OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Wow! The Trollish attacks on Ford reveal quite a bit about people who support and apologize for the behavior of men like Kavanaugh, Trump, Weinstein, Cosby. Then again, I don't remember people being so nasty and vigorous in defense of Weinstein and Cosby. They weren't part of the rightwing game plan

Then there is Bill Clinton. Trump trolled the female accusers of Bill and has actually called Bill 'a rapist' without anymore of the so-called evidence demanded by Good Old Boy Brett's apologists. It's been a few decades that Bill's accusers have been under the spotlight, and we know for a fact that most all of them have been proven to be liars. There is the Paula Jones thing .. and ugh, what a lovely human being she turned out to be and she was coached by some of the nastiest dirtiest rightwing manipulators




Imagine, Brett Kavanaugh was one of the people trying to entrap and condemn Bill Clinton with less so-called evidence than rightwing creeps demand
While I believe that Bill Clinton was probably a hound dog, this woman has way too many more witnesses to Brett Kavanaugh‘s and Mark Judge’s behavior. The Republican senate is just keeping all of the other witnesses from speaking.
Again, this is NOT a court of law, it's a job interview.
I have participated in job interviews before. None of them involved witnesses testifying against me.

The allegation makes it a Court, not an interview.
You’ve never applied for an important job
She faces felony charges for lying. What employer has that ability?
Who’s facing felony charges here?
ANYONE caught lying under oath INCLUDING HER
The federal government has that ability. Kavanaugh faces the same charges.
Nope....this is not a court....because they chose to run it like a court, does not make it one. It is a job interview......a very very very very very very important job interview.
A job interview with witnesses testifying under oath against the candidate?

Nobody is buying that bullshit.
This is how Republicans talk. It’s normal in their party now. This is who they are what they become. This is why women are leaving that nasty and odious party. Thanks for sharing. And showing us who you are.
Bill Clinton is an Impeached Sexual Predator.

Hillary Clinton, his enabler, berated , intimidated, and silenced his victims.

Al Franken admitted to groping women, apologized, was forced to resign, then declared he was NOT SORRY for what he did.

D-Senators spent decades engaged in criminal sexual behavior, and instead of refusing to tolerate it they created a committee whose sole responsibility / reason for existing was to pay for the silence of their victims with tax dollars.

Ted Kennedy left a woman to die in an overturned car in a water-filled ditch to save his own political career and is hailed as a friggin' hero by snowflakes....

..and dumbasses like you continue to project onto others and accuse others of doing what the Democrats do and of being who the Democrats are.

THAT...and YOU...are friggin' hilarious.....

The Trollish attacks
Dear JBVM YOU HAVE BEEN REPORTED TO THE MODERATORS after trolling me and others for days right here on USMB and after upsetting many people because of your continual personal attacks on the members of USMB. You are a hypocrite and a troll and a liar JBVM.
“They know the optics of 11 white men questioning Dr. Ford ... will be so harmful and so damaging to the GOP.” -- Areva Martin, CNN legal analyst

"no more mr white guy!" - senator cory booker

“They understand that you have all of these white men who would be questioning this woman ... the optics of it would look terrible.” -- Gloria Borger, CNN chief political analyst

“Women across this nation should be outraged at what these white men senators are doing to this woman.” -- Rep. John Garamendi, D-Calif.

“There has been some discussion of the GOP senators who happened to all be ... white men.” -- Jim Sciutto, CNN correspondent

“What troubles me is now there are ... they’re all white men.” -- Jennifer Granholm, former governor of Michigan, on CNN

”You’re seeing on display a metaphor for what this party is, which is basically ignorant white men.” -- “Morning Joe” contributor Donny Deutsch

“All these white men ... stumbling all over themselves asking her, you know, aggressive and obnoxious questions.” -- Asha Rangappa, CNN analyst

“What are those -- that collection of old white men going to do?” -- Cynthia Alksne, MSNBC contributor

“If she testifies in front of the Judiciary Committee, where 11 members are white men ...” -- Susan Del Percio, Republican political strategist, on MSNBC

“Once again, it will be all white men on the Republican side of the Judiciary Committee.” -- CNN anchor Poppy Harlow

“The optics for Republicans are going to be really tricky ... You’ve got all white men on the Republican side here ...” -- Julie Pace, Washington bureau chief for The Associated Press, on CNN

“The Republicans, it happens to be 11 white men still on that side.” -- CNN host John Berman

“The Republicans, it is 11 white men, talk to me about how you think the tone inside this hearing on Monday will be perceived?" -- Berman, a few minutes later

“On the Republican side, all 11 are white men.” -- Berman, again, same show, several minutes later

“What hasn’t changed is the number of white men questioning, certainly, on the Republican side.” -- Dana Bash, CNN chief political correspondent

“The Republican side on the Senate Judiciary Committee is all white men ...” -- Irin Carmon, senior correspondent for New York Magazine, on MSNBC

“Only this crowd of clueless old white guys ...” -- The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin on Twitter
Change the word "white" to "black" and read it back to them. Watch their reaction.
Last time it was a black woman. This time it’s a white woman. I’m guessing for some Republican women that’s just one bridge too far.
why didn't ford have kavanaugh charged back in 2012 after her recall? sorry, that isn't logical. if this is indeed serious, then why did she wait?
So the right wingers are convinced she's lying.

