OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Dr. Ford's testimony was infallable

Infallible? Seriously?
I don’t even know what to say to such blatant (wilfull?) idiocy!

You're not on a FOX NEWS facebook page here. This is a political board with big boys and girls, and talking in platitudes will get you nowhere. Be specific about what you are talking about.
Since you obviously don’t know what the word infallible means, since it certainly cannot be applied to Blasey Frauds testimony no matter how partisan you are, and nor do you know how to spell it, let me help you out:

  1. incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
    "doctors are not infallible"
    synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Again, you're talknig in platitudes--exactly what "mistakes?" We're not the Webster's dictationary on this board either. Be very specific on what "you" think the mistakes that Dr. Ford stated--so that can be debated on this thread.
If you can't describe those you go on ignore.

Let me again remind you of the definition of INFALLIBLE since you clearly still don’t understand the word:

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Now, which part of a testimony entirely lacking in specifics such as date and location, details such as how she got home although she remembers the number of beers she had, and her own named witnesses not corroborating her story don’t you get?

How is testimony lacking in dates, location and corroboration from witnesses put forth by her, faultless, precise, scrupulous, meticulous and true? Or, in a word, INFALLIBLE?

Get it yet, dotard?
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Ford has already stated that Kavanaugh was present
If you paid attention...Dr.Ford the accuser did not seem upset that her supposed female friend who was supposedly at the supposed party...couldn't back her up...because of medical problems? Dr.Ford would not tell a "lifelong friend" she claims was at the party what had happened all the years they have stayed in touch?
This is the friend Leland Keyser...from Politico:
"Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford," said Howard Walsh, who said he has been "engaged in the limited capacity" of corresponding with the committee on behalf of Keyser.
Walsh's email was in response to a missive from one of the lawyers for the GOP majority staff, which stated: "I understand that you have been identified as an individual who was in attendance at a party that occurred circa 1982 described in a recent Washington Post article."

Whelp -- you can't very well back up what happened in a locked room with three people in it if you were not one of those three people, can you.

Had Keyser recalled the evening, she could have at most supported the list of those present and possibly a time and place. But not being involved in, or a witness to, the assault itself, she would have no basis to prove or disprove it. Moreover she'd be unlikely to even remember such a small event if to her personally it was insignificant.
Well you can swear you just weren’t there, like she did! Oops
Ford's extremely selective amnesia is PROOF she's a big fat lying liberal puke.
Normally it's the traumatic parts of an event that are difficult to remember as the brain tries to push them aside. When and where, those are remembered

LOL okay Ford having just escaped an attempted rape, fearing for her life she runs outside, fearing that Kavanaugh may chase her down, so she's outside the house moments after escaping this harrowing ordeal AND can't remember how she got home??? Give me a freaking break.

Go ahead explain it, she's 15, no drivers license no car miles from home so how did she get home? Here's why she forgot that part, because the driver would have been called on to corroborate her phony story.

Also, think of this:
She claimed Kavanaugh and others LOCKED HER IN THE BEDROOM.
Yet, she claim she got free and fled the bedroom.
How did she get out of a locked room?
unlocked it? trick question?
Although, two seventeen year old boys trying to rape her and she just unlocked the door and went out! Doesn’t make any sense at all. That would mean they weren’t violent, or aggressive! I mean intent here is huge, sounds like the two boys were wrestling. Did she expect or want something that never happened if she was there?

How was this party even organized in the first place, Ford did not hang out with the accused. How did Ford get to the party? What time was the party, she had been at the country club swimming, okay she finished swimming then what? Who called her about the party, remember there were no cell phones then so what she got a page at the country club?

HUGE numerous gaps in her story and the gaps shocker are things that might prove her story is BS.

Hell she has so many "I can't recalls" in her story I'm wondering if Hillary coached her.
yes, you have sacrificed due process on the alter of abortion that was never even threatened.

As a woman, thank you for lending legitimate credence to the argument that women are too emotional to be allowed to vote...

The U.S Supreme court made a decision on Roe v Wader 45 years ago. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

I know that Republican GOP candidates like to play paddy feet with abortion activists. In fact one of Trump's and others campaign promises in 2016 was to appoint U.S. Supreme court justices so you could rid the constituion of Roe v Wade once and for all.

