OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

OK, so a witness who claims she was in college went to 10 high school parties (riiiiight) and witnessed girls being drugged and raped at all ten parties. And said nothing.

So at best if being truthful she is an accessory to rape.
Kavanaugh, the virgin rapist – The New Neo

Cracks me up all this shit. Indelible in the hippo-campus. But I can't remember who's house I was at, who brought me to the party, what month is was, what day it was, or how I got home.


Not One Woman has stepped forward and Refuted Kavanaugh's claim of being a Virgin until he met his wife.

That in itself is enough to throw this out, and throw these assholes and their accusations out on their ass.

They ought to be hauled out in handcuffs, because what is being done is criminal.

She hosts "Google Interns" in her house. Awful Trusting for someone who was s"o traumatized"

But this is the best line of this whole circus.....

At 15 she recalls saying to herself:

"My attacker is going to be on The Supreme Court some day"

Brett Kavanaugh Claims Past Virginity As Defense Against Sexual Assault Claims | HuffPost

Male from Ohio and some of you others are idiots.
Where was this again?
- I don't remember.

When was this again?
- I don't remember. But I have witnesses...

They say it never happened.
- THEY just can't remember...

The Trollish attacks
Dear JBVM YOU HAVE BEEN REPORTED TO THE MODERATORS after trolling me and others for days right here on USMB and after upsetting many people because of your continual personal attacks on the members of USMB. You are a hypocrite and a troll and a liar JBVM.
I kind of like my stalkers. Of which I have several. They follow me around from thread to thread. They call me all kinds of names. I’ve even been told several times I should be killed. I never reported it. I feel I might be the one who gets b@nnef but I don’t know, I’m just guessing. I just assume it’s a form of love.
She can remember ridiculous details like the Judges friend looking sick as she went to the grocery store one random day but not major details of the incident that catapulted us to where we are?


I'm wondering why Judges would look alarmed at seeing Ford? She claims Judges and BK were heavly intoxicated and since she had never reported the event or told anyone, so I'm not sure why Judges would think anything in seeing her. Ford said she said hello when she saw Judges, seems to me she would be the one who would have felt ill by seeing him.
Yeah - she screwed 54 guys while in an all girls high school :lol:
And wound up drunk and half nude on a picnic bench.
When you clowns gonna let those butt nuggets go anyway?

THIS is the person who claims Kavanaugh attempted to rape her, the woman who can't remember where she was, what day it was, what YEAR it was, admits she was drunk, admits she had 50+ sex partners, and whose 4 witnesses say 'it never happened'.....and THIS is who ChiComm Feinstein and the other Obstructionists drag out of the woodpile as a 'credible' accuser to go after Kavanaugh?!


You need to understand that when you make shit up and hang your hat on a thoroughly discredited RWNJ blog ...
Your credibility circles the drain.
Trump would do well to understand that reality as well.
Ummm, this was from her own social media sites she tried to scrub, snowflake. Try again....
Nope your source even had to issue an apology. Of course, you could care less and will keep pushing the lie, but whatever.
If I believe they did it, absolutely. It would be dishonorable not to.

It was ok for that girl at Duke to accuse, falsely, 3 students of rape?

(she ended up in jail for it)

the girl that accused a couple of students in Colorado, falsely, you were fine with?

(she ended up in jail for it)

The girl in Michigan doing the same thing?

(she ended up in jail for it).

you honestly believe her ruining his reputation, his professional standing, his relationship with his wife and family, over a he said/she said, (without proof) is fine?
Good. False accusations are a serious crime.

even the ones against Kavanaugh, (that you support?)
Give me a full investigation if you want to jail these victims.
Pay for it.
You got a few million dollars to spare?
If my tax dollars can be spent on 8 farce Benghazi investigations, they can be spent on this one
Railroad....the judge had better get ready for a democrat attack like we have never seen before...with every question the view of dems will fall with the American people...I hope its worth it to them....
"My attacker is going to be on The Supreme Court some day"

I thought she told that to her husband years ago during remodeling, wanting TWO front doors to "keep Brett out", but either way, an amazing bit prescience to remember a kid who groped and fondled her through her clothes decades earlier (apparently the only one) might someday be a SC judge!

Apparently she was OK with his being a US Circuit Judge most of his life though. If every guy who ever groped a girl was suddenly fired from his job, we would have a real crisis on our hands. As if every girl who ever got felt up carried it through her entire life wanting to destroy the guy 40 years later!
This CBF keeps scanning the room with her eyes when not performing the creaky voice story...CHECKING the doubt. SHE is a master of psychology.
This is not going to be good for the haters. Trouble in the midterms is icing on the cake, after Brett gets exposed to much of the world (media coverage of this) for the creep he really is. And rightwing politicians and talking heads are being exposed for the assholes they really are
Yeah - she screwed 54 guys while in an all girls high school :lol:
And wound up drunk and half nude on a picnic bench.
When you clowns gonna let those butt nuggets go anyway?

THIS is the person who claims Kavanaugh attempted to rape her, the woman who can't remember where she was, what day it was, what YEAR it was, admits she was drunk, admits she had 50+ sex partners, and whose 4 witnesses say 'it never happened'.....and THIS is who ChiComm Feinstein and the other Obstructionists drag out of the woodpile as a 'credible' accuser to go after Kavanaugh?!


You need to understand that when you make shit up and hang your hat on a thoroughly discredited RWNJ blog ...
Your credibility circles the drain.
Trump would do well to understand that reality as well.
Ummm, this was from her own social media sites she tried to scrub, snowflake. Try again....
Nope your source even had to issue an apology. Of course, you could care less and will keep pushing the lie, but whatever.
It was ok for that girl at Duke to accuse, falsely, 3 students of rape?

(she ended up in jail for it)

the girl that accused a couple of students in Colorado, falsely, you were fine with?

(she ended up in jail for it)

The girl in Michigan doing the same thing?

(she ended up in jail for it).

you honestly believe her ruining his reputation, his professional standing, his relationship with his wife and family, over a he said/she said, (without proof) is fine?
Good. False accusations are a serious crime.

even the ones against Kavanaugh, (that you support?)
Give me a full investigation if you want to jail these victims.
Pay for it.
You got a few million dollars to spare?
If my tax dollars can be spent on 8 farce Benghazi investigations, they can be spent on this one
Nice opinionated rant...keep it up. No one is listening. :p
Which side is coming off to you as cool and calm, and which side is coming off as upset and unhinged by these ongoing proceedings?

Which side has nothing to lose if what their plan could be doesn't work?
Dr Ford seems credible

Personal attacks from Republicans will come back to haunt them in the coming elections
Kavanaugh, the virgin rapist – The New Neo

Cracks me up all this shit. Indelible in the hippo-campus. But I can't remember who's house I was at, who brought me to the party, what month is was, what day it was, or how I got home.


Not One Woman has stepped forward and Refuted Kavanaugh's claim of being a Virgin until he met his wife.

That in itself is enough to throw this out, and throw these assholes and their accusations out on their ass.

They ought to be hauled out in handcuffs, because what is being done is criminal.

She hosts "Google Interns" in her house. Awful Trusting for someone who was s"o traumatized"

But this is the best line of this whole circus.....

At 15 she recalls saying to herself:

"My attacker is going to be on The Supreme Court some day"

Brett Kavanaugh Claims Past Virginity As Defense Against Sexual Assault Claims | HuffPost
Why do you right-wing nutters hate women so much?

The gop war on women continues unabated.

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