OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Dr. Ford's testimony was infallable

Infallible? Seriously?
I don’t even know what to say to such blatant (wilfull?) idiocy!

You're not on a FOX NEWS facebook page here. This is a political board with big boys and girls, and talking in platitudes will get you nowhere. Be specific about what you are talking about.
Since you obviously don’t know what the word infallible means, since it certainly cannot be applied to Blasey Frauds testimony no matter how partisan you are, and nor do you know how to spell it, let me help you out:

  1. incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
    "doctors are not infallible"
    synonyms: unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous;

Again, you're talknig in platitudes--exactly what "mistakes?" We're not the Webster's dictationary on this board either. Be very specific on what "you" think the mistakes that Dr. Ford stated--so that can be debated on this thread.

If you can't describe those you go on ignore.
yes, you have sacrificed due process on the alter of abortion that was never even threatened.

As a woman, thank you for lending legitimate credence to the argument that women are too emotional to be allowed to vote...

The U.S Supreme court made a decision on Roe v Wader 45 years ago. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

I know that Republican GOP candidates like to play paddy feet with abortion activists. In fact one of Trump's and others campaign promises in 2016 was to appoint U.S. Supreme court justices so you could rid the constituion of Roe v Wade once and for all.

What you don't know, is that both Niel Gorsuch and Brett Kavanuagh have already run the Democrat gaunlet under G.W.Bush. In 2006 Democrats were the majority in the Senate, and while they denied a lot of G.W;s nominee's they confirmed both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh to Federal District appeals courts.

What you don't know, is that during confirmation hearings, Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory that stated Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

In fact here are the Democrats that voted to confirm both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh in 2006.


The only reason Democrats tried to block Gorsuch, is simply because they were angry that Republicans didn't give Obama's last nominee (Merrick Garland) an up or down vote.

You're campaigning on abortion actually was the reason that Mitt Romney lost in 2012.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The U.S. Supreme court has decided that you have no right to interfere into the personal, very private decisions that women and their families make. Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court decision that is here to stay, and it never belonged on a political platform. By continually campaigning and talking about it, you are insulting the intelligence & integrity of the largest voting block in this country--WOMEN.
So why are you worried?
You arent worried a sexual predator and functioning alcoholic might become a SC justice? Let me guess. Youre a repub?
Why? Is Hillary in contention for the job?
I hope that sleaze bag is not going for SC. Shes barely better than Drumpf.

Hillary Clinton cannot be a U.S. Supreme court judge dumbass. Where in the hell did you people come from? Supreme court justice's are always picked out of the Federal Districts courts, because they are JUDGES in those courts. They're not just people with a law degree on the street.---:auiqs.jpg: Please DON'T tell me you actually VOTE!

For those that are interested on how you were roped a doped by GOP candidates on the SCOTUS in 2016- regarding Roe v Wade- just click this link to redirect to the post on this thread.
OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread
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Over the last year or so, we have seen allegations against men on both sides of the isle, and across every industry. In all instances the men did a litany of denial's, including Trump, and in all cases the women ended up being the truth tellers, and the men were found to be lying.

This insured that Brett Kavanaugh would be swimming upstream against a river of suspicion. Dr. Ford's testimony was infallable, and Brett Kavanaugh continued to deny.

Republicans are in a corner on this issue. The Republican party already has a serious issue with women voters. 7 in 10 women view Trump unfavorably, and the party itself doesn't hold up much better. Why Republicans didn't choose a woman SCOTUS nominee to get themselves out of the mud with women, exemplifies an astounding lack of foresight.. But this party has a long history of misogyny, and old habits & ideology--lead by old white men- are difficult to correct.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

This is the second annual women's march in Washington D.C, January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

It's unfortunate that it took 2 women cornering Jeff Flake in an elevator today, to get him to change his mind and demand an FBI investigation into these allegations prior to confirming. This is what Dr. Ford wanted all along (prior to testifying.) Which leads one to think that she believes there is something that the FBI is going to find on Brett Kavanaugh.
Christine Blasey Ford Wants F.B.I. to Investigate Kavanaugh Before She Testifies

Surprisingly even a FOX NEWS poll suggests support of Kavanuagh is down, especially among women.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

If Republicans had just confirmed Kavanaugh without an investigation, that would have been, most certainly, the final nail in their coffin with women in this country.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today. They are the power house in the voting booth.