What you don't know, is that both Niel Gorsuch and Brett Kavanuagh have already run the Democrat gaunlet under G.W.Bush. In 2006 Democrats were the majority in the Senate, and while they denied a lot of G.W;s nominee's they confirmed both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh to Federal District appeals courts.

What you don't know, is that during confirmation hearings, Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory that stated Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

In fact here are the Democrats that voted to confirm both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh in 2006.


The only reason Democrats tried to block Gorsuch, is simply because they were angry that Republicans didn't give Obama's last nominee (Merrick Garland) an up or down vote.

You're campaigning on abortion actually was the reason that Mitt Romney lost in 2012.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The U.S. Supreme court has decided that you have no right to interfere into the personal, very private decisions that women and their families make. Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court decision that is here to stay, and it never belonged on a political platform. By continually campaigning and talking about it, you are insulting the intelligence & integrity of the largest voting block in this country--WOMEN.
So why are you worried?
You arent worried a sexual predator and functioning alcoholic might become a SC justice? Let me guess. Youre a repub?
You arent worried a sexual predator and functioning alcoholic might become a SC justice? Let me guess. Youre a repub?
Sexual predator... functioning alcoholic

Guesswork not necessary... You're a racist and an idiot

You're talking to the wrong person. Of course I am concerned that a drunk/sexual predator would become the next U.S. Supreme court justice. But hey it wasn't that long ago that the Republican party & Donald Trump stood behind Roy Moore for Senator of Alabama who was a known preditor. Thankfully he lost in that special election.


Two more women describe unwanted overtures by Roy Moore at Alabama mall
Good thing kavanaugh isn’t one!
Mitchel the sexual crimes prosecutor who questioned Ford says...she could not take this anywhere near a court room, she wouldn't even seek a search warrant so Ford is a big fat liar!
Yes she is, but Mitchel's statement isn't based on Ford's lies, but on the lack of evidence and uncorroborated

Ford's extremely selective amnesia is PROOF she's a big fat lying liberal puke.
Normally it's the traumatic parts of an event that are difficult to remember as the brain tries to push them aside. When and where, those are remembered

LOL okay Ford having just escaped an attempted rape, fearing for her life she runs outside, fearing that Kavanaugh may chase her down, so she's outside the house moments after escaping this harrowing ordeal AND can't remember how she got home??? Give me a freaking break.

Go ahead explain it, she's 15, no drivers license no car miles from home so how did she get home? Here's why she forgot that part, because the driver would have been called on to corroborate her phony story.

Also, think of this:
She claimed Kavanaugh and others LOCKED HER IN THE BEDROOM.
Yet, she claim she got free and fled the bedroom.
How did she get out of a locked room?
Given the time frame.............and the locks of the time.........they are all locked from the inside of the room.

I'd like her to try and explain what kind of lock was on the door............LOL

Kinda like locking yourself in a car the old Pollock joke.................LOL
The U.S Supreme court made a decision on Roe v Wader 45 years ago. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

I know that Republican GOP candidates like to play paddy feet with abortion activists. In fact one of Trump's and others campaign promises in 2016 was to appoint U.S. Supreme court justices so you could rid the constituion of Roe v Wade once and for all.

What you don't know, is that both Niel Gorsuch and Brett Kavanuagh have already run the Democrat gaunlet under G.W.Bush. In 2006 Democrats were the majority in the Senate, and while they denied a lot of G.W;s nominee's they confirmed both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh to Federal District appeals courts.

What you don't know, is that during confirmation hearings, Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory that stated Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

In fact here are the Democrats that voted to confirm both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh in 2006.


The only reason Democrats tried to block Gorsuch, is simply because they were angry that Republicans didn't give Obama's last nominee (Merrick Garland) an up or down vote.

You're campaigning on abortion actually was the reason that Mitt Romney lost in 2012.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The U.S. Supreme court has decided that you have no right to interfere into the personal, very private decisions that women and their families make. Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court decision that is here to stay, and it never belonged on a political platform. By continually campaigning and talking about it, you are insulting the intelligence & integrity of the largest voting block in this country--WOMEN.

There is also zero fucking evidence that Kavanaugh had /any/ inclination to overturn it. In fact, he pretty much stated that it was precedence /repeatedly/.

But you folks don't care, frankly, because you're too stupid and uninformed to even know what you're protesting about.

