OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

You are Trolling as usual.
Nah, just pointing out you’re a raving lunatic; as evidenced by you suggesting he could have raped little children because he takes these investigations seriously. :cuckoo:

Many of these politicians are raping little children, this is why any suggestion of Organised Paedophile Rings NEVER gets investigated, but you of course are a Leftist Troll Tool who supports EVERYTHING The State tells you to support and being a Leftist Troll Tool you would NEVER question if The State is sordid and dirty, it's your type who are the raving lunatics.

Thanks for reminding everyone what a raving lunatic you are. Wasn’t necessary, but thanks just the same. Meanwhile, good luck confirming Kavanaugh without Flake, Collins and Murkowski.


Go away Troll Tool Boi, now who's supporting rape? Oh that's right YOU, you like the majority of Leftist Troll Tools don't CARE if children are being raped in Organised Paedophile Rings OR if children are being Trafficked to be raped, you INSIST NONE of this even happens, so that makes your type COMPLICIT.

For some reason after reading this post I'm suddenly hungry for pizza.
I predict that the Dems will turn up some pathetic loon who will now claim that Kavanaugh conducted black masses in which babies were sacrificed prior to football games in high school.

They were stalling from the beginning. I am unsure at all why Grassely is allowing this being that Kavenaugh is the most vetted SC nominee in history and what the fuck is this nation coming too when any loon can just blurt out, "He touched me" and can grind The Senate down to an absolute hault.?

I need a cup of Coffeve
McConnell warned Trump, ahead of time, he told him if he picked any nominee on that Federalist society list BUT Kavanaugh, he could get them trough and seated, before the election....

What does Trump do, select Kavanaugh. :lol:

Kavanaugh has been too politically involved to be seated on the SC, plus, McConnell must have known some of his background for him to tell Trump that....

Yes, McConnell is trying to plow it thru, but he did warn it would not be easy, with Kavanaugh.... something is up with that... but nobody wants to know... just sweep sweep sweep, under the rug it all goes.
yea, cause after 6 FBI background checks, it's time to sweep info under the rug.

you and many others seem to keep forgetting how invasive the checks can be.

NONE of this has ANYTHING to do with if there was sexual assault or if there was not sexual assault, Leftists don't CARE if women are sexually assaulted, Leftists defend rapists and murderers who are on Death Row, they want them to be seen as the VICTIMS, Leftists ALWAYS support the Perpetrators and crap on the victims.

This is all about running down the clock. Feinstein sat on the information for 20 days, then she recommended the Katz woman who Feinstein and Democrats have a long association with, she recommend him or her or whatever Mystery Gender Katz is, then they kept Ford on ice for DAYS with wanting extensions to testify, then she did, then they finally had some vote and then after PRIVATELY talking with a group of Democrat Senators on his own this RINO Flake appeared and said okay I'll vote yes but on the caveat that the FBI do a SEVENTH investigation into Brett Kavanaugh and then some floor vote next Friday.

It is September 28, the next USSC Session opens on October 1 and if Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed AFTER October 1 then he has to sit out the ENTIRE new USSC Session and as such the votes are 4-4 and not 5-4 because he won't be able to take his seat and THIS is WHY Feinstein sat on the information for 20 days ANYTIME duruing that 20 days they could have asked for a SEVENTH FBI investigation, but that would have defeated the PURPOSE of them running the clock down and very probably Brett Kavanaugh then would have been confirmed already by NOW and then he caould have taken his seat on the USSC for their new session that begins on October 1.
i would agree. this isn't about justice, this is politics.

if justice, she would go to the law who could look into it. i have to wonder why the left is so against her going through known, established processes *IF* they want justice for her.

but that isn't what this is about. the emotional surges and plays are just that - emo-based. it's to stop kavanaugh and roe vs wade from POTENTIALLY being overturned. how 1 man can do this is still an unanswered question, but the left doesn't care. they want what they want and don't give a shit who they use or destroy to get it.