And the left wingers are convinced she's not lying.



Which side is coming off to you as cool and calm, and which side is coming off as upset and unhinged by these ongoing proceedings?
Jumping in and out, I dunno.
How many times have Republicans on the USMB called democratic men pu$$ies And weak?

And here you have the Republican leadership who are so scared and who are such pu$$ies they have to get a woman to talk for them

They are preventing the Democrats from using the picture of a horde of horrible Republicans ganging up on the poor little woman.

She's a trained prosecutor. She will sift through the minutia and apply the squeeze over the inconsistencies, of which there are several already.
Yeah - she screwed 54 guys while in an all girls high school :lol:
And wound up drunk and half nude on a picnic bench.
When you clowns gonna let those butt nuggets go anyway?

THIS is the person who claims Kavanaugh attempted to rape her, the woman who can't remember where she was, what day it was, what YEAR it was, admits she was drunk, admits she had 50+ sex partners, and whose 4 witnesses say 'it never happened'.....and THIS is who ChiComm Feinstein and the other Obstructionists drag out of the woodpile as a 'credible' accuser to go after Kavanaugh?!


You need to understand that when you make shit up and hang your hat on a thoroughly discredited RWNJ blog ...
Your credibility circles the drain.
Trump would do well to understand that reality as well.
Ummm, this was from her own social media sites she tried to scrub, snowflake. Try again....
She can remember ridiculous details like the Judges friend looking sick as she went to the grocery store one random day but not major details of the incident that catapulted us to where we are?


She even described what the floor looked like and how intoxicated some of the guests were (more intoxicated than her) AND that it was more of a “gathering” than a party, but she doesn’t remember whose house it was at...
“They know the optics of 11 white men questioning Dr. Ford ... will be so harmful and so damaging to the GOP.” -- Areva Martin, CNN legal analyst

"no more mr white guy!" - senator cory booker

“They understand that you have all of these white men who would be questioning this woman ... the optics of it would look terrible.” -- Gloria Borger, CNN chief political analyst

“Women across this nation should be outraged at what these white men senators are doing to this woman.” -- Rep. John Garamendi, D-Calif.

“There has been some discussion of the GOP senators who happened to all be ... white men.” -- Jim Sciutto, CNN correspondent

“What troubles me is now there are ... they’re all white men.” -- Jennifer Granholm, former governor of Michigan, on CNN

”You’re seeing on display a metaphor for what this party is, which is basically ignorant white men.” -- “Morning Joe” contributor Donny Deutsch

“All these white men ... stumbling all over themselves asking her, you know, aggressive and obnoxious questions.” -- Asha Rangappa, CNN analyst

“What are those -- that collection of old white men going to do?” -- Cynthia Alksne, MSNBC contributor

“If she testifies in front of the Judiciary Committee, where 11 members are white men ...” -- Susan Del Percio, Republican political strategist, on MSNBC

“Once again, it will be all white men on the Republican side of the Judiciary Committee.” -- CNN anchor Poppy Harlow

“The optics for Republicans are going to be really tricky ... You’ve got all white men on the Republican side here ...” -- Julie Pace, Washington bureau chief for The Associated Press, on CNN

“The Republicans, it happens to be 11 white men still on that side.” -- CNN host John Berman

“The Republicans, it is 11 white men, talk to me about how you think the tone inside this hearing on Monday will be perceived?" -- Berman, a few minutes later

“On the Republican side, all 11 are white men.” -- Berman, again, same show, several minutes later

“What hasn’t changed is the number of white men questioning, certainly, on the Republican side.” -- Dana Bash, CNN chief political correspondent

“The Republican side on the Senate Judiciary Committee is all white men ...” -- Irin Carmon, senior correspondent for New York Magazine, on MSNBC

“Only this crowd of clueless old white guys ...” -- The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin on Twitter
Change the word "white" to "black" and read it back to them. Watch their reaction.
Last time it was a black woman. This time it’s a white woman. I’m guessing for some Republican women that’s just one bridge too far.
Again, this is NOT a court of law, it's a job interview.
I have participated in job interviews before. None of them involved witnesses testifying against me.

The allegation makes it a Court, not an interview.
Nope....this is not a court....because they chose to run it like a court, does not make it one. It is a job interview......a very very very very very very important job interview.

Still more than just an interview. The interview part was the background check and the original hearings about things RELATED TO THE JOB.

This is a court of both law, because they are under oath, and of opinion, and the consequences of him failing at it are more than just losing the job.
why didn't ford have kavanaugh charged back in 2012 after her recall? sorry, that isn't logical. if this is indeed serious, then why did she wait?

Indeed. It was only when she became necessary for preventing his confirmation BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY that this repressed memory delusion was revealed.

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