OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Again, you're talknig in platitudes--exactly what "mistakes?" We're not the Webster's dictationary on this board either. Be very specific on what "you" think the mistakes that Dr. Ford stated--so that can be debated on this thread.
If you can't describe those you go on ignore.

Let me again remind you of the definition of INFALLIBLE since you clearly still don’t understand the word:

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Now, which part of a testimony entirely lacking in specifics such as date and location, details such as how she got home although she remembers the number of beers she had, and her own named witnesses not corroborating her story don’t you get?

How is testimony lacking in dates, location and corroboration from witnesses put forth by her, faultless, precise, scrupulous, meticulous and true? Or, in a word, INFALLIBLE?

Get it yet, dotard?

Any physcologist in this country will tell you that people who go through a tramactic experience--will lose memory on details of an event, because only the act that caused the TRAMA is burned into memory.

It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

As an example. My husband & I were in a serious car accident years ago. My husband was air lifted in a flight for life helicopter. I can give you every detail of that car sliding around the corner which what seemed like a 100 miles per hour, but years later I cannot remember the specific date it happened.

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

What should concern you, is Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh prior to giving testimony. Indicating that she may know that an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's early years behavior would out him as unfit to hold a position on the U.S. Supreme court.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

I agree, she has no evidence to back up her claims.

Men usually don't attack women in public, which allegations of sexual assault are hard to prove later. But this FBI investigation is not about proving innocence or guilt, it's about if the "allegations" are credible.

And with the only eye witness being Mark Judge (Kavanaugh's witness from hell)--who wrote books about the 100 keg semester club, who apparently Kavanaugh was the treasurer of, and with others now coming forward as witness's to what a drunk Kavanaugh was, it's not looking good for him.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery
The 100-keg quest: Kavanaugh classmate Mark Judge details senior year at Georgetown Prep

allegations of sexual assault are hard to prove later.

Especially invented allegations.
And especially when you wait 36 years, didn’t report it to the police, didn’t mention it to a single soul for 30 years, and your witnesses have no recollection. Poor Blasey Fraud, the system sure is stacked against her!
Again, you're talknig in platitudes--exactly what "mistakes?" We're not the Webster's dictationary on this board either. Be very specific on what "you" think the mistakes that Dr. Ford stated--so that can be debated on this thread.
If you can't describe those you go on ignore.

Let me again remind you of the definition of INFALLIBLE since you clearly still don’t understand the word:

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Now, which part of a testimony entirely lacking in specifics such as date and location, details such as how she got home although she remembers the number of beers she had, and her own named witnesses not corroborating her story don’t you get?

How is testimony lacking in dates, location and corroboration from witnesses put forth by her, faultless, precise, scrupulous, meticulous and true? Or, in a word, INFALLIBLE?

Get it yet, dotard?

Any physcologist in this country will tell you that people who go through a tramactic experience--will lose memory on details of an event, because only the act that caused the TRAMA is burned into memory.

It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

As an example. My husband & I were in a serious car accident years ago. My husband was air lifted in a flight for life helicopter. I can give you every detail of that car sliding around the corner which what seemed like a 100 miles per hour, but years later I cannot remember the specific date it happened.

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

What should concern you, is Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh prior to giving testimony. Indicating that she may know that an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's early years behavior would out him as unfit to hold a position on the U.S. Supreme court.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

I agree, she has no evidence to back up her claims.
A 2 question lie detector test, where she knew the questions in advance. Set up by her LEGAL TEAM in August.....she said in sworn testimony she didnt know who paid for it!....yeah, can I sell you a bridge? witnesses. No idea where she was, supposedly ran out of house but DOESN'T KNOW HOW SHE GOT HOME?????....LYING BULLSHIT, AND THEN WE GET SOCIALIST SCUMBAGS THAT KNOW THIS (EVEN YOU SUBVERSIVES ARE SMART ENOUGH TO REALIZE IT) BUT WANT TO RUN OUT THE CLOCK UNTIK THE NOV. ELECTION. HOPING THE DUMB PEOPLE OF AMERICA VOTE IN ENOUGH OF YOU FILTH TO CHANGE THE SC PICK!.....Yes, I shouting. You dishonest DemonRATS are PATHETIC!

