OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Where is The Investigation in to FUSION GPS, COIE LAWFIRM and THE DNC-CLINTON-OBAMA Money Laundering Scheme to pay Russia for The Dirty Dossier?
Where is The Investigation in to FISA and Civil Rights Abuses conducted by Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein & Yates?
Where is The Investigation in to Lynch and Comey's Obstruction of Justice?
Where in The Investigation in to all of the Leaks coming out of The FBI and DOJ?
Flake just sold his soul. Good thing he is retiring.

Have they had the vote yet? Did he vote no or what's happening?

They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.

What a POS, Flake probably is being blackmailed, they could have film of him fucking little boys and girls or whatever.

You are Trolling as usual.
no date, no time, no house. you're mistaken. See he kept records and it doesn't say anything about a pool party or anything else she stated. so iit's unclear your point other than you making fake news up again.

Give the FBI a few seconds... they'll find the house, time and date.
... remember, this is 2018 ;)

'Merica was great in the 50's ... WWII winners, helping Europe and Japan rebuild. Yeah ! I'm having an orgasm.

How will they find it? FBI agents are humans not superheroes. She doesn't even know the house or the date? Her friends have no idea what she is talking about. Neither does Kav. They have limited if any leads. Confirm him and investigate. If they find something. Impeach him. If they don't, send Feinstein to jail for obstruction.
They know the house address and the date now, from Kavanaugh's old calendar, July of 1982....

she said she was at the community/country club pool that day...they could find old records that have sign in sheets for guests/members and see if it is the same date on his calendar....

they could go to the address Kavanaugh listed that he had some brew-skis with his friends, and see if it matches with what she described about the house, the stairwell going up, the bathroom location, the size of the living room, the bedroom position to the stairwell and bathroom that she said she was pushed in to....

they can question Mark Judge, twice to see if his story matches up both times.... they could talk to others who knew Bret in high school and college and law school... and recent friends/local bars/ wife... interview those other accusers, follow up with any leads they may be able to give them....

they could get her therapist notes.... review them

there is an awful lot they can do to follow up on the new revelation... and I am not even an investigator and can come up with that.... though I love 'who done it', mystery books.... :D

they could go to the address Kavanaugh listed that he had some brew-skis with his friends, and see if it matches with what she described about the house, the stairwell going up, the bathroom location, the size of the living room, the bedroom position to the stairwell and bathroom that she said she was pushed in to....

She could have banged the entire football team in that room, still doesn't mean she was at a party with Kavanaugh.

that is the case with 90% of all sexual assaults, especially from those who never report when young, but only much later... like all those alter boys coming out 30 years later... what could the investigators find after 20, 30, or 40 years later for it to be exposed as true? :dunno:

but the investigators did figure it out...
Flake just sold his soul. Good thing he is retiring.

Have they had the vote yet? Did he vote no or what's happening?

They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.

What a POS, Flake probably is being blackmailed, they could have film of him fucking little boys and girls or whatever.

You are Trolling as usual.
Nah, just pointing out you’re a raving lunatic; as evidenced by you suggesting he could have raped little children because he takes these accusations seriously. :cuckoo:
Flake is no friend of THE GOP.

He met with The Conspirators of This FARCE, held the process hostage.

However, that support came with a last-minute caveat. After meeting with Democrats behind closed doors ahead of the vote, Flake emerged to call for a delay in the full floor vote to allow for an FBI investigation “limited in time and scope.”
no date, no time, no house. you're mistaken. See he kept records and it doesn't say anything about a pool party or anything else she stated. so iit's unclear your point other than you making fake news up again.

Give the FBI a few seconds... they'll find the house, time and date.
... remember, this is 2018 ;)

'Merica was great in the 50's ... WWII winners, helping Europe and Japan rebuild. Yeah ! I'm having an orgasm.

How will they find it? FBI agents are humans not superheroes. She doesn't even know the house or the date? Her friends have no idea what she is talking about. Neither does Kav. They have limited if any leads. Confirm him and investigate. If they find something. Impeach him. If they don't, send Feinstein to jail for obstruction.
They know the house address and the date now, from Kavanaugh's old calendar, July of 1982....

she said she was at the community/country club pool that day...they could find old records that have sign in sheets for guests/members and see if it is the same date on his calendar....

they could go to the address Kavanaugh listed that he had some brew-skis with his friends, and see if it matches with what she described about the house, the stairwell going up, the bathroom location, the size of the living room, the bedroom position to the stairwell and bathroom that she said she was pushed in to....

they can question Mark Judge, twice to see if his story matches up both times.... they could talk to others who knew Bret in high school and college and law school... and recent friends/local bars/ wife... interview those other accusers, follow up with any leads they may be able to give them....

they could get her therapist notes.... review them

there is an awful lot they can do to follow up on the new revelation... and I am not even an investigator and can come up with that.... though I love 'who done it', mystery books.... :D

they could go to the address Kavanaugh listed that he had some brew-skis with his friends, and see if it matches with what she described about the house, the stairwell going up, the bathroom location, the size of the living room, the bedroom position to the stairwell and bathroom that she said she was pushed in to....

