OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

This dude Azgog claims that Maryland can prosecute the Kavanaugh case even though they said themselves they cant. Then he provided a link that says email and texts should do away with the very same statutes Azgog claims never existed. I was like WTF?

"But Manger and McCarthy noted that prosecution was unlikely in Maryland because authorities would have to apply the law that existed at the time of the offense, not the law that exists now,"

“For example, in 1982, assault and attempted rape were both misdemeanors and subject to a one-year statute of limitations,”

Did you not watch the testimony? He can be prosecuted. I could Be wrong. I dont think I am.
You’re insane, so just accept you’re wrong and move on.

Now you know how all logical people feel when it comes to the Kavanaugh case. No proof. Just incoherent ramblings. Thank you.

some folks like Dr. Ford have cred.

some folks Like Kavanaugh have drunken rants.

Some folks that go by some bullshit internet balh blah like the Defiler have a lot of defiling to do & you have certainly defiled USMB with your bloviation of utter bullshit.

congrats; you must be in what, 3rd grade, or is it 1st?

Some folks like you believe in Santa Clause. Because you are a dumbass. See how erratic you’re being from an unproven accusation from me? Imagine how Kav feels as his family is torn apart by an uncorroborated accusation. You stupid Lefitst fool.
Moron, your “unproven accusation” was actually proven wrong. That you can’t comprehend that only serves to show just how mentally incapacitated you are.
You’re an idiot. Burden of proof applies only in law, not in the court of public opinion.

Want proof of that? No Senator has to find Ford met a burden of proof in order to reject Kavanaugh.
Yet they demand investigations of the allegations even though they already stated they will never vote for him anyway..........

She is accusing Kav of a crime............period.............but since it's all public opinion and not a court of law...........then we should vote already and say the hell with any further investigation.........

You got the investigation only because a few RINO's balked.
Republicans run the Senate. They could have called for the vote at anytime. There is no3 burden of proof that needs to be met. Rightard media is dumbing down the right.
3 bolted from the vote without the FBI investigation.........Flake leading the charge.....forcing the's what it is................................
So? McConnell’s in charge. He could have called for the vote.
With 3 out and not a dem breaking ranks..............what you can claim a victory..........He needs those 3 votes and they vote no without the fbi................

aka.............not enough votes without them.
Then that’s on Republicans, not Democrats.
Yet they demand investigations of the allegations even though they already stated they will never vote for him anyway..........

She is accusing Kav of a crime............period.............but since it's all public opinion and not a court of law...........then we should vote already and say the hell with any further investigation.........

You got the investigation only because a few RINO's balked.
Republicans run the Senate. They could have called for the vote at anytime. There is no3 burden of proof that needs to be met. Rightard media is dumbing down the right.
3 bolted from the vote without the FBI investigation.........Flake leading the charge.....forcing the's what it is................................
So? McConnell’s in charge. He could have called for the vote.
With 3 out and not a dem breaking ranks..............what you can claim a victory..........He needs those 3 votes and they vote no without the fbi................

aka.............not enough votes without them.
Then that’s on Republicans, not Democrats.
I never said a few RINO's were the problem of the Democrats............I stated that they refuse to vote yes without the FBI.
Wow, It sounds like Senator Sanders and Democrats planned on a hatchet job on Kavanaugh that has been in the works less than 24 hours after his nomination in July, and that how they did it that in "mobilizing the American people," (DNC-ese for outdoing a Maxine Watters character choke on Judge Kavanaugh.)

Thanks for sharing that letter, Weatherman2020.
Burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, ANYWHERE, EVERYWHERE, 24/7. It is a fundamental rock of our CULTURE, and way of life. Demonrats calling it as only applying to courtrooms, is just another example of their dishonest, sewer politics.

EVERYONE in America is bound by the principle of presumption of innocence. This is a standard that we live and breathe by. You are innocent, until the accuser proves you guilty. That is ANY accuser, anywhere, including Senate Demonrats and their puppet stooge, Christine B. Ford.