That's what I just told you. But throughout the 2016 campaign Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindhal, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, & Scott Walker were all beating the abortion drum and campaigning on who they were going to appoint as SCOTUS nominees. You were roped a doped.

Trump even stated there should be some kind of punishment for women who have abortions.
In Context: Transcript of Donald Trump on punishing women for abortion


So don't come on here and act dumfounded as to why women have a foul opinon of the Republican party. For those of you that are confused trying reading, and redirect to these 2 posts on this thread by clicking these links.
OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread
OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread
Are you saying women are stupid?

the poster that you responded to just confirmed that the entire Kavanaugh fiasco is about abortion. I do not understand why abortion at will is the most important issue on the democrat platform. Why is killing unborn humans the top issue with dems and libs? can anyone tell me?

No the Republican party made abortion their agenda not Democrats. You have killed the Republican party with it. If any GOP candidate tells you they can do something about Roe V Wade--they're lying through their teeth for your money and support. They promised you SCOTUS nominees that would overturn Roe v Wade--and they gave you Gorsuch & Kavanaugh.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

Mitt Romney lost in 2012 because of the continual campaigning on abortion, that then went to who is not going to pay for birth control pills, to what is "legal" legitimate rape questions that were blasted on FOX NEWS--specifically the Mike Huckabee show.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then in 2016, 86% of Evangelicals in this country threw their support to a man that has probably paid for a few abortions hiimself.


After listening to this:

The hypocrisy is fascinating. In one fatal swoop you have burned down the Republican "family value's" platform, completely obliterated the credibility of Evangelical church's all across this country and started a war with women all at the same time.

Well welcome to it: Click this link to redirect to another thread on this board.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

im not about to reward their behavior.
Ah so you like this political bare knuckle fighting better? At some point someone needs to take responsibility for stopping this cycle of," they do this, so we do that."
100% agree and good point.

but if this were done, to me, validates their behavior and they will do it again.
And it validates what? First both sides have done plenty of shit they shouldn't. If your honest about it, the reason the GOP is in such a hurry is that if they hold the nomination until after the midterms and they lose the senate they are afraid the Dems will play the same dirty politics they played with Garland. Secondly you still haven't established to me that objecting to someone who is credibly accused of sexual assault is unfair to begin with.
i dont view the accusation as credible.
See this is were you lose me. I can understand the assertion that her account is unsubstantiated, but incredible? What makes her account unbelievable?
All of it! Simple
So you have a problem with a partisan answer to a partisan question?
Did you see his smart ass response to Senator Klobuchar? She was doing her job of trying to get to bottom of the allegations. He asked if SHE had ever been blackout drunk.
C'mon, that wasn't USMB. Smart ass responses to something like that are unprofessional. If you missed it, the exchange is below. Trying to determine if he drank to excess and might have forgotten an incident is at the heart of the allegations and wasn't "partisan" on Senator Klobuchar's part. After a potty break, Kavanaugh came back and apologized to her--apparently someone took him aside and told him it was out of line. His excuse was "this is a tough process." Poor him.

Kavanaugh Apologizes to Klobuchar For Drinking Question

Klobuchar is an annoying bitch like the rest of them. Kavanaugh apologized because he is gentlemanly, something that is wasted on Democrat women these days.
She asked a hard question, but she didn't pull those allegations out of her ass. She was at least trying to do her job. I notice that the Republicans used their time during the Kavanaugh questioning to complain about the Dems and argue about holding onto the letter for six weeks, etc. etc. and nothing to do with the actual accusations.
It has everything to do with the accusations, it places the context and motive for the committee to be A) using a non substantiated accusation B)calling for delay tactic FBI investigation (which we now know they can abuse power to rig) even though they already know that is not their jurisdiction or how these things work..
Don't be so Naive, you are being used and abused by the lawless party as much as Ford is.
it was not Feinstein who leaked the letter, and her staff after long questioning, all deny it, say it was not them.... and now we are finding out it could have been a friend of hers that must have leaked it to the press or the press just dug deeper or it was a Republican operative or who knows?

But as Old Lady said, it has NOTHING AT ALL, not even a NANO BIT to do with Dr. Ford and her TELLING THE TRUTH about what happened to her at 15 and WHO the perpetrators were....

