OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Without his master John McCain, he can finally think for himself.

Still not worthy presidential vote.
He's still on the wrong side of the immigration issue, as far as I know, but he gets a whopper of a medal for his performance in the judiciary hearing. Somebody needed to step up and kick ass hard, and he did it magnificently.
I wonder what ACLU lawyers put that together along with Perkins Coie and Baker H and Californis law firms and Katz and Hillary?
umerican bar ass
God, you are so stupid.

The calander shows a party with 6 Males, no females.

If this is your evidence, then either Dr. Ford is lying, or that she is actually a Male. Which one is it?
pop, come on! Dr. Ford did NOT have Brett's calendar when she described the party, who, when and where of what she remembered ...

yet the date, timing, house neighborhood and 3 or 4 of the people she mentioned ahead of this evidence on his calendar that came forth WERE CORRECT.

him not writing the girls there on his calendar means squat... the fact that he was there, at that house, 3 or 4 of the boys that she mentioned and during the time frame she mentioned...

that... corroborates part of her testimony

please call your senators and have the fbi background check reopened.

we are setting a very very bad example by not doing so on him, when with all others in similar messes, the FBI reopens their check, and investigates

this deep stating by the Republican Committee Senators, to prevent any investigation by the FBI OR to interview any witnesses... to put in their wall street CRONY in to the supreme court....

I'm sorry, that's not justice... that's privilege,

to the good ole boys club in govt..... your so called, deep state...

What house? She never said which house she went to.

No; she did not but it sure looks like it must have been Tobin's house.

If she NOW comes out and suddenly "remembers" it was that house only after learning that Kavanaugh was there, I won't believe her.

Ford has already stated that Kavanaugh was present but stated she did not know the exact location/whose house.

Please, try & keep up.
like all those alter boys coming out 30 years later...
When dozens of altar boys come out with claims of abuse that happened over the course of decades, that's a bit different than one person making a claim with zero backup.

:dance: We got 3 pole dancers here with masters degrees / higher education claiming abuse from an altar boy...(perhaps choir?)
Can you at the minimum pole dance too ?
McConnell warned Trump, ahead of time, he told him if he picked any nominee on that Federalist society list BUT Kavanaugh, he could get them trough and seated, before the election....

What does Trump do, select Kavanaugh. :lol:

Kavanaugh has been too politically involved to be seated on the SC, plus, McConnell must have known some of his background for him to tell Trump that....

Yes, McConnell is trying to plow it thru, but he did warn it would not be easy, with Kavanaugh.... something is up with that... but nobody wants to know... just sweep sweep sweep, under the rug it all goes.
yea, cause after 6 FBI background checks, it's time to sweep info under the rug.

you and many others seem to keep forgetting how invasive the checks can be.
like all those alter boys coming out 30 years later...
When dozens of altar boys come out with claims of abuse that happened over the course of decades, that's a bit different than one person making a claim with zero backup.

:dance: We got 3 pole dancers here with masters degrees / higher education claiming abuse from an altar boy...(perhaps choir?)
Can you at the minimum pole dance too ?

You're counting those 2 clowns with even weaker claims than Ford? DERP!
They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.

What a POS, Flake probably is being blackmailed, they could have film of him fucking little boys and girls or whatever.

You are Trolling as usual.
Nah, just pointing out you’re a raving lunatic; as evidenced by you suggesting he could have raped little children because he takes these investigations seriously. :cuckoo:

Many of these politicians are raping little children, this is why any suggestion of Organised Paedophile Rings NEVER gets investigated, but you of course are a Leftist Troll Tool who supports EVERYTHING The State tells you to support and being a Leftist Troll Tool you would NEVER question if The State is sordid and dirty, it's your type who are the raving lunatics.

Thanks for reminding everyone what a raving lunatic you are. Wasn’t necessary, but thanks just the same. Meanwhile, good luck confirming Kavanaugh without Flake, Collins and Murkowski.

What a POS, Flake probably is being blackmailed, they could have film of him fucking little boys and girls or whatever.