Amazing to see lowlifes rejecting this heart and soul concept of our nation. Maybe it's because they don't feel like they are part of this nation, but instead are open borders GLOBALISTS, who kneel during our national anthem, and are constantly talking about what THE WORLD thinks.
You’re an idiot. Burden of proof applies only in law, not in the court of public opinion.

Want proof of that? No Senator has to find Ford met a burden of proof in order to reject Kavanaugh.

That is correct.

Leftists rejected him before he was even nominated.

The whole accusations and show was to get few more voted from the opposing side.
Seems to be working.

Soooo, the end justify the means?
It did for Republicans, why not for Democrats?

Only, it's not republicans that follow "rules for radicals".

I see this just as payback for what Harry Reid did. And it just begun.
The losers are still trying desperately to change the country back to Obomaland...fuck them I love tax cuts and a 4.2% GDP!

Feinstein’s ‘Temperament’ Gambit: Democrats lobby the ABA to reopen its Kavanaugh evaluation.
Wall Street Journal ^ | September 30, 2018 4:12 p.m. ET

The intervention by American Bar Association President and Hillary Clinton supporter Robert Carlson against Brett Kavanaugh turns out to be even worse than we reported on Saturday. Now, exploiting the latest delay in a Senate confirmation vote, Democrats and liberals like Mr. Carlson are pressuring the ABA’s Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary to reopen its evaluation of Brett Kavanaugh.

The ABA committee submitted its evaluation to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Aug. 31. Paul Moxley, the Utah lawyer who chairs the ABA committee, wrote that “after an exhaustive evaluation process, the Standing Committee has determined by a unanimous vote that Judge Kavanaugh is ‘Well Qualified.’” That is the ABA’s highest rating.

The excuse now being pushed on the ABA behind the scenes isn’t merely the uncorroborated claims of sexual misconduct, which are being investigated by the FBI. The new claim is that Mr. Kavanaugh’s passionate defense of his reputation before the Senate last week showed that he is too political and lacks the proper judicial temperament.

“Judge Kavanaugh did not reflect an impartial temperament or the fairness and even-handedness one would see in a judge,” Senate Democrat Dianne Feinstein tweeted on Friday. “He was aggressive and belligerent.”

The media have picked up the meme. “The judge who previously served as a top aide to President George W. Bush and worked for independent counsel Ken Starr’s investigation of President Bill Clinton tossed aside his earlier judicious language of neutrality,” opined CNN legal analyst Joan Biskupic.

“His declaration was the product of his personal anger, to be sure, and the move of a nominee whose professional and personal fate was on the line.
You’re an idiot. Burden of proof applies only in law, not in the court of public opinion.

Want proof of that? No Senator has to find Ford met a burden of proof in order to reject Kavanaugh.

That is correct.

Leftists rejected him before he was even nominated.

The whole accusations and show was to get few more voted from the opposing side.
Seems to be working.

Soooo, the end justify the means?
It did for Republicans, why not for Democrats?

Only, it's not republicans that follow "rules for radicals".

I see this just as payback for what Harry Reid did. And it just begun.

Sure they don’t.
You wouldn't be one of those Demmies who was caught planning to impeach Donald Trump before he was sworn in, would you? :backpedal:
Planning? You must be joking
The guy shot himself in the foot more than 5000 times in 2 years lolol

President Donald has shot himself in the foot over 5000 times in 2 short years?
May I plz run that through the spin cycle, sir? I got a new washing machine a couple of months ago.


So President Trump has criticized bad practices and lunatic asylum behaviors 5000 times in 2 years?

OH. :laughing0301:
The losers are still trying desperately to change the country back to Obomaland...fuck them I love tax cuts and a 4.2% GDP!