A 2 question lie detector test, where she knew the questions in advance.

And she says it took much longer than she thought.
She felt like she told her whole life story.

I think it was much more than 2 questions and that she failed most of it.
That's your problem, you THINK and don't go by established facts.. who paid for the test....her legal TEAM....why a legal team, if she was truthful?
The most shameful moment in the history of the US Senate- and more at

Flopping Aces ^


The Kavanaugh confirmation proceedings are the most shameful moment in the history of the US Senate.

High school yearbooks?

Publishing anonymous accusations?

Using Kavanaugh as a human piñata ?

Retweeting phony stories in an effort to visit harm on Kavanaugh?

Stalking and assaulting legislators?

Threatening Kavanaugh with impeachment if confirmed?

Are you f**king kidding me?

This is sick. It is diseased. I should clarify - democrats are diseased. They are mentally ill.

What this sordid process has done is demonstrate very clearly the difference between the left and the right. Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor did not see their personal lives and family destroyed. Some Republicans voted to approve them. Like Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas was lynched during his confirmation process. GOP nominees are subject to politics of personal destruction while democrat nominees are treated respectfully.

In the other day's hearing, this was again repeated. Ford was treated with deference and Kavanaugh was assailed, in particular by some of highly dubious character.

Sebastian Gorka DrG on Twitter

Blumenthal went completely off the rails

"Do you believe Anita Hill?"Then he stepped on his own rake. Blumenthal cited a Latin term to Kavanaugh that basically means "once a liar, always a liar." Blumenthal claimed to have served in Vietnam. He never did.
Remember how Ford's appearance was in doubt because she was so afraid to fly?

Mitchell: "May I ask, Dr. Ford, how did you get to Washington?

Ford: "In an airplane."

Mitchell: "I ask that because its been reported by the press that you would not submit to an interview with the committee because of your fear of flying. Is that true?"

Ford: "I was hoping that they would come to me (in California) but I realized that was an unrealistic request."

Mitchell: "it would have been a quicker trip for me."

Ford: "That was certainly what I was hoping to avoid getting on an airplane. But I eventually was able to get up the gumption with the help of some friends and get on the plane."

Mitchell: "You fly fairly frequently for your hobbies and you've had to fly for your work. Is that true?"

Ford: "Correct. Unfortunately."

And about this:"I was hoping that they would come to me (in California) but I realized that was an unrealistic request."Uh, not really.In the hearing, when Ford was asked if anyone, including her lawyers, had relayed to her the committee’s offer to visit her in California, Ford refused to answer when her lawyer objected:
Question: “Okay. Was it communicated to you by your counsel or someone else that the committee had asked to interview you, and that they offered to come out to California to do so?”

Counsel: “I'm going to object, Mr. Chairman, to any call for privileged conversation between counsel and Dr. Ford.”

Question: “Could you validate that the offer was made, without her saying a word? Is it possible for that question to be answered without violating any counsel relationships?

Ford: “Can I say something to you? Do you mind if I say something to you directly? I just appreciate that you did offer that. I wasn't clear on what the offer was. If you were going to come out to see me, I would have happily hosted you and been happy to speak with you out there. I just did not -- it was not clear to me that that was the case.”

This is rather important. If her lawyers failed to present her the offer, they could find themselves sanctioned, at the very least.
The media has gone completely derelict. NBC made public an anonymous letter making accusations at Kavanaugh. Liberals have happily retweeted a phony story without so much as trying to check its veracity first.
It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

Nope. Asking someone who allegedly remembers details such as they only had 1 beer, how they got home is not the equivalent of asking them the colour of neighbouring houses at all.
Poor analogy.
Very poor.
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USA Today: Kavanaugh Should ‘Stay Off Basketball Courts When Kids Are Around’

You leftist scum jump the gun every time! How do you call a man, especially the next SCOTUS judge a pedophile?....You bastards really do need a good butt fuck by a horny Muslim trio!