You are Trolling as usual.
Nah, just pointing out you’re a raving lunatic; as evidenced by you suggesting he could have raped little children because he takes these investigations seriously. :cuckoo:

Many of these politicians are raping little children, this is why any suggestion of Organised Paedophile Rings NEVER gets investigated, but you of course are a Leftist Troll Tool who supports EVERYTHING The State tells you to support and being a Leftist Troll Tool you would NEVER question if The State is sordid and dirty, it's your type who are the raving lunatics.

Thanks for reminding everyone what a raving lunatic you are. Wasn’t necessary, but thanks just the same. Meanwhile, good luck confirming Kavanaugh without Flake, Collins and Murkowski.


Go away Troll Tool Boi, now who's supporting rape? Oh that's right YOU, you like the majority of Leftist Troll Tools don't CARE if children are being raped in Organised Paedophile Rings OR if children are being Trafficked to be raped, you INSIST NONE of this even happens, so that makes your type COMPLICIT.
Considering how the FBI (and CIA, judiciary branch ... etc) has been attacked by Trump, no-brainer that all FBI resources are highly motivated (no red bull needed) to investigate this. And will spare NO EXPENSE !

Operation Nuke-Kavanaughty has begun!

Kavanaugh going on and on trying to waste the 5 minutes of questioning time.
I was hollering into the television screen, "YES or NO" If this had been a courtroom, Kav would have been shut down quick by the judge for all his equivocating and roundabout answers. Amazing how Grassley had NO problem with them.

Considering Ford's accusations would never get to the point of a trial, calling for the Standards of Judge to be enacted would result in the hearing never happening in the first place.

I for one hopes someone files criminal charges and then we can see his life get ruined, he was lying and it was so obvious.

There is the hilarious thing....criminal charges would never stick. You need fucking proof dimwit

You're so fcking stupid

Correct. Otherwise, they would bring charges the moment they learned about the alleged assault.
McConnell warned Trump, ahead of time, he told him if he picked any nominee on that Federalist society list BUT Kavanaugh, he could get them trough and seated, before the election....

What does Trump do, select Kavanaugh. :lol:

Kavanaugh has been too politically involved to be seated on the SC, plus, McConnell must have known some of his background for him to tell Trump that....

Yes, McConnell is trying to plow it thru, but he did warn it would not be easy, with Kavanaugh.... something is up with that... but nobody wants to know... just sweep sweep sweep, under the rug it all goes.
yea, cause after 6 FBI background checks, it's time to sweep info under the rug.

you and many others seem to keep forgetting how invasive the checks can be.

NONE of this has ANYTHING to do with if there was sexual assault or if there was not sexual assault, Leftists don't CARE if women are sexually assaulted, Leftists defend rapists and murderers who are on Death Row, they want them to be seen as the VICTIMS, Leftists ALWAYS support the Perpetrators and crap on the victims.

This is all about running down the clock. Feinstein sat on the information for 20 days, then she recommended the Katz woman who Feinstein and Democrats have a long association with, she recommend him or her or whatever Mystery Gender Katz is, then they kept Ford on ice for DAYS with wanting extensions to testify, then she did, then they finally had some vote and then after PRIVATELY talking with a group of Democrat Senators on his OWN this RINO Flake appeared and said okay I'll vote yes but on the caveat that the FBI do a SEVENTH investigation into Brett Kavanaugh and then some floor vote next Friday.

It is September 28, the next USSC Session opens on October 1 and if Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed AFTER October 1 then he has to sit out the ENTIRE new USSC Session and as such the votes are 4-4 and not 5-4 because he won't be able to take his seat and THIS is WHY Feinstein sat on the information for 20 days ANYTIME during that 20 days they could have asked for a SEVENTH FBI investigation, but that would have defeated the PURPOSE of them running the clock down and very probably Brett Kavanaugh then would have been confirmed already by NOW and then he could have taken his seat on the USSC for their new session that begins on October 1.
The calander shows a party with 6 Males, no females.

