OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Lets see...

Kavanaugh has virtue, dignity, morals, ethics, and human decency.

Ford had sex with 54 guys before college.

Who do you believe?
A Republican has virtue, dignity, morals, ethics, and human decency?


Hello, knock knock, this is the party that elected Trump. Duh!
Lets see...

Kavanaugh has virtue, dignity, morals, ethics, and human decency.

Ford had sex with 54 guys before college.

Who do you believe?
A Republican has virtue, dignity, morals, ethics, and human decency?


Hello, knock knock, this is the party that elected Trump. Duh!

Ah yes, another man that the MSM and D's character assassinated. I've been saying that pretty much since Trump announced he was running...
Get this.

Someone on Fox said there’s a fine line between looking innocent and looking frazzled. He looks like he was frazzled. And this was on Fox.
cause you'd be calm cool collected, right with your life in front of you? yeah go with that. you're soooo fake.

After listening to Kavanaughty rant, I think he's afraid it might have happened but he can't remember it because of the "beers".

Everyone knows someone who drinks too much and then can't remember what happened the next day. Whether it's a family member, a friend or a work associate.

And Kavanaughty is extremely frustrated and angry because he feels so fucking sorry for himself.
It doesn't make sense that Kav is guilty of the charges. To think that he and Judge had regular Rape Train parties in a toney DC suburb, that no one remembers where they were at, and the neighbors never complained is just silly IMHO.

That's exactly what the republicans didn't want the FBI to uncover ;)
Ding Ding Ding .... hello ?
There's a major problem with the whole setup of this hearing today. The sexual assault consultant hired by the 11 Repubs without balls, seems MORE INTERESTED in implicating a Demo conspiracy, than fact finding on Kavanaugh. This is because she's being PAID to be yet another political shill tossed into this cluster fuck.

Big mistake... This is a Congressional inquiry, not a rape counseling or legal interrogation. And as USUAL, the Repubs entirely FOLD and shrink from their duties..

No idea WHICH of 4 (now 5) kids present LIVED IN THE HOUSE. How she got there. Alone or with someone else and who they were.

No wonder these senile ball-less wonders need a surrogate questioner.

WATCH -- When Kavanaugh gets up there, the Demos are gonna pound him like an Abalone. If you don't answer that -- you're not nearer to ANY truth....
And afterwards the abalone will be forced to withdraw his own nomination.

Or else Trump will withdraw it.

Or the chairperson of the GOP will withdraw it.

One man is not worth losing the Senate over in November.

Withdrawing without a fair questioning (not coddling) of the witness --- would doom this process forever.

However -- if you haven't noticed, we're pretty FUBAR'd right now and PUTIN is loving all this.

Vladmir never imagined that America was this mentallly weak and incompetent and childish. He could push us over the edge with a couple tweets and an "ANONYMOUS OP ED" to the NY Times tomorrow..
This topic must have just gotten merged with several threads.
You should be watching Fox. None of them wonder why Dr. Ford had to go to therapy. They’re all defending Kavanaugh insisting he’s innocent.

Speaking of therapy. Did you know that a Therapist is a "Mandatory Reporter". For those uneducated (like you), that means, if what she said is true (backed up by her husband), that she gave the name of the person she claims sexually assaulted her when she was under the age of 18, the therapist must file a Police report, or he/she has committed a felony.

So, why do you think she lied to the committee about naming Kavanaugh during the therapy?

Also, it wasn't until after the sessions with the therapist that she required the second door in her bedroom. Kind of makes me think that possibly the reason for the therapy was that her husband had been beating her and she needed the second door to escape the beatings.

Whatcha think lil fella?
Lets see...

Kavanaugh has virtue, dignity, morals, ethics, and human decency.

Ford had sex with 54 guys before college.

Who do you believe?
A Republican has virtue, dignity, morals, ethics, and human decency?


Hello, knock knock, this is the party that elected Trump. Duh!

Ah yes, another man that the MSM and D's character assassinated. I've been saying that pretty much since Trump announced he was running...
Wait a second. Are you saying Trump has virtue, dignity, morals, ethics, and human decency?


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