Feinstein’s ‘Temperament’ Gambit: Democrats lobby the ABA to reopen its Kavanaugh evaluation.
Wall Street Journal ^ | September 30, 2018 4:12 p.m. ET

The intervention by American Bar Association President and Hillary Clinton supporter Robert Carlson against Brett Kavanaugh turns out to be even worse than we reported on Saturday. Now, exploiting the latest delay in a Senate confirmation vote, Democrats and liberals like Mr. Carlson are pressuring the ABA’s Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary to reopen its evaluation of Brett Kavanaugh.

The ABA committee submitted its evaluation to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Aug. 31. Paul Moxley, the Utah lawyer who chairs the ABA committee, wrote that “after an exhaustive evaluation process, the Standing Committee has determined by a unanimous vote that Judge Kavanaugh is ‘Well Qualified.’” That is the ABA’s highest rating.

The excuse now being pushed on the ABA behind the scenes isn’t merely the uncorroborated claims of sexual misconduct, which are being investigated by the FBI. The new claim is that Mr. Kavanaugh’s passionate defense of his reputation before the Senate last week showed that he is too political and lacks the proper judicial temperament.

“Judge Kavanaugh did not reflect an impartial temperament or the fairness and even-handedness one would see in a judge,” Senate Democrat Dianne Feinstein tweeted on Friday. “He was aggressive and belligerent.”

The media have picked up the meme. “The judge who previously served as a top aide to President George W. Bush and worked for independent counsel Ken Starr’s investigation of President Bill Clinton tossed aside his earlier judicious language of neutrality,” opined CNN legal analyst Joan Biskupic.

“His declaration was the product of his personal anger, to be sure, and the move of a nominee whose professional and personal fate was on the line.
”fuck them I love tax cuts and a 4.2% GDP!”

Were you loving it when real GDP hit 5.1% growth under Obama?
CNN legal analyst goes rogue, stunningly supports confirmation, slams dems ^

“Many Americans will ultimately come away from Thursday’s hearing feeling disgusted not over the character of Judge Brett Kavanaugh but that of those Democratic senators who attempted, on the weakest of evidence, to portray the judge as an attempted rapist,” Paul Callan wrote. “Their strongest documentary evidence appeared to be inscriptions about beer drinking in his high school yearbook.”

Well, well, well.

Yes, Virginia. There is a smidgeon of wisdom among a fraction of a fraction of these evil little pissants known as Progressive DemonRATS!
Nope. Burden of proof is a legal bar which must be overcome in a courtroom. No Senator is bound by such legal theory when casting their vote to confirm or reject; so there is no such burden on Ford.
Burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, ANYWHERE, EVERYWHERE, 24/7. It is a fundamental rock of our CULTURE, and way of life. Demonrats calling it as only applying to courtrooms, is just another example of their dishonest, sewer politics.

EVERYONE in America is bound by the principle of presumption of innocence. This is a standard that we live and breathe by. You are innocent, until the accuser proves you guilty. That is ANY accuser, anywhere, including Senate Demonrats and their puppet stooge, Christine B. Ford.

Amazing to see lowlifes rejecting this heart and soul concept of our nation. Maybe it's because they don't feel like they are part of this nation, but instead are open borders GLOBALISTS, who kneel during our national anthem, and are constantly talking about what THE WORLD thinks.
You’re an idiot. Burden of proof applies only in law, not in the court of public opinion.

Want proof of that? No Senator has to find Ford met a burden of proof in order to reject Kavanaugh.
Yet they demand investigations of the allegations even though they already stated they will never vote for him anyway..........

She is accusing Kav of a crime............period.............but since it's all public opinion and not a court of law...........then we should vote already and say the hell with any further investigation.........

You got the investigation only because a few RINO's balked.
Republicans run the Senate. They could have called for the vote at anytime. There is no burden of proof that needs to be met. Rightard media is dumbing down the right.

But they didn't call for a vote anytime.

They gave accuser and accused chance to talk. They wanted to fly to her, only "message never got to her". They gave in to all her reasonable demands just to show up. They postponed the vote several times, and finally when they have set the vote after her missing several deadlines, her lawyers, and leftists allowed her to testify.