It would be perfect if Brett Kavanaugh gets confirmed, the Republicans not only keep The Senate but add some seats (Florida, South Dakota, Missouri) and then sometime between December 2018 and Summer 2019 Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies and then The Donald nominates Amy Coney Barrett to replace and then the USSC is 6-3 and the FIRST thing they do is overturn Roe v Wade, IMHO Republicans need to now plan to deliberately fuck up Leftists lives for generations to make sure that Leftists futures are filled with nothing but torment and total misery and pain. The Leftists deserve nothing less than this, the Conservatives need to be ready to take the gloves off and exact total and complete and vicious personal revenge, do things that are guaranteed to make Leftists suffer for many many decades.
Ford has already stated that Kavanaugh was present
If you paid attention...Dr.Ford the accuser did not seem upset that her supposed female friend who was supposedly at the supposed party...couldn't back her up...because of medical problems? Dr.Ford would not tell a "lifelong friend" she claims was at the party what had happened all the years they have stayed in touch?
This is the friend Leland Keyser...from Politico:
"Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford," said Howard Walsh, who said he has been "engaged in the limited capacity" of corresponding with the committee on behalf of Keyser.
Walsh's email was in response to a missive from one of the lawyers for the GOP majority staff, which stated: "I understand that you have been identified as an individual who was in attendance at a party that occurred circa 1982 described in a recent Washington Post article."
Statute of limitations as still not run out in Maryland so why isn't this loon tard and her high priced DNC Lawyers not filing police reports to force Maryland Law Enforcement to Investigate?
And exactly why would an FBI Investigation in to this take a week? All the witnesses are known and named. And all of them have testified that no such party happened?

There really should be NO INVESTIGATION.

But The GOP will knuckle under and consent to this unreasonable demand.

I say a One Day investigation if at all, to interview the three so called witnesses who have denied such a party occurred and then vote on .

If they all deny it again, then wrap it up and vote on Sunday. Make these SOBs work for a living for once.
And exactly why would an FBI Investigation in to this take a week? All the witnesses are known and named. And all of them have testified that no such party happened?

There really should be NO INVESTIGATION.

But The GOP will knuckle under and consent to this unreasonable demand.

I say a One Day investigation if at all, to interview the three so called witnesses who have denied such a party occurred and then vote on .

If they all deny it again, then wrap it up and vote on Sunday. Make these SOBs work for a living for once.
So, when is Trump gonna start going NUTZ on Twitter, as a result of the (announced) delay requested by Flake, and apparently agreed to by Grassley?
Statute of limitations as still not run out in Maryland so why isn't this loon tard and her high priced DNC Lawyers not filing police reports to force Maryland Law Enforcement to Investigate?

Yet ONE thing could be done- Dr. Christine Blasey Ford finally makes a sexual assault police report in Montgomery County according to proper procedure. The PD or Sherriffs can call the FBI in at any time. So sorry that we can see the game and that Biden opened this game up. Nobody needs an infinite FBI investigation...and besides, according to Biden the FBI reports are inconclusive. So sorry.
Statute of limitations as still not run out in Maryland so why isn't this loon tard and her high priced DNC Lawyers not filing police reports to force Maryland Law Enforcement to Investigate?

Yet ONE thing could be done- Dr. Christine Blasey Ford finally makes a sexual assault police report in Montgomery County according to proper procedure. The PD or Sherriffs can call the FBI in at any time. So sorry that we can see the game and that Biden opened this game up. Nobody needs an infinite FBI investigation...and besides, according to Biden the FBI reports are inconclusive. So sorry.
AZGAL, that will never happen because Dr. Ford's theatrical performance had not one shred of honesty nor truth about it. Unless you call hyperbole of the theater the truth. By the way, her performance was almost flawless except for the body language quirks that show up one way or another in the case of intentional deception in human communications.
The calander shows a party with 6 Males, no females.

If this is your evidence, then either Dr. Ford is lying, or that she is actually a Male. Which one is it?
pop, come on! Dr. Ford did NOT have Brett's calendar when she described the party, who, when and where of what she remembered ...

yet the date, timing, house neighborhood and 3 or 4 of the people she mentioned ahead of this evidence on his calendar that came forth WERE CORRECT.

him not writing the girls there on his calendar means squat... the fact that he was there, at that house, 3 or 4 of the boys that she mentioned and during the time frame she mentioned...

that... corroborates part of her testimony

please call your senators and have the fbi background check reopened.

we are setting a very very bad example by not doing so on him, when with all others in similar messes, the FBI reopens their check, and investigates

this deep stating by the Republican Committee Senators, to prevent any investigation by the FBI OR to interview any witnesses... to put in their wall street CRONY in to the supreme court....

I'm sorry, that's not justice... that's privilege,

to the good ole boys club in govt..... your so called, deep state...

What house? She never said which house she went to.

