OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Then are you saying that:

A. Dr. Ford is a guy?

B. That Ford is lying?


God, you are so stupid.

The calander shows a party with 6 Males, no females.

If this is your evidence, then either Dr. Ford is lying, or that she is actually a Male. Which one is it?
pop, come on! Dr. Ford did NOT have Brett's calendar when she described the party, who, when and where of what she remembered ...

yet the date, timing, house neighborhood and 3 or 4 of the people she mentioned ahead of this evidence on his calendar that came forth WERE CORRECT.

him not writing the girls there on his calendar means squat... the fact that he was there, at that house, 3 or 4 of the boys that she mentioned and during the time frame she mentioned...

that... corroborates part of her testimony

please call your senators and have the fbi background check reopened.

we are setting a very very bad example by not doing so on him, when with all others in similar messes, the FBI reopens their check, and investigates

this deep stating by the Republican Committee Senators, to prevent any investigation by the FBI OR to interview any witnesses... to put in their wall street CRONY in to the supreme court....

I'm sorry, that's not justice... that's privilege,

to the good ole boys club in govt..... your so called, deep state...

What house? She never said which house she went to.

No; she did not but it sure looks like it must have been Tobin's house.
name never came up and no date to check on. hmmmm you're in the mud there fella and your tires are stuck.
Listen Kid...Kavanaugh admitted the shocking fact that teenage boys (18 as seniors) drink beer. I think Kavanaugh singlehandedly just turned some working class Dem and independent males Red. Like the vampire that he is!

Listen Kid...Kavanaugh admitted the shocking fact that teenage boys (18 as seniors) drink beer. I think Kavanaugh singlehandedly just turned some working class Dem and independent males Red. Like the vampire that he is!

Kavanaugh LIED, he and most of the others, were not 18 when drinking in high school...

he was 17 years old the day of the house party in July of 1982... that was written on his calendar, and would not be 18 years old for another 7 months, until February 1983....

and that party was not his first Rodeo.

He just flat out lied about it, in the hearing.
and my question is, why lie about his age and friend's ages, when drinking? What is he trying to cover up? His age, all these years later or his drinking problem, that still may exist?
Bullshit. You are a delusional leftist. There was no evidence here and she was not credible. Take off your blue goggles. If leftists wanted justice they would have shared the letter with the FBI immediately

Only time will tell who is delusional here ;)

This blitzkrieg nomination sadly reeks of the third Reich.

A German term for “lightning war,” blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower.

Now THAT is some funny shit, 2020! A confirmation hearing is like the German blitzkrieg? Really? The only tactic I saw on display here was you progressives using yet another smear campaign against another conservative! You're now the party of Michael Avenatti and Richard Steele! That's what you run on. Not promises for a better run on run on lies.

I'm amused that the same people who kept this from being investigated in a timely manner are now the ones who are screaming that it's a rush to judgement! Ford SHOULD have been questioned by investigators from the Judiciary Committee! She was asked to come to Washington to give answers to questions and she deferred saying she had a fear of flying. Funny, she doesn't seem to have a problem flying when it's to a vacation spot far, far away! Then her lawyers were told that the Committee investigators would come to her in California but they appear never to have told her that (Well either that or it's totally slipped her mind that took place which begs the question...what kind of meds is she on these days?)! Why? It's obvious that the lawyers that Diane Feinstein referred Ms. Ford to had another agenda other than seeking justice for her. They appear to be more concerned with how long they could draw this process out than they were about getting to the truth!

She has clear memory of what happened 36 years ago but not seven weeks ago? Really?
What did you have for lunch 7 weeks ago?


Did the lame ass seriously just equate a mundane event like lunch, with a once in a lifetime event like being hooked up to a polygraph test, in an airport Hotel?

Geez, Really?
Listen Kid...Kavanaugh admitted the shocking fact that teenage boys (18 as seniors) drink beer. I think Kavanaugh singlehandedly just turned some working class Dem and independent males Red. Like the vampire that he is!

Listen Kid...Kavanaugh admitted the shocking fact that teenage boys (18 as seniors) drink beer. I think Kavanaugh singlehandedly just turned some working class Dem and independent males Red. Like the vampire that he is!

Kavanaugh LIED, he and most of the others, were not 18 when drinking in high school...

he was 17 years old the day of the house party in July of 1982... that was written on his calendar, and would not be 18 years old for another 7 months, until February 1983....

and that party was not his first Rodeo.