If this is your evidence, then either Dr. Ford is lying, or that she is actually a Male. Which one is it?
pop, come on! Dr. Ford did NOT have Brett's calendar when she described the party, who, when and where of what she remembered ...

yet the date, timing, house neighborhood and 3 or 4 of the people she mentioned ahead of this evidence on his calendar that came forth WERE CORRECT.

him not writing the girls there on his calendar means squat... the fact that he was there, at that house, 3 or 4 of the boys that she mentioned and during the time frame she mentioned...

that... corroborates part of her testimony

please call your senators and have the fbi background check reopened.

we are setting a very very bad example by not doing so on him, when with all others in similar messes, the FBI reopens their check, and investigates

this deep stating by the Republican Committee Senators, to prevent any investigation by the FBI OR to interview any witnesses... to put in their wall street CRONY in to the supreme court....

I'm sorry, that's not justice... that's privilege,

to the good ole boys club in govt..... your so called, deep state...

What house? She never said which house she went to.

No; she did not but it sure looks like it must have been Tobin's house.

If she NOW comes out and suddenly "remembers" it was that house only after learning that Kavanaugh was there, I won't believe her.

Ford has already stated that Kavanaugh was present but stated she did not know the exact location/whose house.

Please, try & keep up.

"You're under arrest for murder".

"What! I didn't kill anyone. Where did this happen?"

"We'll tell you right after you tell us where you were last night".
No better ally for The Hillary Clintons, Barak Obamas, Nancy Pelosis, Chuck Schummers, and Maxine Waters of this world than Jeff Flake.
McConnell warned Trump, ahead of time, he told him if he picked any nominee on that Federalist society list BUT Kavanaugh, he could get them trough and seated, before the election....

What does Trump do, select Kavanaugh. :lol:

Kavanaugh has been too politically involved to be seated on the SC, plus, McConnell must have known some of his background for him to tell Trump that....

Yes, McConnell is trying to plow it thru, but he did warn it would not be easy, with Kavanaugh.... something is up with that... but nobody wants to know... just sweep sweep sweep, under the rug it all goes.
yea, cause after 6 FBI background checks, it's time to sweep info under the rug.

you and many others seem to keep forgetting how invasive the checks can be.

NONE of this has ANYTHING to do with if there was sexual assault or if there was not sexual assault, Leftists don't CARE if women are sexually assaulted, Leftists defend rapists and murderers who are on Death Row, they want them to be seen as the VICTIMS, Leftists ALWAYS support the Perpetrators and crap on the victims.

This is all about running down the clock. Feinstein sat on the information for 20 days, then she recommended the Katz woman who Feinstein and Democrats have a long association with, she recommend him or her or whatever Mystery Gender Katz is, then they kept Ford on ice for DAYS with wanting extensions to testify, then she did, then they finally had some vote and then after PRIVATELY talking with a group of Democrat Senators on his own this RINO Flake appeared and said okay I'll vote yes but on the caveat that the FBI do a SEVENTH investigation into Brett Kavanaugh and then some floor vote next Friday.

It is September 28, the next USSC Session opens on October 1 and if Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed AFTER October 1 then he has to sit out the ENTIRE new USSC Session and as such the votes are 4-4 and not 5-4 because he won't be able to take his seat and THIS is WHY Feinstein sat on the information for 20 days ANYTIME duruing that 20 days they could have asked for a SEVENTH FBI investigation, but that would have defeated the PURPOSE of them running the clock down and very probably Brett Kavanaugh then would have been confirmed already by NOW and then he caould have taken his seat on the USSC for their new session that begins on October 1.
i would agree. this isn't about justice, this is politics.

if justice, she would go to the law who could look into it. i have to wonder why the left is so against her going through known, established processes *IF* they want justice for her.

but that isn't what this is about. the emotional surges and plays are just that - emo-based. it's to stop kavanaugh and roe vs wade from POTENTIALLY being overturned. how 1 man can do this is still an unanswered question, but the left doesn't care. they want what they want and don't give a shit who they use or destroy to get it.
pop, come on! Dr. Ford did NOT have Brett's calendar when she described the party, who, when and where of what she remembered ...

yet the date, timing, house neighborhood and 3 or 4 of the people she mentioned ahead of this evidence on his calendar that came forth WERE CORRECT.

him not writing the girls there on his calendar means squat... the fact that he was there, at that house, 3 or 4 of the boys that she mentioned and during the time frame she mentioned...

that... corroborates part of her testimony

please call your senators and have the fbi background check reopened.

we are setting a very very bad example by not doing so on him, when with all others in similar messes, the FBI reopens their check, and investigates

this deep stating by the Republican Committee Senators, to prevent any investigation by the FBI OR to interview any witnesses... to put in their wall street CRONY in to the supreme court....