No; she did not but it sure looks like it must have been Tobin's house.

If she NOW comes out and suddenly "remembers" it was that house only after learning that Kavanaugh was there, I won't believe her.

Ford has already stated that Kavanaugh was present but stated she did not know the exact location/whose house.

Please, try & keep up.

Hadit is more than correct. She actually blew any case she might have had. Her memory, since she has been vague in the past will be called into question, no matter what house she claims now. The evidence has been tainted.

awwwwwww shucks
Nope. I really had not decided how I would decide on this until I heard them both. So I watched them both yesterday, and what I said earlier about my impression of his character and also the strident partisan tone of his statement--and attitude toward the Democratic questioners--stands. Your insults don't change my mind in the least.

So you have a problem with a partisan answer to a partisan question?
Did you see his smart ass response to Senator Klobuchar? She was doing her job of trying to get to bottom of the allegations. He asked if SHE had ever been blackout drunk.
C'mon, that wasn't USMB. Smart ass responses to something like that are unprofessional. If you missed it, the exchange is below. Trying to determine if he drank to excess and might have forgotten an incident is at the heart of the allegations and wasn't "partisan" on Senator Klobuchar's part. After a potty break, Kavanaugh came back and apologized to her--apparently someone took him aside and told him it was out of line. His excuse was "this is a tough process." Poor him.

Kavanaugh Apologizes to Klobuchar For Drinking Question
She was trying to paint him as an alcoholic and he rightly took umbrage at it having already answered SO MANY questions regarding his drinking habits.
I wonder what the Dems promised Flake?
It's obvious the Dems have a few more "victims" that will magically appear sometime in the next week.
Also, Kavanaugh has been investigated six times by the FBI. If they find something, isn't that an admission of incompetence?

Doesn't really matter, if he comes up clean on the Ford matter, all they got is next to nothing and will have zero to complain about.

You are Trolling as usual.
Nah, just pointing out you’re a raving lunatic; as evidenced by you suggesting he could have raped little children because he takes these investigations seriously. :cuckoo:

Many of these politicians are raping little children, this is why any suggestion of Organised Paedophile Rings NEVER gets investigated, but you of course are a Leftist Troll Tool who supports EVERYTHING The State tells you to support and being a Leftist Troll Tool you would NEVER question if The State is sordid and dirty, it's your type who are the raving lunatics.

Thanks for reminding everyone what a raving lunatic you are. Wasn’t necessary, but thanks just the same. Meanwhile, good luck confirming Kavanaugh without Flake, Collins and Murkowski.


Go away Troll Tool Boi, now who's supporting rape? Oh that's right YOU, you like the majority of Leftist Troll Tools don't CARE if children are being raped in Organised Paedophile Rings OR if children are being Trafficked to be raped, you INSIST NONE of this even happens, so that makes your type COMPLICIT.

For some reason after reading this post I'm suddenly hungry for pizza.

It is interesting that when some Unhinged SJW forget for 35 years and then remember in DAYS that she was apparently sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh when they were TEENAGERS that the Bedwetters SCREAM for an FBI investigation this to be the SEVENTH FBI investigation on Brett Kavanaugh. BUT there have been NO FBI investigations into ANY Organised Paedophile Ring, also NO FBI investigations into ANY Hollyweird Paedophile Ring even when the equivalent of what is Christine Ford accusing of being not sexually assaulted but RAPED and TRAFFICKED around the Hollyweird Paedophile Ring eg. Corey Feldman and they are IGNORED.

So to Leftists Christine Ford with NO evidence = INSIST on a FBI investigation.

So to Leftists Organised Paedophile Rings = Conspiracy Theory.

Leftists then are PROTECTING Organised Paedophile Rings, child rapists and Child Traffickers.
pop, come on! Dr. Ford did NOT have Brett's calendar when she described the party, who, when and where of what she remembered ...

yet the date, timing, house neighborhood and 3 or 4 of the people she mentioned ahead of this evidence on his calendar that came forth WERE CORRECT.

him not writing the girls there on his calendar means squat... the fact that he was there, at that house, 3 or 4 of the boys that she mentioned and during the time frame she mentioned...

that... corroborates part of her testimony

please call your senators and have the fbi background check reopened.

we are setting a very very bad example by not doing so on him, when with all others in similar messes, the FBI reopens their check, and investigates

this deep stating by the Republican Committee Senators, to prevent any investigation by the FBI OR to interview any witnesses... to put in their wall street CRONY in to the supreme court....

