OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Flake just sold his soul. Good thing he is retiring.

Have they had the vote yet? Did he vote no or what's happening?

They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.

What a POS, Flake probably is being blackmailed, they could have film of him fucking little boys and girls or whatever.
Flake just sold his soul. Good thing he is retiring.

Have they had the vote yet? Did he vote no or what's happening?

They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.

The Democrats have the REAL CONTROL of THE SENATE. I believe this entire thing is a tragedy. We are witnessing the Death of The Republic. And if someone does not stand up and start resisting this kind of EVIL, there won't be any coming back from it if THE LEFT gains more power to begin pushing their Agenda From Hell through Congress.

I realized quite a few years ago that we are just riding the decline. The only question is if one dies before or after the actual collapse of civil order.
Flake just sold his soul. Good thing he is retiring.

Have they had the vote yet? Did he vote no or what's happening?

They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.

What a POS, Flake probably is being blackmailed, they could have film of him fucking little boys and girls or whatever.

He's retiring. The tell will be which lucrative lobbying firm he joins after.
She has clear memory of what happened 36 years ago but not seven weeks ago? Really?
What did you have for lunch 7 weeks ago?

LOL you eat shit!

I don't eat your brains. I am not a zombie. You are. Leftist stooge.

She has clear memory of what happened 36 years ago but not seven weeks ago? Really?
What did you have for lunch 7 weeks ago?

LOL you eat shit!

I don't eat your brains. I am not a zombie. You are. Leftist stooge.

Eating his brains wouldn't make you a zombie. It would make you a vegan.

Actually I'd be fasting...
What did you have for lunch 7 weeks ago?

LOL you eat shit!

I don't eat your brains. I am not a zombie. You are. Leftist stooge.

What did you have for lunch 7 weeks ago?

LOL you eat shit!

I don't eat your brains. I am not a zombie. You are. Leftist stooge.

Eating his brains wouldn't make you a zombie. It would make you a vegan.

Actually I'd be fasting...

Oh snap! That would make you a Breathitarian.
Judge Kavanaugh based on his track record as a Circuit Court Appellate Judge is not suitable for the Supreme Court. He has a track record of not following the law he didn't in the "Seven Sky" case (an Affordable Care Act case), in the "Garza" case (an abortion case) and in the "Agri Processor Company" case (an illegal immigration case). Whatever you think of Supreme Court holdings they're the law it's a superior court so as a Circuit Court Judge you follow their decisions and he didn't do so in numerous cases. How can the U.S. Senate confirm him you're supposed to be protecting America's legal system promoting respect for the law putting a Justice on the Supreme Court that he himself didn't obey the law why should District Court Judges and Circuit Court Judges follow the law when a Justice Kavanaugh didn't as a lower Court Judge?

Judge Kavanaugh as a Circuit Court Judge used cases before him as opportunities to apply for a job for the Supreme Court. In numerous of his cases they were like pages of a job resume demonstrating to far right groups and far right politicians he would be their champion on the Supreme Court. Human beings have the capacity to know what is going on everything doesn't have to be spelled out for them and if one reads some of his opinions with prudence one can pick-up on the truth that this is what he was doing. This is shameful beyond words because not only was he breaching his duty to interpret the law in an unbiased manner and be fair to the litigants and conduct himself in a manner that upholds the reputation of the Judiciary but he was seriously messing with peoples lives. In the abortion case where he gave the government more time to find a sponsor for the pregnant juvenile in the Office of Refugee Resettlement custody after the government had five weeks to place her where his extension would have ran her into the seventeen week of her pregnancy where the Texas state law had a twenty week limit and he didn't guarantee her a right to an abortion then but extended to the government another chance to block the juvenile from getting her abortion right. Someone with such a lack of caring for the law, the judiciary and other people is unsuitable for a seat on the Supreme Court!

Judge Kavanaugh is really scary radical and extreme in some of his views. America has numerous independent regulatory agencies that do important work for the American people and Congress in its wisdom made it so the members of the governing body of each of these agencies can only be removed for good cause. Judge Kavanaugh believes this is unconstitutional that all these governing bodies members should be at will appointees of the President meaning the President can remove them for any reason at all. His views here can be garnished from his opinion in PHH v. CFPB 881 F.3d 75 (2018). This would make all these agencies extremely political Presidents would be running these agencies to advance their political agenda. Imagine a President directly controlling the Federal Reserve Board to lower interest rates with the purpose of making credit more affordable to individuals and companies to help in the next election but ultimately creating asset bubbles, inflation and making the Fed unprepared to pull the country out of the next recession. The examples one can readily see would be disastrous for the American people. Judge Kavanaugh is not mainstream in this view and other views he holds and responsible people would definitely not put such a person on the Supreme Court. If the Senate does it will be making a mockery of the U.S. Constitutions "advice and consent" clause on Judicial nominees to the Supreme Court the Senate will have turned it into a completely political vetting process, if the nominee will do the majority's bidding on the Supreme Court the nominee get's confirmed - this will hurt America beyond words!