I'm sorry, that's not justice... that's privilege,

to the good ole boys club in govt..... your so called, deep state...

What house? She never said which house she went to.

No; she did not but it sure looks like it must have been Tobin's house.

If she NOW comes out and suddenly "remembers" it was that house only after learning that Kavanaugh was there, I won't believe her.

Ford has already stated that Kavanaugh was present but stated she did not know the exact location/whose house.

Please, try & keep up.

"You're under arrest for murder".

"What! I didn't kill anyone. Where did this happen?"

"We'll tell you right after you tell us where you were last night".

it is members such as yourself that make me wonder; why in Hell does this web site attract such really dense people?
I predict that the Dems will turn up some pathetic loon who will now claim that Kavanaugh conducted black masses in which babies were sacrificed prior to football games in high school.
Flake just sold his soul. Good thing he is retiring.

Have they had the vote yet? Did he vote no or what's happening?

They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.

What a POS, Flake probably is being blackmailed, they could have film of him fucking little boys and girls or whatever.

He's retiring. The tell will be which lucrative lobbying firm he joins after.
He'll be working on the Hillary in 2020 Campaign
I'm With It!
The ABA asked for due process..... period.

Period.... Period.... tilt. tilt... Period.
If the Democrats' behavior in this sham judiciary hearing, is what the ABA calls proper, then the ABA needs to disappear.
The Democrats locked on to DNC activist and professional political psychologist and brain mapping expert, Dr. Christine B. Ford, to deliver an experimentalist technique of thespianism to batter a conservative judicial nominee to the Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, to see how successfully she could plant a false memory into the public memory by associating an innocent nominee with unsubstantiated (not to mention quite untrue) rape charges so they could delay and destroy a most qualified jurist because he is a true blue human being with a great conscientious legal scholar's mind, sterling character, and nearly unparalleled memory in his field. The Democrat Party has become such a power-grabbing entity it does not care to be challenged with facts, which is why they are terrified that a Conservative jurist will not allow them to get away with dirty tricks they pull anytime the public lulls itself into thinking its government does not need the leash of public scrutiny. Conservatives also annoy the Democrat Party due to its concentration of Christian men and women who don't accept dirty tricks as any kind of daily dishouts from power-grabbing hooligans with no respect for those who pay their salaries with overbearing taxes that have to be increasingly raised to satisfy the hungry mouth of the monsters they create anytime they have more than 50% of the votes in congress. And some of the monsters are pet rock projects that puts money in the pockets of the least scrupulous people on the planet. It really rubs the Democrats the wrong way to have tax money being spent on projects that benefit the American people, and the very taxpayers who believe the hubris such as that planted by Dr. Ford yesterday at Judge Kavanaugh's hearing, meant to cripple his chances of holding a seat on the Supreme Court that would ensure justice to Americans, and not just the people the Democrats funnel into the country illegally so they can foist votes into their Party that keeps them disabling American money from being spent by and for the American people who were tapped on paycheck after paycheck, whether they like it or not.

Doh, Democrats. Did you think we fell for your Shanghai tactic of planting a false accusation with your smoothe operator, extremist activist, Dr. Ford? Well, some of us didn't. We watched her body language telling us, nay yelling "I'm lying to you" at the top of Dr. Ford's body languagespeak's voice. And I want to personally tell you, you flunked interpersonal communications science lab flat on your cheesecake smile faces.
I wonder what the Dems promised Flake?
It's obvious the Dems have a few more "victims" that will magically appear sometime in the next week.
Also, Kavanaugh has been investigated six times by the FBI. If they find something, isn't that an admission of incompetence?

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