USA Today is getting slammed after a sports columnist for the paper published an article suggesting that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh should “stay off basketball courts” when children are around and not coach girls’ basketball because he was accused of sexual assault.

USA TODAY ✔ @USATODAY From @usatodaysports: "The U.S. Senate may yet confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, but he should stay off basketball courts for now when kids are around," writes @ByErikBrady . Opinion: Is Brett Kavanaugh right that he can no longer coach girls basketball? 8:00 PM - Sep 28, 2018

Is Brett Kavanaugh right that he can no longer coach girls basketball? The Supreme Court nominee said during Thursday’s hearing that me may no longer be able to coach youth sports in the wake of sexual allegations. 1,242 11.8K people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy “The U.S. Senate may yet confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, but he should stay off basketball courts for now when kids are around,” wrote sports columnist Erik Brady.

The article focused on Kavanaugh’s Thursday emotional testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee when Kavanaugh said that California psychology professor Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations brought to the committee’s attention by Senate Democrats ruined his reputation to the point where he may never coach girls’ basketball again.

“I love coaching more than anything I’ve ever done in my whole life,” Kavanaugh said in his opening statement on Thursday. “But thanks to what some of you on this side of the committee have unleashed, I may never be able to coach again.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Bet this "reporter" would gladly vote for Pedo Joe Biden...

Why hasn't DiFi been charged with tampering with evidence?

Balsy Ford wrote a letter to her congresswoman, Anna Eshoo, and that letter was then forwarded to Dianne Feinstein by Eshoo, or her office. The letter that Feinstein turned over to the Senate Judiciary Committee was address to Senator Feinstein (and was obviously modified), AND LEAKED TO THE PRESS BEFORE GIVING IT TO THE COMMITTEE...WHO WAS THE LEAKER, FEINSTEIN?? So why hasn't the Senate Judiciary Committee charged Feinstein with tampering with evidence?

GOP Sen. Cassidy: Feinstein Should Be Asked Under Oath if She Leaked Ford Letter | Breitbart
BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

Lie detector tests are notoriously unreliable, which is why they are inadmissible as evidence.

Her hubby and buddies attesting that she told them this story in 2012, 30 years after the event, is not evidence that the event happened, nor that Kav was the perpetrator.

Character witnesses don’t prove that her allegation is true at all, nor that the event even happened, nor that Kav was the perp.

What else you got?

Lie detector tests an not "notoriously unreliable". They provide one more tool in the box for an investigator / interrogator to determine the veracity of a witness or subject.

Any professional inspector or detective can suspect from a first interview someone who is attempting to mislead them. As one who was trained by the FBI in both interviewing and interrogating witnesses and subject, my take away was Dr. Ford was forthright and Judge Kavanaugh was not; Dr. Ford worked with the questioner, Judge Kavanaugh was hostile and his responses were all to similar and with too much detail.
BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

Lie detector tests are notoriously unreliable, which is why they are inadmissible as evidence.

Her hubby and buddies attesting that she told them this story in 2012, 30 years after the event, is not evidence that the event happened, nor that Kav was the perpetrator.

Character witnesses don’t prove that her allegation is true at all, nor that the event even happened, nor that Kav was the perp.

What else you got?

Lie detector tests an not "notoriously unreliable". They provide one more tool in the box for an investigator / interrogator to determine the veracity of a witness or subject.

Any professional inspector or detective can suspect from a first interview someone who is attempting to mislead them. As one who was trained by the FBI in both interviewing and interrogating witnesses and subject, my take away was Dr. Ford was forthright and Judge Kavanaugh was not; Dr. Ford worked with the questioner, Judge Kavanaugh was hostile and his responses were all to similar and with too much detail.
You got that to 2 UNRELATED questions about the judge, did wouldn't happen to be a card carrying DemonRAT would you?
life long friend of ford sent this today to the senate judiciary

and stated she willing to cooperate with the FBI


You're not on a FOX NEWS facebook page here. This is a political board with big boys and girls, and talking in platitudes will get you nowhere. Be specific about what you are talking about.
Since you obviously don’t know what the word infallible means, since it certainly cannot be applied to Blasey Frauds testimony no matter how partisan you are, and nor do you know how to spell it, let me help you out:

  1. incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
    "doctors are not infallible"
    synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Again, you're talknig in platitudes--exactly what "mistakes?" We're not the Webster's dictationary on this board either. Be very specific on what "you" think the mistakes that Dr. Ford stated--so that can be debated on this thread.
If you can't describe those you go on ignore.