If you think he was bad then, wait till he gets in there all pissed off at the Left.

Bye, bye Roe vs. Wade!
I bet more Republican women died in back alley's.

In progressive states, women tended to have choice.
You’ll love the movie on Gosnell I helped fund.

Enjoy the display of America’s biggest mass murderers on the big screen.

Oh, I SOOO have that opening day marked on my calendar. And my husband, who dragged me to see "Black Panther", doesn't even need to think about complaining.
Flake just sold his soul. Good thing he is retiring.

Have they had the vote yet? Did he vote no or what's happening?

They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.

What a POS, Flake probably is being blackmailed, they could have film of him fucking little boys and girls or whatever.
Absolute Injustice: This Ford woman made so many contradictory and or Vague statements. She and her team, had no Credibility.

No person is safe from this kind of attack whereby you can make unsubstantiated, uncorroborated accusations devoid of witnesses and evidence and bring The Democratic Process to a complete stand still.
no date, no time, no house. you're mistaken. See he kept records and it doesn't say anything about a pool party or anything else she stated. so iit's unclear your point other than you making fake news up again.

Give the FBI a few seconds... they'll find the house, time and date.
... remember, this is 2018 ;)

'Merica was great in the 50's ... WWII winners, helping Europe and Japan rebuild. Yeah ! I'm having an orgasm.

How will they find it? FBI agents are humans not superheroes. She doesn't even know the house or the date? Her friends have no idea what she is talking about. Neither does Kav. They have limited if any leads. Confirm him and investigate. If they find something. Impeach him. If they don't, send Feinstein to jail for obstruction.
They know the house address and the date now, from Kavanaugh's old calendar, July of 1982....

she said she was at the community/country club pool that day...they could find old records that have sign in sheets for guests/members and see if it is the same date on his calendar....

they could go to the address Kavanaugh listed that he had some brew-skis with his friends, and see if it matches with what she described about the house, the stairwell going up, the bathroom location, the size of the living room, the bedroom position to the stairwell and bathroom that she said she was pushed in to....

they can question Mark Judge, twice to see if his story matches up both times.... they could talk to others who knew Bret in high school and college and law school... and recent friends/local bars/ wife... interview those other accusers, follow up with any leads they may be able to give them....

they could get her therapist notes.... review them

there is an awful lot they can do to follow up on the new revelation... and I am not even an investigator and can come up with that.... though I love 'who done it', mystery books.... :D
They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.
It's NOT in order to get a floor vote. The floor vote is already set. They voted 11-10 in favor of Kavanaugh being nominated. The Judiciary committee work is finished.

All that Trump-hater Flakey Flake did, was to send a request to the White House to have a 1 week delay for an FBI check, which I imagine Trump might answer by saying "Shove it up your ass." :biggrin:
Flake just sold his soul. Good thing he is retiring.

Have they had the vote yet? Did he vote no or what's happening?

They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.
It's NOT in order to get a floor vote. The floor vote is already set. They voted 11-10 in favor of Kavanaugh being nominated. The Judiciary committee work is finished.

All that Trump-hater Flakey Flake did, was to send a request to the White House to have a 1 week delay for an FBI check, which I imagine Trump might answer by saying "Shove it up your ass." :biggrin:

Here's the problem. They need 50 votes and the vote is one week away. Imagine the escalation of attacks on Kavanaugh and his family. I wouldn't put it past the Dems to make actual death threats against his family to get him to withdraw.
They know the house address and the date now, from Kavanaugh's old calendar, July of 1982....

she said she was at the community/country club pool that day...they could find old records that have sign in sheets for guests/members and see if it is the same date on his calendar....

they could go to the address Kavanaugh listed that he had some brew-skis with his friends, and see if it matches with what she described about the house, the stairwell going up, the bathroom location, the size of the living room, the bedroom position to the stairwell and bathroom that she said she was pushed in to....

they can question Mark Judge, twice to see if his story matches up both times.... they could talk to others who knew Bret in high school and college and law school... and recent friends/local bars/ wife... interview those other accusers, follow up with any leads they may be able to give them....

they could get her therapist notes.... review them

there is an awful lot they can do to follow up on the new revelation... and I am not even an investigator and can come up with that.... though I love 'who done it', mystery books.... :D
And Trump can tell Flake to go jump.
no date, no time, no house. you're mistaken. See he kept records and it doesn't say anything about a pool party or anything else she stated. so iit's unclear your point other than you making fake news up again.