Dr. Ford was not lying, EVERYONE who watched and listened to the hearing KNOWS that Dr. Ford was NOT lying.


And by his actions in this hearing, he SHOWED on NEON blinking SIGNS that he was LYING and obfuscating.

Honestly, he does not have the temperament to be a Judge on any court, let alone the highest court in the land for a lifetime, after watching him squirm and repeat his memorized lines yesterday.

What we got from him over and over again

1)Nobody coming foward to admit they leaked the letter=can't trust them.
2)in conjunction with no corroborated
evidence and denials by those she names as witness means there is no case to investigate.
3)they claim now that she leaked her story through the newspaper contact, contradicting her story to remain anonymous and lying about not knowing who leaked it to the press.
So even you call her a liar.
4)The Lawyer showed her hand when complaining about the week to investigate, sharing with us her real intent was always to delay. In conjuncture with her connection to Ramirez the third accusation found false, it's clear Katz was trying to delay the vote otherwise criminal charges would have been brought up in the accusers State. Therefore the only investigation has to turn around and be on Katz for political tactics and perhaps her client if money was motive.
Grassley messed up by giving the lawless ones an inch, he needs to be put out to pasture and Flakes name says it all, as does his "Crooked" nose. As Graham said, anyone who believes this sham should not be out driving.
Flake is the reason why they make velcro for shoes.
Reports indicate the FBI will conclude that Kavanaugh was 'grossly negligent' in his treatment of Dr Ford...but he did not reach the level of attempted rape or sexual assault. How about that? Ring a bell?
Dr. Ford's testimony was infallable

Infallible? Seriously?
I don’t even know what to say to such blatant (wilfull?) idiocy!

You're not on a FOX NEWS facebook page here. This is a political board with big boys and girls, and talking in platitudes will get you nowhere. Be specific about what you are talking about.
Since you obviously don’t know what the word infallible means, since it certainly cannot be applied to Blasey Frauds testimony no matter how partisan you are, and nor do you know how to spell it, let me help you out:

  1. incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
    "doctors are not infallible"
    synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Again, you're talknig in platitudes--exactly what "mistakes?" We're not the Webster's dictationary on this board either. Be very specific on what "you" think the mistakes that Dr. Ford stated--so that can be debated on this thread.
If you can't describe those you go on ignore.

Let me again remind you of the definition of INFALLIBLE since you clearly still don’t understand the word:

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Now, which part of a testimony entirely lacking in specifics such as date and location, details such as how she got home although she remembers the number of beers she had, and her own named witnesses not corroborating her story don’t you get?

How is testimony lacking in dates, location and corroboration from witnesses put forth by her, faultless, precise, scrupulous, meticulous and true? Or, in a word, INFALLIBLE?

Get it yet, dotard?

Any physcologist in this country will tell you that people who go through a tramactic experience--will lose memory on details of an event, because only the act that caused the TRAMA is burned into memory.

It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

The adrenaline is pumping you are in a fight or flight situation. With women it's always flight.

As an example. My husband & I were in a serious car accident years ago. My husband was air lifted in a flight for life helicopter. I can give you every detail of that car sliding around the corner which what seemed like a 100 miles per hour, but years later I cannot remember the specific date it happened.

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

What should concern you, is Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh prior to giving testimony. Indicating that she may know that an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's early years behavior would out him as unfit to hold a position on the U.S. Supreme court.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics
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Infallible? Seriously?
I don’t even know what to say to such blatant (wilfull?) idiocy!

You're not on a FOX NEWS facebook page here. This is a political board with big boys and girls, and talking in platitudes will get you nowhere. Be specific about what you are talking about.
Since you obviously don’t know what the word infallible means, since it certainly cannot be applied to Blasey Frauds testimony no matter how partisan you are, and nor do you know how to spell it, let me help you out:

  1. incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
    "doctors are not infallible"
    synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Again, you're talknig in platitudes--exactly what "mistakes?" We're not the Webster's dictationary on this board either. Be very specific on what "you" think the mistakes that Dr. Ford stated--so that can be debated on this thread.
If you can't describe those you go on ignore.

Let me again remind you of the definition of INFALLIBLE since you clearly still don’t understand the word:

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Now, which part of a testimony entirely lacking in specifics such as date and location, details such as how she got home although she remembers the number of beers she had, and her own named witnesses not corroborating her story don’t you get?

