OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

"this was extremely emotional", "extremely raw" on FOX...YES THIS IS ACTING at it's best...believe me I studied acting. "100% Kavanaugh" who came at me from behind...ha ha ha.
He gang raped accuser #3, assaulted accuser #2, and tried to rape accuser #1. The 4th accuser seems to be claiming assault. We won’t know how many are remaining silent out of fear.

Where ever you got your 'facts' should be removed from news sources.

accuser #1 is a he said/she said, with no proof.

same with the other 2.

severe lack of witnesses in all cases.

Typical rape defender comment


yet YOU are ready to lock him in, and throw away the key.

Deal with the FACTS, not bullshit,
Again, this is NOT a court of law, it's a job interview.

It's more than that. Denying him confirmation based on this basically forces congress to begin impeachment proceedings against him.

Plus it probably ruins his legal career as denial of confirmation has the weight of the presumption of guilt on him.

Are you comfortable with all forms of character assassination having the minimal level of proof required?
She can remember ridiculous details like the Judges friend looking sick as she went to the grocery store one random day but not major details of the incident that catapulted us to where we are?

So far, Ford is looking & sounding pretty credible
For someone who can't remember where she was, when she was there, whose story kept changing, and whose witnesses say what she claims never happened....

From the other BREAKING NEWS thread that got axed:

Now this smells to high heaven. Two guys coming forward to claim they were the attempted rapist at the same time? That is pretty sly. I'll give them credit.
I agree. These rape allegations suddenly came forward. Why not fight fire with fire.

But, I don't believe any of them on either side. None of this shit even happened. It's a delay tactic and this is done to muddy the waters.

There would be no risk admitting to a sexual assault that occurred in 1982 because the statue of limitations ran about 20 years ago. So, why not.

Hell, I am the one who did all this shit to these women. It was me, not BK.

What is that teenagers do? Think back! I have ! Somebody explain how a woman with 2 Masters degrees and a Doctorate had an issue with learning
Dr. Ford had no problem learning how to bend the truth over 20 yrs as a Psychology professor and Dr. Opportunity knocks, I wouldn't be surprised if you see her name on a Dem ballot somewhere, We'll see!
“They know the optics of 11 white men questioning Dr. Ford ... will be so harmful and so damaging to the GOP.” -- Areva Martin, CNN legal analyst

"no more mr white guy!" - senator cory booker

“They understand that you have all of these white men who would be questioning this woman ... the optics of it would look terrible.” -- Gloria Borger, CNN chief political analyst

“Women across this nation should be outraged at what these white men senators are doing to this woman.” -- Rep. John Garamendi, D-Calif.

“There has been some discussion of the GOP senators who happened to all be ... white men.” -- Jim Sciutto, CNN correspondent

“What troubles me is now there are ... they’re all white men.” -- Jennifer Granholm, former governor of Michigan, on CNN

”You’re seeing on display a metaphor for what this party is, which is basically ignorant white men.” -- “Morning Joe” contributor Donny Deutsch

“All these white men ... stumbling all over themselves asking her, you know, aggressive and obnoxious questions.” -- Asha Rangappa, CNN analyst

“What are those -- that collection of old white men going to do?” -- Cynthia Alksne, MSNBC contributor

“If she testifies in front of the Judiciary Committee, where 11 members are white men ...” -- Susan Del Percio, Republican political strategist, on MSNBC

“Once again, it will be all white men on the Republican side of the Judiciary Committee.” -- CNN anchor Poppy Harlow

“The optics for Republicans are going to be really tricky ... You’ve got all white men on the Republican side here ...” -- Julie Pace, Washington bureau chief for The Associated Press, on CNN

“The Republicans, it happens to be 11 white men still on that side.” -- CNN host John Berman

“The Republicans, it is 11 white men, talk to me about how you think the tone inside this hearing on Monday will be perceived?" -- Berman, a few minutes later

“On the Republican side, all 11 are white men.” -- Berman, again, same show, several minutes later

“What hasn’t changed is the number of white men questioning, certainly, on the Republican side.” -- Dana Bash, CNN chief political correspondent

“The Republican side on the Senate Judiciary Committee is all white men ...” -- Irin Carmon, senior correspondent for New York Magazine, on MSNBC

“Only this crowd of clueless old white guys ...” -- The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin on Twitter
The Moon Bat bitch is about to speak. The one whose students say is a vindictive hateful asshole and a terrible professor.
You know that it's already been shown that that is a different professor, right? I bet you knew that but purposely want to lie thinking that others would not notice. I bet that's it. Carry on, woman-hater.
Conservative propagandists know it doesn’t matter if something is a lie, as long as they can get people to believe it.
She really should be removed from office for this stunt.
Why? Ok, I understand that some would not want things like attempted rape and other kinds of sexual assault brought out into the light of day...........