Let me again remind you of the definition of INFALLIBLE since you clearly still don’t understand the word:

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Now, which part of a testimony entirely lacking in specifics such as date and location, details such as how she got home although she remembers the number of beers she had, and her own named witnesses not corroborating her story don’t you get?

How is testimony lacking in dates, location and corroboration from witnesses put forth by her, faultless, precise, scrupulous, meticulous and true? Or, in a word, INFALLIBLE?

Get it yet, dotard?

Any physcologist in this country will tell you that people who go through a tramactic experience--will lose memory on details of an event, because only the act that caused the TRAMA is burned into memory.

It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

As an example. My husband & I were in a serious car accident years ago. My husband was air lifted in a flight for life helicopter. I can give you every detail of that car sliding around the corner which what seemed like a 100 miles per hour, but years later I cannot remember the specific date it happened.

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

What should concern you, is Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh prior to giving testimony. Indicating that she may know that an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's early years behavior would out him as unfit to hold a position on the U.S. Supreme court.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

I agree, she has no evidence to back up her claims.

so now according to leftists

telling someone something is proof it happened

The FBI has 7 days to dig up more trash.

They will interrogate Judd.

If Judd turns then Kavanaugh is dogmeat.
Let me again remind you of the definition of INFALLIBLE since you clearly still don’t understand the word:

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Now, which part of a testimony entirely lacking in specifics such as date and location, details such as how she got home although she remembers the number of beers she had, and her own named witnesses not corroborating her story don’t you get?

How is testimony lacking in dates, location and corroboration from witnesses put forth by her, faultless, precise, scrupulous, meticulous and true? Or, in a word, INFALLIBLE?

Get it yet, dotard?

Any physcologist in this country will tell you that people who go through a tramactic experience--will lose memory on details of an event, because only the act that caused the TRAMA is burned into memory.

It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

As an example. My husband & I were in a serious car accident years ago. My husband was air lifted in a flight for life helicopter. I can give you every detail of that car sliding around the corner which what seemed like a 100 miles per hour, but years later I cannot remember the specific date it happened.

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

What should concern you, is Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh prior to giving testimony. Indicating that she may know that an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's early years behavior would out him as unfit to hold a position on the U.S. Supreme court.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

I agree, she has no evidence to back up her claims.

Men usually don't attack women in public, which allegations of sexual assault are hard to prove later. But this FBI investigation is not about proving innocence or guilt, it's about if the "allegations" are credible.

And with the only eye witness being Mark Judge (Kavanaugh's witness from hell)--who wrote books about the 100 keg semester club, who apparently Kavanaugh was the treasurer of, and with others now coming forward as witness's to what a drunk Kavanaugh was, it's not looking good for him.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery
The 100-keg quest: Kavanaugh classmate Mark Judge details senior year at Georgetown Prep

allegations of sexual assault are hard to prove later.

Especially invented allegations.
And especially when you wait 36 years, didn’t report it to the police, didn’t mention it to a single soul for 30 years, and your witnesses have no recollection. Poor Blasey Fraud, the system sure is stacked against her!
I'm sure Judd remembers.

He's lying too. Same as Kavanaugh.
You're not on a FOX NEWS facebook page here. This is a political board with big boys and girls, and talking in platitudes will get you nowhere. Be specific about what you are talking about.
Since you obviously don’t know what the word infallible means, since it certainly cannot be applied to Blasey Frauds testimony no matter how partisan you are, and nor do you know how to spell it, let me help you out:

  1. incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
    "doctors are not infallible"
    synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Again, you're talknig in platitudes--exactly what "mistakes?" We're not the Webster's dictationary on this board either. Be very specific on what "you" think the mistakes that Dr. Ford stated--so that can be debated on this thread.
If you can't describe those you go on ignore.