How is testimony lacking in dates, location and corroboration from witnesses put forth by her, faultless, precise, scrupulous, meticulous and true? Or, in a word, INFALLIBLE?

Get it yet, dotard?

Any physcologist in this country will tell you that people who go through a tramactic experience--will lose memory on details of an event, because only the act that caused the TRAMA is burned into memory.

It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

As an example. My husband & I were in a serious car accident years ago. My husband was air lifted in a flight for life helicopter. I can give you every detail of that car sliding around the corner which what seemed like a 100 miles per hour, but years later I cannot remember the specific date it happened.

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

What should concern you, is Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh prior to giving testimony. Indicating that she may know that an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's early years behavior would out him as unfit to hold a position on the U.S. Supreme court.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

I agree, she has no evidence to back up her claims.
You're not on a FOX NEWS facebook page here. This is a political board with big boys and girls, and talking in platitudes will get you nowhere. Be specific about what you are talking about.
Since you obviously don’t know what the word infallible means, since it certainly cannot be applied to Blasey Frauds testimony no matter how partisan you are, and nor do you know how to spell it, let me help you out:

  1. incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
    "doctors are not infallible"
    synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Again, you're talknig in platitudes--exactly what "mistakes?" We're not the Webster's dictationary on this board either. Be very specific on what "you" think the mistakes that Dr. Ford stated--so that can be debated on this thread.
If you can't describe those you go on ignore.

Let me again remind you of the definition of INFALLIBLE since you clearly still don’t understand the word:

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Now, which part of a testimony entirely lacking in specifics such as date and location, details such as how she got home although she remembers the number of beers she had, and her own named witnesses not corroborating her story don’t you get?

How is testimony lacking in dates, location and corroboration from witnesses put forth by her, faultless, precise, scrupulous, meticulous and true? Or, in a word, INFALLIBLE?

Get it yet, dotard?

Any physcologist in this country will tell you that people who go through a tramactic experience--will lose memory on details of an event, because only the act that caused the TRAMA is burned into memory.

It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

As an example. My husband & I were in a serious car accident years ago. My husband was air lifted in a flight for life helicopter. I can give you every detail of that car sliding around the corner which what seemed like a 100 miles per hour, but years later I cannot remember the specific date it happened.

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

What should concern you, is Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh prior to giving testimony. Indicating that she may know that an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's early years behavior would out him as unfit to hold a position on the U.S. Supreme court.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

I agree, she has no evidence to back up her claims.

Men usually don't attack women in public, which allegations of sexual assault are hard to prove later. But this FBI investigation is not about proving innocence or guilt, it's about if the "allegations" are credible.

And with the only eye witness being Mark Judge (Kavanaugh's witness from hell)--who wrote books about the 100 keg semester club, who apparently Kavanaugh was the treasurer of, and with others now coming forward as witness's to what a drunk Kavanaugh was, it's not looking good for him.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery
The 100-keg quest: Kavanaugh classmate Mark Judge details senior year at Georgetown Prep
Since you obviously don’t know what the word infallible means, since it certainly cannot be applied to Blasey Frauds testimony no matter how partisan you are, and nor do you know how to spell it, let me help you out:

  1. incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
    "doctors are not infallible"
    synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Again, you're talknig in platitudes--exactly what "mistakes?" We're not the Webster's dictationary on this board either. Be very specific on what "you" think the mistakes that Dr. Ford stated--so that can be debated on this thread.
If you can't describe those you go on ignore.

Let me again remind you of the definition of INFALLIBLE since you clearly still don’t understand the word:

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Now, which part of a testimony entirely lacking in specifics such as date and location, details such as how she got home although she remembers the number of beers she had, and her own named witnesses not corroborating her story don’t you get?

How is testimony lacking in dates, location and corroboration from witnesses put forth by her, faultless, precise, scrupulous, meticulous and true? Or, in a word, INFALLIBLE?

Get it yet, dotard?

Any physcologist in this country will tell you that people who go through a tramactic experience--will lose memory on details of an event, because only the act that caused the TRAMA is burned into memory.

It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

As an example. My husband & I were in a serious car accident years ago. My husband was air lifted in a flight for life helicopter. I can give you every detail of that car sliding around the corner which what seemed like a 100 miles per hour, but years later I cannot remember the specific date it happened.

