OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

This CBF keeps scanning the room with her eyes when not performing the creaky voice story...CHECKING the doubt. SHE is a master of psychology.

She is a master of being a whinging victim professional therapy patient.
So I’m watching Fox and they are saying they should just release Lindsey Graham and let him tear her apart.
For those on Fox it’s all about ruining this woman. They don’t care what the truth is. They never did. That’s why they love Trump. The liar in chief.
I don't know why there are so Trumpers in denial that Kavanaugh could not do this. Kavanaugh was an elitist jock at an elitist private school who obviousy loved his booze, and was from a wealthy and prominent family. He is an entitled fellow. I am sure he has always felt that way and continues to feel that way. He can do no wrong.
Because when Republicans use the word "Elite", they're only referring to people on the left.

Not actual elites.
Yeah - she screwed 54 guys while in an all girls high school :lol:
And wound up drunk and half nude on a picnic bench.
When you clowns gonna let those butt nuggets go anyway?

THIS is the person who claims Kavanaugh attempted to rape her, the woman who can't remember where she was, what day it was, what YEAR it was, admits she was drunk, admits she had 50+ sex partners, and whose 4 witnesses say 'it never happened'.....and THIS is who ChiComm Feinstein and the other Obstructionists drag out of the woodpile as a 'credible' accuser to go after Kavanaugh?!


You need to understand that when you make shit up and hang your hat on a thoroughly discredited RWNJ blog ...
Your credibility circles the drain.
Trump would do well to understand that reality as well.
Ummm, this was from her own social media sites she tried to scrub, snowflake. Try again....
Nope your source even had to issue an apology. Of course, you could care less and will keep pushing the lie, but whatever.
It was ok for that girl at Duke to accuse, falsely, 3 students of rape?

(she ended up in jail for it)

the girl that accused a couple of students in Colorado, falsely, you were fine with?

(she ended up in jail for it)

The girl in Michigan doing the same thing?

(she ended up in jail for it).

you honestly believe her ruining his reputation, his professional standing, his relationship with his wife and family, over a he said/she said, (without proof) is fine?
Good. False accusations are a serious crime.

even the ones against Kavanaugh, (that you support?)
Give me a full investigation if you want to jail these victims.
Pay for it.
You got a few million dollars to spare?
If my tax dollars can be spent on 8 farce Benghazi investigations, they can be spent on this one

They're never gonna give that one up even with the apology - Though entirely not believable, it was too damn much fun! :wink:
So I’m watching Fox and they are saying they should just release Lindsey Graham and let him tear her apart.
For those on Fox it’s all about ruining this woman. They don’t care what the truth is. They never did. That’s why they love Trump. The liar in chief.
Good catch. Really good catch.
How can she not remember where the party was?.....that right there would cause me to send her back home....unbelievable....
Yeah - she screwed 54 guys while in an all girls high school :lol:
And wound up drunk and half nude on a picnic bench.
When you clowns gonna let those butt nuggets go anyway?

THIS is the person who claims Kavanaugh attempted to rape her, the woman who can't remember where she was, what day it was, what YEAR it was, admits she was drunk, admits she had 50+ sex partners, and whose 4 witnesses say 'it never happened'.....and THIS is who ChiComm Feinstein and the other Obstructionists drag out of the woodpile as a 'credible' accuser to go after Kavanaugh?!


You need to understand that when you make shit up and hang your hat on a thoroughly discredited RWNJ blog ...
Your credibility circles the drain.
Trump would do well to understand that reality as well.
Ummm, this was from her own social media sites she tried to scrub, snowflake. Try again....
Nope your source even had to issue an apology. Of course, you could care less and will keep pushing the lie, but whatever.
Good. False accusations are a serious crime.

even the ones against Kavanaugh, (that you support?)
Give me a full investigation if you want to jail these victims.
Pay for it.
You got a few million dollars to spare?
If my tax dollars can be spent on 8 farce Benghazi investigations, they can be spent on this one
Nice opinionated rant...keep it up. No one is listening. :p

Told ya ^
So far, Ford is looking & sounding pretty credible

She appears credible until you take into account all the contradictions of her story. If you don’t know anything about the charges she alleges I agree she looks credible.

get over it; Kavanaugh is toast

So you agree if you know nothing about the allegations she appears credible? I have nothing to “get over.” I don’t care if he’s confirmed or not but I think the Dems are playing with fire.
Did anyone catch the fact that she could not actually remember if they were at the pool prior to the incident. She only assumes they were because she had spent many days there that summer. But then says she was wearing a bathing suit during the alleged attack.
So I’m watching Fox and they are saying they should just release Lindsey Graham and let him tear her apart.
For those on Fox it’s all about ruining this woman. They don’t care what the truth is. They never did. That’s why they love Trump. The liar in chief.
They are really sick, demented creeps over there.
Jury instructions on credibility of a witness. Failure on most of them.

Among the factors that you may consider are:
•How well could the witness see, hear, or otherwise perceive the
things about which the witness testified?
•How well was the witness able to remember and describe what
•What was the witness’s behavior while testifying?
•Did the witness understand the questions and answer them
•Was the witness’s testimony influenced by a factor such as bias
or prejudice, a personal relationship with someone involved in
the case, or a personal interest in how the case is decided?
•What was the witness’s attitude about the case or about
•Did the witness make a statement in the past that is consistent or
inconsistent with his or her testimony?
•How reasonable is the testimony when you consider all the other
evidence in the case?
•[Did other evidence prove or disprove any fact about which the
witness testified?]
•[Did the witness admit to being untruthful?]
•[What is the witness’s character for truthfulness?]
•[Has the witness been convicted of a felony?]
•[Has the witness engaged in [other] conduct that reflects on his
or her believability?]
Again, this is NOT a court of law, it's a job interview.
I have participated in job interviews before. None of them involved witnesses testifying against me.

The allegation makes it a Court, not an interview.

The consequences make it a court as well, and not just an interview.
And the consequences are that he either gets the job or not.

You really think that is the only consequence?

If you really believe all the stories about him, wouldn't you want him Impeached from the DC Circuit?

You really think his career would keep going if he is turned down from the SC because of this?

Oh, wait, character assassination in the pursuit of politics is OK for political hacks like you because the ends justify the means.
CBF "the trauma victim" is great at looking down. at her notes and prepared statement. She is flashing those big smiles again.
Oh! No, She's not a Political Hack. A very well coached witness is what I see ! She keeps saying the same thing time and time again, I only know it happened sometime in high school and evil Brett Kavanaugh Laughed at me at a Party ,and even that can't be confirmed, That's what her testimony consists of, seems very self serving. I can't identify who , where, when how I got there, how I got home . Her last confirmed memory was standing on the street outside a house somewhere. after drinking at a gathering...... !

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