OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

I think Republicans have to be very careful about how they treat a professed sexual assault survivor

Dr Ford seems credible

I think the Republicans could forego questioning Dr. Ford, in regards to answers she doesn't have, involving evidence she is unable to provide, and vote to send the nomination to Senate Floor. I mean if it is just going to reside on who wants to believe what, then screw it, and move on.
For those on Fox it’s all about ruining this woman. They don’t care what the truth is. They never did.

Same could be said about the dems on Kavanaugh.

they are not looking for the truth, they are trying to ruin him, and don't care what the truth is.
Thank god for a mute button for when those shithead Democrats spout their filth.
Listened to three minutes of a fuckchop POS Democrat senator flapping his cock holster...and turned it off...donated $300 to defeat Clare McCasskill...and will donate $300 more every week until I hit the Maximum.
its past 12, yet not one dem has asked her for the date? at least the weekend this all happened?
I think Republicans have to be very careful about how they treat a professed sexual assault survivor
Dr Ford seems credible

My prediction: Collins, Flake, Corker, and Murkowski won't promote to Kavanaugh to the SC.

If Kavanaugh doesn't remove his candidacy, more shit is going to hit the fan. A cascade of witnesses and new accusations.

Then they are on the hook for demanding he be impeached from the DC Circuit Court.

Why is OK for him to be on that, and not on the Supreme Court?
This clown is trying to correct the record and tell us we didn't just hear what we just heard.

She remembers everything?

I remember the day my brother drowned. I was 12, I know exactly who told me the news.
Everything else is a haze.

I remember my older sister falling out of a tree when I was nine and a broken branch took a foot long piece of meat out of her thigh. And yet I don’t remember her ever wearing a bandage.

I remember when I was 10 I was sitting in front of the ironing Board and my sister knocked over the iron and all the hot water dripped down on my back and my leg. I still have the scars from that today. I remember the agony of being severely burned with third-degree burns. But I don’t remember healing. I don’t remember seeing the doctor. I know it had to take a long time to heal, I just don’t remember any of it.

I bet everyone on the USMB has traumatic experiences that they remember. But they don’t remember what happened just after or just before.

It’s the way our memory works.
RIGHT HERE we can see Dr. Ford the PsychoMaster as she very carefully chooses her answer about her fears of flying. She has flown around the world. Big smiles on her part again.

Not a few times, but over and over and over again. Blow the whole fear of being in a closed off space.

Put a fork in this witness, this turkey is done.
Omigawd! The Lie Detector test was as ANXIETY PROVOKING as flying in an airplane. She didn't specifiy, however, if the flying was for vacation or to fly to a hearing where people would ask her questions about her delusion.
Looks like the bitch lied about her fear of flying. If not lying then trying to manipulate to get her way. Typical for a Liberal.

She has been exposed as a liar.
I think Republicans have to be very careful about how they treat a professed sexual assault survivor

Dr Ford seems credible

I think the Republicans could forego questioning Dr. Ford, in regards to answers she doesn't have, involving evidence she is unable to provide, and vote to send the nomination to Senate Floor. I mean if it is just going to reside on who wants to believe what, then screw it, and move on.
I don't see anything that would require kavanaugh to be interviewed again. Feinstein had an opportunity weeks ago. she did, didn't bring this up, it obviously wasn't serious. take the vote when this charade is complete.
Notice how the Dems keep pushing for an FBI investigation? That seems to be the only thing they really care about. Wonder why that is? :9:
Delay the vote
Based on WHAT?

NO evidence has been presented to justify delaying the vote. An 'accusation' is not evidence.

The bigger question how long will it take for leftists to circle back to MUH RUSSIANS once MUH VICTIM falls on its ass?
If so, what were the results of those rape accusations?

President Clinton never denied the charges, he was never sanctioned in the least, and indeed was hailed as a hero by the Far Left.

The women on the other hand were attacked as bimbos.
Did these women file charges against him? If so, what were the outcomes? Please provide links, not just bullshit like your post that I am responding to.
Therapy due to "quibbling over a remodel".

What a whinger.
Notice how the Dems keep pushing for an FBI investigation? That seems to be the only thing they really care about. Wonder why that is? :9:
Because a rapist might be seated on the Supreme Court.
You are really bad at this, I'm almost embarrassed for you

Rape is not alleged
Are you stupid? Accuser #3 alleges gang rape, and your argument that in Ford’s case “all he did was try to rape her” is not good.

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