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

What should concern you, is Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh prior to giving testimony. Indicating that she may know that an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's early years behavior would out him as unfit to hold a position on the U.S. Supreme court.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

I agree, she has no evidence to back up her claims.

Men usually don't attack women in public, which allegations of sexual assault are hard to prove later. But this FBI investigation is not about proving innocence or guilt, it's about if the "allegations" are credible.

And with the only eye witness being Mark Judge (Kavanaugh's witness from hell)--who wrote books about the 100 keg semester club, who apparently Kavanaugh was the treasurer of, and with others now coming forward as witness's to what a drunk Kavanaugh was, it's not looking good for him.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery
The 100-keg quest: Kavanaugh classmate Mark Judge details senior year at Georgetown Prep

allegations of sexual assault are hard to prove later.

Especially invented allegations.
Since you obviously don’t know what the word infallible means, since it certainly cannot be applied to Blasey Frauds testimony no matter how partisan you are, and nor do you know how to spell it, let me help you out:

  1. incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
    "doctors are not infallible"
    synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Again, you're talknig in platitudes--exactly what "mistakes?" We're not the Webster's dictationary on this board either. Be very specific on what "you" think the mistakes that Dr. Ford stated--so that can be debated on this thread.
If you can't describe those you go on ignore.

Let me again remind you of the definition of INFALLIBLE since you clearly still don’t understand the word:

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Now, which part of a testimony entirely lacking in specifics such as date and location, details such as how she got home although she remembers the number of beers she had, and her own named witnesses not corroborating her story don’t you get?

How is testimony lacking in dates, location and corroboration from witnesses put forth by her, faultless, precise, scrupulous, meticulous and true? Or, in a word, INFALLIBLE?

Get it yet, dotard?

Any physcologist in this country will tell you that people who go through a tramactic experience--will lose memory on details of an event, because only the act that caused the TRAMA is burned into memory.

It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

As an example. My husband & I were in a serious car accident years ago. My husband was air lifted in a flight for life helicopter. I can give you every detail of that car sliding around the corner which what seemed like a 100 miles per hour, but years later I cannot remember the specific date it happened.

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

What should concern you, is Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh prior to giving testimony. Indicating that she may know that an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's early years behavior would out him as unfit to hold a position on the U.S. Supreme court.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

I agree, she has no evidence to back up her claims.

Men usually don't attack women in public, which allegations of sexual assault are hard to prove later. But this FBI investigation is not about proving innocence or guilt, it's about if the "allegations" are credible.

And with the only eye witness being Mark Judge (Kavanaugh's witness from hell)--who wrote books about the 100 keg semester club, who apparently Kavanaugh was the treasurer of, and with others now coming forward as witness's to what a drunk Kavanaugh was, it's not looking good for him.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery
The 100-keg quest: Kavanaugh classmate Mark Judge details senior year at Georgetown Prep
You know. Thats what gets me about all these people that are claiming they knew Kav and he would never do anything like that. They sound stupid. There are people that are serial killers and their families have no clue. Usually these people dont get caught doing dirt unless someone comes forward.
Again, you're talknig in platitudes--exactly what "mistakes?" We're not the Webster's dictationary on this board either. Be very specific on what "you" think the mistakes that Dr. Ford stated--so that can be debated on this thread.
If you can't describe those you go on ignore.

Let me again remind you of the definition of INFALLIBLE since you clearly still don’t understand the word:

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Now, which part of a testimony entirely lacking in specifics such as date and location, details such as how she got home although she remembers the number of beers she had, and her own named witnesses not corroborating her story don’t you get?

How is testimony lacking in dates, location and corroboration from witnesses put forth by her, faultless, precise, scrupulous, meticulous and true? Or, in a word, INFALLIBLE?

Get it yet, dotard?

Any physcologist in this country will tell you that people who go through a tramactic experience--will lose memory on details of an event, because only the act that caused the TRAMA is burned into memory.

It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

As an example. My husband & I were in a serious car accident years ago. My husband was air lifted in a flight for life helicopter. I can give you every detail of that car sliding around the corner which what seemed like a 100 miles per hour, but years later I cannot remember the specific date it happened.