You're acting like you haven't notice any of that, like it didn't happen.
The losers are still trying desperately to change the country back to Obomaland...fuck them I love tax cuts and a 4.2% GDP!

Feinstein’s ‘Temperament’ Gambit: Democrats lobby the ABA to reopen its Kavanaugh evaluation.
Wall Street Journal ^ | September 30, 2018 4:12 p.m. ET

The intervention by American Bar Association President and Hillary Clinton supporter Robert Carlson against Brett Kavanaugh turns out to be even worse than we reported on Saturday. Now, exploiting the latest delay in a Senate confirmation vote, Democrats and liberals like Mr. Carlson are pressuring the ABA’s Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary to reopen its evaluation of Brett Kavanaugh.

The ABA committee submitted its evaluation to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Aug. 31. Paul Moxley, the Utah lawyer who chairs the ABA committee, wrote that “after an exhaustive evaluation process, the Standing Committee has determined by a unanimous vote that Judge Kavanaugh is ‘Well Qualified.’” That is the ABA’s highest rating.

The excuse now being pushed on the ABA behind the scenes isn’t merely the uncorroborated claims of sexual misconduct, which are being investigated by the FBI. The new claim is that Mr. Kavanaugh’s passionate defense of his reputation before the Senate last week showed that he is too political and lacks the proper judicial temperament.

“Judge Kavanaugh did not reflect an impartial temperament or the fairness and even-handedness one would see in a judge,” Senate Democrat Dianne Feinstein tweeted on Friday. “He was aggressive and belligerent.”

The media have picked up the meme. “The judge who previously served as a top aide to President George W. Bush and worked for independent counsel Ken Starr’s investigation of President Bill Clinton tossed aside his earlier judicious language of neutrality,” opined CNN legal analyst Joan Biskupic.

“His declaration was the product of his personal anger, to be sure, and the move of a nominee whose professional and personal fate was on the line.
”fuck them I love tax cuts and a 4.2% GDP!”

Were you loving it when real GDP hit 5.1% growth under Obama?
A fluke but did he ever get s 3% YEARLY GDP....I didnt think so, baby deer!...AND HE HAD 8 YEARS AND THAT FUCK UP COULDN'T DO IT!!!

Roskam says Obama admin the first to never top 3% in annual GDP growth
Claim: “The past (Obama) administration was the first administration that never had a whole year of 3 percent growth."
Claimed by: Peter Roskam
Fact check by PolitiFact: Mostly True
Barack Obama Is Now The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP ...
Zero Hedge › news › barack-obama-now...

Jan 27, 2017 · Following today's extremely disappointing US GDP growth data, we have the final nail in the coffin of President Obama's economic reign .

Trump Just Did Something Obama Never Could — Deliver On Promised GDP Growth | Stock ...
Investor's Business Daily › commentary

Jan 26, 2018 · Officials had focused on 3% GDP growth as proof his economic policies were working, and Trump has said it could go far beyond that target.
That is correct.

Leftists rejected him before he was even nominated.

The whole accusations and show was to get few more voted from the opposing side.
Seems to be working.

Soooo, the end justify the means?
It did for Republicans, why not for Democrats?

Only, it's not republicans that follow "rules for radicals".

I see this just as payback for what Harry Reid did. And it just begun.

Sure they don’t.

No, they don't. They had enough of leftists games. Time to turn leftist weapon against them.

This is not even payback, it's punishment.
Nope. Burden of proof is a legal bar which must be overcome in a courtroom. No Senator is bound by such legal theory when casting their vote to confirm or reject; so there is no such burden on Ford.
Burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, ANYWHERE, EVERYWHERE, 24/7. It is a fundamental rock of our CULTURE, and way of life. Demonrats calling it as only applying to courtrooms, is just another example of their dishonest, sewer politics.