He just flat out lied about it, in the hearing.
and my question is, why lie about his age and friend's ages, when drinking? What is he trying to cover up? His age, all these years later or his drinking problem, that still may exist?

and my question is, why lie about his age and friend's ages, when drinking?

He didn't lie.
Only time will tell who is delusional here ;)

This blitzkrieg nomination sadly reeks of the third Reich.

A German term for “lightning war,” blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower.

Now THAT is some funny shit, 2020! A confirmation hearing is like the German blitzkrieg? Really? The only tactic I saw on display here was you progressives using yet another smear campaign against another conservative! You're now the party of Michael Avenatti and Richard Steele! That's what you run on. Not promises for a better run on run on lies.

I'm amused that the same people who kept this from being investigated in a timely manner are now the ones who are screaming that it's a rush to judgement! Ford SHOULD have been questioned by investigators from the Judiciary Committee! She was asked to come to Washington to give answers to questions and she deferred saying she had a fear of flying. Funny, she doesn't seem to have a problem flying when it's to a vacation spot far, far away! Then her lawyers were told that the Committee investigators would come to her in California but they appear never to have told her that (Well either that or it's totally slipped her mind that took place which begs the question...what kind of meds is she on these days?)! Why? It's obvious that the lawyers that Diane Feinstein referred Ms. Ford to had another agenda other than seeking justice for her. They appear to be more concerned with how long they could draw this process out than they were about getting to the truth!

She has clear memory of what happened 36 years ago but not seven weeks ago? Really?
What did you have for lunch 7 weeks ago?


Did the lame ass seriously just equate a mundane event like lunch, with a once in a lifetime event like being hooked up to a polygraph test, in an airport Hotel?

Geez, Really?

Yep, hence my snarky response.
Ah yes the "urbane" vs. "rural hicks" stereotypes again...nothing personal...but ask a Navajo Republican about how the next house over is miles away and then imagine Arizona again.

Look at electoral results ;)
Easy hint: All the major cities are Dem
Here is how we know that what happened was a Well Financed Orchestrated DNC -Democrat COUP to disrupt The Democratic Process for Confirming a Supreme Court Justice:

They say Truth is Immutable: In other words, when Truth is spoken it is Obvious that it is TRUTH and it stands on its own. TRUTH does not Contradict Itself, and when Truth is Spoken, there are rarely any doubts as to it's veracity.

This is why I am unapologetically writing this post, and declaring that Ford, Feinstein, Schummer and the whole lot of these people are all Scam Artists, Deceitful Liars with Evil Intentions, with an Agenda for America which if implemented would mean the end of Individual Liberties.

Here is the run down on Ford and why this whole thing was a charade that not even The FBI will look at. Bet if Comey was running the show, they would though.

Let's just start with some inconsistencies in her statements vs. her life.

Claims she is so fearful of other people that she rarely goes out in Public:
Attends Leftist Anti Trump Marches. Wears Pussy Hats, marches, carries signs and is frequently in large crowds at these gatherings.

She claims for some weird reason that she has a second door installed at her home for security reasons because she was so afraid of others.

The second door is actually a separate entrance in to her home so she can host "Google Interns" and they can ingress and egress the space. So afraid of strangers yet has them in her home every day.

So afraid of her attacker that she repeatedly would say hi to Judge whenever she saw him. She stated she saw him out a few times, the exchanges were friendly and she initiated each one. Only the last time she saw him, she claimed his face turned white. If that were true, then it's because he recognized her as a nut case.

Claims she has a phobia of flying, yet files all over the world, and flew to this hearing. She doesn't know who paid for her ticket, but she flew to this hearing, and had no issues with her alleged phobia.

She claims she was completely unaware that The Committee offered to fly out to California and interview her privately to protect her from Public Scrutiny. I don't believe this at all. The Democrats wanted a "Public Hearing" so they could grandstand and publicly tear Kavenaugh apart and humiliate him. Grassely and the American Public was conned in to having to endure a public hearing. It was common knowledge that The Committee offered to fly out to her.

