats on that committee don’t seem like human being material.
Republicans don’t trust themselves to speak for themselves

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