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

What should concern you, is Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh prior to giving testimony. Indicating that she may know that an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's early years behavior would out him as unfit to hold a position on the U.S. Supreme court.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

I agree, she has no evidence to back up her claims.

Men usually don't attack women in public, which allegations of sexual assault are hard to prove later. But this FBI investigation is not about proving innocence or guilt, it's about if the "allegations" are credible.

And with the only eye witness being Mark Judge (Kavanaugh's witness from hell)--who wrote books about the 100 keg semester club, who apparently Kavanaugh was the treasurer of, and with others now coming forward as witness's to what a drunk Kavanaugh was, it's not looking good for him.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery
The 100-keg quest: Kavanaugh classmate Mark Judge details senior year at Georgetown Prep
You know. Thats what gets me about all these people that are claiming they knew Kav and he would never do anything like that. They sound stupid. There are people that are serial killers and their families have no clue. Usually these people dont get caught doing dirt unless someone comes forward.

Look I would be crying too if someone outed my High School schnanigans. My deal was always getting caught for smoking in the bathroom, but then again I am not, nor ever intended on being a Supreme Court nominee.

We raise our sons to do no harm to women, drunk or solber, and to treat women with respect and talk to them in a mannerly way.. If what Dr. Ford & these other women ar sayiing is true, it's exemplifies an inherent disrepect/disregard for women, and that person doesn't belong anywhere near the U.S.Supreme court.
Let me again remind you of the definition of INFALLIBLE since you clearly still don’t understand the word:

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
"doctors are not infallible"
synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Now, which part of a testimony entirely lacking in specifics such as date and location, details such as how she got home although she remembers the number of beers she had, and her own named witnesses not corroborating her story don’t you get?

How is testimony lacking in dates, location and corroboration from witnesses put forth by her, faultless, precise, scrupulous, meticulous and true? Or, in a word, INFALLIBLE?

Get it yet, dotard?

Any physcologist in this country will tell you that people who go through a tramactic experience--will lose memory on details of an event, because only the act that caused the TRAMA is burned into memory.

It's the equivalent of someone shooting at you, and you're asked years later the color of homes you ran by, and number of fences you had to jump over to get away from the perpetrator. Those details you will NOT remember. So color or description of the bathroom she locked herself into, address's, specific time and dates are gone from memory.

As an example. My husband & I were in a serious car accident years ago. My husband was air lifted in a flight for life helicopter. I can give you every detail of that car sliding around the corner which what seemed like a 100 miles per hour, but years later I cannot remember the specific date it happened.

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

What should concern you, is Dr. Ford wanted an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh prior to giving testimony. Indicating that she may know that an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's early years behavior would out him as unfit to hold a position on the U.S. Supreme court.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

BTW--she apparently has passed a lie detector test, and most certainly has her own witness's that will attest of her story that she told them in 2012, and also has plenty of witness's that will attest to her own character.

I agree, she has no evidence to back up her claims.

Men usually don't attack women in public, which allegations of sexual assault are hard to prove later. But this FBI investigation is not about proving innocence or guilt, it's about if the "allegations" are credible.

And with the only eye witness being Mark Judge (Kavanaugh's witness from hell)--who wrote books about the 100 keg semester club, who apparently Kavanaugh was the treasurer of, and with others now coming forward as witness's to what a drunk Kavanaugh was, it's not looking good for him.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery
The 100-keg quest: Kavanaugh classmate Mark Judge details senior year at Georgetown Prep
You know. Thats what gets me about all these people that are claiming they knew Kav and he would never do anything like that. They sound stupid. There are people that are serial killers and their families have no clue. Usually these people dont get caught doing dirt unless someone comes forward.

Look I would be crying too if someone outed my High School schnanigans. My deal was always getting caught for smoking in the bathroom, but then again I am not, nor ever intended on being a Supreme Court nominee.

We raise our sons to do no harm to women, drunk or solber, and to treat women with respect and talk to them in a mannerly way.. If what Dr. Ford is sayiing in true, this shows an inherent disrepect/disregard for women, and that person doesn't belong anywhere near the U.S.Supreme court.
Agreed. Kav has the privileged wealthy white guy whine and look about him. He actually feels he is entitled to a seat on the SC. He has been groomed for this since birth by his mom who is an ex judge. I wonder how many times she used her influence to keep him from being arrested or imprisoned?

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