I'm sorry, that's not justice... that's privilege,

to the good ole boys club in govt..... your so called, deep state...

What house? She never said which house she went to.

No; she did not but it sure looks like it must have been Tobin's house.

If she NOW comes out and suddenly "remembers" it was that house only after learning that Kavanaugh was there, I won't believe her.

Ford has already stated that Kavanaugh was present but stated she did not know the exact location/whose house.

Please, try & keep up.

Hadit is more than correct. She actually blew any case she might have had. Her memory, since she has been vague in the past will be called into question, no matter what house she claims now. The evidence has been tainted.

awwwwwww shucks

yes; and I bet you also believe in fairy tales & unicorns too?
Nah, just pointing out you’re a raving lunatic; as evidenced by you suggesting he could have raped little children because he takes these investigations seriously. :cuckoo:

Many of these politicians are raping little children, this is why any suggestion of Organised Paedophile Rings NEVER gets investigated, but you of course are a Leftist Troll Tool who supports EVERYTHING The State tells you to support and being a Leftist Troll Tool you would NEVER question if The State is sordid and dirty, it's your type who are the raving lunatics.

Thanks for reminding everyone what a raving lunatic you are. Wasn’t necessary, but thanks just the same. Meanwhile, good luck confirming Kavanaugh without Flake, Collins and Murkowski.


Go away Troll Tool Boi, now who's supporting rape? Oh that's right YOU, you like the majority of Leftist Troll Tools don't CARE if children are being raped in Organised Paedophile Rings OR if children are being Trafficked to be raped, you INSIST NONE of this even happens, so that makes your type COMPLICIT.

For some reason after reading this post I'm suddenly hungry for pizza.

It is interesting that when some Unhinged SJW forget for 35 years and then remember in DAYS that she was apparently sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh when they were TEENAGERS that the Bedwetters SCREAM for an FBI investigation this to be the SEVENTH FBI investigation on Brett Kavanaugh. BUT there have been NO FBI investigations into ANY Organised Paedophile Ring, also NO FBI investigations into ANY Hollyweird Paedophile Ring even when the equivalent of what is Christine Ford accusing of being not sexually assaulted but RAPED and TRAFFICKED around the Hollyweird Paedophile Ring eg. Corey Feldman and they are IGNORED.

So to Leftists Christine Ford with NO evidence = INSIST on a FBI investigation.

So to Leftists Organised Paedophile Rings = Conspiracy Theory.

Leftists then are PROTECTING Organised Paedophile Rings, child rapists and Child Traffickers.
Totally agree. And had Donald Trump not become President, Neither Bill Cosby or Weinstein get convicted. You can bank on that. They did that to give themselves legitimacy so they can use sexual assault allegations against their political enemies and give the fake accusations credence.
TED CRUZ explains on September 28 2018 during his speech referenced below that despite continuing communication between Leland Keyser and Christine Ford this "friend" LELAND will not back up the accusation.

And without her testimony, Ford's got squat!
What house? She never said which house she went to.

No; she did not but it sure looks like it must have been Tobin's house.

If she NOW comes out and suddenly "remembers" it was that house only after learning that Kavanaugh was there, I won't believe her.

Ford has already stated that Kavanaugh was present but stated she did not know the exact location/whose house.

Please, try & keep up.

Hadit is more than correct. She actually blew any case she might have had. Her memory, since she has been vague in the past will be called into question, no matter what house she claims now. The evidence has been tainted.

awwwwwww shucks

yes; and I bet you also believe in fairy tales & unicorns too?

Don't believe in any. Want to count how many times Dr. Ford stated under oath how many times she couldn't remember any number of things? hmmmmmmmmm?

She would be a horrible witness, even on her own behalf!
I'm good with an FBI investigation as long as they use enhanced interrogation on Ford...including a dental check on Debbie Katz for the Doctors pubic hair...let's be all means...the republic is at stake...
If you paid attention...Dr.Ford the accuser did not seem upset that her supposed female friend who was supposedly at the supposed party...couldn't back her up...because of medical problems? Dr.Ford would not tell a "lifelong friend" she claims was at the party what had happened all the years they have stayed in touch?
TED CRUZ explains on September 28 2018 during his speech referenced below that despite continuing communication between Leland Keyser and Christine Ford this "friend" LELAND will not back up the accusation.

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