OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

After watching this whole charade, my conclusion is that Christine Blasey Ford has a selective memory and can't remember anything that would lead to evidence in the case. She only remembers those things that keep her experience a mystery. Since American's have been taught about a presumption of innocence and unless there is EVIDENCE to suggest he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, I find Kavanaugh innocent and worthy to be our next supreme court judge.
You are Trolling as usual.
Nah, just pointing out you’re a raving lunatic; as evidenced by you suggesting he could have raped little children because he takes these investigations seriously. :cuckoo:

Many of these politicians are raping little children, this is why any suggestion of Organised Paedophile Rings NEVER gets investigated, but you of course are a Leftist Troll Tool who supports EVERYTHING The State tells you to support and being a Leftist Troll Tool you would NEVER question if The State is sordid and dirty, it's your type who are the raving lunatics.

Thanks for reminding everyone what a raving lunatic you are. Wasn’t necessary, but thanks just the same. Meanwhile, good luck confirming Kavanaugh without Flake, Collins and Murkowski.


Go away Troll Tool Boi, now who's supporting rape? Oh that's right YOU, you like the majority of Leftist Troll Tools don't CARE if children are being raped in Organised Paedophile Rings OR if children are being Trafficked to be raped, you INSIST NONE of this even happens, so that makes your type COMPLICIT.

For some reason after reading this post I'm suddenly hungry for pizza.

With anchovies?
What a POS, Flake probably is being blackmailed, they could have film of him fucking little boys and girls or whatever.

You are Trolling as usual.
Nah, just pointing out you’re a raving lunatic; as evidenced by you suggesting he could have raped little children because he takes these investigations seriously. :cuckoo:

Many of these politicians are raping little children, this is why any suggestion of Organised Paedophile Rings NEVER gets investigated, but you of course are a Leftist Troll Tool who supports EVERYTHING The State tells you to support and being a Leftist Troll Tool you would NEVER question if The State is sordid and dirty, it's your type who are the raving lunatics.

Thanks for reminding everyone what a raving lunatic you are. Wasn’t necessary, but thanks just the same. Meanwhile, good luck confirming Kavanaugh without Flake, Collins and Murkowski.

The three weaklings of the party.
This has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with a calculated smear campaign.
BULLSHIT It has to do with Kavanaugh being in favor of giving Trump huge executive power AND protection from being indicted as well as a vote against Roe v Wade You nitwits want to call smear when facts stare you in the face

Your analysis is spot on. Its a win/win for evangelicals/Trump.... (and Putin)

We're wasting a lot of energy trying to convince brainwashed pawns that voted for a guy that boasted grabbing women by the pussy ?!
Entertaining to say the least.... same thing is happening right now in the committee room.

The chessboard is being re-arranged to favor an Authoritarian regime of the kind Trump admires. An arrogant and condescending Kavanaughty in the equation obviously enables this.

This puss-like situation has been fermenting for at least 25 years. Dr Pimple would have a field day.
elections have consequences.
Here comes the Judge jc Here comes the judge Lawyer says if asked he will testify to FBI Confidentially...

You are Trolling as usual.
Nah, just pointing out you’re a raving lunatic; as evidenced by you suggesting he could have raped little children because he takes these investigations seriously. :cuckoo:

Many of these politicians are raping little children, this is why any suggestion of Organised Paedophile Rings NEVER gets investigated, but you of course are a Leftist Troll Tool who supports EVERYTHING The State tells you to support and being a Leftist Troll Tool you would NEVER question if The State is sordid and dirty, it's your type who are the raving lunatics.

Thanks for reminding everyone what a raving lunatic you are. Wasn’t necessary, but thanks just the same. Meanwhile, good luck confirming Kavanaugh without Flake, Collins and Murkowski.

The three weaklings of the party.

All three have fought for their respective constituents.

What; you expect them to all be a bunch of 'yes' robots?

Phil Kerpen:
The FBI cannot conduct a criminal investigation into an alleged 1982 state crime. They can reopen the background file and add 302s that will be redundant with what the committee already did. But of course Dems will then say that wasn't a "real" investigation. Flake got played.