EVERYONE in America is bound by the principle of presumption of innocence. This is a standard that we live and breathe by. You are innocent, until the accuser proves you guilty. That is ANY accuser, anywhere, including Senate Demonrats and their puppet stooge, Christine B. Ford.

Amazing to see lowlifes rejecting this heart and soul concept of our nation. Maybe it's because they don't feel like they are part of this nation, but instead are open borders GLOBALISTS, who kneel during our national anthem, and are constantly talking about what THE WORLD thinks.
You’re an idiot. Burden of proof applies only in law, not in the court of public opinion.

Want proof of that? No Senator has to find Ford met a burden of proof in order to reject Kavanaugh.
Yet they demand investigations of the allegations even though they already stated they will never vote for him anyway..........

She is accusing Kav of a crime............period.............but since it's all public opinion and not a court of law...........then we should vote already and say the hell with any further investigation.........

You got the investigation only because a few RINO's balked.
Republicans run the Senate. They could have called for the vote at anytime. There is no burden of proof that needs to be met. Rightard media is dumbing down the right.

But they didn't call for a vote anytime.

They gave accuser and accused chance to talk. They wanted to fly to her, only "message never got to her". They gave in to all her reasonable demands just to show up. They postponed the vote several times, and finally when they have set the vote after her missing several deadlines, her lawyers, and leftists allowed her to testify.

You're acting like you haven't notice any of that, like it didn't happen.
No, I’m reacting to the nonsense that there is a burden of proof on Ford. There isn’t. She levies her accusations and it’s up the the Senators to decide for themselves if they find her claims credible.
That's what I just told you. But throughout the 2016 campaign Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindhal, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, & Scott Walker were all beating the abortion drum and campaigning on who they were going to appoint as SCOTUS nominees. You were roped a doped.

Trump even stated there should be some kind of punishment for women who have abortions.
In Context: Transcript of Donald Trump on punishing women for abortion


So don't come on here and act dumfounded as to why women have a foul opinon of the Republican party. For those of you that are confused trying reading, and redirect to these 2 posts on this thread by clicking these links.
OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread
OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread
Are you saying women are stupid?

the poster that you responded to just confirmed that the entire Kavanaugh fiasco is about abortion. I do not understand why abortion at will is the most important issue on the democrat platform. Why is killing unborn humans the top issue with dems and libs? can anyone tell me?

No the Republican party made abortion their agenda not Democrats. You have killed the Republican party with it. If any GOP candidate tells you they can do something about Roe V Wade--they're lying through their teeth for your money and support. They promised you SCOTUS nominees that would overturn Roe v Wade--and they gave you Gorsuch & Kavanaugh.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

Mitt Romney lost in 2012 because of the continual campaigning on abortion, that then went to who is not going to pay for birth control pills, to what is "legal" legitimate rape questions that were blasted on FOX NEWS--specifically the Mike Huckabee show.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Then in 2016, 86% of Evangelicals in this country threw their support to a man that has probably paid for a few abortions hiimself.


After listening to this:

The hypocrisy is fascinating. In one fatal swoop you have burned down the Republican "family value's" platform, completely obliterated the credibility of Evangelical church's all across this country and started a war with women all at the same time.

Well welcome to it: Click this link to redirect to another thread on this board.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

nice copy/paste of cartoons, but wrong on all counts. Even if Roe were reversed by the SC that would just kick it back to the individual states. That is the real fear of the libs and dems, that the people could actually decide for themselves in each state.

But tell me, why is abortion the most important issue to dems and libs? With all the other problems in the world and the country, why is abortion the end all issue with you? Why are you obsessed with killing unborn children? But to take that obsession to its logical end, why not allow infanticide up to 2 years of age? If the kid becomes an inconvenience or a burden, why not let the mother just kill him or her? Seriously, what is different about a month before birth and two years after?