Claims that she does not know who paid for her lie detector test which incidentally consisted of just two questions, despite the Lie Detector Expert spending over 4 hours with her. The test was conducted in a Hotel Room too, which is odd, since there was no reason for this to not be done in her home. And the so called test was conducted weeks in advance of anyone knowing anything about this except Feinstein. She doesn't know who paid for the Hotel Room. The Lie Detector Expert wasn't interviewing her, he was coaching her on how to beat a lie detector test. The test was conducted at a Hotel, because they did not want anyone seeing such a person come to her home. Her and Feinstein refuse to show the results of the lie detector test or even reveal what 2 questions were asked.

She claims that Kavenaugh was pinned her down and was trying to remove her clothes on a bed. She stated however that she was wearing her bathing suit from diving practice all day that day. Since when does any woman refer to a full piece bathing suit as 'clothes'? And what woman, conscience of hygiene and her appearance, would wear a bathing suit all day and show up at a party in a bathing suit which she called "clothes"? People who participate in such sports always shower after practice, and change in to street clothes, and place their suit in a bag.

She doesn't know who invited her to this party or who gave her a ride to the party or exactly where it was, or whose home it was in. Neither does she know the actual month, the year or the day of the week the party occurred. Contrast this with Kavenaugh and his activity calendar where he can account for his whereabouts ever day for that entire summer. She lives 10 miles from the general area that she said this occured in, and said she left the party and went home. Yet, she can't recall how she got home. Did she walk 10 miles in a bathing suit? And nobody saw her? Again, she is being intentionally vague.

She stated that after the alleged attack that her attacker was going to be a Supreme Court Justice some day. Anybody with a brain has to have a WTF moment. What 15 year old girl would ever say that after having a traumatic experience like she claims? And why cannot she remember any details except that she was sure 100% that Kavenaugh is who did it? She claims that the memory of that day was indeliable....but can't remember a damn thing about it.

She claims in one statement 2 people were there, and in another 4 people were there, and in a third statement 6 people were at the party. Yet no one she names has come forward to say such a party existed, or happened. She claims she told her therapist, and that what she said should be in the therapist notes. Yet, she and Feinstein refuse to produce, said notes.

Her own parents refused to attend the hearing to support her, and when interviewed stated that they do not believe she was ever a victim of sexual abuse. If your daughter or my daughter were going to be on National TV enduring a hearing regarding sexual assault, you bet damn well we'd be there to support her

She has high priced attorneys directly connected to the Leftist Women's movement, yet doesn't know how she got in touch with them, or who paid them. They piped up and said they are working Pro Bono. I have to ask why they are even involved in this. Why does she need an attorney at all actually. Her attorney is on retainer for George Soros, and works also for The Democrat party. They are getting paid to do these kinds of things....they just aren't getting paid by her.

Claims she wasn't politically motivated, but yet posted on Social Media that someone should accuse Gorsich of Sexual Harassment to stop him from taking the bench. She deleted a ton of Anti Trump Social Media Posts prior to 'coming forward'

She claims she wanted to remain anonymous when she wrote her letter. Yet weeks before she was "revealed" to The Public, she already had a DNC Attorney Katz assigned to her, had a lie detector expert meet with her to coach her, and had media according to her at her home, contacting her at work and trying to pressure her to come forward before anyone knew her name. She also claims that someone hacked in to her email account and sent out emails about this weeks prior to anyone knowing who the Hell she was.

How did "The Media" get a copy of this letter, if Feinstein's office was the only one who had it? It was an intentional leak.

So I have to ask people with a brain. Do you have a brain? This was never intended to be anonymous. Feinstein and The Dems held on to this, prepared since July to unleash this mentally disturbed pawn on Kavenaugh to stop the Confirmation process from going forward.

She has Phd yet does not know what the word "exculpatory" means?

She claims that the event left an indelible memory upon her, yet cannot remember anything about it except that Kavenaugh and Judge jumped on her on the bed rolled off and started wrestling with each other, completely ignoring her. That's how interested they were in assaulting her?

She claims they turned up the music really loud in the bedroom so no one could hear her. Exactly why do you need to cover up someone's mouth then if the music was so loud no one could hear what was going on?

The other so called accusers also all have very vague stories, all are involved in Liberal Women's Organizations, and all have refused to give sworn testimony to their flimsy allegations.

Kavenaugh claims he was a virgin until he met his wife and got married. Why hasn't one woman came forward and claimed he is not a virgin? Because Kavenaugh is telling the truth, and like with his calendar that proves his whereabouts on the summer in question, he'd be able to out any potential liars and easily refute their claims.