She could have banged the entire football team in that room, still doesn't mean she was at a party with Kavanaugh.

that is the case with 90% of all sexual assaults, especially from those who never report when young, but only much later... like all those alter boys coming out 30 years later... what could the investigators find after 20, 30, or 40 years later for it to be exposed as true? :dunno:

but the investigators did figure it out...
How many girls go to known Gang Bangers time and again?
Flake is no friend of THE GOP.

He met with The Conspirators of This FARCE, held the process hostage.

However, that support came with a last-minute caveat. After meeting with Democrats behind closed doors ahead of the vote, Flake emerged to call for a delay in the full floor vote to allow for an FBI investigation “limited in time and scope.”
They promised him a beautiful home in France and a lifetime supply of prostitutes.
Then are you saying that:

A. Dr. Ford is a guy?

B. That Ford is lying?


God, you are so stupid.

The calander shows a party with 6 Males, no females.

If this is your evidence, then either Dr. Ford is lying, or that she is actually a Male. Which one is it?
pop, come on! Dr. Ford did NOT have Brett's calendar when she described the party, who, when and where of what she remembered ...

yet the date, timing, house neighborhood and 3 or 4 of the people she mentioned ahead of this evidence on his calendar that came forth WERE CORRECT.

him not writing the girls there on his calendar means squat... the fact that he was there, at that house, 3 or 4 of the boys that she mentioned and during the time frame she mentioned...

that... corroborates part of her testimony

please call your senators and have the fbi background check reopened.

we are setting a very very bad example by not doing so on him, when with all others in similar messes, the FBI reopens their check, and investigates

this deep stating by the Republican Committee Senators, to prevent any investigation by the FBI OR to interview any witnesses... to put in their wall street CRONY in to the supreme court....

I'm sorry, that's not justice... that's privilege,

to the good ole boys club in govt..... your so called, deep state...

What house? She never said which house she went to.

No; she did not but it sure looks like it must have been Tobin's house.

If she NOW comes out and suddenly "remembers" it was that house only after learning that Kavanaugh was there, I won't believe her.
Have they had the vote yet? Did he vote no or what's happening?

They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.

What a POS, Flake probably is being blackmailed, they could have film of him fucking little boys and girls or whatever.

You are Trolling as usual.
Nah, just pointing out you’re a raving lunatic; as evidenced by you suggesting he could have raped little children because he takes these investigations seriously. :cuckoo:

Many of these politicians are raping little children, this is why any suggestion of Organised Paedophile Rings NEVER gets investigated, but you of course are a Leftist Troll Tool who supports EVERYTHING The State tells you to support and being a Leftist Troll Tool you would NEVER question if The State is sordid and dirty, it's your type who are the raving lunatics.
Flake just sold his soul. Good thing he is retiring.

Have they had the vote yet? Did he vote no or what's happening?

They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.

The Democrats have the REAL CONTROL of THE SENATE. I believe this entire thing is a tragedy. We are witnessing the Death of The Republic. And if someone does not stand up and start resisting this kind of EVIL, there won't be any coming back from it if THE LEFT gains more power to begin pushing their Agenda From Hell through Congress.

I realized quite a few years ago that we are just riding the decline. The only question is if one dies before or after the actual collapse of civil order.

You have to realise that this is the fault of the Republicans, they are too soft, have they ever taken the gloves off? No. They should have been adopting a Thug Mode from day ONE, not overtly but covertly.

Politics is NOT for the soft, politics is dirty it always has been dirty, if you want to eliminate the Enemy then you have behind the scenes teams who basically operate 24/7 in Thug Mode, this is what the Democrats have been doing for years, but the Republicans are spineless and have just sat there unwilling to get in the sewer and fight fire with fire.

Agreed. The Establishment GOP are just Dems Lite. They are all part of the Giant Fusion Party Corporate-Surveillance State.
This has backfired on you liberals times a thousand…..

You have no idea of the backlash you are facing…
Two words. Merrick Garland.

How "bout" the joe biden rule dumb ass?

View attachment 218945

I guess we need to thank lying harry reid…………..

Of course, everything they do comes back to bite them in the ass.

If they didn't learned that by now, they never will. On the other hand, they don't need a lesson, they won't take it anyways. They need punishment.
no date, no time, no house. you're mistaken. See he kept records and it doesn't say anything about a pool party or anything else she stated. so iit's unclear your point other than you making fake news up again.