For breaking a constituents right to confidentiality

Interesting that no one knew who this woman was, but The Press were camped out on her lawn for weeks, calling her house, her work, and hacking in to her email according to her, pressuring her to testify, despite that No One Knew who she was.

Ford at 15 after an alleged sexual assault where she feared for her life, said the following:

"My Rapist is going to be a SUPREME COURT JUDGE SOME DAY!"

Oh for Pete's sake....
So in a nutshell... The Democrats are simply parroting her talking points and asking her questions that are easy lobs for her to spike.... after taking two minutes to tell her how awesome she is of course. The Republicans are all trembling in their seats afraid of possible political fallout that they are avoiding any tough questions and under no circumstances want to appear unsympathetic.

Like I said... I believe he will NOT be confirmed. Based soley upon accusations that are fragmented, unprovable and only serve to cast just enough political pressure to cause Republicans to vote no.

It is working as designed.
We are at the beginning of a very, very ugly time in America. Hello McCarthyism II
i wanna know where brett was that night !! oh wait, no one knows what night this happened
If Kavanaugh couldn't do any better than that homely bitch,he doesn't belong on SCOTUS.

Just think of the shame those 60+ guys that she fucked in high school and college must be feeling now knowing they had sex with that ugly bitch.
This is how Republicans talk. It’s normal in their party now. This is who they are what they become. This is why women are leaving that nasty and odious party. Thanks for sharing. And showing us who you are.
If Kavanaugh couldn't do any better than that homely bitch,he doesn't belong on SCOTUS.

Just think of the shame those 60+ guys that she fucked in high school and college must be feeling now knowing they had sex with that ugly bitch.
Again, a fine example of the Rightwing/INCEL/GOP attitude towards women.....especially women who dare speak up.
“They know the optics of 11 white men questioning Dr. Ford ... will be so harmful and so damaging to the GOP.” -- Areva Martin, CNN legal analyst

"no more mr white guy!" - senator cory booker

“They understand that you have all of these white men who would be questioning this woman ... the optics of it would look terrible.” -- Gloria Borger, CNN chief political analyst

“Women across this nation should be outraged at what these white men senators are doing to this woman.” -- Rep. John Garamendi, D-Calif.

“There has been some discussion of the GOP senators who happened to all be ... white men.” -- Jim Sciutto, CNN correspondent

“What troubles me is now there are ... they’re all white men.” -- Jennifer Granholm, former governor of Michigan, on CNN

”You’re seeing on display a metaphor for what this party is, which is basically ignorant white men.” -- “Morning Joe” contributor Donny Deutsch

“All these white men ... stumbling all over themselves asking her, you know, aggressive and obnoxious questions.” -- Asha Rangappa, CNN analyst

“What are those -- that collection of old white men going to do?” -- Cynthia Alksne, MSNBC contributor

“If she testifies in front of the Judiciary Committee, where 11 members are white men ...” -- Susan Del Percio, Republican political strategist, on MSNBC

“Once again, it will be all white men on the Republican side of the Judiciary Committee.” -- CNN anchor Poppy Harlow

“The optics for Republicans are going to be really tricky ... You’ve got all white men on the Republican side here ...” -- Julie Pace, Washington bureau chief for The Associated Press, on CNN

“The Republicans, it happens to be 11 white men still on that side.” -- CNN host John Berman

“The Republicans, it is 11 white men, talk to me about how you think the tone inside this hearing on Monday will be perceived?" -- Berman, a few minutes later

“On the Republican side, all 11 are white men.” -- Berman, again, same show, several minutes later

“What hasn’t changed is the number of white men questioning, certainly, on the Republican side.” -- Dana Bash, CNN chief political correspondent

“The Republican side on the Senate Judiciary Committee is all white men ...” -- Irin Carmon, senior correspondent for New York Magazine, on MSNBC

“Only this crowd of clueless old white guys ...” -- The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin on Twitter
This strategy was set before the doors of this chamber were ever opened this morning.......

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