If this wasn't a DNC funded political smear job, then why is Joe Biden's attorney involved? Why is Michael Avenatti involved? Why is Andrew McCabe's Attorney involved? And why is Katz representing her when she is on retainer with both Soros and The DNC? And why would Katz have to meet with Hillary Clinton to discuss any of this?

If I have missed anything, please feel free to chime in.



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Flake just sold his soul. Good thing he is retiring.
God, you are so stupid.

The calander shows a party with 6 Males, no females.

If this is your evidence, then either Dr. Ford is lying, or that she is actually a Male. Which one is it?
pop, come on! Dr. Ford did NOT have Brett's calendar when she described the party, who, when and where of what she remembered ...

yet the date, timing, house neighborhood and 3 or 4 of the people she mentioned ahead of this evidence on his calendar that came forth WERE CORRECT.

him not writing the girls there on his calendar means squat... the fact that he was there, at that house, 3 or 4 of the boys that she mentioned and during the time frame she mentioned...

that... corroborates part of her testimony

please call your senators and have the fbi background check reopened.

we are setting a very very bad example by not doing so on him, when with all others in similar messes, the FBI reopens their check, and investigates

this deep stating by the Republican Committee Senators, to prevent any investigation by the FBI OR to interview any witnesses... to put in their wall street CRONY in to the supreme court....

I'm sorry, that's not justice... that's privilege,

to the good ole boys club in govt..... your so called, deep state...

What house? She never said which house she went to.

No; she did not but it sure looks like it must have been Tobin's house.
name never came up and no date to check on. hmmmm you're in the mud there fella and your tires are stuck.

try paying attention
Bullshit. You are a delusional leftist. There was no evidence here and she was not credible. Take off your blue goggles. If leftists wanted justice they would have shared the letter with the FBI immediately

Only time will tell who is delusional here ;)

This blitzkrieg nomination sadly reeks of the third Reich.

A German term for “lightning war,” blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower.

Now THAT is some funny shit, 2020! A confirmation hearing is like the German blitzkrieg? Really? The only tactic I saw on display here was you progressives using yet another smear campaign against another conservative! You're now the party of Michael Avenatti and Richard Steele! That's what you run on. Not promises for a better run on run on lies.

I'm amused that the same people who kept this from being investigated in a timely manner are now the ones who are screaming that it's a rush to judgement! Ford SHOULD have been questioned by investigators from the Judiciary Committee! She was asked to come to Washington to give answers to questions and she deferred saying she had a fear of flying. Funny, she doesn't seem to have a problem flying when it's to a vacation spot far, far away! Then her lawyers were told that the Committee investigators would come to her in California but they appear never to have told her that (Well either that or it's totally slipped her mind that took place which begs the question...what kind of meds is she on these days?)! Why? It's obvious that the lawyers that Diane Feinstein referred Ms. Ford to had another agenda other than seeking justice for her. They appear to be more concerned with how long they could draw this process out than they were about getting to the truth!

She has clear memory of what happened 36 years ago but not seven weeks ago? Really?
What did you have for lunch 7 weeks ago?

LOL you eat shit!
By the way, and this is highly interesting. Both her and her family has ties to The CIA







Only time will tell who is delusional here ;)

This blitzkrieg nomination sadly reeks of the third Reich.

A German term for “lightning war,” blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower.

Now THAT is some funny shit, 2020! A confirmation hearing is like the German blitzkrieg? Really? The only tactic I saw on display here was you progressives using yet another smear campaign against another conservative! You're now the party of Michael Avenatti and Richard Steele! That's what you run on. Not promises for a better run on run on lies.

I'm amused that the same people who kept this from being investigated in a timely manner are now the ones who are screaming that it's a rush to judgement! Ford SHOULD have been questioned by investigators from the Judiciary Committee! She was asked to come to Washington to give answers to questions and she deferred saying she had a fear of flying. Funny, she doesn't seem to have a problem flying when it's to a vacation spot far, far away! Then her lawyers were told that the Committee investigators would come to her in California but they appear never to have told her that (Well either that or it's totally slipped her mind that took place which begs the question...what kind of meds is she on these days?)! Why? It's obvious that the lawyers that Diane Feinstein referred Ms. Ford to had another agenda other than seeking justice for her. They appear to be more concerned with how long they could draw this process out than they were about getting to the truth!