A sleeping giant has awoken!


1st Womans March, Washington D.C. January 20, 2017--the day after Trump was inaugurated. Click thsi link and scroll through the many pages of pictures (start on page 20) & you will probably find your home state here.
Woman's march pictures

yes, you have sacrificed due process on the alter of abortion that was never even threatened.

As a woman, thank you for lending legitimate credence to the argument that women are too emotional to be allowed to vote...

The U.S Supreme court made a decision on Roe v Wader 45 years ago. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

I know that Republican GOP candidates like to play paddy feet with abortion activists. In fact one of Trump's and others campaign promises in 2016 was to appoint U.S. Supreme court justices so you could rid the constituion of Roe v Wade once and for all.

What you don't know, is that both Niel Gorsuch and Brett Kavanuagh have already run the Democrat gaunlet under G.W.Bush. In 2006 Democrats were the majority in the Senate, and while they denied a lot of G.W;s nominee's they confirmed both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh to Federal District appeals courts.

What you don't know, is that during confirmation hearings, Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory that stated Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

In fact here are the Democrats that voted to confirm both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh in 2006.


The only reason Democrats tried to block Gorsuch, is simply because they were angry that Republicans didn't give Obama's last nominee (Merrick Garland) an up or down vote.

You're campaigning on abortion actually was the reason that Mitt Romney lost in 2012.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The U.S. Supreme court has decided that you have no right to interfere into the personal, very private decisions that women and their families make. Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court decision that is here to stay, and it never belonged on a political platform. By continually campaigning and talking about it, you are insulting the intelligence & integrity of the largest voting block in this country--WOMEN.
So why are you worried?
You arent worried a sexual predator and functioning alcoholic might become a SC justice? Let me guess. Youre a repub?
You arent worried a sexual predator and functioning alcoholic might become a SC justice? Let me guess. Youre a repub?
Sexual predator... functioning alcoholic

Guesswork not necessary... You're a racist and an idiot

You're talking to the wrong person. Of course I am concerned that a drunk/sexual predator would become the next U.S. Supreme court justice. But hey it wasn't that long ago that the Republican party & Donald Trump stood behind Roy Moore for Senator of Alabama who was a known preditor. Thankfully he lost in that special election.


Two more women describe unwanted overtures by Roy Moore at Alabama mall
And it validates what? First both sides have done plenty of shit they shouldn't. If your honest about it, the reason the GOP is in such a hurry is that if they hold the nomination until after the midterms and they lose the senate they are afraid the Dems will play the same dirty politics they played with Garland. Secondly you still haven't established to me that objecting to someone who is credibly accused of sexual assault is unfair to begin with.
How does the word "credibly" get into this ?
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible. Not one GOP member suggested she was not credible. The words used were compelling and credible if I'm not mistaken. Credible is another word for believable. Doesn't mean it's true, but simply believable.
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible.
Denying her allegations wasn't stating as much?

I'm curious as to why her and her husband,
are in couples counseling....

You'd be amazed at the lengths,
women will go to, to keep a man
No, at least not according to the GOP. The position the GOP members take is that they believe "something happened" to Ford, just not Kavanaugh, or something like that. It's convoluted as hell, something I noted on Thursday when they were making the argument. Kavanaugh NEVER, not a single time during the hearing even hinted on that she was wasn't assaulted. The only thing he spoke to was that he didn't do it.
Why on earth would he say she’s never been assaulted?
Why would anyone?
How could they know?
And what man would be stupid enough to say she’s not credible in this Me too climate?
They’d be roasted alive for daring to express such an opinion.
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How does the word "credibly" get into this ?
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible. Not one GOP member suggested she was not credible. The words used were compelling and credible if I'm not mistaken. Credible is another word for believable. Doesn't mean it's true, but simply believable.
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible.
Denying her allegations wasn't stating as much?

I'm curious as to why her and her husband,
are in couples counseling....

You'd be amazed at the lengths,
women will go to, to keep a man
No, at least not according to the GOP. The position the GOP members take is that they believe "something happened" to Ford, just not Kavanaugh, or something like that. It's convoluted as hell, something I noted on Thursday when they were making the argument. Kavanaugh NEVER, not a single time during the hearing even hinted on that she was wasn't assaulted. The only thing he spoke to was that he didn't do it.
I don't know how they came to some sort of conclusion that something happened to this women (could have been made up in her own head), but they with no corelating evidence just bit it all hook line and sinker ?