Apparently Roe v Wade is more important to Republicans--because they're the ones who have continually campaigned on it over the last 4 election cycles--:auiqs.jpg: (midterms included)


The U.S. Supreme court is not ever going to overrule Roe v Wade moron. In Neil Gorsuch's comments where he stated that Roe v Wade has been challenged enough over the years,and is now Precedent in the Constitution, he is talking about Republican legislators and Governors who have written state abortion laws that have been continually overruled by Federal District courts.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

Mike Pense is a great example. He signed an abortion law into effect (with a prayer--btw) which was immediately overturned by a Federal District court. They're all overturned.
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer

Then the Federal District court overruled 2 of Mike Pense's abortion bills..
Indiana abortion law signed by Mike Pence ruled unconstitutional - CNNPolitics
Federal court upholds ruling blocking Indiana ultrasound abortion law

Republicans not learning a dam thing from Mitt Romney's loss in 2012--where women ran by double digits into Barack Obama's colume--lined their platfrom again with knuckle dragging neanderthals--that were capable of sending women running to the opposition in one single sentence. They were Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Scott Walker, Rand Paul, & Bobby Jindhal--(who's only desire is to control women, and interfere in their decisions.) All of them campaigning on abortion.

The very first question out of the very First 2016 Republican primary debate held by FOX NEWS was about ABORTION.

The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

So don't give me your bullshit that Democrats are the ones that make an issue over Roe v Wade.

Now you own it.
The 2nd annual womans march held on January 20, 2018.

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

1st Woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated. January 20, 2017

For more pictures go to this link on this board, and scroll through the many pages, you may find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

Now not all of these women have had abortions, many may be pro-life, but you can be dam certain that they're sick and tired of Republican party treating them as though their 2nd class citizens, while insulting their intelligence & integrity by continually campaigning on Roe V Wade, and treating like they're nothing more than baby factories-( over something they never could do anythiing about anyway.)

If Republicans want to fall on the sword over Brett Kavanaugh--let em--:auiqs.jpg: Kavanaugh & Gorsuch both ran the Democrat gaunlet back in 2006 as G.W. Bush nominee's and Democrats could have easily rejected them as Federal District court judges, as they had done with so many of G.W.'s nominee's--but these two passed through that gaunlet with flying colors. Anthony Scalia's or abortion activist judges they're NOT.

A sleeping giant has awoken.

Sleeping giants? They don't want to be traditional women/baby machines, so they're gonna do something about it? I think that was already in the New World when the Europeans figured out the world wasn't flat! There was a tribe of warrior women discovered in South America's amazon region in the seventeenth century, I believe.

Did you not watch the testimony? He can be prosecuted. I could Be wrong. I dont think I am.
You’re insane, so just accept you’re wrong and move on.

Now you know how all logical people feel when it comes to the Kavanaugh case. No proof. Just incoherent ramblings. Thank you.

some folks like Dr. Ford have cred.

some folks Like Kavanaugh have drunken rants.

Some folks that go by some bullshit internet balh blah like the Defiler have a lot of defiling to do & you have certainly defiled USMB with your bloviation of utter bullshit.

congrats; you must be in what, 3rd grade, or is it 1st?

Some folks like you believe in Santa Clause. Because you are a dumbass. See how erratic you’re being from an unproven accusation from me? Imagine how Kav feels as his family is torn apart by an uncorroborated accusation. You stupid Lefitst fool.
Moron, your “unproven accusation” was actually proven wrong. That you can’t comprehend that only serves to show just how mentally incapacitated you are.

You never proved me wrong. You are an antisemitic troll and a Holocaust denier. Prove me wrong. Leftist loser.
10 Reasons The FBI Will Clear Kavanaugh ^ ...Read more!


The FBI will conclude its “supplemental” background check into Judge Kavanaugh (it’s 7th), limiting its time and scope to focus on purely the claims of sexual misconduct earlier than the Democrats hoped.

Those Democrats will resort to additional dirty tactics. Speeches from all of the Democrats will occur on the floor of the Senate—most opposing Kavanaugh. They will throw seismic fits, and spittle-flying rants, condemning Kavanaugh, republicans and even the very FBI they begged to investigate all in an attempt to destroy and demoralize Judge Kavanaugh.

