OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Oh wow, she finally landed a blow...

Asking Ford about her telling her husband about the sexual assault, she asked "did you mention any names?"

Ford replied "No"

Holy crap.

She's been caught in conflicting testimony. She never named names to her husband, but then named names in the therapy sessions with her husband present.

Ahem... that's rather inconsistent.
There are two vastly different "hearings" going on today! One is when Democrats have their 5 minutes in which they spend the majority of that time telling Ms. Ford how proud they are of her. The other is the 5 minutes where someone actually asks questions that will lead us to understand whether or not she is believable.

It would be nice if there were more of the latter...if of course you actually want to get at the truth in this matter...

Yeah, let the trained GOP pit bull chick who's covering for men who don't have the balls to ask their own damn questions have at it nonstop! :rolleyes:
The federal law angle about extra "validity" of medical records is scary. CBF admits to "naming his name" to only the husband NOT a doctor or a psych counselor. The memory issues are coming up. She remembers the laughter and the layout of the house. MOST NOTABLE is her emphasis on laughter and repeated efforts "to escape."
Notice how the Dems keep pushing for an FBI investigation? That seems to be the only thing they really care about. Wonder why that is? :9:
Delay the vote
Based on WHAT?

NO evidence has been presented to justify delaying the vote. An 'accusation' is not evidence.

The bigger question how long will it take for leftists to circle back to MUH RUSSIANS once MUH VICTIM falls on its ass?

I'm waiting for her to testify that Kavanaugh said the word "pussy".
Klobuchar is so vile and disgusting she makes me want to kick a puppy and I love dogs.
so question, why didn't her husband contact kavanaugh and tell him he was in trouble in 2012? people now this is truly stupid and as spock stated back in the day, illogical.

I mean, she is saying today, this incident contributed to her issues. And this dude just accepted it and didn't do a thing to go thank kavanaugh for putting his wife in this state? he just stayed quiet.
So far the hearing can be summarized by saying the whole thing is about by this:

'I don't remember much...and I do not have any evidence to back my accusation...but what I do remember is THIS.....'

Thanks for coming her and providing you fluid, unsubstantiated, evidence-less, gap-filled, patchy memory-fuelled accusations. Have a nice and safe trip back home.
Has anyone notice how many times Ms. Ford can't seem to remember things that took place just a matter of weeks ago? I'm getting an impression that she knows where the prosecutor's questions are going and doesn't want to pin herself down. How can you forget so much from such recent events?
"My attacker is going to be on The Supreme Court some day"

I thought she told that to her husband years ago during remodeling, wanting TWO front doors to "keep Brett out", but either way, an amazing bit prescience to remember a kid who groped and fondled her through her clothes decades earlier (apparently the only one) might someday be a SC judge!

Apparently she was OK with his being a US Circuit Judge most of his life though. If every guy who ever groped a girl was suddenly fired from his job, we would have a real crisis on our hands. As if every girl who ever got felt up carried it through her entire life wanting to destroy the guy 40 years later!

These Democrats are setting a new precident here. We need to change the way background checks are done from here on out for men especially. If this is really what they want. we should start clearing out Washing DC now, go through all their high school and middle school records find out if there ever was a complaint about unwanted touching or kissing which would make any one accused a sexual predator until they can prove otherwise. We need to let the hearings begin until we can be sure society is safe.
The Moon Bat bitch is about to speak. The one whose students say is a vindictive hateful asshole and a terrible professor.
You know that it's already been shown that that is a different professor, right? I bet you knew that but purposely want to lie thinking that others would not notice. I bet that's it. Carry on, woman-hater.
Conservative propagandists know it doesn’t matter if something is a lie, as long as they can get people to believe it.

like your claims of rape?
I’m not one of Kavanaugh’s 4 victims

YOU are the one claiming he raped them.

She calculated a risk benefit ratio?

Risk: People who don't automatically believe her will ask her questions

Benefit: Adulation and positive affirmation from the Prog Outrage Mob and a Book Deal ($$$)
She can remember ridiculous details like the Judges friend looking sick as she went to the grocery store one random day but not major details of the incident that catapulted us to where we are?


I'm wondering why Judges would look alarmed at seeing Ford? She claims Judges and BK were heavly intoxicated and since she had never reported the event or told anyone, so I'm not sure why Judges would think anything in seeing her. Ford said she said hello when she saw Judges, seems to me she would be the one who would have felt ill by seeing him.

Yeah, when you're that afraid because of an attack and you come face to face with one of your attackers.....ya sure don't want to have small talk. You run to stay near your Mom or lock yourself in the car.

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