Give the FBI a few seconds... they'll find the house, time and date.
... remember, this is 2018 ;)

'Merica was great in the 50's ... WWII winners, helping Europe and Japan rebuild. Yeah ! I'm having an orgasm.

How will they find it? FBI agents are humans not superheroes. She doesn't even know the house or the date? Her friends have no idea what she is talking about. Neither does Kav. They have limited if any leads. Confirm him and investigate. If they find something. Impeach him. If they don't, send Feinstein to jail for obstruction.
They know the house address and the date now, from Kavanaugh's old calendar, July of 1982....

she said she was at the community/country club pool that day...they could find old records that have sign in sheets for guests/members and see if it is the same date on his calendar....

they could go to the address Kavanaugh listed that he had some brew-skis with his friends, and see if it matches with what she described about the house, the stairwell going up, the bathroom location, the size of the living room, the bedroom position to the stairwell and bathroom that she said she was pushed in to....

they can question Mark Judge, twice to see if his story matches up both times.... they could talk to others who knew Bret in high school and college and law school... and recent friends/local bars/ wife... interview those other accusers, follow up with any leads they may be able to give them....

they could get her therapist notes.... review them

there is an awful lot they can do to follow up on the new revelation... and I am not even an investigator and can come up with that.... though I love 'who done it', mystery books.... :D

they could go to the address Kavanaugh listed that he had some brew-skis with his friends, and see if it matches with what she described about the house, the stairwell going up, the bathroom location, the size of the living room, the bedroom position to the stairwell and bathroom that she said she was pushed in to....

She could have banged the entire football team in that room, still doesn't mean she was at a party with Kavanaugh.

that is the case with 90% of all sexual assaults, especially from those who never report when young, but only much later... like all those alter boys coming out 30 years later... what could the investigators find after 20, 30, or 40 years later for it to be exposed as true? :dunno:

but the investigators did figure it out...

like all those alter boys coming out 30 years later...

When dozens of altar boys come out with claims of abuse that happened over the course of decades, that's a bit different than one person making a claim with zero backup.
It's amazing how for 30 years Repubtards were beyond obsessed that Clinton may have harassed a couple women, yet now support a rapist who spews Clinton conspiracy theories. Republicans had FBI investigating Clinton while allowing 9/11 attacks, but refuse the FBI investigate repubtard political operative judges rape.
You have no proof whatsoever that Kavanaugh is a "rapist" , but we have proof that you are an idiot.

And the FBI has ALREADY investigated Kavanaugh - 6 TIMES.
However, that support came with a last-minute caveat. After meeting with Democrats behind closed doors ahead of the vote, Flake emerged to call for a delay in the full floor vote to allow for an FBI investigation “limited in time and scope.”

With today's tech... piece of cake investigation... 2 days max.

Republican nightmare if you ask me.... but ! better than a stupid civil war.
The dems are going to gain ground in the election. Which is the result I'm hoping for.

Congrats are in order, to Democrats.

They finally created the event where the Right applauds McConnell, Grassley, Graham, Flake, Cruz, and Sasse. The GOP hasn't had this much unity in years.
If that was my first experience seeing Graham, I’d vote for him for President.

Without his master John McCain, he can finally think for himself.

Still not worthy presidential vote.
Have they had the vote yet? Did he vote no or what's happening?

They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.

The Democrats have the REAL CONTROL of THE SENATE. I believe this entire thing is a tragedy. We are witnessing the Death of The Republic. And if someone does not stand up and start resisting this kind of EVIL, there won't be any coming back from it if THE LEFT gains more power to begin pushing their Agenda From Hell through Congress.

I realized quite a few years ago that we are just riding the decline. The only question is if one dies before or after the actual collapse of civil order.

You have to realise that this is the fault of the Republicans, they are too soft, have they ever taken the gloves off? No. They should have been adopting a Thug Mode from day ONE, not overtly but covertly.

Politics is NOT for the soft, politics is dirty it always has been dirty, if you want to eliminate the Enemy then you have behind the scenes teams who basically operate 24/7 in Thug Mode, this is what the Democrats have been doing for years, but the Republicans are spineless and have just sat there unwilling to get in the sewer and fight fire with fire.

Agreed. The Establishment GOP are just Dems Lite. They are all part of the Giant Fusion Party Corporate-Surveillance State.

Yes the Uni-Party, this is the same across the Western world there is basically NO difference between the Established Conservatives and the Established Liberals, both Pro-Big Corporations, both Pro-1984 Surveillance, both Pro-UN Globalist, both Pro-UNLIMITED Immigration from Third World Shit Holes, both Pro-NATO Military Industrial Complex, they ALL are the Uni-Party.
Senate Panel Advances Kavanaugh Nomination to Full Senate
The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11-10 to send Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination to the full Senate.

Friday, September 28th 2018, 5:25 AM PDT
Friday, September 28th 2018, 11:14 AM PDT
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