Give the FBI a few seconds... they'll find the house, time and date.
... remember, this is 2018 ;)

'Merica was great in the 50's ... WWII winners, helping Europe and Japan rebuild. Yeah ! I'm having an orgasm.

How will they find it? FBI agents are humans not superheroes. She doesn't even know the house or the date? Her friends have no idea what she is talking about. Neither does Kav. They have limited if any leads. Confirm him and investigate. If they find something. Impeach him. If they don't, send Feinstein to jail for obstruction.
They know the house address and the date now, from Kavanaugh's old calendar, July of 1982....

she said she was at the community/country club pool that day...they could find old records that have sign in sheets for guests/members and see if it is the same date on his calendar....

they could go to the address Kavanaugh listed that he had some brew-skis with his friends, and see if it matches with what she described about the house, the stairwell going up, the bathroom location, the size of the living room, the bedroom position to the stairwell and bathroom that she said she was pushed in to....

they can question Mark Judge, twice to see if his story matches up both times.... they could talk to others who knew Bret in high school and college and law school... and recent friends/local bars/ wife... interview those other accusers, follow up with any leads they may be able to give them....

they could get her therapist notes.... review them

there is an awful lot they can do to follow up on the new revelation... and I am not even an investigator and can come up with that.... though I love 'who done it', mystery books.... :D

they could go to the address Kavanaugh listed that he had some brew-skis with his friends, and see if it matches with what she described about the house, the stairwell going up, the bathroom location, the size of the living room, the bedroom position to the stairwell and bathroom that she said she was pushed in to....

She could have banged the entire football team in that room, still doesn't mean she was at a party with Kavanaugh.
Screw allowing yet another FBI Investigation-Witch Hunt. We saw how The Left Conned We The People in to accepting The Trojan Horse of Bob Railroadem Mueller, and how his investigation will NEVER end, because there are no limitations on him and what he wants to Investigate. So long as Mueller refuses to look at Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama and The DNC and how they colluded with Russia and The FBI to try to oust a president from office, he will be allowed to continue his witch hunt indefinitely.

Such will be the case with this. You cannot trust anything like this, especially since The FBI investigated Kavenaugh some 6 times already, and espeically like The Russian Dossier, there is Zero Proof of any of the accusations, or that anything occurred at all.

Yet here we are with Mueller and a never ending investigation, and about to start another Never Ending Investigation in to an Innocent Man's Life that has already been thoroughly vetted.

It's a shame THE GOP is even playing this game with these people.
Here's the problem. They need 50 votes and the vote is one week away. Imagine the escalation of attacks on Kavanaugh and his family. I wouldn't put it past the Dems to make actual death threats against his family to get him to withdraw.
Or assassinate him. The Clintons have been doing that for decades.
They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.
It's NOT in order to get a floor vote. The floor vote is already set. They voted 11-10 in favor of Kavanaugh being nominated. The Judiciary committee work is finished.

All that Trump-hater Flakey Flake did, was to send a request to the White House to have a 1 week delay for an FBI check, which I imagine Trump might answer by saying "Shove it up your ass." :biggrin:
Cool, let’s do it. See if the right can survive this losing another Republican vote.
Flake just sold his soul. Good thing he is retiring.

Have they had the vote yet? Did he vote no or what's happening?

They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.

The Democrats have the REAL CONTROL of THE SENATE. I believe this entire thing is a tragedy. We are witnessing the Death of The Republic. And if someone does not stand up and start resisting this kind of EVIL, there won't be any coming back from it if THE LEFT gains more power to begin pushing their Agenda From Hell through Congress.

I realized quite a few years ago that we are just riding the decline. The only question is if one dies before or after the actual collapse of civil order.

You have to realise that this is the fault of the Republicans, they are too soft, have they ever taken the gloves off? No. They should have been adopting a Thug Mode from day ONE, not overtly but covertly.

Politics is NOT for the soft, politics is dirty it always has been dirty, if you want to eliminate the Enemy then you have behind the scenes teams who basically operate 24/7 in Thug Mode, this is what the Democrats have been doing for years, but the Republicans are spineless and have just sat there unwilling to get in the sewer and fight fire with fire.

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