She can't even get her friend Leland to vouch that the story was true, that it happened or any such important things as that, but she was to be believed ??
This was the GOP's version of how they assessed what happened, just saying. If you listen to her testimony look at her body language there are only 2 possible conclusions. Either she is an actrice worthy of an Oscar, or she is telling the truth. These people recognized that I think.
Actually there aren’t only 2 options, because her acting skills are very poor and she is not credible at all, imho. Her fake cry voice was incredibly unconvincing, as is what she conveniently can’t recall.
And it validates what? First both sides have done plenty of shit they shouldn't. If your honest about it, the reason the GOP is in such a hurry is that if they hold the nomination until after the midterms and they lose the senate they are afraid the Dems will play the same dirty politics they played with Garland. Secondly you still haven't established to me that objecting to someone who is credibly accused of sexual assault is unfair to begin with.
How does the word "credibly" get into this ?
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible. Not one GOP member suggested she was not credible. The words used were compelling and credible if I'm not mistaken. Credible is another word for believable. Doesn't mean it's true, but simply believable.
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible.
Denying her allegations wasn't stating as much?

I'm curious as to why her and her husband,
are in couples counseling....

You'd be amazed at the lengths,
women will go to, to keep a man

Are you not aware of what major remodeling can do to a marriage?? I guess not.
Repubs should be happy though. The sexual predator will get confirmed. Drumpf cant take another L.
Are you aware of "the little blue dress" and the white sticky stuff that drizzled from Lewisnsky's mouth onto it? That came from the real predator-in-Chief, William Jefferson Clinton. Hmm. I wonder what the name Jefferson referred to? I suppose he was a Democrat.
yes, you have sacrificed due process on the alter of abortion that was never even threatened.

As a woman, thank you for lending legitimate credence to the argument that women are too emotional to be allowed to vote...

The U.S Supreme court made a decision on Roe v Wader 45 years ago. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

I know that Republican GOP candidates like to play paddy feet with abortion activists. In fact one of Trump's and others campaign promises in 2016 was to appoint U.S. Supreme court justices so you could rid the constituion of Roe v Wade once and for all.

What you don't know, is that both Niel Gorsuch and Brett Kavanuagh have already run the Democrat gaunlet under G.W.Bush. In 2006 Democrats were the majority in the Senate, and while they denied a lot of G.W;s nominee's they confirmed both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh to Federal District appeals courts.

What you don't know, is that during confirmation hearings, Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory that stated Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

In fact here are the Democrats that voted to confirm both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh in 2006.


The only reason Democrats tried to block Gorsuch, is simply because they were angry that Republicans didn't give Obama's last nominee (Merrick Garland) an up or down vote.

You're campaigning on abortion actually was the reason that Mitt Romney lost in 2012.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The U.S. Supreme court has decided that you have no right to interfere into the personal, very private decisions that women and their families make. Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court decision that is here to stay, and it never belonged on a political platform. By continually campaigning and talking about it, you are insulting the intelligence & integrity of the largest voting block in this country--WOMEN.

There is also zero fucking evidence that Kavanaugh had /any/ inclination to overturn it. In fact, he pretty much stated that it was precedence /repeatedly/.

But you folks don't care, frankly, because you're too stupid and uninformed to even know what you're protesting about.

That's what I just told you. But throughout the 2016 campaign Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindhal, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, & Scott Walker were all beating the abortion drum and campaigning on who they were going to appoint as SCOTUS nominees. You were roped a doped.

Trump even stated there should be some kind of punishment for women who have abortions.
In Context: Transcript of Donald Trump on punishing women for abortion


So don't come on here and act dumfounded as to why women have a foul opinon of the Republican party. For those of you that are confused trying reading, and redirect to these 2 posts on this thread by clicking these links.
OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread
OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread
Are you saying women are stupid?

the poster that you responded to just confirmed that the entire Kavanaugh fiasco is about abortion. I do not understand why abortion at will is the most important issue on the democrat platform. Why is killing unborn humans the top issue with dems and libs? can anyone tell me?