Newly dubbed Majority Leader “Cocaine Mitch” McConnell will whip the vote and Judge Kavanaugh will fill the spot of the ninth justice on the Supreme Court

It will conclude one of the ugliest periods of American politics. Sadly about fifty percent of the American people will be too uninformed to explain why it was so ugly. The average American will mistakenly think (thanks to the horrifically awful media) that Judge Kavanaugh did something that no one ever proved he did.
Not one scintilla of evidence revealed, and all witnesses involved clearing him of any involvement, attendance, or even having met.

Justice Kavanaugh’s life will never be the same. Nor will his accuser’s. But sadly some of the Senate Democrats who decided to ruin these lives will sleep like babies and never take so much as a moment to ponder the damage they did. They will never question the unethical use of violating the trust of a constituent who confided in them and desired an anonymous process. They will never regret their attempt to slander an honorable father in the eyes of his own daughters. They will only move to plot their next step in attempting to regain power.
Having realized that here are some basic reasons the FBI investigation will conclude the matter.
  1. In a supplemental background check the witnesses involved will be interviewed. All have agreed to cooperate fully. They will answer the questions asked, and in all likelihood give the same answers they’ve already given under oath and under penalty of felony perjury if their answers differ from what they previously said.
  2. The FBI (will for the second time) along with Maryland authorities, as well as every prosecutor that has looked at this evidence admit there is no felony/federal jurisdiction here.
  3. After the Democratic Party attempted to have Kavanaugh arrested on Saturday, Maryland officials reiterated their findings that by their standards, the worst charges possible, would carry with them a one year statute of limitations.
  4. Additional prosecutors are on the record citing the evidence as insufficient to even merit a basis for a search warrant—much less an arrest.
  5. What all of the law enforcement bodies continue to point to is lack of a time and place. And while the accuser is 100% sure that something happened. The accused and 3 witnesses are 100% sure they were not witness to any event resembling its description.
  6. The FBI will also highlight greater amounts of exculpatory evidence against Dr. Ford. Her “fear” of flying, her “misremembering” her 100% clear account at the mysterious Safeway “second door” (it only had one,) her complete inability to figure out how she got to or from the “incident,” and the continued refutation by her best friend that such a gathering occurred with her present is likely the tip of the iceberg.
  7. Therapy notes will likely be required to be turned over. Why they were not turned over to the Senate Judiciary is inexplicable especially since she uses that as “corroboration” of her first “telling” of the mysterious incident.
  8. Dr. Ford’s own family—not a one—was capable of coming to her support for this dreadful season. Why weren’t they? The FBI may need to ask given that she was living with her parents at the time.
  9. The FBI may also need to probe possible motives for Dr. Ford. Her work on RU-486 (the abortion pill) would certainly be in jeopardy if he is named to the court. Her five go-fund-me accounts with alleged links to Soros and a now blossoming $1 million dollar surplus were established why? To pay her pro-bono lawyers? (Remember it was her lawyers that testified they were pro-bono — if it turns out a Democratic staffer is paying them then they committed perjury.) Are the go-fund-me crowdsourcing efforts really a way to pay off a witness for coming before a Senate committee (in itself a felony crime?)
  10. The FBI may very well uncover a coordinated effort between the Senate staffer who leaked Dr Ford’s name (against her wishes,) the law firm recommended by the ranking member, and the links to others making accusations.
By Saturday midday, Judiciary Democrats, with the investigation having not even been underway for a full twenty-four hours were already attempting to undermine the validity and reliability of its efforts.

Simultaneously Mitch McConnell tweeted a short clip of his floor speech from late Friday. In it he made crystal clear that “all fifty-one” republicans were in agreement in moving forward with the scheduled vote. “All fifty-one,” he reiterated.