Let me again remind you of the definition of INFALLIBLE since you clearly still don’t understand the word:

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Now, which part of a testimony entirely lacking in specifics such as date and location, details such as how she got home although she remembers the number of beers she had, and her own named witnesses not corroborating her story don’t you get?

How is testimony lacking in dates, location and corroboration from witnesses put forth by her, faultless, precise, scrupulous, meticulous and true? Or, in a word, INFALLIBLE?

Get it yet, dotard?

Any physcologist in this country will tell you that people who go through a tramactic experience--will lose memory on details of an event, because only the act that caused the TRAMA is burned into memory.

It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

The adrenaline is pumping you are in a fight or flight situation. With women it's always flight.

As an example. My husband & I were in a serious car accident years ago. My husband was air lifted in a flight for life helicopter. I can give you every detail of that car sliding around the corner which what seemed like a 100 miles per hour, but years later I cannot remember the specific date it happened.

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

What should concern you, is Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh prior to giving testimony. Indicating that she may know that an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's early years behavior would out him as unfit to hold a position on the U.S. Supreme court.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics
Oreo, a woman has accused you of sexually attacking her 36 years ago.
She has provided no date and no location, so you can’t provide an alibi.
The people she cites as witnesses have no recollection of this happening.
How will you PROVE you didn’t do it?
If it was me I would probably be guilty.

What should concern you, is Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh prior to giving testimony. Indicating that she may know that an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's early years behavior would out him as unfit to hold a position on the U.S. Supreme court.

Nope, he’s already had 6 FBI background checks and nada.
She asked for an FBI investigation as she was instructed by her handlers that this was the only way to delay his nomination.

What else you got?
Delay is Plan A for the DEMs, yes, I agree.

But in the process they have caught a bug muddy catfish.

Time to cook it and eat it.
Any physcologist in this country will tell you that people who go through a tramactic experience--will lose memory on details of an event, because only the act that caused the TRAMA is burned into memory.

So, as I said, and by your own belated admission, her testimony is NOT INFALLIBLE.
Thank you!
With all the detail, Ford's testimony is rock solid.

And with all the lies, Kavanaugh's is full of holes.
Her friend not remembering any party like the one Ford claimed.
I have just learned that the female friend she (the accuser) has claimed was at the party who is indeed Leland Keyser was only 13 years old in 1982. Major problem! A 13 year old girl out at a high school boys party? Not likely...…... Leland Keyser would have been only 13 years old back then!
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It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

Nope. Asking someone who allegedly remembers details such as they only had 1 beer, how they got home is not the equivalent of asking them the colour of neighbouring houses at all.
Poor analogy.
Very poor.

Put a verifiable--credible link to that statement on this board, otherwise it goes into a :bsflag:
file on this board.
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It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

Nope. Asking someone who allegedly remembers details such as they only had 1 beer, how they got home is not the equivalent of asking them the colour of neighbouring houses at all.
Poor analogy.
Very poor.

Put a verifiable--credible link to that statement on this board.
as soon as ford puts out a verified-credible witness.
Her friend not remembering any party like the one Ford claimed.
I have just learned that the female friend she (the accuser) has claimed was at the party who is indeed Leland Keyser was only 13 years old in 1982. Major problem! A 13 year old girl out at a high school boys party? Not likely...…………………... Leland Keyser would have been only 13 years old back then! View attachment 219339

Just judging from the news--and the 100 keg semester--there were probably ton's of parties--and some people will show up for one and miss another--:iyfyus.jpg:
The 100-keg quest: Kavanaugh classmate Mark Judge details senior year at Georgetown Prep

You wasted your time putting all that in caps--because the last paragraph confirms that this woman believes Dr. Ford, she just wasn't at that particular party to help her substantiate it.
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