No the Republican party made abortion their agenda not Democrats. You have killed the Republican party with it. If any GOP candidate tells you they can do something about Roe V Wade--they're lying through their teeth for your money and support. They promised you SCOTUS nominees that would overturn Roe v Wade--and they gave you Gorsuch & Kavanaugh.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

Mitt Romney lost in 2012 because of the continual campaigning on abortion, that then went to who is not going to pay for birth control pills, to what is "legal" legitimate rape questions that were blasted on FOX NEWS--specifically the Mike Huckabee show.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then in 2016, 86% of Evangelicals in this country threw their support to a man that has probably paid for a few abortions hiimself.


After listening to this:

The hypocrisy is fascinating. In one fatal swoop you have burned down the Republican "family value's" platform, completely obliterated the credibility of Evangelical church's all across this country and started a war with women all at the same time.

Well welcome to it: Click this link to redirect to another thread on this board.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
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past history of dnc
way too vague on necessary details
never going to police, even now
demanding fbi internevtion when that isnt their role, stall tactic not search for truth/justice
afraid to fly, has history of flying fine
pics of NOT MY PRESIDENT and the whole pussy hat shit
her lawyer is known resist

and if that wasnt enough, now 2 new guys say they were the ones who did it.

other than that its rock solid accusations.
Well like I said you go further then even Kavanaugh is willing to go. At minute 2.45 He literally says that he DOESN'T question that Ford was assaulted.

and if he did, would he say it in todays climate?

Since he's the accused it's a weird statement. Furthermore if it's a political decision to not do it. Doesn't that speak to him not being genuine in his statement?

NOW you look for genuine statements?

Haven't I talked about credibility in most post? I already conceded more than once that credibility is about the only thing we have to judge the truth.

Credibility does not = truth.
So you have a problem with a partisan answer to a partisan question?
Did you see his smart ass response to Senator Klobuchar? She was doing her job of trying to get to bottom of the allegations. He asked if SHE had ever been blackout drunk.
C'mon, that wasn't USMB. Smart ass responses to something like that are unprofessional. If you missed it, the exchange is below. Trying to determine if he drank to excess and might have forgotten an incident is at the heart of the allegations and wasn't "partisan" on Senator Klobuchar's part. After a potty break, Kavanaugh came back and apologized to her--apparently someone took him aside and told him it was out of line. His excuse was "this is a tough process." Poor him.

Kavanaugh Apologizes to Klobuchar For Drinking Question

Klobuchar is an annoying bitch like the rest of them. Kavanaugh apologized because he is gentlemanly, something that is wasted on Democrat women these days.
She asked a hard question, but she didn't pull those allegations out of her ass. She was at least trying to do her job. I notice that the Republicans used their time during the Kavanaugh questioning to complain about the Dems and argue about holding onto the letter for six weeks, etc. etc. and nothing to do with the actual accusations.
It has everything to do with the accusations, it places the context and motive for the committee to be A) using a non substantiated accusation B)calling for delay tactic FBI investigation (which we now know they can abuse power to rig) even though they already know that is not their jurisdiction or how these things work..
Don't be so Naive, you are being used and abused by the lawless party as much as Ford is.
it was not Feinstein who leaked the letter, and her staff after long questioning, all deny it, say it was not them.... and now we are finding out it could have been a friend of hers that must have leaked it to the press or the press just dug deeper or it was a Republican operative or who knows?

But as Old Lady said, it has NOTHING AT ALL, not even a NANO BIT to do with Dr. Ford and her TELLING THE TRUTH about what happened to her at 15 and WHO the perpetrators were....

Dr. Ford was not lying, EVERYONE who watched and listened to the hearing KNOWS that Dr. Ford was NOT lying.


And by his actions in this hearing, he SHOWED on NEON blinking SIGNS that he was LYING and obfuscating.

Honestly, he does not have the temperament to be a Judge on any court, let alone the highest court in the land for a lifetime, after watching him squirm and repeat his memorized lines yesterday.

What we got from him over and over again


Sad Snowflake response.
I am not sure if anyone has mentioned about an article from New York Times (September 24, 2018). And how the NYT tried to deny one of their articles on the Kavanaugh Hearings was "omitted". A small paragraph was not "printed" in the original article. But later was inserted.