She has clear memory of what happened 36 years ago but not seven weeks ago? Really?
What did you have for lunch 7 weeks ago?

LOL you eat shit!

I don't eat your brains. I am not a zombie. You are. Leftist stooge.
Flake just sold his soul. Good thing he is retiring.

Have they had the vote yet? Did he vote no or what's happening?

They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.
Having slept on it you cant deny that there are still question marks hanging over Kavanagh.

His skirting around the FBI issue is the big alarm bell. and it suggests that there is other stuff out there that he is keen to keep quiet. The GOP are complicit in this.

This sham investigation cant be complete until Judge is interveiwed. What does he have to say about it ?

His refusal to take part also lends credence to Ford. How could she know that he wouldnt take part. Surely he would turn up and trash her ?
There IS NO "FBI issue". That is merely a fabrication of Democrats staling to prolong the confirmation past the 2018 election. Ho hum.

Why ask what Judge has to say, We all know what HE ALREADY SAID - he knows nothing about Ford's story, Denies it completely. And Judge ALREADY turned up and trashed her. Who cares where he was when he did that ?
Flake just sold his soul. Good thing he is retiring.

Have they had the vote yet? Did he vote no or what's happening?

They just had the vote. Flake colluded with the Dems to put an FBI investigation in place in order to get to a floor vote next Friday. So, we will see more assassination attempts, perhaps physical this time, upon Kavanaugh and his family.

The Democrats have the REAL CONTROL of THE SENATE. I believe this entire thing is a tragedy. We are witnessing the Death of The Republic. And if someone does not stand up and start resisting this kind of EVIL, there won't be any coming back from it if THE LEFT gains more power to begin pushing their Agenda From Hell through Congress.
Now THAT is some funny shit, 2020! A confirmation hearing is like the German blitzkrieg? Really? The only tactic I saw on display here was you progressives using yet another smear campaign against another conservative! You're now the party of Michael Avenatti and Richard Steele! That's what you run on. Not promises for a better run on run on lies.

I'm amused that the same people who kept this from being investigated in a timely manner are now the ones who are screaming that it's a rush to judgement! Ford SHOULD have been questioned by investigators from the Judiciary Committee! She was asked to come to Washington to give answers to questions and she deferred saying she had a fear of flying. Funny, she doesn't seem to have a problem flying when it's to a vacation spot far, far away! Then her lawyers were told that the Committee investigators would come to her in California but they appear never to have told her that (Well either that or it's totally slipped her mind that took place which begs the question...what kind of meds is she on these days?)! Why? It's obvious that the lawyers that Diane Feinstein referred Ms. Ford to had another agenda other than seeking justice for her. They appear to be more concerned with how long they could draw this process out than they were about getting to the truth!

She has clear memory of what happened 36 years ago but not seven weeks ago? Really?
What did you have for lunch 7 weeks ago?

LOL you eat shit!

I don't eat your brains. I am not a zombie. You are. Leftist stooge.

Now THAT is some funny shit, 2020! A confirmation hearing is like the German blitzkrieg? Really? The only tactic I saw on display here was you progressives using yet another smear campaign against another conservative! You're now the party of Michael Avenatti and Richard Steele! That's what you run on. Not promises for a better run on run on lies.

I'm amused that the same people who kept this from being investigated in a timely manner are now the ones who are screaming that it's a rush to judgement! Ford SHOULD have been questioned by investigators from the Judiciary Committee! She was asked to come to Washington to give answers to questions and she deferred saying she had a fear of flying. Funny, she doesn't seem to have a problem flying when it's to a vacation spot far, far away! Then her lawyers were told that the Committee investigators would come to her in California but they appear never to have told her that (Well either that or it's totally slipped her mind that took place which begs the question...what kind of meds is she on these days?)! Why? It's obvious that the lawyers that Diane Feinstein referred Ms. Ford to had another agenda other than seeking justice for her. They appear to be more concerned with how long they could draw this process out than they were about getting to the truth!

She has clear memory of what happened 36 years ago but not seven weeks ago? Really?
What did you have for lunch 7 weeks ago?

LOL you eat shit!

I don't eat your brains. I am not a zombie. You are. Leftist stooge.

Eating his brains wouldn't make you a zombie. It would make you a vegan.

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