Phil Kerpen:
The FBI cannot conduct a criminal investigation into an alleged 1982 state crime. They can reopen the background file and add 302s that will be redundant with what the committee already did. But of course Dems will then say that wasn't a "real" investigation. Flake got played.
Really? The FBI can't question anyone that the committee hasn't already spoken to? They can't ask those people different questions?

Phil Kerpen:
The FBI cannot conduct a criminal investigation into an alleged 1982 state crime. They can reopen the background file and add 302s that will be redundant with what the committee already did. But of course Dems will then say that wasn't a "real" investigation. Flake got played.

Phil Kerpen is NOT employed by the FBI, nor the DOJ.
He is a conservative shit stirrer, a pawn of the evangelical right, and that is about all he is.

Phil Kerpen:
The FBI cannot conduct a criminal investigation into an alleged 1982 state crime. They can reopen the background file and add 302s that will be redundant with what the committee already did. But of course Dems will then say that wasn't a "real" investigation. Flake got played.
Really? The FBI can't question anyone that the committee hasn't already spoken to? They can't ask those people different questions?
when did you become an expert on FBI process? i know i'm not. most of the people who *are* say they don't do this. biden included.

yet it would seem the left keeps asking for it - KNOWING FULL WELL this isn't proper, just so the parakeets can keep at it as if you're being denied "due process" while you deny kavanaugh the very same.
so she can point to his close friends in high school is proof he's lying?

Yes. Because, according to his testimony, that should be impossible. Asking me to repeat this however many times won't change the fact. You playing stupid will not ever imply anything, except perhaps that you are stupid.
Did you know that you could know of other people without those other people knowing of you???
so she can point to his close friends in high school is proof he's lying?

Yes. Because, according to his testimony, that should be impossible. Asking me to repeat this however many times won't change the fact. You playing stupid will not ever imply anything, except perhaps that you are stupid.
Did you know that you could know of other people without those other people knowing of you???
when i was in the 6th grade we moved from texas to florida. inside a year i was amazed at how many people knew of me that i simply didn't know at all. most of that was because i was from texas and they all thought we had a ranch, cattle, horses...

i lost my status symbol when they found out we had houses and a neighborhood much like everyone else did in orlando.
so sorry iceberg Judge will be testifying confidentially to the FBI Why confidentially??? He knows of the pos Kavanaughs temper..Were you ever in a frat Ice? I was ,,, lots of shit goes on at their parties
Trumps choice another pos should have welcomed an investigation Why didn't he?? same reason trump can't show his taxes Afraid of what will be found
Trumps choice another pos should have welcomed an investigation Why didn't he?? same reason trump can't show his taxes Afraid of what will be found

They did welcome an investigation, just not days before the confirmation.

You can't possibly NOT see what this is really about can you? Delay, delay, delay. If Kavanaugh is confirmed, this will all go away because they KNOW they these allegations are bogus but they don't care. They are petulant little children, just like the snowflakes that support them.
Trumps choice another pos should have welcomed an investigation Why didn't he?? same reason trump can't show his taxes Afraid of what will be found

The President didn't show his taxes because he felt the Libs would make political hay out of it ,ed.

He's been audited by the best, he knows he has nothing wrong with his taxes.

But he saw what happened with Mitt Romney. Mr. Romney decided to show his taxes and Mittski was attacked for PAYING TOO MUCH in taxes. He did them legally, and people are allowed to pay more than they are required. Yet, the man was tortured for it.

Trump wasn't going to make the same mistake Romney did, he knew he wasn't going to get any love from them if he did so.

BTW, the Far Left and Rachel Maddow did release, without his permission, one of his returns. Trump actually pays millions more than Clinton.
Trumps choice another pos should have welcomed an investigation Why didn't he?? same reason trump can't show his taxes Afraid of what will be found

They did welcome an investigation, just not days before the confirmation.

You can't possibly NOT see what this is really about can you? Delay, delay, delay. If Kavanaugh is confirmed, this will all go away because they KNOW they these allegations are bogus but they don't care. They are petulant little children, just like the snowflakes that support them.
lets see what the fbi finds out bull shit or not

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