I think he may know more than he’s let on. I believe the FBI may actually be nearing completion of its “supplemental background investigation.”

And thankfully I believe that this nightmare for Judge Kavanaugh is almost finished.
For the sake and innocence of his daughters, bride, family and all who have supported and been grateful for his public service of over 30 years—It’s past time!

After this whole character assassination is debunked Trump should order his new Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate all the false testimony and leaks and the”collusion” by the demonRATS....Let's put them out of business PERMANENTLY!!!!!!
Nope. Burden of proof is a legal bar which must be overcome in a courtroom. No Senator is bound by such legal theory when casting their vote to confirm or reject; so there is no such burden on Ford.
Burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, ANYWHERE, EVERYWHERE, 24/7. It is a fundamental rock of our CULTURE, and way of life. Demonrats calling it as only applying to courtrooms, is just another example of their dishonest, sewer politics.

EVERYONE in America is bound by the principle of presumption of innocence. This is a standard that we live and breathe by. You are innocent, until the accuser proves you guilty. That is ANY accuser, anywhere, including Senate Demonrats and their puppet stooge, Christine B. Ford.

Amazing to see lowlifes rejecting this heart and soul concept of our nation. Maybe it's because they don't feel like they are part of this nation, but instead are open borders GLOBALISTS, who kneel during our national anthem, and are constantly talking about what THE WORLD thinks.
You’re an idiot. Burden of proof applies only in law, not in the court of public opinion.

Want proof of that? No Senator has to find Ford met a burden of proof in order to reject Kavanaugh.

That is correct.

Leftists rejected him before he was even nominated.

The whole accusations and show was to get few more voted from the opposing side.
Seems to be working.

Doesn’t make it right. You dumb Leftist troll.
Burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, ANYWHERE, EVERYWHERE, 24/7. It is a fundamental rock of our CULTURE, and way of life. Demonrats calling it as only applying to courtrooms, is just another example of their dishonest, sewer politics.

EVERYONE in America is bound by the principle of presumption of innocence. This is a standard that we live and breathe by. You are innocent, until the accuser proves you guilty. That is ANY accuser, anywhere, including Senate Demonrats and their puppet stooge, Christine B. Ford.

Amazing to see lowlifes rejecting this heart and soul concept of our nation. Maybe it's because they don't feel like they are part of this nation, but instead are open borders GLOBALISTS, who kneel during our national anthem, and are constantly talking about what THE WORLD thinks.
You’re an idiot. Burden of proof applies only in law, not in the court of public opinion.

Want proof of that? No Senator has to find Ford met a burden of proof in order to reject Kavanaugh.
Yet they demand investigations of the allegations even though they already stated they will never vote for him anyway..........

She is accusing Kav of a crime............period.............but since it's all public opinion and not a court of law...........then we should vote already and say the hell with any further investigation.........

You got the investigation only because a few RINO's balked.
Republicans run the Senate. They could have called for the vote at anytime. There is no burden of proof that needs to be met. Rightard media is dumbing down the right.

But they didn't call for a vote anytime.

They gave accuser and accused chance to talk. They wanted to fly to her, only "message never got to her". They gave in to all her reasonable demands just to show up. They postponed the vote several times, and finally when they have set the vote after her missing several deadlines, her lawyers, and leftists allowed her to testify.

You're acting like you haven't notice any of that, like it didn't happen.
No, I’m reacting to the nonsense that there is a burden of proof on Ford. There isn’t. She levies her accusations and it’s up the the Senators to decide for themselves if they find her claims credible.
Trial by media and social media..................guilty until proven innocent..........dirty unethical tactics of the left..........

Same as Thomas............same as Bork..........just another political hit for power.
The FBI (will for the second time) along with Maryland authorities, as well as every prosecutor that has looked at this evidence admit there is no felony/federal jurisdiction here.
That is key...........if they don't coordinate with Maryland authorities........then Ford files a complaint late next week trying to force Maryland to investigate it.........another stall tactic.

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