You decide:

NewsDiffs | Diffing: Brett Kavanaugh Vows to Fight ‘Smears’ and Will Not Withdraw

Source: New York Times stealth edits story on Kavanaugh accuser, cuts out important detail

(I would have texted the entire article, but it would have taken a lot space. So, the links above is "proof" that goes to show you how a liberal newspaper would go all out on Kavanaugh.)
Mitchel the sexual crimes prosecutor who questioned Ford says...she could not take this anywhere near a court room, she wouldn't even seek a search warrant so Ford is a big fat liar!
Yes she is, but Mitchel's statement isn't based on Ford's lies, but on the lack of evidence and uncorroborated

Ford's extremely selective amnesia is PROOF she's a big fat lying liberal puke.
Normally it's the traumatic parts of an event that are difficult to remember as the brain tries to push them aside. When and where, those are remembered

LOL okay Ford having just escaped an attempted rape, fearing for her life she runs outside, fearing that Kavanaugh may chase her down, so she's outside the house moments after escaping this harrowing ordeal AND can't remember how she got home??? Give me a freaking break.

Go ahead explain it, she's 15, no drivers license no car miles from home so how did she get home? Here's why she forgot that part, because the driver would have been called on to corroborate her phony story.

Also, think of this:
She claimed Kavanaugh and others LOCKED HER IN THE BEDROOM.
Yet, she claim she got free and fled the bedroom.

How did she get out of a locked room?
And it validates what? First both sides have done plenty of shit they shouldn't. If your honest about it, the reason the GOP is in such a hurry is that if they hold the nomination until after the midterms and they lose the senate they are afraid the Dems will play the same dirty politics they played with Garland. Secondly you still haven't established to me that objecting to someone who is credibly accused of sexual assault is unfair to begin with.
How does the word "credibly" get into this ?
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible. Not one GOP member suggested she was not credible. The words used were compelling and credible if I'm not mistaken. Credible is another word for believable. Doesn't mean it's true, but simply believable.
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible.
Denying her allegations wasn't stating as much?

I'm curious as to why her and her husband,
are in couples counseling....

You'd be amazed at the lengths,
women will go to, to keep a man
No, at least not according to the GOP. The position the GOP members take is that they believe "something happened" to Ford, just not Kavanaugh, or something like that. It's convoluted as hell, something I noted on Thursday when they were making the argument. Kavanaugh NEVER, not a single time during the hearing even hinted on that she was wasn't assaulted. The only thing he spoke to was that he didn't do it.
Why on earth would he say she’s never been assaulted? Why would anyone? How could they know?
And what man would be stupid enough to say she’s not credible in this Me too climate? They’d be roasted alive for daring to express such an opinion.
they seem to count on that.
Mitchel the sexual crimes prosecutor who questioned Ford says...she could not take this anywhere near a court room, she wouldn't even seek a search warrant so Ford is a big fat liar!
Yes she is, but Mitchel's statement isn't based on Ford's lies, but on the lack of evidence and uncorroborated

Ford's extremely selective amnesia is PROOF she's a big fat lying liberal puke.
Normally it's the traumatic parts of an event that are difficult to remember as the brain tries to push them aside. When and where, those are remembered

LOL okay Ford having just escaped an attempted rape, fearing for her life she runs outside, fearing that Kavanaugh may chase her down, so she's outside the house moments after escaping this harrowing ordeal AND can't remember how she got home??? Give me a freaking break.

Go ahead explain it, she's 15, no drivers license no car miles from home so how did she get home? Here's why she forgot that part, because the driver would have been called on to corroborate her phony story.

Also, think of this:
She claimed Kavanaugh and others LOCKED HER IN THE BEDROOM.
Yet, she claim she got free and fled the bedroom.
How did she get out of a locked room?
unlocked it? trick question?
Accept for one huge detail, her bestest friend said it didn’t happen! That my friend corroborates kavanaugh and judge

They paid Dr. Ford a half-million dollars for her performance.

Perhaps if Ford had slipped $50k to her friend it would have changed things?
All the letters submitted are under penalties of five years in prison. You think their stories change?

