OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

So far, the testimony against Brett Kavanaugh is that he tackled Ford onto a bed and then fell off onto the floor.

Not tit grabbing. No attempt to kiss her or remove her clothes.

It was assault, no doubt (in the unlikely event that all this is true), but I think we need more details for this to be a sexual assault.
So far it’s been the Republican’s trained assassin trying to build up a case and after five minutes the Democrats spend five minutes tearing it apart. I’m liking what I’m seeing. The truth.
So far, Ford is looking & sounding pretty credible
If changing your story four times from your written testimony is credible.

get over it; Kavanaugh is toast
He will be overturning Roe v Wade this time next year.

Once it has been determined that Kavanuagh has ALREADY perjured himself, Kavanaugh won't be a judge for any 'banana republic' court, let alone ANY court within the US.
There are two vastly different "hearings" going on today! One is when Democrats have their 5 minutes in which they spend the majority of that time telling Ms. Ford how proud they are of her. The other is the 5 minutes where someone actually asks questions that will lead us to understand whether or not she is believable.

It would be nice if there were more of the latter...if of course you actually want to get at the truth in this matter...
She doesn't know what exculpatory means. She has no concept that the FBI might find evidence against her story.
Yeah - she screwed 54 guys while in an all girls high school :lol:
And wound up drunk and half nude on a picnic bench.
When you clowns gonna let those butt nuggets go anyway?

THIS is the person who claims Kavanaugh attempted to rape her, the woman who can't remember where she was, what day it was, what YEAR it was, admits she was drunk, admits she had 50+ sex partners, and whose 4 witnesses say 'it never happened'.....and THIS is who ChiComm Feinstein and the other Obstructionists drag out of the woodpile as a 'credible' accuser to go after Kavanaugh?!


You need to understand that when you make shit up and hang your hat on a thoroughly discredited RWNJ blog ...
Your credibility circles the drain.
Trump would do well to understand that reality as well.
Ummm, this was from her own social media sites she tried to scrub, snowflake. Try again....

Ummm - No it wasn't .. the Nutbar who created the fake "scrubbed" (LoL) pages has apologized and his BS has been deleted.

But don't be alarmed - You can still find the same garbage on a hundred other nutter sights. ;)
So far, the testimony against Brett Kavanaugh is that he tackled Ford onto a bed and then fell off onto the floor.

Not tit grabbing. No attempt to kiss her or remove her clothes.

It was assault, no doubt (in the unlikely event that all this is true), but I think we need more details for this to be a sexual assault.
Why lie, all of us are watching it? That’s not what she said. I don’t get it with your kind. Why do you have this hostile attitude towards the truth?
If Kavanaugh couldn't do any better than that homely bitch,he doesn't belong on SCOTUS.

Just think of the shame those 60+ guys that she fucked in high school and college must be feeling now knowing they had sex with that ugly bitch.
This is how Republicans talk. It’s normal in their party now. This is who they are what they become. This is why women are leaving that nasty and odious party. Thanks for sharing. And showing us who you are.

Sorry Moon Bat but I am not a Republican.

This is how stupid Democrats stand around looking like TDS afflicted numskulls:

Senator Whitehouse is a big fat idiot.
So I’m watching Fox and they are saying they should just release Lindsey Graham and let him tear her apart.
For those on Fox it’s all about ruining this woman. They don’t care what the truth is. They never did. That’s why they love Trump. The liar in chief.

Oh the horror of not believing a story that has way too many holes. How can anyone be so evil?

You are why I have to fear for the well-being of my son once he’s old enough to date. You’ll believe someone was raped just bc they said they were. You’ll believe it even when the timing is beyond suspicious and the motive of the accuser (and in this case those who back her) is apparent.

This is about logic and common fucking sense, something anyone who believes her story despite the major lack of evidence is NOT using.
The only people being fooled by this are the ones that want to believe.

Women can smell each others BS way better tan men can.

Midterms will be fun
If Kavanaugh couldn't do any better than that homely bitch,he doesn't belong on SCOTUS.

Just think of the shame those 60+ guys that she fucked in high school and college must be feeling now knowing they had sex with that ugly bitch.
This is how Republicans talk. It’s normal in their party now. This is who they are what they become. This is why women are leaving that nasty and odious party. Thanks for sharing. And showing us who you are.

Sorry Moon Bat but I am not a Republican.

This is how stupid Democrats stand around looking like TDS afflicted numskulls:


No PussyHat? What's up with that?

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