OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Get this.

Someone on Fox said there’s a fine line between looking innocent and looking frazzled. He looks like he was frazzled. And this was on Fox.
As the lady on tv is saying... his testimony showed how he can't control his emotions, including anger and proves that he probably is an angry drunk.

Also as she said, he's showed through his intro that he is very partisan, and in no way should a person as partisan as he is, be participating in a position where they are supposed to judge law with an impartial eye.
The crybaby made a federal case of being this "all-American beer guzzling man" but yet, when asked how many beers is too many, he said....

"Derr, uuhhhh, I dunno, whatever, uhhh, duh chart sez!?!??"
Yeah, the whole "charts" think sounded evasive.

The "prosecutor" lady did a shitty job by not following up on that question and getting a specific number of beers.
I get the feeling the prosecutor is starting to think the accusations are true.
Let me be the first to congratulate the dems on creating a sold no bullshit Constitutional judge. If he wasn’t before he sure the hell is now after having his own rights screwed over by these frauds.
Hey Progtards, You know that little voice you hear right now?

That’s the tiny bit of you that’s not dead. It’s letting you know that you were wrong . You can sense it. The way you feel right now ? Yeah, that’s how lynching an innocent guy feels . That’s how being part of The Totalitarian Mob feels .

Hurry up and push that feeling of humanity and decency away. Getting a glimpse of truth and humanity might shake you to your core. Just scream at the sky “ Rape Parties , it was her turn “ ! And you’ll be back to normal.

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that this 'guy' is innocent?
Richard-H said:
The FBI does investigate sexual assault when the person in question is a SCOTUS nominee. They did it when Anita Hill made her accusations and they can do it now.

And You Know It Too

Why Does The Opposition Keep Repeating The Same Lie
Over And Over
As If The Lie Becomes More Valid With Each Telling
The crybaby made a federal case of being this "all-American beer guzzling man" but yet, when asked how many beers is too many, he said....

"Derr, uuhhhh, I dunno, whatever, uhhh, duh chart sez!?!??"
Yeah, the whole "charts" think sounded evasive.

The "prosecutor" lady did a shitty job by not following up on that question and getting a specific number of beers.
I get the feeling the prosecutor is starting to think the accusations are true.

That's because you're essentially brain damaged.
Court coach: Brett put some more emotion while you talk about your calendars !! Come on boy !


Good good !!! We gots some great effect here !!!
We got a winner here !
How in the hell did this serial rapist make it through six FBI background checks?
He had a NICS background check (like with gun background checks) and fingerprints. They interviewed some unspecified people.
These were kids at a college party. They wouldn't keep their mouths shut. Kids never do. They aren't smart enough.

Not to mention the other people who were a the party. They would have told others and those others would have spread the gossip everywhere.

Everyone in every bar, restaurant and pizza parlor would have been talking about this if it actually happened.

That's the reason I think its all a crock of shit.
It was HIGH SCHOOL, not college. In high school, we did go to great lengths to make sure our parents didn't know what we were up to, but I'll tell you what I would have done if anything like that ever happened at a party I was at:
I would have gotten every non-involved girl and hopefully some boys with brains to rush the gang rape room and give them 5 seconds to clear out or someone downstairs posted by the phone was going to call the cops.
And I would have meant it.

I wasn't the person raped it happened to a friend of mine I have known since kindergarten.

I wasn't in the room or the part of the house it was happening but when I found out I went and got friends, we went in that room, got my friend out and all the boys ran. There wasn't a long line of boys but it was a handful. We all knew them.

I know I didn't tell an adult nor did anyone I know tell an adult. For the main reason was we were teenagers. No one would believe us. That is reality now and it was in the 1970s when I was in high school. Plain and simple.

Girls weren't taught back then to speak up. We were taught to be quiet. That the best thing was to stay very far away from boys like that.

The boys who did that were shunned. Not just by my group of friends but by most of the kids in school. At least the ones who knew about it and everyone knew about it.

A high school rumor mill is faster than one at a beauty salon or locker room. However kids are very good with making sure adults don't find out.

Oh BS I was taught I could tell my parents anything and most of my friends were as well. Who in the hell raised these morons?

Yeah, I'm with you. I am within a couple of years in age of Brett Kavanaugh and all of his accusers. I would not have "went and got friends" if a woman was being raped, and I certainly wouldn't have just said to myself, "Well, I'll avoid drinking the punch" and gone on with my night, as Swetnick apparently did. I'd have called the cops. Even as a teenager, I can't imagine putting "I might get grounded" ahead of someone else's physical safety. And I don't even want to imagine what motivation a legal adult could have had for blowing it off.

Whether or not the victim chose to then press charges, I couldn't tell you. But I can't wrap my brain around the kind of choices we're supposed to believe these women made. I don't even speak that language, and never have.

And as both a former teenaged girl, and the mother of a former teenaged girl, I can tell you that kids think they're better at keeping secrets than they actually are.

You and I were obviously raised better by better parents

Apparently, Mowgli and Tarzan were raised by better parents.
Hey Progtards, You know that little voice you hear right now?

That’s the tiny bit of you that’s not dead. It’s letting you know that you were wrong . You can sense it. The way you feel right now ? Yeah, that’s how lynching an innocent guy feels . That’s how being part of The Totalitarian Mob feels .

Hurry up and push that feeling of humanity and decency away. Getting a glimpse of truth and humanity might shake you to your core. Just scream at the sky “ Rape Parties , it was her turn “ ! And you’ll be back to normal.

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that this 'guy' is innocent?

It doesn't make sense that Kav is guilty of the charges. To think that he and Judge had regular Rape Train parties in a toney DC suburb, that no one remembers where they were at, and the neighbors never complained is just silly IMHO.
Get this.

Someone on Fox said there’s a fine line between looking innocent and looking frazzled. He looks like he was frazzled. And this was on Fox.

It was the blond Democrat on FOX, and if you had gone through what his family had been through the last couple of weeks, you'd be frazzled too.
I am watching this whole circus on C-Span, and it's looking like there are many holes in what Dr. Ford's statements. But of course, the Democrats will continue to stand by her. No matter what this "No Tears" Ford says.

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