Ford would have had to have paid or at least arranged payment before the letter was written.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D - Beijing) recruited Ford for the role back in July. I'm sure the payments were guaranteed at the time, though the cash didn't get delivered until after her performance in the circus.
That’s why I know she’s complicit
Mitchel the sexual crimes prosecutor who questioned Ford says...she could not take this anywhere near a court room, she wouldn't even seek a search warrant so Ford is a big fat liar!
Yes she is, but Mitchel's statement isn't based on Ford's lies, but on the lack of evidence and uncorroborated

Ford's extremely selective amnesia is PROOF she's a big fat lying liberal puke.
Normally it's the traumatic parts of an event that are difficult to remember as the brain tries to push them aside. When and where, those are remembered

LOL okay Ford having just escaped an attempted rape, fearing for her life she runs outside, fearing that Kavanaugh may chase her down, so she's outside the house moments after escaping this harrowing ordeal AND can't remember how she got home??? Give me a freaking break.

Go ahead explain it, she's 15, no drivers license no car miles from home so how did she get home? Here's why she forgot that part, because the driver would have been called on to corroborate her phony story.

Also, think of this:
She claimed Kavanaugh and others LOCKED HER IN THE BEDROOM.
Yet, she claim she got free and fled the bedroom.
How did she get out of a locked room?

Any competent defense attorney would rip Ford's story to shreds.
Yes she is, but Mitchel's statement isn't based on Ford's lies, but on the lack of evidence and uncorroborated

Ford's extremely selective amnesia is PROOF she's a big fat lying liberal puke.
Normally it's the traumatic parts of an event that are difficult to remember as the brain tries to push them aside. When and where, those are remembered

LOL okay Ford having just escaped an attempted rape, fearing for her life she runs outside, fearing that Kavanaugh may chase her down, so she's outside the house moments after escaping this harrowing ordeal AND can't remember how she got home??? Give me a freaking break.

Go ahead explain it, she's 15, no drivers license no car miles from home so how did she get home? Here's why she forgot that part, because the driver would have been called on to corroborate her phony story.

Also, think of this:
She claimed Kavanaugh and others LOCKED HER IN THE BEDROOM.
Yet, she claim she got free and fled the bedroom.
How did she get out of a locked room?
unlocked it? trick question?
Yes she is, but Mitchel's statement isn't based on Ford's lies, but on the lack of evidence and uncorroborated

Ford's extremely selective amnesia is PROOF she's a big fat lying liberal puke.
Normally it's the traumatic parts of an event that are difficult to remember as the brain tries to push them aside. When and where, those are remembered

LOL okay Ford having just escaped an attempted rape, fearing for her life she runs outside, fearing that Kavanaugh may chase her down, so she's outside the house moments after escaping this harrowing ordeal AND can't remember how she got home??? Give me a freaking break.

Go ahead explain it, she's 15, no drivers license no car miles from home so how did she get home? Here's why she forgot that part, because the driver would have been called on to corroborate her phony story.

Also, think of this:
She claimed Kavanaugh and others LOCKED HER IN THE BEDROOM.
Yet, she claim she got free and fled the bedroom.
How did she get out of a locked room?

Any competent defense attorney would rip Ford's story to shreds.
What story it’s called a dream
Yes she is, but Mitchel's statement isn't based on Ford's lies, but on the lack of evidence and uncorroborated

Ford's extremely selective amnesia is PROOF she's a big fat lying liberal puke.
Normally it's the traumatic parts of an event that are difficult to remember as the brain tries to push them aside. When and where, those are remembered

LOL okay Ford having just escaped an attempted rape, fearing for her life she runs outside, fearing that Kavanaugh may chase her down, so she's outside the house moments after escaping this harrowing ordeal AND can't remember how she got home??? Give me a freaking break.

Go ahead explain it, she's 15, no drivers license no car miles from home so how did she get home? Here's why she forgot that part, because the driver would have been called on to corroborate her phony story.

Also, think of this:
She claimed Kavanaugh and others LOCKED HER IN THE BEDROOM.
Yet, she claim she got free and fled the bedroom.
How did she get out of a locked room?
unlocked it? trick question?
Although, two seventeen year old boys trying to rape her and she just unlocked the door and went out! Doesn’t make any sense at all. That would mean they weren’t violent, or aggressive! I mean intent here is huge, sounds like the two boys were wrestling. Did she expect or want something that never happened if she was there?

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